Jacalyn Clarke

jeclarke@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874981
ESA.3.13, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Full time
Jackie graduated with a BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy from the University of East Anglia in the late 1990s and spent her clinical career at Ipswich Hospitals NHS Trust and the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital Trust. She specialised in Respiratory Care, with various roles in ICU, Thoracic Surgery, Cystic Fibrosis (Adults and Paediatrics) and Community Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Jackie moved into education in 2005, on the BSc Physiotherapy programme at Colchester Institute, before transferring to the University of Essex in 2009. Jackie has held the role of admissions tutor and marketing lead for Physiotherapy from 2009 until 2019, when she became Subject Lead for Physiotherapy. She was also Programme Lead for the BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy programme from 2019 until 2022.
MSc Medical & Clinical Education (Essex) 2015
PG Certificate in Higher Education (Anglia Ruskin) 2006
BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy (UEA) 1999
Health Professions Council Registered
Member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Member of the Association of Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Other academic
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Education Representative, York St John University (1/1/2019 - present)
External Examiner- BSc Physiotherapy, University College Birmingham (2019 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Academic entry criteria and resulting attrition from Physiotherapy programmes
Transition from student physiotherapist to graduate physiotherapist
Students as exercise buddies for patients with long term conditions
Physiotherapy teaching of Aerosol Generating procedures in HEIs during COVID19
Conferences and presentations
2005 - Guest presenter at National Physiotherapy Research Network Meeting (University of Nottingham)
Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2005
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Professional and Interprofessional Skills for Practice (HS140)
Applied Anatomy and Pathophysiology (SE117)
Physiotherapy Led Assessment (SE118)
Practice-Based Decision Making (SE119)
Understanding Self and Others (SE120)
Developing Self and Others (SE231)
Physiotherapy Led Interventions (SE232)
Research Methods (SE234)
Preparation for Professional Practice (SE342)
Research Project (SE343)
Applied Anatomy and Pathophysiology (SE751)
Physiotherapy Led Assessment & Treatment (SE753)
Critical Enquiry (SE756)
Research Project (SE760)
Journal articles (1)
Clarke, J., Bendall, A., Douglas, E., Buckman, L., Cross, JL., Ellum, SG., Gardiner, L., Hasmi-Greenwood, M., Stiger, R. and Shannon, H., (2021). ACPRC statement and considerations for the teaching of airway clearance techniques in higher education institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care.. 53 (1), 66-77
Academic support hours:
Full time