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Isabella Ciuta

Graduate Laboratory Assistant
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)
Graduate Laboratory Assistant
School of Life Sciences
Postgraduate Research Student
School of Life Sciences
 Isabella Ciuta
Ask me about
  • nucleosome positioning
  • cancer biology
  • transcription factors
  • bioinformatics


I am a current PhD student in Molecular Medicine within the Gene Regulation Laboratory at University of Essex. I predominantly work on breast cancer epigenetics with a specific interest in liquid biopsies and the interactions between nucleosome positioning and hormone receptors. My project is divided between the wet lab, bioinformatics and machine learning. My background includes an MSD in Molecular Medicine and a BSc in Biomedical Sciences, both of them at Essex :) as well as a Baccalaureate and high school specialisation in IT and Mathematics. I also worked for a year as the Vice President for Community and Engagement for the University of Essex Students' Union.