
Professor Luca Citi

School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)
Professor Luca Citi
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 874233

  • Location

    1NW.5.3C, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Tuesday, 1:00-1:50pm, in 1NW.5.3C; Friday, 9:00-9:50pm, in 1NW.5.3C or Zoom (Autumn term)



Dr Luca Citi holds a degree in Electronic Engineering with major in Biomedical Engineering from Università di Firenze (Italy). He obtained a PhD in Biorobotics Science and Engineering jointly offered by Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna and IMT Lucca (Italy) with a thesis about the decoding of neural signals for the control of robotic arm prostheses. He was a post-doc at Essex in 2008 working on the EPSRC BCI-Mouse project. From 2010, he worked for three years as post-doc at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology specializing on statistical analysis of point processes (stochastic processes representing discrete events in time) applied to heartbeat series and neural spike trains (see ). In November 2012, he joined the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at the University of Essex as Lecturer. In October 2016 he become a Reader in the same School, then a Professor in 2019.


  • PhD Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (joint with IMT Lucca), (2009)

  • BSc+MSc Università degli Studi di Firenze, (2004)


University of Essex

  • Professor, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex (1/10/2019 - present)

  • Reader, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex (1/10/2016 - 30/9/2019)

  • Lecturer, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex (12/11/2012 - 30/9/2016)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

stochastic models of neural and cardiovascular signals using history-dependent point processes

Open to supervise

machine learning applied to biomedical signals

Open to supervise

statistical learning theory

Open to supervise

big data analytics

Open to supervise

invasive neural interfaces

Open to supervise

non-invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) and Event-Related Potentials (ERPs)

Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Machine Learning (CE802)

Previous supervision

Ana-Maria Dumitrana
Ana-Maria Dumitrana
Thesis title: Computational Design of Dnazymes
Degree subject: Cell and Molecular Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/5/2023
Ekin Yagis
Ekin Yagis
Thesis title: Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases Using Deep Learning
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/8/2022
Olivier Thill
Olivier Thill
Thesis title: Approximate Credibility Intervals on Electromyographic Decomposition Algorithms Within a Bayesian Framework
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/7/2021
Eirini Christinaki
Eirini Christinaki
Thesis title: Bayesian Transfer Learning for Personalized Well-Being Forecasting From Scarce, Sporadic Observations
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/1/2021


Publications (5)

Lai, M., Chiara, M., Citi, L. and Diciotti, S., (2024). Pacgan: A Novel Deep Learning Framework for High-Resolution Conditional Mr Image Synthesis and Classification

Alfeo, AL., Catrambone, V., Valenza, G., Cimino, M. and Citi, L., (2024). A Novel Counterfactual-Based Global Feature Importance Measure to Reduce Computational Costs in Eeg-Based Explainable Ai Models

Citi, L., Su, J., Huang, L. and Michaelson, JS., (2023). Counting Cells by Age Tells Us About How, and Why, and When, We Grow, and Become Old and Ill

Chodrow, P., Su, J., Lee, D., Ahmed, T., He, N., Ruben, DM., Tiwari, A., Mannherz, W., Citi, L., DiCorpo, D. and Michaelson, JS., (2021). How Our Cells Become Our Selves: The Cellular Phylodynamic Biology of Growth and Development

Yagis, E., Atnafu, SW., de Herrera, AGS., Marzi, C., Giannelli, M., Tessa, C., Citi, L. and Diciotti, S., (2021). Deep Learning in Brain MRI: Effect of Data Leakage Due to Slice-level Split Using 2D Convolutional Neural Networks

Journal articles (82)

Medellin-Gasque, R., Nordmark, H., Mullen, A., Citi, L., Perperoglou, A. and Lausen, KB., Modeling retail browsing sessions and wearables data. Archives of Data Science

Gioia, F., Greco, A., Callara, AL., Vanello, N., Scilingo, EP. and Citi, L., (2024). ThermICA: Novel Approach for a Multivariate Analysis of Facial Thermal Responses.. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. PP, 1-11

Maddalon, L., Cervera-Torres, S., Minissi, ME., Greco, A., Citi, L., Marin-Morales, J. and Alcañiz, M., (2024). Human Body Odors Modulation on Affective Processing of Social-Emotional Virtual Environments. Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine. 22, 125-130

Nardelli, M., Citi, L., Barbieri, R. and Valenza, G., (2023). Characterization of autonomic states by complex sympathetic and parasympathetic dynamics. Physiological Measurement. 44 (3), 035004-035004

Carli, V., Petros, NG., Hadlaczky, G., Vitcheva, T., Berchialla, P., Bianchi, S., Carletto, S., Christinaki, E., Citi, L., Dinis, S., Gentili, C., Geraldes, V., Giovinazzo, L., Gonzalez-Martinez, S., Meyer, B., Ostacoli, L., Ottaviano, M., Ouakinin, S., Papastylianou, T., Paradiso, R., Poli, R., Rocha, I., Settanta, C., Scilingo, EP. and Valenza, G., (2022). The NEVERMIND e-health system in the treatment of depressive symptoms among patients with severe somatic conditions: A multicentre, pragmatic randomised controlled trial. eClinicalMedicine. 48, 101423-101423

Tremmel, C., Fernandez-Vargas, J., Stamos, D., Cinel, C., Pontil, M., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2022). A meta-learning BCI for estimating decision confidence. Journal of Neural Engineering. 19 (4), 046009-046009

Cinel, C., Fernandez Vargas, J., Tremmel, C., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2022). Enhancing performance with multisensory cues in a realistic target discrimination task. PLoS One. 17 (8), e0272320-e0272320

Fairbank, M., Samothrakis, S. and Citi, L., (2022). Deep Learning in Target Space. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 23, 1-46

Fernandez-Vargas, J., Tremmel, C., Valeriani, D., Bhattacharyya, S., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2021). Subject- and task-independent neural correlates and prediction of decision confidence in perceptual decision making. Journal of Neural Engineering. 18 (4), 046055-046055

Bhattacharyya, S., Valeriani, D., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2021). Anytime collaborative brain–computer interfaces for enhancing perceptual group decision-making. Scientific Reports. 11 (1), 17008-

Fanfani, V., Citi, L., Harris, AL., Pezzella, F. and Stracquadanio, G., (2021). The landscape of the heritable cancer genome. Cancer Research. 81 (10), 2588-2599

Yagis, E., Workalemahu Atnafu, S., Garcia Seco De Herrera, A., Marzi, C., Giannelli, M., Tessa, C., Citi, L. and Diciotti, S., (2021). Deep Learning in Neuroimaging: Effect of Data Leakage in Cross-validation Using 2D Convolutional Neural Networks. Scientific Reports. 11 (1), 22544-

Malesevic, N., Björkman, A., Andersson, GS., Matran-Fernandez, A., Citi, L., Cipriani, C. and Antfolk, C., (2020). A database of multi-channel intramuscular electromyogram signals during isometric hand muscles contractions.. Scientific Data. 7 (1), 10-

Carli, V., Wasserman, D., Hadlaczky, G., Petros, NG., Carletto, S., Citi, L., Dinis, S., Gentili, C., Gonzalez-Martinez, S., De Leonibus, A., Meyer, B., Ostacoli, L., Ottaviano, M., Ouakinin, S., Paradiso, R., Poli, R., Rocha, I., Settanta, C., Waldmeyer, MTA., Valenza, G. and Scilingo, EP., (2020). A protocol for a multicentre, parallel-group, pragmatic randomised controlled trial to evaluate the NEVERMIND system in preventing and treating depression in patients with severe somatic conditions. BMC Psychiatry. 20 (1), 93-

Christinaki, E., Papastylianou, T., Carletto, S., Gonzalez-Martinez, S., Ostacoli, L., Ottaviano, M., Poli, R. and Citi, L., (2020). Well-being Forecasting using a Parametric Transfer-Learning method based on the Fisher Divergence and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Bioengineering and Bioinformatics. 1 (1), 166661-166661

Celi, LA., Citi, L., Ghassemi, M. and Pollard, TJ., (2019). The PLOS ONE collection on machine learning in health and biomedicine: Towards open code and open data. PLoS ONE. 14 (1), e0210232-e0210232

Matran-Fernandez, A., Rodriguez Martinez, IJ., Poli, R., Cipriani, C. and Citi, L., (2019). SEEDS, simultaneous recordings of high-density EMG and finger joint angles during multiple hand movements. Scientific Data. 6 (1), 186-

Valenza, G., Faes, L., Citi, L., Orini, M. and Barbieri, R., (2018). Instantaneous Transfer Entropy for the Study of Cardiovascular and Cardio-Respiratory Nonstationary Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 65 (5), 1077-1085

Valenza, G., Citi, L., Saul, JP. and Barbieri, R., (2018). Measures of sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic outflow from heartbeat dynamics. Journal of Applied Physiology. 125 (1), 19-39

Valenza, G., Citi, L., Wyller, VB. and Barbieri, R., (2018). ECG-Derived Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Activity in the Healthy: An Early Lower-Body Negative Pressure Study Using Adaptive Kalman Prediction. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS. 2018-July, 5628-5631

Greco, A., Valenza, G., Nardelli, M., Bianchi, M., Citi, L. and Scilingo, EP., (2017). Force-Velocity Assessment of Caress-Like Stimuli Through the Electrodermal Activity Processing: Advantages of a Convex Optimization Approach. IEEE Transaction on Human-Machine Systems. 47 (1), 91-100

Greco, A., Valenza, G., Citi, L. and Scilingo, EP., (2017). Arousal and Valence Recognition of Affective Sounds Based on Electrodermal Activity. IEEE Sensors Journal. 17 (3), 716-725

Valenza, G., Citi, L., Garcia, RG., Taylor, JN., Toschi, N. and Barbieri, R., (2017). Complexity Variability Assessment of Nonlinear Time-Varying Cardiovascular Control. Scientific Reports. 7 (1), 42779-

Ciulli, S., Citi, L., Salvadori, E., Valenti, R., Poggesi, A., Inzitari, D., Mascalchi, M., Toschi, N., Pantoni, L. and Diciotti, S., (2016). Prediction of Impaired Performance in Trail Making Test in MCI Patients With Small Vessel Disease Using DTI Data. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 20 (4), 1026-1033

Pani, D., Barabino, G., Citi, L., Meloni, P., Raspopovich, S., Micera, S. and Raffo, L., (2016). Real-time neural signals decoding onto off-the-shelf DSP processors for neuroprosthetic applications.. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 2 (9), 993-1002

Valenza, G., Greco, A., Citi, L., Bianchi, M., Barbieri, R. and Scilingo, EP., (2016). Inhomogeneous Point-Processes to Instantaneously Assess Affective Haptic Perception through Heartbeat Dynamics Information. Scientific Reports. 6 (1), creators-Citi=3ALuca=3A=3A

Greco, A., Valenza, G., Lanata, A., Scilingo, EP. and Citi, L., (2016). cvxEDA: a Convex Optimization Approach to Electrodermal Activity Processing. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 63 (4), 797-804

Valenza, G., Orsolini, S., Diciotti, S., Citi, L., Scilingo, EP., Guerrisi, M., Danti, S., Lucetti, C., Tessa, C., Barbieri, R. and Toschi, N., (2016). Assessment of spontaneous cardiovascular oscillations in Parkinson's disease. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 26, 80-89

Greco, A., Lanata, A., Citi, L., Vanello, N., Valenza, G. and Scilingo, EP., (2016). Skin Admittance Measurement for Emotion Recognition: A Study over Frequency Sweep. Electronics. 5 (3), creators-Citi=3ALuca=3A=3A

Sclocco, R., Citi, L., Garcia, RG., Cerutti, S., Bianchi, AM., Kuo, B., Napadow, V. and Barbieri, R., (2015). Combining sudomotor nerve impulse estimation with fMRI to investigate the central sympathetic response to nausea. 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 2015-November, 4683-4686

Valenza, G., Faes, L., Citi, L., Orini, M. and Barbieri, R., (2015). Instantaneous transfer entropy for the study of cardio-respiratory dynamics. 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 2015-November, 7885-7888

Valenza, G., Garcia, RG., Citi, L., Scilingo, EP., Tomaz, CA. and Barbieri, R., (2015). Nonlinear digital signal processing in mental health: characterization of major depression using instantaneous entropy measures of heartbeat dynamics. Frontiers in Physiology. 6 (74), 74-

Citi, L., (2015). A simple yet efficient algorithm for multiple kernel learning under elastic-net constraints. CoRR. abs/1506.08536

Valenza, G., Citi, L., Gentili, C., Lanata, A., Scilingo, EP. and Barbieri, R., (2015). Characterization of depressive States in bipolar patients using wearable textile technology and instantaneous heart rate variability assessment.. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 19 (1), 263-274

Greco, A., Lanata, A., Valenza, G., Scilingo, EP. and Citi, L., (2014). Electrodermal activity processing: A convex optimization approach. 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2014, 2290-2293

Valenza, G., Citi, L., Scilingo, EP. and Barbieri, R., (2014). Tracking instantaneous entropy in heartbeat dynamics through inhomogeneous point-process nonlinear models. 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2014, 6369-6372

Valenza, G., Orini, M., Citi, L., Minchole, A., Pueyo, E., Laguna, P. and Barbieri, R., (2014). Assessing real-time RR-QT frequency-domain measures of coupling and causality through inhomogeneous point-process bivariate models. 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2014, 6475-6478

Valenza, G., Citi, L. and Barbieri, R., (2014). Assessment of gait nonlinear dynamics by inhomogeneous point-process models. 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2014, 6973-6976

Valenza, G., Citi, L. and Barbieri, R., (2014). Estimation of instantaneous complex dynamics through Lyapunov exponents: a study on heartbeat dynamics. PloS One. 9 (8), creators-Citi=3ALuca=3A=3A

Valenza, G., Citi, L., Scilingo, EP. and Barbieri, R., (2014). Inhomogeneous point-process entropy: an instantaneous measure of complexity in discrete systems. Physical Review E. 89 (5), creators-Citi=3ALuca=3A=3A

Valenza, G., Citi, L., Lanatá, A., Scilingo, EP. and Barbieri, R., (2014). Revealing Real-Time Emotional Responses: a Personalized Assessment based on Heartbeat Dynamics. Scientific Reports. 4 (1), 4998-

Citi, L., Gentili, C., Lanatá, A., Scilingo, EP., Barbieri, R. and Valenza, G., (2014). Point-process Nonlinear Autonomic Assessment of Depressive States in Bipolar Patients. Methods of Information in Medicine. 53 (04), 296-302

Citi, L., Ba, D., Brown, EN. and Barbieri, R., (2014). Likelihood Methods for Point Processes with Refractoriness. Neural Computation. 26 (2), 267-263

Burykin, A., Costa, MD., Citi, L. and Goldberger, AL., (2014). Dynamical density delay maps: simple, new method for visualising the behaviour of complex systems. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 14 (6), 6-6

Raspopovic, S., Capogrosso, M., Petrini, FM., Bonizzato, M., Rigosa, J., Di Pino, G., Carpaneto, J., Controzzi, M., Boretius, T., Fernandez, E., Granata, G., Oddo, CM., Citi, L., Ciancio, AL., Cipriani, C., Carrozza, MC., Jensen, W., Guglielmelli, E., Stieglitz, T., Rossini, PM. and Micera, S., (2014). An Artificial Hand's Sense of Touch. SCIENCE TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE. 6 (222)

Valenza, G., Akeju, O., Pavone, KJ., Citi, L., Hartnack, KE., Sampson, A., Purdon, PL., Brown, EN. and Barbieri, R., (2014). Instantaneous monitoring of heart beat dynamics during anesthesia and sedation. Journal of Computational Surgery. 3 (1), 1-18

Raspopovic, S., Capogrosso, M., Petrini, FM., Bonizzato, M., Rigosa, J., Di Pino, G., Carpaneto, J., Controzzi, M., Boretius, T., Fernandez, E., Granata, G., Oddo, CM., Citi, L., Ciancio, AL., Cipriani, C., Carrozza, MC., Jensen, W., Guglielmelli, E., Stieglitz, T., Rossini, PM. and Micera, S., (2014). Restoring natural sensory feedback in real-time bidirectional hand prostheses.. Science Translational Medicine. 6 (222), 222ra19-

Valenza, G., Citi, L., Lanata, A., Scilingo, EP. and Barbieri, R., (2013). A nonlinear heartbeat dynamics model approach for personalized emotion recognition. 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 2013, 2579-2582

Valenza, G., Citi, L. and Barbieri, R., (2013). Instantaneous nonlinear assessment of complex cardiovascular dynamics by laguerre-volterra point process models. 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 2013, 6131-6134

Valenza, G., Citi, L., Scilingo, EP. and Barbieri, R., (2013). Point-Process Nonlinear Models With Laguerre and Volterra Expansions: Instantaneous Assessment of Heartbeat Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 61 (11), 2914-2926

Salvaris, M., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2012). Novel Protocols for P300-Based Brain–Computer Interfaces. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 20 (1), 8-17

Citi, L., Valenza, G. and Barbieri, R., (2012). Instantaneous estimation of high-order nonlinear heartbeat dynamics by Lyapunov exponents. 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2012, 13-16

Valenza, G., Citi, L., Scilingo, EP. and Barbieri, R., (2012). Using Laguerre expansion within point-process models of heartbeat dynamics: A comparative study. 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2012, 29-32

Orini, M., Citi, L. and Barbieri, R., (2012). Bivariate point process modeling and joint non-stationary analysis of pulse transit time and heart period. 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2012, 2831-2834

Citi, L., Valenza, G., Purdon, PL., Brown, EN. and Barbieri, R., (2012). Monitoring heartbeat nonlinear dynamics during general anesthesia by using the instantaneous dominant Lyapunov exponent. 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2012, 3124-3127

Citi, L., Brown, EN. and Barbieri, R., (2012). A Real-Time Automated Point-Process Method for the Detection and Correction of Erroneous and Ectopic Heartbeats. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 59 (10), 2828-2837

Tombini, M., Rigosa, J., Zappasodi, F., Porcaro, C., Citi, L., Carpaneto, J., Rossini, PM. and Micera, S., (2012). Combined Analysis of Cortical (EEG) and Nerve Stump Signals Improves Robotic Hand Control.. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 26 (3), 275-281

Balocco, C., Gori, V., Marmonti, E. and Citi, L., (2012). Building–plant system energy sustainability. An approach for transient thermal performance analysis. Energy and Buildings. 49, 443-453

Citi, L., Bianchi, MT., Klerman, EB. and Barbieri, R., (2011). Instantaneous monitoring of sleep fragmentation by point process heart rate variability and respiratory dynamics. 2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2011, 7735-7738

Zhe Chen, Citi, L., Purdon, PL., Brown, EN. and Barbieri, R., (2011). Instantaneous assessment of autonomic cardiovascular control during general anesthesia. 2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2011, 8444-8447

Ellis, RJ., Citi, L. and Barbieri, R., (2011). A point process approach for analyzing gait variability dynamics. 2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2011, 1648-1651

Citi, L., Djilas, M., Azevedo-Coste, C., Yoshida, K., Brown, EN. and Barbieri, R., (2011). Point-process analysis of neural spiking activity of muscle spindles recorded from thin-film longitudinal intrafascicular electrodes. 2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2011, 2311-2314

Carpaneto, J., Cutrone, A., Bossi, S., Sergi, P., Citi, L., Rigosa, J., Rossini, PM. and Micera, S., (2011). Activities on PNS neural interfaces for the control of hand prostheses. 2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2011, 4637-4640

Micera, S., Rossini, PM., Rigosa, J., Citi, L., Carpaneto, J., Raspopovic, S., Tombini, M., Cipriani, C., Assenza, G., Carrozza, MC., Hoffmann, K., Yoshida, K., Navarro, X. and Dario, P., (2011). Decoding of grasping information from neural signals recorded using peripheral intrafascicular interfaces.. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation. 8 (1), creators-Citi=3ALuca=3A=3A

Poli, R., Citi, L., Salvaris, M., Cinel, C. and Sepulveda, F., (2010). Eigenbrains: the free vibrational modes of the brain as a new representation for EEG. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE. 2010, 6011-6014

Salvaris, M., Cinel, C., Poli, R., Citi, L. and Sepulveda, F., (2010). Exploring multiple protocols for a brain-computer interface mouse. 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology. 2010, 4189-4192

Citi, L., Poli, R. and Cinel, C., (2010). Documenting, modelling and exploiting P300 amplitude changes due to variable target delays in Donchin's speller.. Journal of Neural Engineering. 7 (5), creators-Citi=3ALuca=3A=3A

Poli, R., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Sepulveda, F., (2010). Reaction-time binning: A simple method for increasing the resolving power of ERP averages. Psychophysiology. 47 (3), 467-485

Citi, L., Klerman, EB., Brown, EN. and Barbieri, R., (2010). Point process Heart Rate Variability assessment during sleep deprivation. Computing in Cardiology. 37, 721-724

Rossini, PM., Micera, S., Benvenuto, A., Carpaneto, J., Cavallo, G., Citi, L., Cipriani, C., Denaro, L., Denaro, V., Di Pino, G., Ferreri, F., Guglielmelli, E., Hoffmann, K-P., Raspopovic, S., Rigosa, J., Rossini, L., Tombini, M. and Dario, P., (2010). Double nerve intraneural interface implant on a human amputee for robotic hand control. Clinical Neurophysiology. 121 (5), 777-783

Micera, S., Citi, L., Rigosa, J., Carpaneto, J., Raspopovic, S., Di Pino, G., Rossini, L., Yoshida, K., Denaro, L., Dario, P. and Rossini, PM., (2010). Decoding Information From Neural Signals Recorded Using Intraneural Electrodes: Toward the Development of a Neurocontrolled Hand Prosthesis. Proceedings of the IEEE. 98 (3), 407-417

Citi, L., Tonet, O. and Marinelli, M., (2009). Chapter 15 Matching Brain–Machine Interface Performance to Space Applications. International Review of Neurobiology. 86, 199-212

Micera, S., Rigosa, J., Carpaneto, J., Citi, L., Raspopovic, S., Guglielmelli, E., Benvenuto, A., Rossini, L., Di Pino, G., Cavallo, G., Carrozza, MC., Cipriani, C., Hoffmann, KP., Dario, P. and Rossini, PM., (2009). On the control of a robot hand by extracting neural signals from the PNS: Preliminary results from a human implantation. 2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2009, 4586-4589

Poli, R., Citi, L., Sepulveda, F. and Cinel, C., (2009). Analogue evolutionary brain computer interfaces. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine. 4 (4), 27-31

Menon, C., de Negueruela, C., Millán, JDR., Tonet, O., Carpi, F., Broschart, M., Ferrez, P., Buttfield, A., Tecchio, F., Sepulveda, F., Citi, L., Laschi, C., Tombini, M., Dario, P., Maria Rossini, P. and De Rossi, D., (2009). Prospects of brain–machine interfaces for space system control. Acta Astronautica. 64 (4), 448-456

Poli, R., McPhee, NF., Citi, L. and Crane, E., (2009). Memory with memory in genetic programming. Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications. 2009, 1-16

Citi, L., Poli, R., Cinel, C. and Sepulveda, F., (2008). P300-Based BCI Mouse With Genetically-Optimized Analogue Control. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 16 (1), 51-61

Micera, S., Navarro, X., Carpaneto, J., Citi, L., Tonet, O., Rossini, PM., Carrozza, MC., Hoffmann, KP., Vivo, M., Yoshida, K. and Dario, P., (2008). On the Use of Longitudinal Intrafascicular Peripheral Interfaces for the Control of Cybernetic Hand Prostheses in Amputees. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 16 (5), 453-472

DiGiovanna, J., Citi, L., Yoshida, K., Carpaneto, J., Principe, JC., Sanchez, JC. and Micera, S., (2008). Inferring the stability of LIFE through Brain Machine Interfaces. 2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2008, 2008-2011

Citi, L., Carpaneto, J., Yoshida, K., Hoffmann, K., Koch, KP., Dario, P. and Micera, S., (2008). On the use of wavelet denoising and spike sorting techniques to process electroneurographic signals recorded using intraneural electrodes.. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 172 (2), 294-302

Tonet, O., Marinelli, M., Citi, L., Rossini, PM., Rossini, L., Megali, G. and Dario, P., (2008). Defining brain–machine interface applications by matching interface performance with device requirements. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 167 (1), 91-104

Micera, S., Sergi, PN., Carpaneto, J., Citi, L., Bossi, S., Koch, K-P., Hoffmann, K-P., Menciassi, A., Yoshida, K. and Dario, P., (2006). Experiments on the development and use of a new generation of intra-neural electrodes to control robotic devices. 2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2006, 2940-2943

Book chapters (9)

Cervera-Torres, S., Minissi, ME., Greco, A., Callara, A., Ferdowsi, S., Citi, L., Maddalon, L., Giglioli, IAC. and Alcañiz, M., (2023). Modulating Virtual Affective Elicitation by Human Body Odors: Advancing Research on Social Signal Processing in Virtual Reality. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Nature Switzerland. 317- 327. 9783031350160

Thill, O. and Citi, L., (2022). Approximate Credibility Intervals for Independent Component Analysis. In: Biosystems & Biorobotics. Springer International Publishing. 803- 808. 9783030703158

Bhattacharyya, S., Cinel, C., Citi, L., Valeriani, D. and Poli, R., (2022). Walking improves the performance of a brain-computer interface for group decision making. In: Current Research in Neuroadaptive Technology. Elsevier. 221- 233. 9780128214138

Siadatnejad, S., Negro, F. and Citi, L., (2019). Hybrid Gaussian Point-Process Model for Finer Control of Myoelectric Robotic Hands. In: Biosystems & Biorobotics. Springer International Publishing. 137- 140. 9783030018443

Valenza, G., Citi, L., Scilingo, EP. and Barbieri, R., (2017). Time-Varying Cardiovascular Complexity with Focus on Entropy and Lyapunov Exponents. In: Complexity and Nonlinearity in Cardiovascular Signals. Springer International Publishing. 233- 256. 9783319587080

Valenza, G., Citi, L., Lanata, A., Gentili, C., Barbieri, R. and Scilingo, EP., (2017). Applications of Heartbeat Complexity Analysis to Depression and Bipolar Disorder. In: Complexity and Nonlinearity in Cardiovascular Signals. Springer International Publishing. 345- 374. 9783319587080

Valenza, G., Citi, L. and Barbieri, R., (2017). Linear and nonlinear parametric models in heart rate variability analysis. In: ECG Time Series Variability Analysis: Engineering and Medicine. Editors: Jelinek, HF., Cornforth, DJ. and Khandoker, AH., . CRC Press. 87- 116. 9781482243482

Citi, L. and Micera, S., (2013). Wavelet Denoising and Conditioning of Neural Recordings. In: Introduction to Neural Engineering for Motor Rehabilitation. Wiley. 173- 182. 9780470916735

Carpaneto, J., Citi, L., Raspopovic, S., Rigosa, J. and Micera, S., (2013). Controlling Prostheses Using PNS Invasive Interfaces for Amputees. In: Introduction to Neural Engineering for Motor Rehabilitation. Wiley. 311- 326. 9780470916735

Conferences (54)

Ferdowsi, S., Ognibene, D., Foulsham, T., Greco, A., Callara, AL., Cervera-Torres, S., Alcañiz, M., Vanello, N. and Citi, L., (2023). Human body odour modulates neural processing of faces: effective connectivity analysis using EEG

Callara, AL., Cecchetto, C., Dal Bo, E., Citi, L., Gentili, C., Vanello, N., Scilingo, EP. and Greco, A., (2022). Human body odors of happiness and fear modulate the late positive potential component during neutral face processing: a preliminary ERP study on healthy subjects

Garcia Vellisca, M., Matran-Fernandez, A., Poli, R. and Citi, L., (2021). Hand-movement Prediction from EMG with LSTM-Recurrent Neural Networks

Yagis, E., Garcia Seco De Herrera, A. and Citi, L., (2021). Convolutional Autoencoder based Deep Learning Approach for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis using Brain MRI

Yagis, E., Citi, L., Diciotti, S., Merzi, C., Workalemahu Atnafu, S. and Garcia Seco De Herrera, A., (2020). 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease via structural MRI

Fernandez-Vargas, J., Valeriani, D., Cinel, C., Sadras, N., Ahmadipour, P., Shanechi, MM., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2020). Confidence Prediction from EEG Recordings in a Multisensory Environment

Nardelli, M., Citi, L., Barbieri, R. and Valenza, G., (2020). Irregularity Analysis of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Activity Indices from HRV: A Pilot Study on Postural Changes

Nardelli, M., Citi, L., Barbieri, R. and Valenza, G., (2020). Intrinsic Complexity of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Dynamics from HRV series: a Preliminary Study on Postural Changes

Cinel, C., Vargas, JF., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2020). Benefits of Multisensory Cues in a Realistic Target Discrimination Task

Ferdowsi, S., Ognibene, D., Foulsham, T., Abolghasemi, V., Li, W. and Citi, L., (2020). Human Chemosignals Modulate Interactions Between Social and Emotional Brain Areas

Valenza, G., Faita, F., Citi, L., Philip Saul, J., Maria Bruno, R. and Barbieri, R., (2020). Validation of Sympathetic Activity Index from Heart Rate Variability series: A Preliminary Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Activity Study

Bhattacharyya, S., Valeriani, D., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2019). Collaborative Brain-Computer Interfaces to Enhance Group Decisions in an Outpost Surveillance Task

Bhattacharyya, S., Valeriani, D., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2019). Target Detection in Video Feeds with Selected Dyads and Groups Assisted by Collaborative Brain-Computer Interfaces

Valenza, G., Citi, L., Saul, P. and Barbieri, R., (2019). ECG-Derived Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System Dynamics: A Congestive Heart Failure Study

Yagis, E., Garcia Seco De Herrera, A. and Citi, L., (2019). Generalization Performance of the Deep Learning Models in Neurodegenerative Disease Classification.

Christinaki, E., Papastylianou, T., Poli, R. and Citi, L., (2019). Parametric Transfer Learning based on the Fisher Divergence for Well-being Prediction

Sankarpandi, SK., Samothrakis, S., Citi, L. and Brady, P., (2019). Active learning without unlabeled samples: generating questions and labels using Monte Carlo Tree Search

Toschi, N., Valenza, G., Citi, L., Guerrisi, M., Orsolini, S., Tessa, C., Diciotti, S. and Barbieri, R., (2018). Assessment of Instantaneous Heartbeat Dynamics in amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment

Valeriani, D., Bhattacharyya, S., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Poli, R., (2018). Augmenting group decision making accuracy in a realistic environment using collaborative brain-computer interfaces based on error-related potentials

Matran-Fernandez, A., Mastinu, E., Poli, R., Ortiz-Catalan, M. and Citi, L., (2018). Crosstalk Reduction in Epimysial EMG Recordings from Transhumeral Amputees with Principal Component Analysis

Christinaki, E., Poli, R. and Citi, L., (2018). Bayesian Transfer Learning for the Prediction of Self-reported Well-being Scores

Li, X., Poli, R., Valenza, G., Scilingo, EP. and Citi, L., (2017). Self-reported well-being score modelling and prediction: Proof-of-concept of an approach based on linear dynamic systems

Greco, A., Guidi, A., Felici, F., Leo, A., Ricciardi, E., Bianchi, M., Bicchi, A., Citi, L., Valenza, G. and Scilingo, EP., (2017). Muscle fatigue assessment through electrodermal activity analysis during isometric contraction

Ratcliffe, DS., Devlin, S., Kruschwit, U. and Citi, Z., (2017). Clyde: A deep reinforcement learning DOOM playing agent

Valenza, G., Citi, L. and Barbieri, R., (2016). Disentanglement of sympathetic and parasympathetic activity by instantaneous analysis of human heartbeat dynamics

Valenza, G., Romigi, A., Citi, L., Placidi, F., Izzi, F., Albanese, M., Scilingo, EP., Marciani, MG., Duggento, A., Guerrisi, M., Toschi, N. and Barbieri, R., (2016). Predicting seizures in untreated temporal lobe epilepsy using point-process nonlinear models of heartbeat dynamics

Barbieri, R., Valenza, G., Citi, L., Placidi, F., Izzi, F., Albanese, M., Marciani, MG., Guerrisi, M., Romigi, A. and Toschi, N., (2015). Lower instantaneous entropy of heartbeat dynamics during seizures in untreated temporal lobe epilepsy

Citi, L., (2015). Elastic-net constrained multiple kernel learning using a majorization-minimization approach

Citi, L., Olariu, C. and Barbieri, R., (2015). A LightWAVE client for semi-automated annotation of Heart Beats from ECG Time Series

Barbieri, R., Valenza, G., Citi, L., Guerrisi, M., Orsolini, S., Tessa, C., Diciotti, S. and Toschi, N., (2014). Lower instantaneous entropy of heartbeat dynamics characterizes cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease

Citi, L., Guffanti, G. and Mainardi, L., (2014). Rank-based multi-scale entropy analysis of heart rate variability

Valenza, G., Citi, L., Scilingo, EP. and Barbieri, R., (2014). Assessment of dynamic autonomic changes with posture using instantaneous entropy measures

Valenza, G., Citi, L., Scilingo, EP. and Barbieri, R., (2014). Defining an instantaneous complexity measure for heartbeat dynamics: The inhomogeneous point-process entropy

Valenza, G., Orini, M., Citi, L., Minchole, A., Pueyo, E., Laguna, P. and Barbieri, R., (2014). Assessing instantaneous QT variability dynamics within a point-process nonlinear framework

Cinel, C., Poli, R., Citi, L. and Roberson, D., (2013). An exploration of the effects of audio-visual entrainment on Parkinson's disease tremor

Orini, M., Citi, L., Hanson, BM., Taggart, P. and Lambiase, PD., (2013). Characterization of the causal interactions between depolarization and repolarization temporal changes in unipolar electrograms

Barbieri, R., Citi, L., Valenza, G., Guerrisi, M., Orsolini, S., Tessa, C., Diciotti, S. and Toschi, N., (2013). Increased instability of heartbeat dynamics in Parkinson's disease

Valenza, G., Citi, L., Scilingo, EP. and Barbieri, R., (2013). Instantaneous Bispectral Characterization of the Autonomic Nervous System through a Point-Process Nonlinear Model

Orini, M., Valenza, G., Citi, L. and Barbieri, R., (2012). Tetravariate point-process model for the continuous characterization of cardiovascular-respiratory dynamics during passive postural changes

Citi, L. and Barbieri, R., (2012). PhysioNet 2012 Challenge: Predicting mortality of ICU patients using a cascaded SVM-GLM paradigm

Poli, R., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Salvaris, M., (2011). A genetic programming approach to detecting artifact-generating eye movements from EEG in the absence of electro-oculogram

Citi, L., Brown, EN. and Barbieri, R., (2011). A point process local likelihood algorithm for robust and automated heart beat detection and correction

Pani, D., Usai, F., Citi, L. and Raffo, L., (2011). Real-time processing of tfLIFE neural signals on embedded DSP platforms: A case study

Citi, L., Poli, R. and Cinel, C., (2010). High-Significance Averages of Event-Related Potential Via Genetic Programming

Poli, R., McPhee, NF., Citi, L. and Crane, E., (2009). Memory with Memory in Tree-Based Genetic Programming

Citi, L., Poli, R. and Cinel, C., (2009). Exploiting P300 amplitude variations can improve classification accuracy in Donchin's BCI speller

Poli, R., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Sepulveda, F., (2007). Evolutionary Brain Computer Interfaces

Yoshida, K., Kurstjens, M., Citi, L., Koch, KP. and Micera, S., (2007). Recording experience with the thin-film Longitudinal Intra-Fascicular Electrode, a multichannel peripheral nerve interface

Citi, L., Carpaneto, J., Yoshida, K., Hoffmann, KP., Koch, KP., Dario, P. and Micera, S., (2006). Characterization of tfLIFE Neural Response for the Control of a Cybernetic Hand

Menon, C., De Negueruela, C., Millán, JDR., Tonet, O., Carpi, F., Broschart, M., Ferrez, P., Buttfield, A., Dario, P., Citi, L., Laschi, C., Tombini, M., Seplveda, F., Poli, R., Palaniappan, R., Tecchio, F., Rossini, PM. and De Rossi, D., (2006). Prospects of brain-machine interfaces for space system control

Citi, L., Poli, R. and Cinel, C., (2006). Analogue P300-based BCI pointing device

Micera, S., Sergi, PN., Carpaneto, J., Citi, L., Bossi, S., Koch, KP., Hoffmann, K-P., Menciassi, A., Yoshida, K. and Dario, P., (2006). Experiments on the development and use of a new generation of intra-neural electrodes to control robotic devices.

Citi, L., Poli, R. and Sepulveda, F., (2004). An evolutionary approach to feature selection and classification in P300-based BCI

Cinel, C., Poli, R. and Citi, L., (2004). Possible sources of perceptual errors in P300-based speller paradigm

Reports and Papers (2)

Fairbank, M., Samothrakis, S. and Citi, L., (2021). Deep Learning in Target Space

Fanfani, V., Citi, L., Harris, AL., Pezzella, F. and Stracquadanio, G., (2019). Gene-level heritability analysis explains the polygenic architecture of cancer

Other (4)

Fanfani, V., Citi, L., Harris, AL., Pezzella, F. and Stracquadanio, G., (2023).Supplementary Materials from The Landscape of the Heritable Cancer Genome

Fanfani, V., Citi, L., Harris, AL., Pezzella, F. and Stracquadanio, G., (2023).Supplementary Materials from The Landscape of the Heritable Cancer Genome

Fanfani, V., Citi, L., Harris, AL., Pezzella, F. and Stracquadanio, G., (2023).Data from The Landscape of the Heritable Cancer Genome

Fanfani, V., Citi, L., Harris, AL., Pezzella, F. and Stracquadanio, G., (2023).Data from The Landscape of the Heritable Cancer Genome

Grants and funding


Newcross Healthcare Solutions Limited KTP 2021 Application

Newcross Healthcare Solutions Limited


STAte-dependent neural decoders and encoders for Brain-machine interfaces featuring a Low-power neuromorphic hardwarE - STABLE

The Royal Society


Replacement EPR spectrometer to the multiuser Biomedical EPR Facility at the University of Essex

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council


Closed-Loop Multisensory Brain-Computer Interface for Enhanced Decision Accuracy - Additional Funds 2019

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


Develop AI methods to optimise interactions with customers.

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

Adaptive joint cognitive systems for complex and strategic decision making: building trust in human-machine teams through brain-computer-interface augmentation, social interaction and mutual learning

Ministry of Defence

Promoting social interaction through emotional body odours

European Commission


Create new methods of capturing insight from current and future Preqin datasets by embedding AI and Machine Learning techniques across the unique Preqin investor platform.


Create new methods of capturing insight from current and future Preqin datasets by embedding AI and Machine Learning techniques across the unique Preqin investor platform.



MURI Topic #3

Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council

Decoding the neural drive for finer and more intuitive control of a myoelectrical robotic hand

Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council

67% - The design and development of a scalable, avatar based, digital healthcare platform, driven by AI and Machine Learning technology.

Technology STrategy Board

33% - The design and development of a scalable, avatar based, digital healthcare platform, driven by AI and Machine Learning technology.

Orbital Media & Advertising Ltd.


Coach Train - Interurban Transport

Charities Aid Foundation


European Commission (H2020)


European Commission (H2020)

67% - To extend the business intelligence and digital marketing offer by developing and embedding a new data analytics capability

Technology STrategy Board

33% - To extend the business intelligence and digitial marketing offer by developing and embedding a new data analytics capability

Objective Computing Ltd

+44 (0) 1206 874233


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Academic support hours:

Tuesday, 1:00-1:50pm, in 1NW.5.3C; Friday, 9:00-9:50pm, in 1NW.5.3C or Zoom (Autumn term)