Dr Rael Dawtry

rjdawt@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872899
4.717, Colchester Campus
University of Kent, 2012 - 2015 - PhD Social Psychology. Title: Why wealthier people think people are wealthier, and why it matters: From social sampling to attitudes to redistribution. Supervisor: Prof. R.M. Sutton
University of Essex, 2009 - 2010 - MSc Research Methods in Psychology
University of Essex, 2004 - 2007 - BSc (Hons.) Psychology
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Social cognition; political psychology; social comparison; relative deprivation; inequality; socioecological psychology; applied social psychology; just-world theory; immanent justice reasoning; judgment and decision making. I have a particular interest in how socioecological factors (e.g., economic structure, culture, institutions) shape political cognition, beliefs and attitudes.
Current research
Title: Rejecting Innocent Victims: The Roles of Relative Judgments and Emotional Impact.Principal Investigator: Dr Mitchell J. Callan. Funding: The Leverhulme Trust
Conferences and presentations
Dawtry, R. J., Sutton, R. M. & Sibley, C. G. (June, 2015). Why wealthier people think people are wealthier, and why it matters: From social sampling to attitudes to redistribution. Poster presented at the Eastern ARC Political Psychology Workshop, University of Kent, UK.
Canterbury, United Kingdom, 2015
Dawtry, R. J., Sutton, R. M. & Sibley, C. G. (March, 2015). Why wealthier people think people are wealthier, and why it matters: From social sampling to attitudes to redistribution. Poster presented at the 1st International Convention of Psychological Science, Amsterdam, Holland.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2015
Callan, M. J., Dawtry, R., & Olson, J. M. (Jan., 2012). Justice Motive Effects in Ageism: The Effects of a Victims Age on Observer Perceptions of Injustice and Punishment Judgements. Poster presented at the 13th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA, USA.
San Diego, United States, 2012
Callan, M.J., Kay, A.C. & Dawtry, R.J. (Jan., 2012). The Effects of Random Misfortunes on Self-Devaluation and Self-Handicapping. Poster presented at the 13th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA, USA.
San Diego, United States, 2012
Callan, M. J., Dawtry, R., & Olson, J. M. (Nov., 2011). Justice Motive Effects in Ageism: The Effects of a Victims Age on Observer Perceptions of Injustice and Punishment Judgements. Invited talk; University of Kent, Social Psychology Group Meeting.
Canterbury, United Kingdom, 2011
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Criminal Mind (PS518)
MSc Psychology Research Project (PS900)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/3/2025
Journal articles (13)
Dawtry, RJ. and Callan, MJ., (2024). Hazardous machinery: the assignment of agency and blame to robots versus non-autonomous machines. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 111, 104582-104582
Lilly, KJ., Dawtry, R., Sutton, R., Sibley, CG. and Osborne, D., (2024). Opposing Misperceptions of Wealth: Liberals overestimate their neighbourhoods’ wealth in wealthier neighbourhoods, while Conservatives overestimate their neighbourhoods’ wealth in poor neighbourhoods. Social Psychological and Personality Science. 15 (8), 933-942
Conway, P., Dawtry, R., Lam, J. and Gheorghiu, A., (2024). Is It Fair To Kill a One To Save Five? Sacrificial Moral Decisions Reflect Target Innocence and Just World Beliefs. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1461672241287815-
Dawtry, R., Callan, MJ., Harvey, A. and Gheorghiu, A., (2020). Victims, Vignettes, and Videos: Meta-Analytic and Experimental Evidence that Emotional Impact Enhances the Derogation of Innocent Victims. Personality and Social Psychology Review. 24 (3), 233-259
Dawtry, RJ., Cozzolino, PJ. and Callan, M., (2019). I Blame Therefore it Was: Rape Myth Acceptance, Victim Blaming, and Memory Reconstruction. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 45 (8), 1269-1282
Dawtry, RJ., Callan, MJ., Harvey, AJ. and Olson, JM., (2018). Derogating Innocent Victims: The Effects of Relative Versus Absolute Character Judgments. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 44 (2), 186-199
Douglas, KM., Sutton, RM., Callan, MJ., Dawtry, RJ. and Harvey, AJ., (2016). Someone is pulling the strings: hypersensitive agency detection and belief in conspiracy theories. Thinking and Reasoning. 22 (1), 57-77
Dawtry, RJ., Sutton, RM. and Sibley, CG., (2015). Why Wealthier People Think People Are Wealthier, and Why It Matters. Psychological Science. 26 (9), 1389-1400
Aguilar, P., Callan, MJ. and Dawtry, RJ., (2014). Mental Associations Between Law and Competitiveness: a Cross-Cultural Investigation. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. 17 (2), E54-
Callan, MJ., Kay, AC. and Dawtry, RJ., (2014). Making sense of misfortune: Deservingness, self-esteem, and patterns of self-defeat.. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 107 (1), 142-162
Callan, MJ., Sutton, RM., Harvey, AJ. and Dawtry, R., (2014). Immanent Justice Reasoning: Theory, Research, and Current Directions. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. 49, 105-161
Callan, MJ., Harvey, AJ., Dawtry, RJ. and Sutton, RM., (2013). Through the looking glass: Focusing on long‐term goals increases immanent justice reasoning. British Journal of Social Psychology. 52 (2), 377-385
Callan, MJ., Dawtry, RJ. and Olson, JM., (2012). Justice motive effects in ageism: The effects of a victim's age on observer perceptions of injustice and punishment judgments. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 48 (6), 1343-1349
Book chapters (2)
Dawtry, R., Sutton, R. and Sibley, C., (2019). Social Sampling, Perceptions of Wealth Distribution, and Support for Redistribution. In: The Social Psychology of Inequality. Editors: Jetten, J. and Peters, K., . Springer. 381- 396. 3030288552. 9783030288556
Callan, MJ., Sutton, RM., Harvey, AJ. and Dawtry, RJ., (2014). Immanent Justice Reasoning. In: Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. Editors: Olson, JM. and Zanna, MP., . Elsevier. 105- 161. 9780128000526