
Professor Joel Colón-Ríos

Essex Law School
Professor Joel Colón-Ríos



Joel Colón-Ríos is Professor of Law at Essex Law School. Before joining Essex, Joel was Professor of Law at Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington and Director of the New Zealand Centre for Public Law. His research focuses on the relationship between democracy and constitutionalism, and his publications include Constituent Power and the Law (OUP, 2020) and Adjudicating Revolution: Courts and Constitutional Change (Edward Elgar, 2022). Joel is happy to supervise work on constitutional theory, Latin American constitutionalism, and comparative constitutional law, areas in which he has also published widely.


  • PhD Law York University,

  • LLM Law University of Toronto,

  • Juris Doctor University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras,

  • BA Political Science University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras,

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Public Law (LW103)

  • Comparative Law (LW205)

  • Public Law in Context: Past, Present and Future (LW209)

  • Final Year Research Project (LW304)


Journal articles (60)

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2023). Introduction: seven theses on the constituent power. Journal of Legal Philosophy. 48 (1), 38-43

Velasco-Rivera, M. and Colón-Ríos, JI., (2023). On the legal implications of a ‘permanent’ constituent power. Global Constitutionalism. 12 (2), 269-297

Colón-Ríos, J. and Roznai, Y., (2022). A CONSTITUTIONAL THEORY OF TERRITORIALITY: THE CASE OF PUERTO RICO. Cleveland State Law Review. 70 (2), 279-334

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2022). El estado del derecho constitucional comparado: ¿para qué son las constituciones? [The State of Comparative Constitutional Law: What are Constitutions For?]. Díkaion. 31 (2), 1-27

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2021). Constitutional experimentation. International Journal of Constitutional Law

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2021). Of Omnipotent Things. Connecticut law review. 52 (5), 1335-1356

Colón-Ríos, JI., Hausteiner, EM., Lokdam, H., Pasquino, P., Rubinelli, L. and Selinger, W., (2021). Constituent power and its institutions. Contemporary Political Theory. 20 (4), 926-956

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2021). Constituent Power and the Law. Reply to Critics. Etica e Politica. 23 (3), 293-313

Colón-Ríos, J., (2021). El poder de una Asamblea Constituyente: reflexiones acerca de la Constitución de 1991 y su artículo 376 [The Power of a Constituent Assembly: Reflections on the Constitution of 1991 and its Article 376]. Revista Derecho del Estado (50), 77-98

Colón-Ríos, J., (2020). Arato’s Adventures: between sovereignty and constituent power. Revus. 41 (41), 1-16

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2019). Review of Eoin Daly's Rousseau's Constitutionalism: Austerity and Republican Freedom

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2017). Book Review: The Legal Foundations of Inequality: Constitutionalism in the Americas, 1776-1860

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2016). Constituent Processes and Democratic Ruptures. American Journal of Comparative Law. 64 (2), 505-511

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2016). La Excepción De Orden Público En El Derecho Internacional Privado (The Public Order Exception in Private International Law)

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2016). Democratizar a Puerto Rico (Democratising Puerto Rico)

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2016). Rousseau, Theorist of Constituent Power. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. 36 (4), 885-908

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2016). What Is a Constitutional Transition

(2015). The Search for Environmental Justice

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2015). The Rights of Nature and the New Latin American Constitutionalism

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2015). Constitutionalism and Democracy in Latin America

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2015). Apuntes Sobre Legitimidad Democrática y Asambleas Constituyentes (Notes about Democratic Legitimacy and Constituent Assemblies). Victoria University of Wellington Legal Research Paper (97)

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2015). The Forms and Limits of Constitutional Amendments

Colon-Rios, J., (2015). Introduction: The forms and limits of constitutional amendments. International Journal of Constitutional Law. 13 (3), 567-574

Colón-Ríos, JI. and Hutchinson, A., (2015). Constitutionalising the Senate: A Modest Democratic Proposal. Victoria University of Wellington Legal Research Paper (96)

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2014). A New Typology of Judicial Review of Legislation

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2014). Naturaleza, Legitimación Activa, Y El Río Whanganui (Nature, Standing, and the Whanganui River)

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2014). Experimentation and Regulation

COLÓN-RÍOS, JI., (2014). A new typology of judicial review of legislation. Global Constitutionalism. 3 (2), 143-169

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2014). Constituent Power, the Rights of Nature, and Universal Jurisdiction. McGill Law Journal. 60

Colon-Rios, J., (2013). Beyond Parliamentary Sovereignty and Judicial Supremacy: The Doctrine of Implicit Limits to Constitutional Reform in Latin America. Victoria University of Wellington Law Review. 44 (3/4), 521-534

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2013). TEORÍA CONSTITUCIONAL Y ASAMBLEA CONSTITUYENTE (Constitutional Theory and Constituent Assemblies)

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2013). Notas Sobre La Reforma Constitucional Y Sus Límites (Notes on the Amending Power and its Limits)

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2013). Five Conceptions of Constituent Power

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2012). Chapter 1 - Weak Constitutionalism: Democratic Legitimacy and the Question of Constituent Power

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2012). The Meaning of Majority in the Constitution of Niue. Yearbook of the New Zealand Association for Comparative Law. 17

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2012). The Office of the Speaker and the Constitution of Niue: A Brief Comparative Analysis. Yearbook of the New Zealand Association for Comparative Law. 17

Bennett, MJ. and Colón-Ríos, JI., (2012). Public Participation in New Zealand's Regulatory Processes

Colon-Rios, J. and Hutchinson, AC., (2012). Democracy and revolution: An enduring relationship?. Denver University Law Review. 89 (3), 593-610

Colón Ríos, JI., (2012). The Counter-Majoritarian Difficulty and the Road not Taken: Democratizing Amendment Rules. Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence. 25 (1), 53-78

Colon-Rios, J., (2011). Law, Language and Latin American Constitutions. Victoria University of Wellington Law Review. 42 (2), 367-386

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2011). Kelsen in New Zealand (in Spanish)

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2011). Notes on Democracy and Constitution-Making. New Zealand Journal of Public and International Law. 9 (1)

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2011). Las Opiniones 'Secretas' Del Tribunal Supremo De Estados Unidos: ¿El Fin Del Debate Sobre El Estatus? (The Secret Opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court: The End of the Status Debate?)

Colón-Ríos, JI. and Hevia, M., (2011). From Redistribution to Recognition

Bennett, MJ. and Colón-Ríos, JI., (2011). Public Participation and Regulation

Hutchinson, A. and Colón-Ríos, JI., (2011). Constituciones Duraderas – Una Crítica Democrática (Enduring Constitutions – A Democratic Critique). Anuario de Derecho Público (1)

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2011). De-Constitutionalizing Democracy. California Western Law Review. 47 (1)

Hutchinson, AC. and Colón-Ríos, J., (2011). Democracy and Constitutional Change. Theoria. 58 (127), 43-62

Colón‐Ríos, JI., (2011). Carl Schmitt and Constituent Power in Latin American Courts: The Cases of Venezuela and Colombia. Constellations. 18 (3), 365-388

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2010). New Zealand’s Constitutional Crisis. New Zealand Universities Law Review, Vol. 24. (3)

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2010). The Legitimacy of the Juridical: Constituent Power, Democracy, and the Limits of Constitutional Reform. Osgoode Hall Law Journal. 48, 199-199

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2009). The Second Dimension of Democracy: The People and Their Constitution. Baltic Journal of Law and Politics. 2 (2)

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2009). The Three Waves of the Constitutionalism-Democracy Debate in the United States: (And an Invitation to Return to the First). Willamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution. 18, 1-1

Hevia, M. and Colón-Ríos, JI., (2009). Contemporary Theories of Equality: A Critical Review. Revista Juridica Universidad de Puerto Rico. 74, 131-131

Colón-Ríos, JI. and Hevia, M., (2009). Review Essay: What Makes the International Investment Rules Regime Undemocratic?. German Law Journal. 10 (8), 1309-1320

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2009). The End of the Constitutionalism-Democracy Debate. Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues. 28

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2008). ¿Pueden Haber Enmiendas Constitucionales Inconstitucionales? Una Mirada Al Derecho Comparado (Can There Be Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments? A Comparative Perspective). Victoria University of Wellington Legal Research Paper (95)

Hevia, M. and Colón-Ríos, JI., (2008). The Legal Status of Puerto Rico and the Institutional Requirements of Republicanism

Hutchinson, A. and Colón-Ríos, JI., (2007). What's Democracy Got to Do With It? A Critique of Liberal Constitutionalism. CLPE Research Paper (29)

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2006). Re-Constituting Puerto Rico. Revista del Colegio de Abogados de Puerto Rico. 67

Books (5)

Kay, R. and Colón-Ríos, J., (2022). Adjudicating Revolution. Edward Elgar Publishing. 9781788971324

Colon-Rios, JI., (2020). Constituent Power and the Law. Oxford University Press. 0198785984. 9780198785989

(2019). Quasi-Constitutionality and Constitutional Statutes. Routledge

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2013). La constitución de la democracia. U. Externado de Colombia. 9587720539. 9789587720532

Colón-Ríos, J., (2012). Weak Constitutionalism. Routledge

Book chapters (9)

Colon-Rios, J. and Velasco-Rivera, M., (2023). The Material Constitution in Latin American Courts. In: The Cambridge Handbook of the Material Constitution. Editors: Goldoni, M. and Wilkinson, M., . Cambridge University Press

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2021). Judicial Review and the Democratic Judge. In: Judicial Review. Cambridge University Press. 107- 126

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2020). The constitution of puerto rico. In: The Oxford Handbook of Caribbean Constitutions. Oxford University Press. 391- 418. 0198793049

Colon-Rios, J., (2019). Constituent power, primary assemblies, and the imperative mandate. In: Comparative Constitution Making. Edward Elgar Publishing. 90- 116. 9781785365256

Colón-Ríos, J., (2018). Deliberative Democracy and the Doctrine of Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Deliberative Constitutionalism. Cambridge University Press. 271- 281

Colón-Ríos, J., (2018). Multi-Stage Constitution-Making: From South Africa to Chile?. In: Constitutional Triumphs, Constitutional Disappointments. Cambridge University Press. 294- 311

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2018). Theorising about formal constitutional change: The case of Latin America. In: Comparative Constitutional Theory. 354- 371

Colón-Ríos, J., (2017). Constitution making and constituent power. In: Comparative Constitutional Law in Latin America. Edward Elgar Publishing. 57- 86. 9781785369209

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2015). On the theory and practice of the rights of nature. In: The Search for Environmental Justice. Edward Elgar Publishing. 120- 134. 9781784719418

Reports and Papers (3)

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2022). The State of Comparative Constitutional Law: A Democratic Critique

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2021). Constituent Power and Referenda

Colón-Ríos, JI., (2021). El poder de una Asamblea Constituyente: reflexiones acerca de la Constitución de 1991 y su artículo 376 (The Power of a Constituent Assembly: Reflections on the Constitution of 1991 and its Article 376)

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