
Dr John Day

School of Health and Social Care
Dr John Day



John is a Lecturer in the School of Health and Social Care, where he co-leads research training for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. He holds a PhD from Canterbury Christ Church University and has designed, conducted and disseminated substantive qualitative research studies in the areas of physical activity and men’s experiences of living with obesity. He is currently writing and publishing work from both studies. John was previously the Research Manager at Healthwatch Essex, where studies conducted by the research team that he led were funded by the UKRI, Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust and the National Lottery Community Fund. John has also been commissioned by Essex County Council to develop weight management programmes and by Healthwatch England to deliver qualitative research design sessions for local Healthwatch across England.


  • PhD Canterbury Christ Church University,

  • MSc University of Chester,

  • PGCE Edge Hill University,

  • BSc (Hons) Loughborough University & University of Technology Sydney,


University of Essex

  • Lecturer, University of Essex (6/12/2021 - present)

  • Academic Service Evaluation Specialist (Health), University of Essex (5/6/2024 - present)

  • Visiting Fellow, University of Essex (6/1/2020 - 6/12/2021)

Other academic

  • PhD Studentship and Bursary, Canterbury Christ Church University (28/10/2013 - 31/8/2017)

  • Lecturer, University of Northampton (16/10/2017 - 5/7/2019)

  • Instructor, Canterbury Christ Church University (28/10/2013 - 31/8/2017)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Generational sociology

Open to supervise


Key words: parenting
Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Clinical Research 1 (HS763)

  • Clinical Research 2 (HS773)

  • Clinical Research 3 (HS783)

  • Personal and Professional Development 1 (HS764)

  • Personal and Professional Development 2 (HS774)

  • Personal and Professional Development 3 (HS784)

Current supervision

Previous supervision

Sadia Riya
Sadia Riya
Thesis title: Experiences of Caring for a Child with Mental Health Difficulties: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of South Asian Familial Caregivers in the UK
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 16/12/2024
Georgia Smith
Georgia Smith
Thesis title: “Everything About Being a Parent When You’Ve Lost Is Bittersweet”. Couples’ Experiences of Parenting a Pre-Adolescent Child Following Perinatal Loss.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 4/11/2024
Emily Monger
Emily Monger
Thesis title: Misconceptions of Madness and Racialised Mythologies: Black Mothers’ Lived Experiences of Postpartum Psychosis and Racism
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 4/11/2024
Katie Sydney
Katie Sydney
Thesis title: Residential Care Staff’S Experiences of Supporting Adults with a Learning Disability Who Are Impacted By Trauma
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 4/11/2024
Elizabeth Kay Wiltshire
Elizabeth Kay Wiltshire
Thesis title: Parental Perspectives of the Barriers to Sustaining Health Behaviour Change for Their Child Living with Overweight or Obesity – a Grounded Theory Study
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2023
Sadjia Nesrine Nasseur
Sadjia Nesrine Nasseur
Thesis title: Mindfulness and Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (Bame) Muslims: Exploring the Intersection of Culture, Religion and Mental Health
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2023


Day, J., (2020). Negotiating fatherhood: sport and family practices. Leisure Studies. 39 (3), 463-464

Book chapters (1)

Day, J., (2017). Physical activity, families and households. In: Routledge Handbook of Physical Activity Policy and Practice. 298- 310

Conferences (12)

Day, J., Weight management in context: services, practice and social support. Weight Management Training for Primary Care, NHS Mid Essex CCG Time to Learn, 21 Sep 2021

Day, J., Research issues in the sociology of physical activity, health and well-being in the context of ‘families’. Psychology, Sociology and Politics Conference for PhD Students and Early Career Researchers, Sheffield Hallam University, 26 Jun 2014

Day, J., “Then it started...” physical activity, sibship intimacies and well-being. World Congress for the International Sociology of Sport Association, L’Université Paris Descartes, 11 Jun 2015

Day, J., Physical activity careers and oral histories of family membership: a synthesised approach to understanding physical activity and wellbeing in family contexts. World Congress for the International Sociology of Sport Association, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 10 Jun 2016

Day, J., The social becoming of family memberships and physical activity careers. 5th International Conference for Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, University of Chichester, 31 Aug 2016

Day, J., Physical activity, wellbeing and families. Leisure Studies Association, Evaluation in Sport, Leisure & Wellbeing, Bournemouth University, 09 May 2018

Day, J., Experiences of gaining weight amongst men living with obesity: Battling life course expectations and unanticipated events. ‘Thinking Differently Together’ about… Supporting People Living with Obesity, Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care System, 19 May 2021

Day, J., Lived experiences of obesity and reflections on researching families. Parental and Childhood Obesity Early Prevention Research Group, University of East Anglia Health and Social Care Partners, University of East Anglia, 16 Oct 2019

Day, J., Work, work, eat, work: Weight gain and work pressures amongst men living with obesity. University of Essex Centre for Work, Organisation and Society (CWOS) Research Seminar, University of Essex, 20 Oct 2021

Day, J., Men’s experiences of weight cycling, weight management practices and living with obesity

Day, J., Men’s experiences of weight cycling, weight management practices and living with obesity

Day, J., Intensive parenting, childhood independence and playing out

Grants and funding


Evaluation - Weight Management Services Social Marketing Research Project

Southend-on-Sea City Council


Evaluation Home Start PHAB

Home-Start Essex


Pursuing Independent Paths KTP

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

Community and Residents Experience

North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group

Community and Residents Experience

North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group


Community Research and Engagement Programme (COURAGE)

UK Research and Innovation



2S2.5.05, Colchester Campus

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