Anna Dearman

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2N2.5B.01, Colchester Campus
- Bioinformatics
- R
- Biomarkers
- Genomics
- Biosocial research
Anna is a PhD student in the biosocial Soc-B Centre for Doctoral Training. Her research interests include mental health inequalities, psychiatric genomics, epigenetics and proteomic biomarkers. She has a biomedical science background and worked in laboratories for fifteen years, in areas such as pharmaceutical testing, NHS genetic testing, Next Generation Sequencing and biobanking. In 2019 she left the lab to pursue a master's in bioinformatics, after which she spent a few months line managing a small team of data scientists in a COVID-19 qPCR diagnostics centre. She then worked in the biomarker team at the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex for just under two years, where she was involved in biodata sharing and research.
MSc Bioinformatics Queen Mary University of London (2020)
BSc (Hons) Applied Biomedical Science Anglia Ruskin University (2009)