
Dr Vito De Feo

School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)
Dr Vito De Feo
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 874946

  • Location

    5A.521, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    My Academic Support Hours will be 15-17 on Friday in my office 5A.521 or via zoom. The zoom link for this is available from my profile on my CE701 course Moodle page. Please wait in the waiting room until I can admit you.



Vito De Feo is a lecturer of Intelligent Systems for Brain and Mental Health in CSEE. His research interests include embedded neuromorphic control systems for bidirectional closed-loop Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMIs), application of machine learning, and statistics to neural signal encoding/decoding, state-dependent neural encoders and decoders, technology-mediated rehabilitation and assistive technologies, neuromarketing, and novel measures of information transfer in the brain. He holds a MSc in Electronic Engineering from Politecnico di Torino (Italy). He obtained a PhD in Telecommunication from Politecnico di Torino (Italy). During his PhD, he spent 14 months at the University of Stanford (US). He also studied Neuropsychology at the University of Turin (Italy). In 2009 he was a senior researcher at Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) on optical communication. From 2013, he worked at the Clinical University of Hamburg-Eppendorf specializing in signal processing and causal analysis of biological signals. From 2015 he worked at the Italian Institute of Technology specializing in neural population coding, neuroelectronic, and information theory. He has successfully coordinated and led the Covid-19 efforts of the faculty, having established research links in the East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT). Recently he co-funded the Essex Neuromarketing Research Cluster.


  • PhD in Electronics and Communications Polytechnic University of Turin,

  • MsC in Electronic Engineering Polytechnic University of Turin,


University of Essex

  • Lecturer, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Essex (4/11/2019 - present)

Other academic

  • External Examiner, Royal Holloway University of London (1/6/2021 - present)

  • Professor, Lingue e Letterature Straniere, University of Turin (26/6/2022 - present)

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Team Project Challenge (CE101)

  • Machine Learning (CE802)

  • Theory of Signals and Communication Systems (CE701)

Previous supervision

Penelope Amelia Roberts
Penelope Amelia Roberts
Thesis title: Context Aware Proactive Robotic Companions for Home Care and Communities
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 27/6/2024
Isabella Ciuta
Isabella Ciuta
Thesis title: Chromatin Reorganisation and Differential Transcription Factor Binding in Breast Cancer
Degree subject: Molecular Medicine
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 20/5/2024


Publications (2)

Celotto, M., Bím, J., Tlaie, A., De Feo, V., Lemke, S., Chicharro, D., Nili, H., Bieler, M., Hanganu-Opatz, IL., Donner, TH., Brovelli, A. and Panzeri, S., (2023). An information-theoretic quantification of the content of communication between brain regions

Bím, J., De Feo, V., Chicharro, D., Bieler, M., Hanganu-Opatz, IL., Brovelli, A. and Panzeri, S., (2019). A Non-negative Measure Of Feature-Related Information Transfer Between Neural Signals

Journal articles (11)

Bhattacharya, S., De Feo, V. and Bourazeri, A., (2024). GreenMate: A Serious Game Educating Children about Energy Efficiency. IEEE Transactions on Games, 1-14

Gay, D. and De Feo, V., (2019). Political communication and critical skills: A statistical analysis. Synergies Italie (15), 79-90

Piazza, M., De Feo, V., Panzeri, S. and Dehaene, S., (2018). Learning to focus on number.. Cognition. 181, 35-45

De Feo, V., Boi, F., Safaai, H., Onken, A., Panzeri, S. and Vato, A., (2017). State-Dependent Decoding Algorithms Improve the Performance of a Bidirectional BMI in Anesthetized Rats.. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 11 (MAY), 269-

Boi, F., Moraitis, T., De Feo, V., Diotalevi, F., Bartolozzi, C., Indiveri, G. and Vato, A., (2016). A Bidirectional Brain-Machine Interface Featuring a Neuromorphic Hardware Decoder.. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 10, 563-

Hartung, H., Cichon, N., De Feo, V., Riemann, S., Schildt, S., Lindemann, C., Mulert, C., Gogos, JA. and Hanganu-Opatz, IL., (2016). From Shortage to Surge: A Developmental Switch in Hippocampal-Prefrontal Coupling in a Gene-Environment Model of Neuropsychiatric Disorders.. Cerebral Cortex. 26 (11), 4265-4281

Panzeri, S., Safaai, H., De Feo, V. and Vato, A., (2016). Implications of the Dependence of Neuronal Activity on Neural Network States for the Design of Brain-Machine Interfaces.. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 10 (APR), 165-

Hartung, H., Brockmann, MD., Pöschel, B., De Feo, V. and Hanganu-Opatz, IL., (2016). Thalamic and Entorhinal Network Activity Differently Modulates the Functional Development of Prefrontal-Hippocampal Interactions.. The Journal of Neuroscience. 36 (13), 3676-3690

Domnick, N-K., Gretenkord, S., De Feo, V., Sedlacik, J., Brockmann, MD. and Hanganu-Opatz, IL., (2015). Neonatal hypoxia-ischemia impairs juvenile recognition memory by disrupting the maturation of prefrontal-hippocampal networks.. Experimental Neurology. 273, 202-214

Antonino, A., Bianco, A., Bianciotto, A., De Feo, V., Finochietto, JM., Gaudino, R. and Neri, F., (2008). WONDER: A resilient WDM packet network for metro applications. Optical Switching and Networking. 5 (1), 19-28

Carena, A., De Feo, V., Finochietto, JM., Gaudino, R., Neri, F., Piglione, C. and Poggiolini, P., (2004). RingO: An experimental wdm optical packet network for metro applications. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 22 (8), 1561-1571

Conferences (10)

De Feo, V., Bianciotto, A., Carena, A., Finochietto, J., Gaudino, R., Neri, F., Piglione, C. and Poggiolini, P., Experimental WDM Packet Networks for Metro Applications: the RingO and Wonder Projects

De Feo, V., Pansara, Z., Cinel, C., Gillmeister, H. and Navyte, G., (2024). Towards an Accurate Measure of Emotional Pupil Dilation Responses: A Model for Removing the Effect of Luminosity

Celotto, M., Bim, J., Tlaie, A., De Feo, V., Toso, A., Chicharro, D., Lemke, SM., Nili, H., Bieler, M., Donner, TH., Hanganu-Opatz, IL., Brovelli, A. and Panzeri, S., (2023). An information-theoretic quantification of the content of communication between brain regions

Antonino, A., De Feo, V., Finochietto, JM., Gaudino, R., La Porta, A., Petracca, M. and Neri, F., (2008). Toward feasible all-optical packet networks: Recent results on the WONDER experimental testbed

Antonino, A., Birke, R., De Feo, V., Finocchietto, JM., Gaudino, R., La Porta, A., Neri, F. and Petracca, M., (2007). The WONDER testbed: Architecture and experimental demonstration

Bianciotto, A., De Feo, V., Gaudino, R., la Porta, A., Neri, F. and Petracca, M., (2007). Experimentation of single-hop WDM rings for metro and distributed switching applications

(2003). Next Generation Optical Network Design and Modelling

Carena, A., Ferrero, V., Gaudino, R., De Feo, V., Neri, F. and Poggiolini, P., (2003). RINGO: A demonstrator of WDM optical packet network on a ring topology

Gaudino, R., De Feo, V., Chiaberge, M. and Sansoè, C., (2002). An FPGA-based node controller for a high capacity WDM optical packet network

Gaudino, R., Carena, A., Ferrero, V., Pozzi, A., De Feo, V., Gigante, P., Neri, F. and Poggiolini, P., (2002). RINGO: A WDM ring optical packet network demonstrator

Grants and funding


Essex ACTUATE programme project 3 (Autumn 2022): PEDAL (Personalized Environment for Dementia Assisted Living)

University of Essex

BuyerDock AKT2I Round 3

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


RESTED - REbalancing circadian rhythm of sleep and heart rate To Ease Dissociative symptoms

Wellcome Trust


STAte-dependent neural decoders and encoders for Brain-machine interfaces featuring a Low-power neuromorphic hardwarE - STABLE

The Royal Society

NEuromarketing analysis for WEbsite usabiLity optimisation - NEWEL

University of Essex (ESRC IAA)

+44 (0) 1206 874946


5A.521, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

My Academic Support Hours will be 15-17 on Friday in my office 5A.521 or via zoom. The zoom link for this is available from my profile on my CE701 course Moodle page. Please wait in the waiting room until I can admit you.

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