Dr Geoff Cole

ggcole@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872331
3.711, Colchester Campus
Dr Geoff Colejoined our Department in September 2009. Previously, hespent eight years at the University of Durham, as a post-doctoral research associate (2001-2004) and then as a lecturer (2004-2009). Prior to Durham,he was at the University of Keele wherehe obtainedhis PhD in visual attention (1996-2000) ,before being appointed as a research associate (2000-2001). He was awardedhis BSc (Hons) Psychology from Bolton Institute in 1996.
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Cognitive neuropsychology
Visual cognition
Comparative psychology
Colour vision
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Cognitive Psychology and Economics (EC956)
Cognitive Psychology (PS425)
Animal Behaviour (PS489)
MSc Psychology Research Project (PS900)
Advanced Cognitive Psychology (PS952)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 28/11/2023

Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 31/1/2022

Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/11/2019

Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/7/2018

Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/5/2018

Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 31/3/2016

Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/2/2016

Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/4/2014
Journal articles (76)
Cole, GG. and Kuhn, G., (2025). What Can Conjuring Tell Us About Cognition? The Future of the Science of Magic. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 34 (1), 64-70
Cole, GG., (2024). Is trypophobia real?. BJPsych Open. 10 (2), e48-
Cole, GG., Millett, AC. and Juanchich, M., (2024). The social learning account of trypophobia. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 77 (10), 2076-2083
Cole, GG., Benfield, E. and Samuel, S., (2024). Format-Free Submissions in Psychology-Related Journals. Publications. 12 (3), 29-29
Samuel, S., Cole, GG. and Eacott, MJ., (2023). It's Not You, It's Me: A Review of Individual Differences in Visuospatial Perspective Taking.. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 18 (2), 293-308
Sjoberg, EA., Wilner, RG., D'Souza, A. and Cole, GG., (2023). The Stroop Task Sex Difference: Evolved Inhibition or Color Naming?. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 52 (1), 315-323
Samuel, S., Cole, GG., Eacott, MJ., Edwardson, R. and Course, H., (2023). Evidence for a Weak but Reliable Processing Advantage for False Beliefs Over Similar Nonmental States in Adults.. Cognitive Science. 47 (10), e13364-
Cole, GG., (2023). A Re-Evaluation of the Grievance Studies Affair. Humanities. 12 (5), 116-116
Cole, GG. and Millett, AC., (2023). Visual Cognition and the Science of Magic.. Vision. 7 (3), 56-56
Samuel, S., Eacott, M. and Cole, GG., (2022). Visual perspective taking without visual perspective taking. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 48 (7), 959-965
Eacott, M., Cole, G. and Samuel, S., (2022). A return of mental imagery: The pictorial theory of visual perspective-taking.. Consciousness and Cognition. 102, 103352-103352
Cole, GG., (2022). Evolution according to Matthew. Review of Science Fraud: Darwin's Plagiarism of Patrick Matthew's Theory by M. Sutton, Curtis Press.. Evolution. 76 (9), 2218-2221
Samuel, S., Salo, S., Ladvelin, T., Cole, G. and Eacott, M., (2022). Teleporting into walls? The irrelevance of the physical world in embodied perspective taking. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 30 (3), 1011-1019
Cole, GG., (2021). Why the “Hoax” Paper of Baldwin (2018) Should Be Reinstated. Sociological Methods and Research. 50 (4), 1895-1915
Samuel, S., Hagspiel, K., Eacott, MJ. and Cole, GG., (2021). Visual perspective-taking and image-like representations: We don’t see it.. Cognition. 210, 104607-104607
Cole, GG., (2021). Who’s fooling whom in the science of magic?. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118 (3), e2019540118-
Cole, GG., (2021). The Grievance Studies Affair; One Funeral at a Time: A Reply to Lindsay, Pluckrose, and Boghossian. Sociological Methods and Research. 50 (4), 1937-1945
Samuel, S., Hagspiel, K., Cole, GG. and Eacott, MJ., (2021). 'Seeing’ proximal representations: Testing attitudes to the relationship between vision and images. PLoS One. 16 (8), e0256658-e0256658
Millett, AC., D’Souza, ADC. and Cole, GG., (2020). Attribution of vision and knowledge in ‘spontaneous perspective taking’. Psychological Research. 84 (6), 1758-1765
Cole, GG., (2020). Forcing the issue: Little psychological influence in a magician’s paradigm. Consciousness and Cognition. 84, 103002-103002
Samuel, S., Cole, G. and Eacott, M., (2020). Two independent sources of difficulty in Perspective-taking/theory of mind tasks. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 27 (6), 1341-1347
Cole, GG., Millett, AC., Samuel, S. and Eacott, MJ., (2020). Perspective-Taking: In Search of a Theory.. Vision. 4 (2), 30-30
Le, A., Cole, GG. and Wilkins, A., (2020). Trypophobia: Heart rate, heart rate variability and cortical haemodynamic response. Journal of Affective Disorders. 274, 1147-1151
Dent, K. and Cole, G., (2019). Gatecrashing the Visual Cocktail Party: How Visual and Semantic Similarity Modulate the Own Name Benefit in the Attentional Blink. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 72 (5), 1102-1111
Samuel, S., Cole, G. and Eacott, M., (2019). Grammatical gender and linguistic relativity: A systematic review. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 26 (6), 1767-1786
Cole, GG. and Millett, AC., (2019). The closing of the theory of mind: A critique of perspective-taking. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 26 (6), 1787-1802
Cole, GG., Welsh, TN. and Skarratt, PA., (2019). The role of transients in action observation. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics. 81 (7), 2177-2191
Sjoberg, EA. and Cole, GG., (2018). Sex Differences on the Go/No-Go Test of Inhibition. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 47 (2), 537-542
Atkinson, MA., Simpson, AA. and Cole, GG., (2018). Visual attention and action: How cueing, direct mapping, and social interactions drive orienting. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 25 (5), 1585-1605
Cole, GG., Atkinson, MA., D'Souza, ADC., Welsh, TN. and Skarratt, PA., (2018). Are goal states represented during kinematic imitation?. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 44 (2), 226-242
Kuhn, G., Vacaityte, I., D'Souza, ADC., Millett, AC. and Cole, GG., (2018). Mental states modulate gaze following, but not automatically. Cognition. 180, 1-9
Atkinson, MA., Millett, AC., Doneva, SP., Simpson, A. and Cole, GG., (2018). How social is social inhibition of return?. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics. 80 (8), 1892-1903
Manzone, J., Cole, G., Skarratt, PA. and Welsh, TN., (2017). Response-specific effects in a joint action task: social inhibition of return effects do not emerge when observed and executed actions are different. Psychological Research. 81 (5), 1059-1071
Doneva, SP., Atkinson, MA., Skarratt, PA. and Cole, GG., (2017). Action or attention in social inhibition of return?. Psychological Research. 81 (1), 43-54
Cole, GG., Atkinson, MA., D'Souza, ADC. and Smith, DT., (2017). Spontaneous Perspective Taking in Humans?. Vision. 1 (2), 17-17
Kuhn, G., Pickering, A. and Cole, GG., (2016). “Rare” emotive faces and attentional orienting.. Emotion. 16 (1), 1-5
Cole, GG., Atkinson, M., Le, ATD. and Smith, DT., (2016). Do humans spontaneously take the perspective of others?. Acta Psychologica. 164, 165-168
Cole, GG., Skarratt, PA. and Kuhn, G., (2016). Real Person Interaction in Visual Attention Research. European Psychologist. 21 (2), 141-149
Cole, GG., Smith, DT. and Atkinson, MA., (2015). Mental state attribution and the gaze cueing effect. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 77 (4), 1105-1115
Cole, GG., Wright, D., Doneva, SP. and Skarratt, PA., (2015). When Your Decisions Are Not (Quite) Your Own: Action Observation Influences Free Choices. PLOS ONE. 10 (5), e0127766-e0127766
Le, ATD., Cole, GG. and Wilkins, AJ., (2015). Assessment of trypophobia and an analysis of its visual precipitation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 68 (11), 2304-2322
Cole, G., Wright, D., Doneva, SP. and Skarratt, PA., (2015). When Your Decisions Are Not (Quite) Your Own: Action Observation Influences Free Choices. PloS One. 10 (5), creators-Cole=3AGeoff=3A=3A
Doneva, SP. and Cole, GG., (2014). The Role of Attention in a Joint-Action Effect. PLoS ONE. 9 (3), e91336-e91336
Atkinson, M., Simpson, A., Skarratt, PA. and Cole, G., (2014). Is social inhibition of return due to action corepresentation?. Acta Psychologica. 150, 85-93
Skarratt, PA., Gellatly, ARH., Cole, GG., Pilling, M. and Hulleman, J., (2014). Looming motion primes the visuomotor system.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 40 (2), 566-579
Doneva, SP. and Cole, G., (2014). The Role of Attention in a Joint-Action Effect. PLoS ONE. 9 (3), creators-Cole=3AGeoff=3A=3A
Sjoberg, E., Cannon, L. and Cole, G., (2014). Effects of Foraging Related Stimuli on OLM (Object Location Memory) and Perceptual Search in the Hunter-Gatherer Theory. Psychology Research. 4 (3), 157-167
Cole, GG. and Wilkins, AJ., (2013). Fear of Holes. Psychological Science. 24 (10), 1980-1985
Cole, GG., Skarratt, PA. and Billing, R-C., (2012). Do action goals mediate social inhibition of return?. Psychological Research. 76 (6), 736-746
Skarratt, PA., Cole, GG. and Kuhn, G., (2012). Visual cognition during real social interaction. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 6, 196-
Cole, GG., Kuhn, G. and Skarratt, PA., (2011). Non-transient luminance changes do not capture attention. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 73 (5), 1407-1421
de-Wit, LH., Cole, GG., Kentridge, RW. and Milner, AD., (2011). The parallel representation of the objects selected by attention. Journal of Vision. 11 (4), 13-13
de-Wit, LH., Cole, G., Kentridge, RW. and Milner, AD., (2011). The parallel representation of the objects selected by attention. Journal of Vision. 11 (4), 13-13
Cole, GG. and Kuhn, G., (2010). What the experimenter's prime tells the observer's brain. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 72 (5), 1367-1376
Cole, GG. and Kuhn, G., (2010). Attentional capture by object appearance and disappearance. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 63 (1), 147-159
Gellatly, A. and Cole, G., (2010). The time course of attentional capture. Journal of Vision. 2 (7), 535-535
Skarratt, PA., Cole, GG. and Kingstone, A., (2010). Social inhibition of return. Acta Psychologica. 134 (1), 48-54
Cole, GG., Kuhn, G., Heywood, CA. and Kentridge, RW., (2009). The Prioritization of Feature Singletons in the Change Detection Paradigm. Experimental Psychology. 56 (2), 134-146
Cole, GG. and Kuhn, G., (2009). Appearance matters: Attentional orienting by new objects in the precueing paradigm. Visual Cognition. 17 (5), 755-776
Kuhn, G., Tatler, BW. and Cole, GG., (2009). You look where I look! Effect of gaze cues on overt and covert attention in misdirection. Visual Cognition. 17 (6-7), 925-944
Skarratt, PA., Cole, GG. and Gellatly, ARH., (2009). Prioritization of looming and receding objects: Equal slopes, different intercepts. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 71 (4), 964-970
Kuhn, G., Tatler, BW., Findlay, JM. and Cole, GG., (2008). Misdirection in magic: Implications for the relationship between eye gaze and attention. Visual Cognition. 16 (2-3), 391-405
CRUNDALL, D., COLE, GG. and UNDERWOOD, G., (2008). Attentional and automatic processes in line tracing: Is tracing obligatory?. Perception & Psychophysics. 70 (3), 422-430
Cole, GG., Kuhn, G. and Liversedge, SP., (2007). Onset of illusory figures attenuates change blindness. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 14 (5), 939-943
Cole, GG., Skarratt, PA. and Gellatly, ARH., (2007). Object and spatial representations in the corner enhancement effect. Perception & Psychophysics. 69 (3), 400-412
Crundall, D., Cole, GG. and Galpin, A., (2007). Object-based attention is mediated by collinearity of targets. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 60 (1), 137-153
Cole, GG. and Liversedge, SP., (2006). Change blindness and the primacy of object appearance. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 13 (4), 588-593
Gellatly, A., Pilling, M., Cole, G. and Skarratt, P., (2006). What is being masked in object substitution masking?. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 32 (6), 1422-1435
Cole, GG., Kentridge, RW. and Heywood, CA., (2005). Object Onset and Parvocellular Guidance of Attentional Allocation. Psychological Science. 16 (4), 270-274
Cole, GG., Kentridge, RW. and Heywood, CA., (2004). Visual Salience in the Change Detection Paradigm: The Special Role of Object Onset.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 30 (3), 464-477
Cole, GG., Heywood, C., Kentridge, R., Fairholm, I. and Cowey, A., (2003). Attentional capture by colour and motion in cerebral achromatopsia. Neuropsychologia. 41 (13), 1837-1846
Cole, GG., Kentridge, RW., Gellatly, ARH. and Heywood, CA., (2003). Detectability of onsets versus offsets in the change detection paradigm. Journal of Vision. 3 (1), 3-3
Gellatly, A., Cole, G., Fox, C. and Johnson, M., (2003). Response Inhibition Can Affect Reaction Time to Abrupt-Onset Visual Displays. Perception. 32 (11), 1377-1391
Cole, G., Gellatly, A. and Blurton, A., (2001). Effect of object onset on the distribution of visual attention.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 27 (6), 1356-1368
Gellatly, A. and Cole, G., (2000). Accuracy of target detection in new-object and old-object displays.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 26 (3), 889-899
Gellatly, A., Cole, G. and Blurton, A., (1999). Do equiluminant object onsets capture visual attention?. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 25 (6), 1609-1624
Conferences (4)
Doneva, SP. and Cole, GG., (2014). Luminance transients and inhibition of return in a movement-congruency effect.
Atkinson, MA., Cole, GG., Simpson, A. and Skarratt, PA., (2012). Does inhibition of return during joint action reflect individual attentional processes?
Cole, GG. and Kuhn, G., (2010). The role of attention in a masked-prime effect
Kentridge, RW., Cole, GG. and Heywood, CA., (2004). The primacy of chromatic edge processing in normal and cerebrally achromatopsic subjects