
Dr Julia Constantino Chagas Lessa

Essex Law School
Dr Julia Constantino Chagas Lessa

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Essex Law Key Skills (LW100)

  • Legal Research and Academic Skills (LW517)

  • Carriage of Goods By Sea (LW604)

  • Maritime Law and Wet Shipping (LW620)

  • Career Development Learning Part 1 (LW111)


Journal articles (9)

Constantino Chagas Lessa, J., (2022). All is well that ends well” -Smart Ports in Brazil – hurdles, success, and their economic impact. International Trade Law and Regulation (4), 22-37

Constantino Chagas Lessa, J., (2020). Covid-19 -What about seafarers? The impact of Covid-19 on seafarers. Shipping and Trade Law

Constantino Chagas Lessa, J., (2019). “Is Singapore’s Company Law on Corporate Groups Deficient with Regard to Veil Piercing?”. International Company and Commercial Law Review (11), 629-645

Constantino Chagas Lessa, J. and Barbaba, I., (2017). Is International Trade Prepared for Multimodal Bill Of Lading? - An Analysis Of The Usage Of Multimodal Bills In International Trade And Its Legal Impacts. Marmara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Hukuk Araştırmaları Dergis. 23, 441-464

Constantino Chagas Lessa, J., (2016). “An Overview of the Maritime Labour Convention and its first years in force”. Journal of International Maritime Law, 379-379

Constantino Chagas Lessa, J., (2014). “MLC: Much Ado About Nothing?”. European Transport Law Journal, 119-119

Constantino Chagas Lessa, J. and Arvanitis, D., (2014). Offshore Platforms’ Seafarers: an excluded group within an overlooked sector?”. European Transport Law Journal, 133-133

Constantino Chagas Lessa, J. and Hjalmarsson, J., (2014). Repatriation and financial security for seafarers: amendments to Maritime Labour Convention. Shipping and Trade Law

Constantino Chagas Lessa, J., (2013). “Abandonment of seafarers following a piracy attack – breach or no breach of the employment contract”?. MarIus nr. 424 [2013], 523-546

Book chapters (5)

Constantino Chagas Lessa, J., ‘How wide are the shoulders of a Flag of Convenience Country?. In: Comparative Perspectives in Maritime, Transport and International Trade Law. Editors: Musi, M., . Libreria Bonomo Editrice. 227- 252

Constantino-Chagas-Lessa, J. and Bulut Sahin, B., (2020). A New Era A New Risk: A Study on the Impact of the Developments of New Technologies in the Shipping Industry and Marine Insurance Market. In: InsurTech: A Legal and Regulatory View. Editors: Marano, P. and Noussia, K., . Springer. 313- 342. 3030273857. 978-3-030-27388-0

Constantino Chagas Lessa, J., (2019). Are Autonomous Vessels to Provide a More Safe and Secure Shipping in the Current Regulatory Framework? Let the Scramble Game Begin?”. In: Maritime, Port and Transport Law. Editors: Musi, M., . Bonomo Editore

Constantino Chagas Lessa, J., (2019). The Maritime Labor Convention: A Code of minimum Rights and maximum impact. In: Codification of Maritime Law - Challenges and Opportunities. Editors: Pepłowska-Dąbrowska, Z. and Nawrot, J., . Routledge

Constantino Chagas Lessa, J., (2015). The Realm of Classification Societies. A brief legal analysis of Classification Societies in the shipping industry: their role, importance, and regulation. In: New challenges in Maritime Law: de lege lata et de lege ferenda". Editors: Musi, M., . Bonono editore. 189- 216

Thesis dissertation (1)

Constantino Chagas Lessa, J., Title: Deconstructing ‘abandonment of seafarer’- A study on the transnationality of abandonment of seafarers: To what extent do private actors/ shipping industry stakeholders have an impact on abandonment of seafarers?

Other (3)

Constantino Chagas Lessa, J., (2019).Book Review - Maritime Labour Convention 2006: UK And Reg Implementation. By Charles Boyle. Bloomsbury Professional (2018) xlxi and Appendices Hardback. Journal of International Maritime Law. 25(2),Lawtext Publishing

Constantino Chagas Lessa, J., (2017).An Overview of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006,Westlaw

Constantino Chagas Lessa, J., (2014).Book Review - The Maritime Labour Convention 2006, International Labour Law Redefined, edited by Jennifer Lavelle. Journal of International Maritime Law. 20(4),Lawtext Publishing



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