Dr Nicholas Clark

n.clark@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 873073
ESA.3.22, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
SE314 Evidencing Practice and Continuous Professional Development
Nick joined the University of Essex in 2019. Previously, he worked as a Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy and Sport Rehabilitation at St Mary's University Twickenham (2014-2019) where he also founded and led the Knee Injury Control and Clinical Advancement Research Group. To date, Nick has more than 23 years of clinical experience having worked as a Chartered Physiotherapist in the National Health Service, private practice, performing arts, elite rugby union, and the British Army (Infantry and Armoured Cavalry, Parachute Regiment). He specialised in the provision of rehabilitation for people with lower back, hip, knee, and ankle problems following traumatic injury, gradual-onset injury, surgery (bone, cartilage, ligament, joint replacement), ageing-associated osteoarthritis, and post-trauma osteoarthritis. In 2009, Nick undertook his Doctoral studies in the Neuromuscular Research Laboratory (NMRL) and Warrior Human Performance Research Center (WHPRC) at the University of Pittsburgh where he worked within the faculty's military Special Forces injury prevention and human performance enhancement programmes. Concurrently, he completed his PhD specifically in the area of sensorimotor control (proprioception, neuromuscular control) of knee functional joint stability and noncontact anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury prevention for agility-sport athletes. Currently, Nick's research and clinical areas of interest include knee and ankle injury prevention, injury rehabilitation, and post-trauma osteoarthritis control. He works with physically active populations including sports athletes (football, rugby, netball, basketball, field hockey), tactical athletes (Army, Navy, Air Force, Special Forces, police officers, firefighters), and in occupational health with workers with medium, heavy, and very heavy job demands. He is a member of the FireFit Steering Group, the multi-disciplinary official steering group for the health, fitness, and well-being of members of the United Kingdom's Fire and Rescue Services. Nick has been a qualified Gym Instructor and Fitness Trainer (free-weights, resistance machines, circuit training) through the United Kingdom YMCA since 1993 and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the United States National Strength and Conditioning Association since 2000.
PhD Rehabilitation Science (Sports Medicine) University of Pittsburgh, (2013)
Post-Graduate Diploma Clinical Biomechanics Staffordshire University, (2007)
MSc Manual Therapy University College London, (2002)
BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy University of East London, (1999)
BEd (Hons) Physical Education University of Greenwich, (1996)
University of Essex
Lecturer (Education and Research), Physiotherapy, Strength and Conditioning, School of Sport, Rehabilitation, and Exercise Sciences, University of Essex (1/8/2019 - present)
School Student Progression Officer, School of Sport, Rehabilitation, and Exercise Sciences, University of Essex (1/8/2020 - present)
Other academic
PhD Thesis External Reviewer, Escola de Doctorat (Doctoral School), Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (International University of Catalonia) (2/5/2022 - 24/6/2022)
PhD External Examiner, School of Health and Life Sciences, Teeside University (15/12/2020 - 28/1/2022)
PhD External Examiner, School of Health and Society, University of Salford (1/11/2019 - 25/6/2021)
PhD External Adviser, Faculty of Sport, Allied Health, and Performance Sciences, St Mary's University Twickenham London (1/8/2019 - present)
Programme External Examiner, MSc Sport and Exercise Medicine, School of Sport and Health Sciences, Cardiff Metropolitan University (1/6/2018 - 29/12/2023)
Visiting Lecturer, MSc (Post-Reg.) Physiotherapy, Institute of Child Health, University College London (1/3/2018 - 26/3/2021)
PhD External Examiner, School of Health and Society, University of Salford (1/8/2015 - 31/5/2016)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Knee and ankle post-trauma osteoarthritis control
Knee and ankle post-trauma osteoarthritis control (prevention, mitigation) in adult male and female games players.
Knee and ankle injury control in games players
Knee and ankle injury control (prevention, acute care, rehabilitation) in male and female games players.
Sensorimotor control of functional joint stability in male and female games players
Sensorimotor control of functional joint stability (proprioception, CNS processing, neuromuscular control) and lower limb biomechanics in male and female games players
Sex differences in sensorimotor control of joint stability and lower limb injury predisposition
Sex differences in sensorimotor control (proprioception, neuromuscular control) of joint stability and lower limb injury predisposition in adolescent and adult games players.
Brain neuroplasticity after knee and ankle injury
Brain neuroplasticity after knee and ankle injury in adult male and female games players
Hip, knee, ankle primary (ageing-associated) osteoarthritis
Hip, knee, ankle primary (ageing-associated) osteoarthritis control (prevention, rehabilitation)
Injury control and human performance optimisation in the tactical athlete
Injury control (prevention, acute care, rehabilitation, reconditioning, return-to-duty testing) and human performance optimisation (task and demand analysis, performance profiling, strength and conditioning) in the tactical athlete (Army, Navy, Air Force, Special Forces, police officer, firefighters)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Applied Anatomy and Pathophysiology (SE117)
Physiotherapy Led Assessment (SE118)
Understanding Self and Others (SE120)
Physiotherapy Led Interventions (SE232)
Research Methods (SE234)
Leadership of Self and Others (SE341)
Research Project (SE343)
Applied Anatomy and Pathophysiology (SE751)
Critical Enquiry (SE756)
Research Project (SE760)
Current supervision
Journal articles (41)
Konishi, M., Clark, N., McDonald, D., Takemura, M. and Cortes, N., (2025). Acute effects of unplanned and planned hop-landing training on neurocognitive function and knee biomechanics. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 13 (1), 23259671241302326-
Treleaven, J. and Clark, N., (2025). Sensorimotor control and neurocognitive performance in musculoskeletal disease and injury control. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. 75, 103237-103237
Martin, JR., Lockie, RG., Fyock-Martin, M. and Clark, NC., (2024). Physical fitness profile of a large urban fire department: Exploring age and rank dynamics. Work. 79 (4), 1-15
Clark, NC., (2024). Sensorimotor control of functional joint stability: Scientific concepts, clinical considerations, and the articuloneuromuscular cascade paradigm in peripheral joint injury.. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. 74, 103198-103198
Neal, BS., McManus, CJ., Bradley, WJ., Leaney, SF., Murray, K. and Clark, NC., (2023). The feasibility, safety, and efficacy of lower limb garment-integrated blood flow restriction training in healthy adults.. Physical Therapy in Sport. 60, 9-16
Mullally, EM., Atack, AC., Glaister, M., Clark, NC. and Brown, N., (2023). A cross-sectional retrospective survey of injury situation and prevalence in female recreational netball players with a focus on knee injuries. Physical Therapy in Sport. 60, 70-74
Clark, NC., Pethick, J. and Falla, D., (2023). Measuring complexity of muscle force control: Theoretical principles and clinical relevance in musculoskeletal research and practice. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. 64, 102725-102725
Poretti, K., Ghoddosi, N., Martin, J., Eddo, O., Cortes, N. and Clark, N., (2023). The nature of rehabilitation programs to improve musculoskeletal, biomechanical, functional, and patient-reported outcomes in athletes with ACL reconstruction: A scoping review. Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach. 16 (3), 390-395
Kempfert, DJ., Chaconas, EJ., Daugherty, ML. and Clark, NC., (2023). Test-retest reliability of quantitative sensory testing, active joint position sense, and functional hop testing in amateur adult athletes with unilateral anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Physical Therapy in Sport. 64, 63-73
Andrushko, JW., Carr, JC., Farthing, JP., Lepley, LK., DeFreitas, JM., Goodall, S., Hendy, AM., Howatson, G., Grooms, DR., Zult, T., Hortobagyi, T., Harput, G., Papandreou, M., Nosaka, K., Carson, RG., Manca, A., Deriu, F., Behm, DG., Kidgell, DJ., Clark, NC. and Boyd, LA., (2023). Potential role of cross-education in early-stage rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.. British journal of sports medicine. 57 (23), 1474-1475
Harrison, S., Clark, NC., Ansdell, P. and Pethick, J., (2023). Sex differences in knee extensor torque control.. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 72, 102806-102806
Clark, NC., Heebner, NR., Lephart, SM. and Sell, TC., (2022). Specificity of isokinetic assessment in noncontact knee injury prevention screening: A novel assessment procedure with relationships between variables in amateur adult agility-sport athletes. Physical Therapy in Sport. 53, 105-114
Llurda-Almuzara, L., Pérez-Bellmunt, A., Labata-Lezaun, N., López-de-Celis, C., Moran, J. and Clark, NC., (2022). Sex differences in pre-season anthropometric, balance, and range of motion characteristics in elite youth soccer players. Healthcare. 10 (5), 819-819
Clark, NC. and Pethick, J., (2022). Variability and complexity of knee neuromuscular control during an isometric task in uninjured physically active adults: a secondary analysis exploring right/left and dominant/nondominant asymmetry. Applied Sciences. 12 (9), 4762-4762
Pethick, J., Clark, NC. and Liew, B., (2022). Alterations in peripheral joint muscle force control in adults with musculoskeletal disease, injury, surgery, or arthroplasty: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 66, 102696-102696
Abdelkader, M., Hammami, R., Drury, B., Clark, N., Sandercock, G., Shaw, I., Shaw, B., Gaied Chortane, S. and Moran, J., (2022). A randomised controlled trial of 1- versus 2-day per week formats of Nordic hamstring training on explosive athletic tasks in prepubertal soccer players. Journal of Sports Sciences. 40 (19), 2173-2181
Mullally, EM., Atack, AC., Glaister, M. and Clark, NC., (2021). Situations and mechanisms of non-contact knee injury in adult netball: A systematic review. Physical Therapy in Sport. 47, 193-200
Clark, NC. and Mullally, EM., (2021). Relationship between three single-leg functional performance tests for netball noncontact knee injury prevention screening in uninjured female adult players. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 30 (7), 981-987
Clark, N., (2021). Noncontact knee ligament injury prevention screening in netball: A clinical commentary with clinical practice suggestions for community-level players. International Journal of sports Physical Therapy. 16 (3), 911-929
Clark, NC. and Campbell, SD., (2021). Preseason weight-bearing ankle dorsiflexion in male professional football players with and without a history of severe ankle injury: A novel analysis in an English Premier League club. Physical Therapy in Sport. 52, 21-29
Clark, NC. and Clacher, LH., (2020). Lower-limb motor-performance asymmetries in English community-level female field hockey players: Implications for knee and ankle injury prevention. Physical Therapy in Sport. 43, 43-51
Mullally, EM. and Clark, NC., (2020). Noncontact Knee Soft-Tissue Injury Prevention Considerations and Practical Applications for Netball Players. Strength & Conditioning Journal. Publish Ahead of Print (3), 9-28
Clark, NC. and Mullally, EM., (2019). Prevalence and magnitude of preseason clinically-significant single-leg balance and hop test asymmetries in an English adult netball club. Physical Therapy in Sport. 40, 44-52
Clark, NC., Reilly, LJ. and Davies, SC., (2019). Intra-rater reliability, measurement precision, and inter-test correlations of 1RM single-leg leg-press, knee-flexion, and knee-extension in uninjured adult agility-sport athletes: Considerations for right and left unilateral measurements in knee injury control. Physical Therapy in Sport. 40, 128-136
Verhagen, E., van Dyk, N., Clark, N. and Shrier, I., (2018). Do not throw the baby out with the bathwater; screening can identify meaningful risk factors for sports injuries. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 52 (19), 1223-1224
Goff, AJ., Page, WS. and Clark, NC., (2018). Reporting of acute programme variables and exercise descriptors in rehabilitation strength training for tibiofemoral joint soft tissue injury: A systematic review. Physical Therapy in Sport. 34, 227-237
Nagai, T., Clark, NC., Abt, JP., Sell, TC., Heebner, NR., Smalley, BW., Wirt, MD. and Lephart, SM., (2016). The Effect of Target Position on the Accuracy of Cervical-Spine-Rotation Active Joint-Position Sense. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 25 (1), 58-63
Clark, NC., Akins, JS., Heebner, NR., Sell, TC., Abt, JP., Lovalekar, M. and Lephart, SM., (2016). Reliability and measurement precision of concentric-to-isometric and eccentric-to-isometric knee active joint position sense tests in uninjured physically active adults. Physical Therapy in Sport. 18, 38-45
Sell, TC., Clark, NC., Abt, JP., Lovalekar, M. and Lephart, SM., (2016). Isokinetic strength of fully operational U.S. Navy Seals with a previous history of shoulder and knee injury. Isokinetics and Exercise Science. 24 (4), 349-356
Clark, NC., (2015). (vii) The role of physiotherapy in rehabilitation of soft tissue injuries of the knee. Orthopaedics and Trauma. 29 (1), 48-56
Röijezon, U., Clark, NC. and Treleaven, J., (2015). Proprioception in musculoskeletal rehabilitation. Part 1: Basic science and principles of assessment and clinical interventions. Manual Therapy. 20 (3), 368-377
Clark, NC., Röijezon, U. and Treleaven, J., (2015). Proprioception in musculoskeletal rehabilitation. Part 2: Clinical assessment and intervention. Manual Therapy. 20 (3), 378-387
Nagai, T., Abt, JP., Sell, TC., Keenan, KA., Clark, NC., Smalley, BW., Wirt, MD. and Lephart, SM., (2015). Lumbar spine and hip flexibility and trunk strength in helicopter pilots with and without low back pain history. Work. 52 (3), 715-722
Parr, JJ., Clark, NC., Abt, JP., Kresta, JY., Keenan, KA., Kane, SF. and Lephart, SM., (2015). Residual Impact of Previous Injury on Musculoskeletal Characteristics in Special Forces Operators. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 3 (11), 2325967115616581-
Nagai, T., Abt, JP., Sell, TC., Clark, NC., Smalley, BW., Wirt, MD. and Lephart, SM., (2014). Neck Proprioception, Strength, Flexibility, and Posture in Pilots With and Without Neck Pain History. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 85 (5), 529-535
Sell, TC., Clark, NC., Wood, D., Abt, JP., Lovalekar, M. and Lephart, SM., (2014). Single-Leg Balance Impairments Persist in Fully Operational Military Special Forces Operators With a Previous History of Low Back Pain. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2 (5), 1-6
Akins, JS., Longo, PF., Bertoni, M., Clark, NC., Sell, TC., Galanti, G. and Lephart, SM., (2013). Postural stability and isokinetic strength do not predict knee valgus angle during single-leg drop-landing or single-leg squat in elite male rugby union players. Isokinetics and Exercise Science. 21 (1), 37-46
Clark, NC., Gumbrell, CJ., Rana, S., Traole, CM. and Morrissey, MC., (2002). Intratester reliability and measurement error of the adapted crossover hop for distance. Physical Therapy in Sport. 3 (3), 143-151
Hooper, D., Morrissey, M., Drechsler, W., Clark, N., Coutts, F. and McAuliffe, T., (2002). Gait Analysis Six and Twelve Months Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Surgery. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 403 (403), 168-178
Clark, N., (2002). Intratester reliability and measurement error of the adapted crossover hop for distance. Physical Therapy in Sport. 3 (3), 143-151
Clark, NC., (2001). Functional performance testing following knee ligament injury. Physical Therapy in Sport. 2 (2), 91-105
Book chapters (3)
Clark, N., Glaister, M., Cannon, L. and Perrem, N., (2020). The Physiology of Disuse, Immobilization, and Low Load Environments. In: A Comprehensive Guide to Sports Physiology and Injury Management An Interdisciplinary Approach. Editors: Porter, S. and Wilson, J., . Elsevier. 15- 24. 0702074896. 9780702074899
Clark, N. and Lephart, S., (2015). Management of the Sensorimotor System. The Lower Limb. In: Grieve's Modern Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Vertebral Column and Peripheral Joints. Editors: Jull, G., Moore, A., Falla, D., Lewis, J., McCarthy, C. and Sterling, M., . Churchill Livingstone. 0702051527. 9780702051524
Clark, N. and Herrington, L., (2010). The Knee. In: Sports Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention. Editors: Comfort, P. and Abrahamson, E., . John Wiley & Sons. 407- 463. 047097589X. 9780470975893
Conferences (29)
Clark, N., Davies, S. and Reilly, L., Single-Leg Hop Test Asymmetry and Statistical versus Clinical Significance Data Analysis in Knee Injury Control Research
Clark, N. and Mullally, E., Relationship Between Lower Limb Motor Performance Measures Relevant to Knee Injury Control in Uninjured Adult Netball Players
Clark, N. and Hanington, J., Reliability, Precision of Measurement, and Minimal Detectable Difference of Knee Extension Active Joint Position Sense Measurement Using a Smartphone in Uninjured Adult Agility-Sport Athletes
Clark, N., Davies, S. and Reilly, L., Sex Differences in Lower Limb Motor Performance Relevant to Knee Injury Control
Goff, A., Page, W. and Clark, N., Reporting of Acute Programme Variables in Rehabilitation Strength Training for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: A Systematic Review
Clark, N., Reilly, L. and Davies, S., Reliability and Measurement Precision of Right and Left 1RM Single-Leg Leg Press, Knee Flexion, and Knee Extension Strength Tests in Uninjured Adult Agility-Sport Athletes: Clinical Implications of Between-Limb Measurements in Knee Injury Control
Clark, N. and Rolleston, M., The Effect of Functional Fatigue on Knee Force Sense in Uninjured Adult Male Football Players
Clark, N. and Rolleston, M., Reliability, Precision of Measurement, and Minimal Detectable Difference of Right and Left Knee Extension Force Sense Measurement in Uninjured Adult Male Football Players
Clark, N., Gumbrell, C., Rana, S., Traole, C. and Morrissey, M., Relationship Between Vertical Hop Performance and Isotonic Open and Closed Kinetic Chain Muscle Strength of the Lower Limb
Nagai, T., Clark, N., Abt, J., Sell, T., Heebner, N., Smalley, B., Wirt, M. and Lephart, S., The Effect of Target Position on the Accuracy of Cervical Spine Rotation Active Joint Position Sense in US Army Soldiers
Sell, T., Clark, N., Abt, J., Lovalekar, M. and Lephart, S., Fully Operational US Navy SEALs with a Past History of Musculoskeletal Injury Demonstrate Clinically Important Impairments in Knee and Shoulder Muscle Performance and Single-Leg Balance
Nagai, T., Abt, J., Sell, T., Clark, N., Smalley, B., Wirt, M. and Lephart, S., Neck Strength, Flexibility, Posture, and Proprioception in US Army Pilots with and without a History of Neck Pain
Sell, T., Clark, N., Abt, J., Lovalekar, M. and Lephart, S., Single-Leg Balance Impairments Persist in Fully Operational Military Special Forces Operators with a Previous History of Low Back Pain
Clark, N., Relationship Between Active Hamstring Stretch Reflex Latency and Functional Knee Stability
Chaconas, E., Kempfert, D., Daugherty, M. and Clark, N., Reliability of Somatosensory Testing and Knee Active Joint Position Sense in Athletes With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Martin, J., Toczko, M., Lockie, R., Fyock-Martin, M. and Clark, N., The association between firefighter rank, age, and selected physical fitness components
Thangavelu, U., Mohan, V. and Clark, N., A modified GRRAS checklist for the quality of reliability research in knee ultrasonography: An inter-rater agreement study
Martin, J., Caswell, S., Fyock-Martin, M. and Clark, N., Racial differences in health-related components of physical fitness in professional firefighters
Konishi, M., Clark, N., Takemura, M. and Cortes, N., Effect of anticipation and sex on trunk and knee biomechanics during side-step cutting: Implications for noncontact ACL injury
Konishi, M., Clark, N., Takemura, M. and Cortes, N., Acute Effects of Unplanned and Planned Hop-Landing Training on Decision-Making and Side-Step Cutting Knee Biomechanics
Llurda-Almuzara, L., Lewis, C. and Clark, N., Intra-Rater Reliability and Error of Measurement of Knee Isokinetic Eccentric Muscle Performance Assessment Procedures in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Prevention Screening for Adult Agility-Sport Athletes
Llurda-Almuzara, L., Lewis, C., Taylor, M., Neal, B. and Clark, N., Isokinetic Eccentric Quadriceps Muscle Performance Assessment in Patellofemoral Joint Primary and Secondary Injury Prevention: An Intra-Rater Reliability and Standard Error of Measurement Pilot Study
van der Weyden, M., Toczko, M., Shaul, Y., Newman, K., Abel, M., Clark, N. and Martin, J., 1-2-3-4 Sizes(s) Fit All? Unveiling Diversity in ROTC Cadet Fitness Levels to Optimize Training Approaches
Martin, J., Abel, M., van der Weyden, M., Toczko, M., Fyock-Martin, M. and Clark, N., Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: A Machine Learning Approach to Classifying Fire Department Physical Fitness Needs
Clark, N. and James, V., (2021). Effect of Functional Fatigue on Knee Force Sense in Amateur Adult Female Football Players
Clark, N. and Mullally, E., (2021). Side-to-Side Asymmetry of Single-Leg Repeated Deceleration-Acceleration Performance is Related to Deterioration of Running Change-of-Direction Performance in Amateur Adult Female Netball Players
Mullally, E., King, C., Davies, S., Mooney, A. and Clark, N., (2016). Prevalence and Range of Pre-Season Clinically Significant Lower Limb Motor-Performance Asymmetries in an Adult Netball Club
Mullally, E., King, C., Davies, S., Mooney, A. and Clark, N., (2016). Pre-Season Motor Performance Relevant to Knee Injury Control in an English Adult Netball Club: A Descriptive Study
Clark, N., Keenan, K., Abt, J., Sell, T., Nagai, T., Deluzio, J., Lovalekar, M., McCord, L., Wirt, M. and Lephart, S., (2012). Clinically Significant Side-to-Side Lower Extremity Strength Asymmetries in US Army 101st Airborne Soldiers
Academic support hours:
SE314 Evidencing Practice and Continuous Professional Development