Dr Simon Cooper

sjcoop@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 876267
5S.4.20, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Monday 12 - 1pm or please email for an appointment
Dr Simon Cooper is the Director of Criminal Law at The University of Essex. Dr Cooper’s research focuses on Police and Crime Commissioners. Recommendations from his recent research have been noted by Parliament, Government, The Home Affairs Committee, Policing Leaders, The House of Commons, The House of Lords and The Strategic Review of Policing in England and Wales. For example, please see: 1. The Home Affairs Committee - Policing Priorities HC 635 (2023). 2. UK Parliament Post - Trust in the police, Number 693 (2023). 3. The Strategic Review of Policing in England and Wales - The Final Report of The Strategic Review of Policing in England and Wales (2022). 4. The House of Lords - Police and Crime Commissioners: Powers and functions (2022). 5. The House of Commons - Police and Crime Commissioners, Number 6104 (2021). His research has been covered by The Times and The Guardian. Dr Cooper is currently consulting on a project with the Police, HM Prison Service and The Probation Service. Dr Cooper would welcome postgraduate research supervision in the area of police accountability, in particular Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs).
PhD University of Essex,
LLM University of Essex,
BVC City University London,
LLB University of East Anglia,
Fellow Higher Education Academy,
Associate Fellow, Higher Education Academy
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Police and Crime Commissioners
Policing and police accountability
Conferences and presentations
Police and Crime Commissioners: s.38 PRSRA 2011, A Corrosive Power?
University of Essex Administrative Power Symposium,, 1/10/2018
2018: Police and Crime Commissioners: A Corrosive Power?
Society of Legal Scholars, 2/9/2018
2014: Making Police Accountable: Governance and Legitimacy
2013: The Challenges for Policing in the 21st Century, Police and Crime Commissioners Conference
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Criminal Law (LW104)
Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice: Law, Policy and Practice (LW349)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/7/2024
Journal articles (3)
Cooper, S., (2022). Police Relational Accountabilities: The Paralysis of Police Accountability?. Policing: a journal of policy and practice. 17
Cooper, S., (2021). Police and Crime Commissioners: A Dislocated Expectation?. Policing: a journal of policy and practice. 15 (3), 1916-1932
Cooper, SJ., (2020). Police and Crime Commissioners: a corrosive exercise of power which destabilises police accountability?. Criminal Law Review. 2020 (4), 291-305
Thesis dissertation (1)
Cooper, SJ., (2018). Holding the police to account: A critical analysis of the structures of police accountability and the introduction and operation of Police and Crime Commissioners
Other (3)
Cooper, S., (2024).Submission of Written Evidence: The Home Affairs Committee, Police and Crime Commissioners: 10 years on [January 2024]. Submission reference: (PPC0002),UK Parliament, Home Affairs Committee
Cooper, S., (2022).The Strategic Review of Policing in England and Wales, Submission of Evidence Phase 2,The Police Foundation
Cooper, S., (2022).Submission of Written Evidence: The Home Affairs Committee, Policing Priorities Inquiry [November 2022]. Submission reference: RKV713065,House of Commons, Home Affairs Committee
Grants and funding
Strengthening the Independence and Effectiveness of Police Governance: Reforms to the System of Police and Crime Commissioners [PCCs]
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
Academic support hours:
Monday 12 - 1pm or please email for an appointment