Dr Marcia Christina Ferreira

christina.ferreira@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 876335
EBS.3.35, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Wednesdays 4.00–5.00 pm and Thursdays 3.30–5.30 pm. Please follow the link to book your appointment: https://christina.chat/academic-support-hours
Marcia Christina Ferreira is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing & Consumer Research at Essex Business School. She holds a PhD in Management from Royal Holloway, University of London. She started working at the University of Essex in January 2023. Before this position, Christina was a Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Operations at Brunel Business School and a Lecturer in Marketing at Liverpool Business School. She brings extensive industry experience in marketing communications, having worked for both multinational and local companies in South America. Her research interests lie at the intersection of creativity, materiality, and media technologies, following a research agenda that explores social, material, and digital contexts of consumption, calling into question consumers’ roles in shaping contemporary market forms and practices. Christina’s work has been published in leading international journals, handbooks, and book collections, as well as presented at prestigious academic conferences. Christina is also a founding member of The Scrutinizers, a peer-learning group formed by international academics dispersed across five continents. The group recently published their research on academic isolation in a world-leading journal and is currently delivering professional development workshops to help early-career researchers overcome integration barriers in their research field.
PhD Management Royal Holloway University of London, (2016)
University of Essex
Senior Lecture, Essex Business School, University of Essex (16/1/2023 - present)
Other academic
Employability Development Directors (Management and Marketing), Essex Business School, University of Essex (1/9/2024 - present)
Research and professional activities
Conferences and presentations
To rest or not to rest? Consumer tensions in the achievement society
2024 ACR Annual Conference, Paris, 27/9/2024
Special Session: Preservation Nation—Using Social Problems to Challenge and Extend Core Consumer Concepts
Invited presentation, 2023 ACR Annual Conference, Seattle, 27/9/2024
Researcher wellbeing when working with difficult materials and subject area
Invited presentation, University of Sussex PhD Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom, 3/5/2023
ANZMAC Doctoral Colloquium 2021
Invited presentation, Guest Speaker, ANZMAC, 27/11/2021
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Critical Marketing Perspectives (BE530)
Perspectives on Marketing (BE557)
Strategic Marketing (BE880)
Professional and Academic Development (Accounting) (BE907)
Professional and Academic Development (Finance) (BE908)
Professional and Academic Development (Management and Marketing) (BE909)
Independent Research Project: Management/Marketing (BE939)
Introduction to Marketing (BE501)
Journal articles (6)
Brouard, M., Brunk, KH., Campana, M., Dalmoro, M., Ferreira, MC., Figueiredo, B., Scaraboto, D., Sibai, O., Smith, AN. and Belkhir, M., (2023). “Upload Your Impact”: Can Digital Enclaves Enable Participation in Racialized Markets?. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. 42 (1), 56-73
Belkhir, M., Brouard, M., Brunk, KH., Dalmoro, M., Ferreira, MC., Figueiredo, B., Huff, AD., Scaraboto, D., Sibai, O. and Smith, AN., (2019). Isolation in Globalizing Academic Fields: A Collaborative Autoethnography of Early Career Researchers. Academy of Management Learning & Education. 18 (2), 261-285
Sibai, O., Ferreira, M. and Figueiredo, B., (2019). Overworked and isolated: the rising epidemic of loneliness in academia. The Conversation
Ferreira, MC. and Scaraboto, D., (2016). “My plastic dreams”: Towards an extended understanding of materiality and the shaping of consumer identities. Journal of Business Research. 69 (1), 191-207
Figueiredo, B., Ourahmoune, N., Rojas, P., Pereira, SJN., Scaraboto, D. and Ferreira, MC., (2014). The Branded and Gendered Brazilian Body: Material and Symbolic Constructions in an Overlooked Context. Research in Consumer Behavior. 16, 259-273
Ferreira, M., Botelho, D. and Almeida, AR., (2008). Consumer Decision Making in a Counterfeit-plentiful Market: An Exploratory Study in the Brazilian Context. Latin American Advances in Consumer Research. 2, 109-115
Books (1)
Hanlon, A. and Tuten, T., (2022). The SAGE Handbook of Digital Marketing. SAGE Publications Ltd. 9781529743791
Book chapters (5)
Figueiredo, B., Ferreira, MC. and Scaraboto, D., (2024). Flexible fieldnoting for contemporary consumer culture research. In: Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing. Editors: Belk, RW. and Otnes, CC., . Edward Elgar Press. 422- 435. 9781035302710
Ferreira, M. and Scaraboto, D., (2022). Qualitative insights for digital marketing. In: The SAGE Handbook of Digital Marketing. Sage Publications Limited. 159- 177. 1529743796. 9781529743791
Scaraboto, D. and Ferreira, M., (2022). Origins and Development of Online Communities and their Role in Marketing Research. In: The SAGE Handbook of Digital Marketing. Sage Publications Limited. 83- 99. 1529743796. 9781529743791
Scaraboto, D., Ferreira, MC. and Chung, E., (2016). Materials matter: An exploration of the curatorial practices of consumers as collectors. 219- 243. 978-1-78635-496-9
Scaraboto, D., Ferreira, MC. and Chung, E., (2016). Materials Matter: An Exploration of the Curatorial Practices of Consumers as Collectors. In: Research in Consumer Behavior. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 217- 243
Conferences (5)
Ferreira, M., Scaraboto, D., Figueiredo, B., Dallolio, AS. and Brito, EZ., Makeshifting as a Disruptive Social Practice
Scaraboto, D., Figueiredo, B., Smith, A., Brouard, M. and Ferreira, M., Academic Isolation vs. Integration – How to Become an Active Member of your Research Field
Ferreira, MC., Scaraboto, D., Dallolio, AS., Brito, EZ. and Figueiredo, B., (2023). Disruptive Consumption Practices in Emerging Markets: An Abstract
Sibai, O., Brunk, K., Ferreira, M., Brouard, M., Campana, M., Dalmoro, M., Figueiredo, B., Scaraboto, D., Smith, AN. and Belkhir, M., (2022). Market-centric pathways for racial inclusion: the case of #MyBlackReceipt
Ferreira, MC. and Pereira, B., (2010). It's Fake!? Consumers' Self Creation in a Market with Easy Access to Counterfeit Goods
Other (2)
Ferreira, M., (2023).Let’s Discuss Academic Isolation and How to Mitigate It
Brouard, M., Smith, AN., Brunk, KH. and Ferreira, M., (2023).Juneteenth and Emancipation Day: How the ‘Buy Black’ movement is addressing economic inequality. The Conversation,The Conversation
Academic support hours:
Wednesdays 4.00–5.00 pm and Thursdays 3.30–5.30 pm. Please follow the link to book your appointment: https://christina.chat/academic-support-hours
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