
Dr Adrian Clark

School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)
Dr Adrian Clark
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 872432

  • Location

    1NW.3.24, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Spring term 2023-24: Thursdays 09:00-11:00 It's a good idea to email me first as I often end up going to a software lab to help people with their problems.



Member of the Robotics Research Group

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Computer vision

Open to supervise

virtual and augmented reality

Open to supervise

genetic programming

Open to supervise

remote sensing

Open to supervise

unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAVs)

Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Team Project Challenge (CE101)

  • Operating Systems (CE222)

  • Computer Vision (CE316)

  • Computer Vision (CE866)

Previous supervision

Jessica Paige Wright
Jessica Paige Wright
Thesis title: Computational Analysis of Reef Structure and Benthic Composition.
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/4/2024
Nassr Abed Azeez Azeez
Nassr Abed Azeez Azeez
Thesis title: The Detection of Vegetation Species in Remote Sensing Imaging
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/3/2021
Inas Younus Yahya Al-Taie
Inas Younus Yahya Al-Taie
Thesis title: Effective Features and Machine Learning Methods for Human Recognition Based on Multi-Biometric Systems
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 31/3/2020
Cameron Philip Kyle-Davidson
Cameron Philip Kyle-Davidson
Thesis title: A Hybrid Neural Network and Genetic Programming Approach to the Automatic Construction of Computer Vision Systems
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 30/9/2019
Louis Glen Clift
Louis Glen Clift
Thesis title: Remote Robotic 3D Reconstruction
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/12/2017
Panitnat Yimyam
Panitnat Yimyam
Thesis title: Agricultural Produce Grading By Computer Vision Based on Genetic Programming
Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/5/2015
Gazi Erkan Bostanci
Gazi Erkan Bostanci
Thesis title: User Tracking Methods for Augmented Reality Applications in Cultural Heritage
Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/1/2014
Nadia Kanwal
Nadia Kanwal
Thesis title: Low-Level Image Features and Navigation Systems for Visually Impaired People
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/10/2013


Journal articles (45)

Bostanci, E., Bostanci, B., Kanwal, N. and Clark, AF., (2018). Sensor fusion of camera, GPS and IMU using fuzzy adaptive multiple motion models. Soft Computing. 22 (8), 2619-2632

Anjum, F., Kanwal, N., Clark, AF. and Bostanci, E., (2018). Statistical evaluation of corner detectors: does the statistical test have an effect?. IET Computer Vision. 12 (7), 1018-1030

Kanwal, N., Bostanci, E. and Clark, AF., (2016). Evaluation Method, Dataset Size or Dataset Content: How to Evaluate Algorithms for Image Matching?. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. 55 (3), 378-400

Ehsan, S., Clark, A., Leonardis, A., ur Rehman, N., Khaliq, A., Fasli, M. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2016). A Generic Framework for Assessing the Performance Bounds of Image Feature Detectors. Remote Sensing. 8 (11), 928-928

Kanwal, N., Bostanci, E., Currie, K. and Clark, AF., (2015). A Navigation System for the Visually Impaired: A Fusion of Vision and Depth Sensor. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics. 2015, 1-16

Bostanci, E., Kanwal, N. and Clark, AF., (2015). Augmented reality applications for cultural heritage using Kinect. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences. 5 (1)

Ehsan, S., Clark, AF., Naveed ur Rehman and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2015). Integral Images: Efficient Algorithms for Their Computation and Storage in Resource-Constrained Embedded Vision Systems.. Sensors. 15 (7), 16804-16830

Kanwal, N., Bostanci, E. and Clark, AF., (2014). Matching corners using the informative arc. IET Computer Vision. 8 (3), 245-253

Bostanci, E., Kanwal, N. and Clark, AF., (2014). Spatial Statistics of Image Features for Performance Comparison. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 23 (1), 153-162

Bostanci, E., Kanwal, N., Ehsan, S. and Clark, AF., (2013). User Tracking Methods for Augmented Reality. International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering. 5 (1), 93-98

Ehsan, S., Clark, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2013). Rapid Online Analysis of Local Feature Detectors and Their Complementarity. Sensors. 13 (8), 10876-10907

Ehsan, S., Kanwal, N., Clark, AF. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2012). An algorithm for the contextual adaption of SURF octave selection with good matching performance: best octaves.. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 21 (1), 297-304

Kanwal, N., Bostanci, E. and Clark, AF., (2012). Describing corners using angle, mean intensity and entropy of informative arcs. Electronics Letters. 48 (4), 209-210

Ehsan, S., Kanwal, N., Clark, AF. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2010). Improved repeatability measures for evaluating performance of feature detectors. Electronics Letters. 46 (14), 998-998

Thacker, NA., Clark, AF., Barron, JL., Ross Beveridge, J., Courtney, P., Crum, WR., Ramesh, V. and Clark, C., (2008). Performance characterization in computer vision: A guide to best practices. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 109 (3), 305-334

Johnston, DJ., Fleury, M., Downton, AC. and Clark, AF., (2005). Real-time positioning for augmented reality on a custom parallel machine. Image and Vision Computing. 23 (3), 271-286

Fleury, M., Clark, AF. and Downton, AC., (2001). Evaluating optical-flow algorithms on a parallel machine. Image and Vision Computing. 19 (3), 131-143

Fleury, M., Downton, AC. and Clark, AF., (2000). Karhunen-Loève transform: An exercise in simple image-processing parallel pipelines. Computers and Artificial Intelligence. 19 (1), 19-36

Fleury, M., Downton, AC. and Clark, AF., (2000). Pipelined parallelisation of automatic face inspection. Machine Vision and Applications. 12 (4), 203-211

Clark, AF., Downton, AC. and Fleury, M., (2000). Performance metrics for embedded parallel pipelines. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 11 (11), 1164-1185

Newman, NJ. and Clark, AF., (2000). Contextual wearable interfaces. IEE Colloquium (Digest) (145)

Johnston, DJ. and Clark, AF., (2000). Position determination for wearables. IEE Colloquium (Digest) (145)

Fleury, M., Downton, AC. and Clark, AF., (2000). Analysis, Prediction, Template Toolkit (APTT) for object-based computation. IEE Proceedings - Software. 147 (2), 37-37

Fleury, M., Sarvan, N., Downton, AC. and Clark, AF., (1999). Methodology and tools for system analysis of parallel pipelines. Concurrency: Practice and Experience. 11 (11), 655-670

Fleury, M., Downton, AC. and Clark, AF., (1999). Constructing generic data-farm templates. Concurrency: Practice and Experience. 11 (9), 509-528

Al-Qayedi, A. and Clark, AF., (1999). Hybrid semantic and codebook mouth animation schemefor model-based coded video. Electronics Letters. 35 (10), 805-806

Fleury, M., Downton, AC. and Clark, AF., (1999). Scheduling schemes for data farming. IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques. 146 (5), 227-227

FLEURY, M., HAYAT, L. and CLARK, AF., (1998). Parallel reconfiguration in an image-processing context. Concurrency: Practice and Experience. 10 (4), 249-263

Fleury, M. and Clark, AF., (1998). Parallelising a set of 2-D frequency transforms in a flexible manner. IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image, and Signal Processing. 145 (1), 65-65

Clark, C. and Clark, AF., (1998). Spectral identification by singular value decomposition. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 19 (12), 2317-2329

Fleury, M., Downton, AC. and Clark, AF., (1998). Confidence testing optical-flow estimates. Electronics Letters. 34 (5), 446-447

Fleury, M., Downton, AC. and Clark, AF., (1998). Co-design by parallel prototyping: Optical-flow detection case study. IEE Colloquium (Digest) (197)

Fleury, M. and Clark, AF., (1997). Sampling concerns in scanline algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 16 (3), 349-361

Fleury, M., Downton, AC. and Clark, AF., (1997). Modelling pipelines for embedded parallel processorsystem design. Electronics Letters. 33 (22), 1852-1853

Sava, H., Fleury, M., Downton, AC. and Clark, AF., (1997). Parallel pipeline implementation of wavelet transforms. IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image, and Signal Processing. 144 (6), 355-355

Fleury, M., Downton, AC., Clark, AF. and Sava, HP., (1997). Design of a clock synchronisation sub-system for parallel embedded systems. IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques. 144 (2), 65-65

Courtney, P., Thacker, N. and Clark, AF., (1997). Algorithmic modelling for performance evaluation. Machine Vision and Applications. 9 (5-6), 219-228

Clark, C. and Clark, AF., (1997). Pattern recognition through optimization: Experiments with spectrometer data. IEE Colloquium (Digest) (18)

Ieury, MF., Downton, AC., Clark, AF. and Sava, HP., (1997). Design of a clock synchronisation sub-system for parallel embedded systems. IEE Proceedings: Computers and Digital Techniques. 144 (2), 57-64

Fleury, M., Hayat, L. and Clark, AF., (1996). Parallel entropic auto-thresholding. Image and Vision Computing. 14 (4), 247-263

Fleury, M., Hayat, L. and Clark, AF., (1996). Evaluating the performance of parallel programs in a distributed environment. IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques. 143 (2), 97-97

Hayat, L., Fleury, M. and Clark, AF., (1996). Candidate Functions for a Parallel Multi-level Thresholding Technique. Graphical Models and Image Processing. 58 (4), 360-381

Hayat, L., (1995). Two-dimensional median filter algorithm for parallel reconfigurable computers. IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image, and Signal Processing. 142 (6), 345-345

Fleury, M., (1995). Parallelising grey-scale coordinate transforms. IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image, and Signal Processing. 142 (4), 207-207

Chowdhury, MF., Clark, AF., Downton, AC., Morimatsu, E. and Pearson, DE., (1994). A switched model-based coder for video signals. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 4 (3), 216-227

Book chapters (2)

Bostanci, E., Kanwal, N. and Clark, AF., (2015). Augmented reality for cultural heritage using vision-based user tracking: A fusion approach. In: Augmented Reality: Developments, Technologies and Applications. 109- 158

Kanwal, N., Ehsan, S. and Clark, AF., (2011). Are Performance Differences of Interest Operators Statistically Significant?. In: Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. Editors: Real, P., Diaz-Pernil, D., Molina-Abril, H., Berciano, A. and Kropatsch, W., . Springer. 429- 436. 978-3-642-23677-8

Conferences (82)

Al-Taie, I., Clark, A. and Azeez, N., Similarity Measures and the Performance of Biometric Systems

Al-Taie, I., Clark, A. and Azeez, N., Improving The Viola-Jones Face Detection Performance by Using The Brightness Channel in HSV and HLS Colour Spaces

Clark, A., Machine learning cannot do everything! (invited talk)

Rob Mahid, MM., Clark, AF., Woods, JC., Zhai, X. and Brennan, J., (2024). UAV and AI-Driven Approaches for Accurate Species Classification in Railway Trackside Vegetation Management

Garcia Seco De Herrera, A., Ionescu, B., Müller, H., Péteri, R., Ben Abacha, A., Friedrich, CM., Rückert, J., Bloch, L., Brüngel, R., Idrissi-Yaghir, A., Schäfer, H., Kozlovski, S., Dicente Cid, Y., Kovalev, V., Chamberlain, J., Clark, A., Campello, A., Schindler, H., Deshayes, J., Popescu, A., S¸tefan, L-D., Constantin, MG. and Dogariu, M., (2022). ImageCLEF 2022: Multimedia Retrieval in Medical, Nature, Fusion, and Internet Applications

Chamberlain, J., Garcia Seco De Herrera, A., Campello, A. and Clark, A., (2022). ImageCLEFcoral task: Coral reef image annotation and localisation

Ionescu, B., Müller, H., Péteri, R., Rückert, J., Abacha, AB., GARCIA SECO DE HERRERA, A., Friedrich, CM., Bloch, L., Brüngel, R., Idrissi-Yaghir, A., Schäfer, H., Kozlovski, S., Cid, YD., Kovalev, V., Ştefan, L-D., Constantin, MG., Dogariu, M., Popescu, A., Deshayes-Chossart, J., Schindler, H., Chamberlain, J., Campello, A. and Clark, A., (2022). Overview of the ImageCLEF 2022: Multimedia Retrieval in Medical, Social Media and Nature Applications

Ionescu, B., Müller, H., Péteri, R., Ben Abacha, A., Demner-Fushman, D., Hasan, SA., Sarrouti, M., Pelka, O., Friedrich, C., Garcia Seco De Herrera, A., Jacutprakart, J., Kovalev, V., Kozlovski, S., Liauchuk, V., Dicente Cid, Y., Chamberlain, J., Clark, A., Campello, A., Moustahfid, H., Oliver, T., Schulz, A., Brie, P., Berari, R., Fichou, D., Tautenau, A., Dogariu, M., Stefan, LD., Constantin, MG., Deshayes, J. and Popescu, A., (2021). The 2021 ImageCLEF Benchmark: Multimedia Retrieval in Medical, Nature, Internet and Social Media Applications

Chamberlain, J., Garcia Seco De Herrera, A., Campello, A., Clark, A., Oliver, TA. and Moustahfid, H., (2021). Overview of ImageCLEFcoral 2021: Coral reef image annotation of a 3D environment

Ionescu, B., Müller, H., Péteri, R., Abacha, AB., Sarrouti, M., Demner-Fushman, D., Hasan, SA., Kozlovski, S., Liauchuk, V., Cid, YD., Kovalev, V., Pelka, O., Garcia Seco De Herrera, A., Jacutprakart, J., Friedrich, CM., Berari, R., Tauteanu, A., Fichou, D., Brie, P., Dogariu, M., Ştefan, LD., Constantin, MG., Chamberlain, J., Campello, A., Clark, A., Oliver, TA., Moustahfid, H., Popescu, A. and Deshayes-Chossart, J., (2021). Overview of the ImageCLEF 2021: Multimedia Retrieval in Medical, Nature, Internet and Social Media Applications

Azeez, N., Yahya, W., Al-Taie, I., Basbrain, A. and Clark, A., (2020). Regional Agricultural Land Classification Based on Random Forest (RF), Decision Tree, and SVMs Techniques

Ionescu, B., Müller, H., Péteri, R., Dang-Nguyen, D-T., Zhou, L., Piras, L., Riegler, M., Halvorsen, P., Tran, M-T., Lux, M., Gurrin, C., Chamberlain, J., Clark, A., Campello, A., Garcia Seco De Herrera, A., Ben Abacha, A., Datla, V., A. Hasan, S., Liu, J., Demner-Fushman, D., Obioma, P., Friedrich, CM., Dicente Cid, Y., Kozlovski, S., Liauchuk, V., Kovalev, V., Berari, R., Brie, P., Fichou, D., Dogariu, M., Daniel Stefan, L. and Constantin, MG., (2020). ImageCLEF 2020: Multimedia Retrieval in Lifelogging, Medical, Nature, and Security Applications

Ionescu, B., Müller, H., Péteri, R., Abacha, AB., Datla, V., Hasan, SA., Demner-Fushman, D., Kozlovski, S., Liauchuk, V., Cid, YD., Kovalev, V., Pelka, O., Friedrich, CM., García Seco de Herrera, A., Ninh, V-T., Le, T-K., Zhou, L., Piras, L., Riegler, M., Halvorsen, P., Tran, M-T., Lux, M., Gurrin, C., Dang-Nguyen, D-T., Chamberlain, J., Clark, A., Campello, A., Fichou, D., Berari, R., Brie, P., Dogariu, M., Ştefan, LD. and Constantin, MG., (2020). Overview of the ImageCLEF 2020: Multimedia Retrieval in Medical, Lifelogging, Nature, and Internet Applications

Ionescu, B., Müller, H., Péteri, R., Abacha, AB., Datla, V., Hasan, SA., Demner-Fushman, D., Kozlovski, S., Liauchuk, V., Cid, YD., Kovalev, V., Pelka, O., Friedrich, CM., Garcia Seco De Herrera, A., Ninh, V-T., Le, T-K., Zhou, L., Piras, L., Riegler, M., Halvorsen, PL., Tran, M-T., Lux, M., Gurrin, C., Dang-Nguyen, D-T., Chamberlain, J., Clark, A., Campello, A., Fichou, D., Berari, R., Brie, P., Dogariu, M., Stefan, LD. and Constantin, MG., (2020). ImageCLEF 2020: Multimedia Retrieval in Lifelogging, Medical, Nature, and Internet Applications

Chamberlain, J., Campello, A., Wright, JP., Clift, LG., Clark, A. and García Seco de Herrera, A., (2020). Overview of the ImageCLEFcoral 2020 Task: Automated Coral Reef Image Annotation

Ionescu, B., Müller, H., Péteri, R., Dang-Nguyen, D-T., Piras, L., Riegler, M., Tran, M-T., Lux, M., Gurrin, C., Cid, YD., Liauchuk, V., Kovalev, V., Ben Abacha, A., Hasan, SA., Datla, V., Liu, J., Demner-Fushman, D., Pelka, O., Friedrich, CM., Chamberlain, J., Clark, A., Garcia Seco De Herrera, A., Garcia, N., Kavallieratou, E., del Blanco, CR., Rodríguez, CC., Vasillopoulos, N. and Karampidis, K., (2019). ImageCLEF 2019: Multimedia Retrieval in Lifelogging, Medical, Nature, and Security Applications

Chamberlain, J., Campello, A., Wright, J., Clift, L., Clark, A. and Seco De Herrera, AG., (2019). Overview of ImageCLEFcoral 2019 task

Ionescu, B., Müller, H., Péteri, R., Cid, YD., Liauchuk, V., Kovalev, V., Klimuk, D., Tarasau, A., Abacha, AB., Hasan, SA., Datla, V., Liu, J., Demner-Fushman, D., Dang-Nguyen, D-T., Piras, L., Riegler, M., Tran, M-T., Lux, M., Gurrin, C., Pelka, O., Friedrich, CM., Garcia Seco De Herrera, A., Garcia, N., Kavallieratou, E., del Blanco, CR., Cuevas, C., Vasillopoulos, N., Karampidis, K., Chamberlain, J., Clark, A. and Campello, A., (2019). ImageCLEF 2019: Multimedia Retrieval in Medicine, Lifelogging, Security and Nature

Steffens, A., Campello, A., Ravenscroft, J., Clark, A. and Hagras, H., (2019). Deep segmentation: Using deep convolutional networks for coral reef pixel-wise parsing

Al-Taie, I., Azeez, N., Yahya, W., Basbrain, A. and Clark, A., (2019). Biometric Recognition Systems Based on SVMpca and SVMpca,lda Techniques

Rahman, A., Clift, LG. and Clark, AF., (2019). Comparing Gestural Interfaces using Kinect and OpenPose

Clift, LG., Lepley, J., Hagras, H. and Clark, A., (2018). Autonomous computational intelligence-based behaviour recognition in security and surveillance

Kyle-Davidson, CP. and Clark, AF., (2018). Neural Network Components for Evolved Vision Systems

Basbrain, AM., Gan, JQ., Sugimoto, A. and Clark, A., (2018). A Neural Network Approach to Score Fusion for Emotion Recognition

Azeez, N., Al-Taie, I., Yahya, W., Basbrain, A. and Clark, A., (2018). Regional Agricultural Land Texture Classification Based on GLCMs, SVM and Decision Tree Induction Techniques

Clift, LG. and Clark, AF., (2017). Video frame extraction for 3D reconstruction

Basbrain, AM., Gan, JQ. and Clark, A., (2017). Accuracy enhancement of the viola-jones algorithm for thermal face detection

Basbrain, AM., Al-Taie, I., Azeez, N., Gan, JQ. and Clark, A., (2017). Shallow convolutional neural network for eyeglasses detection in facial images

Al-Taie, I., Azeez, N., Basbrain, A. and Clark, A., (2017). The Effect of Distance Similarity Measures on the Performance of Face, Ear and Palm Biometric Systems

Yimyam, P. and Clark, AF., (2016). 3D reconstruction and feature extraction for agricultural produce grading

Clift, LG. and Clark, AF., (2015). Determining positions and distances using collaborative robots

Ehsan, S., Clark, AF., Ferrarini, B., Rehman, NU. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2015). Assessing the performance bounds of local feature detectors: Taking inspiration from electronics design practices

Ehsan, S., Clark, AF., Cheung, WM., Bais, AM., Menzat, BI., Kanwal, N. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2014). Memory-Efficient Design Strategy for a Parallel Embedded Integral Image Computation Engine

Bostanci, E., Kanwal, N. and Clark, AF., (2013). Kinect-Derived Augmentation of the Real World for Cultural Heritage

Yimyam, P. and Clark, AF., (2013). Adding new features and classes to classifiers evolved using genetic programming

Bostanci, E., Clark, AF. and Kanwal, N., (2012). Vision-based User Tracking for Outdoor Augmented Reality

Yimyam, P. and Clark, AF., (2012). Agricultural produce grading by computer vision using Genetic Programming

Bostanci, E., Kanwal, N. and Clark, AF., (2012). Extracting planar features from Kinect sensor

Bostanci, E., Clark, AF. and Kanwal, N., (2012). Vision-based user tracking for outdoor augmented reality

Bostanci, E., Kanwal, N. and Clark, AF., (2012). Feature coverage for better homography estimation: An application to image stitching

Kanwal, N., Ehsan, S., Bostanci, E. and Clark, AF., (2011). A statistical approach for comparing the performances of corner detectors

Kanwal, N., Ehsan, S. and Clark, AF., (2011). Are Performance Differences of Interest Operators Statistically Significant?

Bostanci, E. and Clark, AF., (2011). Living the Past in the Future

Ehsan, S., Kanwal, N., Clark, AF. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2011). Measuring the Coverage of Interest Point Detectors

Kanwal, N., Ehsan, S., Bostanci, E. and Clark, AF., (2011). Evaluating the angular sensitivity of corner detectors

Al-Muhairi, H., Fleury, M. and Clark, AF., (2011). Parameter-orientated segmentation algorithm evaluation

Clark, AF., Woods, JC. and Oechsle, O., (2010). A low-cost airborne platform for ecological monitoring

Ehsan, S., Clark, AF. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2010). Hardware Based Scale- and Rotation-Invariant Feature Extraction: A Retrospective Analysis and Future Directions

Almuhairi, H., Fleury, M. and Clark, AF., (2010). Time-weighted evaluation of image segmentation with a genetic algorithm

Pagonis, J. and Clark, AF., (2010). Engene: A genetic algorithm classifier for content-based recommender systems that does not require continuous user feedback

Ehsan, S., Kanwal, N., Bostanci, E., Clark, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2010). Analysis of interest point distribution in SURF octaves

Almuhairi, H., Fleury, M. and Clark, AF., (2009). Time-weighted quantitative testing of image segmentation with a genetic algorithm

Ehsan, S., Clark, AF. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2009). Novel Hardware Algorithms for Row-Parallel Integral Image Calculation

Oechsle, O. and Clark, AF., (2008). Feature Extraction and Classification by Genetic Programming

Al-Muhairi, H., Fleury, M. and Clark, AF., (2007). Computationally Efficient Quantitative Testing of Image Segmentation with a Genetic Algorithm

Al-Muhairi, H., Fleury, M. and Clark, AF., (2007). A computationally efficient evaluation environment for image segmentation

Holland, O., Woods, J., De Nardi, R. and Clar, A., (2005). Beyond swarm intelligence: the ultraswarm

Johnston, DJ. and Clark, AF., (2003). A Vision-Based Location System Using Fiducials

Moxey, CE., Noakes, PD. and Clark, AF., (2002). Large-scale scene reconstruction using periscopic stereo

Lincoln, MC. and Clark, AF., (2001). Pose-Independent Face Identification from Video Sequences

Al-Qayedi, AM. and Clark, AF., (2000). Constant-rate eye tracking and animation for model-based-coded video

Lincoln, MC. and Clark, AF., (2000). Towards pose-independent face recognition

Al-Qayedi, A., (1999). An algorithm for face and facial-feature location based on grey-scale information and facial geometry

Sarvan, N., (1999). Analysis Prediction Template Toolkit (APTT) for real-time image processing

Fleury, M., Downton, AC. and Clark, AF., (1999). Parallel Structure in an Integrated Speech-Recognition Network

Newman, NJ. and Clark, AF., (1999). Sulawesi: a wearable application integration framework

Martin, P., Callaghan, V. and Clark, A., (1999). High performance distributed objects using caching proxies for large scale applications

Durrant, R., Sweeney, J., Fleury, M., Downton, AC. and Clark, AE., (1999). Providing structure for medium-grained distributed object-based computation

Carson, JA. and Clark, AF., (1999). Multicast shared virtual worlds using VRML97

Fleury, M., Sarvan, N., Downton, AC. and Clark, AF., (1998). A parallel-system design toolset for vision and image processing

Chan, SW., (1997). Periscopic stereo for virtual world creation

Fleury, M., Sava, H., Downton, AC. and Clark, AF., (1997). Real-time parallel image-processing model

Sava, H., (1997). Fast implementation of discrete wavelet transform based on pipeline processor farming

Fleury, M., Downton, AC. and Clark, AF., (1997). Karhünen-Loève transform: An exercise in simple image-processing parallel pipelines

Clark, C., (1997). Automatic spectral classification of imaging spectrometer data

Wang, Q., (1995). Pyramidal coding of super high definition images

Clark, AF. and Kokuer, M., (1994). A model-based codec with potential for deaf communication


Fleury, M. and Clark, AE., (1994). Performance prediction for parallel reconfigurable low-level image processing

Clark, C., Cañas, T. and Clark, A., (1994). Determination of ozone temperature by neural network

Clark, AF. and Kokuer, M., (1992). Feature identification and model tracking for model-based coding

Clark, AF., (1992). Image processing and interchange: the imaging model

Grants and funding


Sortflow AI Mapper Scoping Project - Innovation Voucher

Sortflow Limited


Light Intensity for Optimal Growth in a Vertical Farming Environment

University of Essex (BBSRC IAA)


Railscape Limited KTP Application (2021)

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


Exploration of iOS development techniques to expand the available market of an AR application

Rise AR


Immersive Content solution creation for Asset Management industry

University of Essex (EIRA/Research England)

Developing prototype VOC sensor-based products for determining soil health on-farm

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


Rebuilding Coral Reef Ecosystems with 3D Printing

University of Essex

Rebuilding Coral Reef Ecosystems with 3D Printing

University of Essex

Rebuilding Coral Reef Ecosystems with 3D Printing

University of Essex


Automatic intergration of new sensor capabilities by genetic programming - ACC102137

Ministry Of Defence

Visual classification & tagging, and delivering this ability into the hands of the domain experts.

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


67% - The development of a commercially available Software Development Kit (SDK) that enables Augmented Reality (AR) developers to produce geo-located AR solutions for their clients.

Technology STrategy Board

33% - The development of a commercially available Software Development Kit (SDK) that enables Augmented Reality (AR) developers to produce geo-located AR solutions for their clients.

CGEye Ltd


30% To develop computational intelligence based machine vision tools for dealing with uncertainty in descision making systems

Technology STrategy Board

70% To develop computational intelligence based machine vision tools for dealing with uncertainty in descision making systems

Leonardo MW Ltd


50% To develop and market a cost effective absolute camera pedestal positioning system for television studios

Technology STrategy Board

50% To develop and market a cost effective absolute camera pedestal positioning system for television studios

Vitec Videocom Ltd

+44 (0) 1206 872432


1NW.3.24, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Spring term 2023-24: Thursdays 09:00-11:00 It's a good idea to email me first as I often end up going to a software lab to help people with their problems.

More about me