Dr Maitrayee Deka

maitrayee.deka@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 873539
6.328, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
On zoom via email appointment
Before joining Essex, I did my PhD from the Graduate School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Milan and have spent two years as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Milan, working on the research project P2PValue, funded by the European Commission's FP7 program. My research is in the area of Economic Sociology, STS, Consumer Cultures and Social Theory. I am interested in looking at alternative systems to global capitalism to frame them as a distinct analytical and political category. Part of this interest emerges from examining global bazaar economies as a popular economic system based on my ethnography in Delhi's Electronic Bazaars and developed as a monograph, Traders and Tinkers: Bazaars in the Global Economy, published with Stanford University Press. I am currently researching the Whitechapel market in East London to investigate bazaars as intellectual places drawing from the literature on public space, and Autonomist Marxism. The other strand of my research focuses on marginal cultural spaces, particularly young adults' social media use in the Global South, to see how they engage with global platforms in unique ways. Overall, I am interested in building a more embedded social theory through observations and practices often ignored in the dominant academic framework.
MPhil (Sociology) Delhi School of Economics
PhD (Sociology), Graduate School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan.
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Economic Sociology
Consumer Culture
New Media
Social Theory
Conferences and presentations
Postcolonial Symposium, Mainz Germany
Invited presentation, 4/10/2024
Bazaars as an Economic Category: Friday Research Colloquium, Delhi School of Economics
Invited presentation, 5/4/2024
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Rethinking Modernity (SC301)
Quantitative Research Project (SC830)
Research Project: Sociology (SC831)
Research Project: Anthropology (SC832)
Topics in Contemporary Social Theory (SC901)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/10/2024
Journal articles (9)
Deka, M., (2024). The Petty Bourgeoisie: What is its Political Potential?. The Political Quarterly. 95 (4), 695-697
Deka, M. and Arvidsson, A., (2022). “Names doing rounds”: On brands in the bazaar economy. Journal of Consumer Culture. 22 (2), 495-514
Deka, M., (2022). For a Sociology of India - III: Three years into the pandemic: What changed in Delhi’s electronic bazaars. Contributions to Indian Sociology. 56 (1), 88-93
Deka, M., (2021). Bazaar aesthetics: On excess and economic rationality. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 24 (3), 470-484
Deka, M., (2021). A Note on Bazaar Consumer Collectives. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research. 6 (4), 509-514
Deka, M., (2018). Embodied Commons: Knowledge and Sharing in Delhi's Electronic Bazaars. The Sociological Review. 66 (2), 365-380
Deka, M., (2017). Calculation in the pirate bazaars. Journal of Cultural Economy. 10 (5), 450-461
Deka, M., (2017). Bazaars and Video Games in India. BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies. 7 (2), 172-188
Deka, M., (2017). Street level tinkering in the times of 'Make in India'. Ephemera : Theory and Politics in Organization. 17 (4), 801-807
Books (1)
Deka, M., (2023). Traders and Tinkers: Bazaars in the Global Economy. Stanford University Press. 1503636003. 9781503636002
Book chapters (1)
Deka, M., (2021). Postcolonial Peer Production. In: The Handbook of Peer Production. Editors: O'Neil, M., Pentzold, C. and Toupin, S., . Wiley-Blackwell. 322- 333. 978-1-119-53710-6
Academic support hours:
On zoom via email appointment