Professor Emilia Del Bono

2N2.6.12, Colchester Campus
Emilia Del Bono is a Professor of Economics at the Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex. Her research agenda is focused on the nature, causes, and consequences of disparities in children’s human capital that lead to inequalities later on in life. As of March 2020 she is the Director of the ESRC-funded Centre for Micro Social Change (MiSoC). MiSoC is a multidisciplinary centre, promoting collaboration between economists, sociologists and other social scientists, and using quantitative social science to provide evidence with which to address key societal challenges. MiSoC has been based at ISER at the University of Essex since 1989. MiSoC's programme of work for the 2019-2024 cycle investigates how individuals and families are responding to the challenge of the world’s need for a creative, adaptable labour force - with higher levels of education and a greater reliance on social skills. It will also explore demographic changes: including new family structures, changing gender roles, an ageing population and growing diversity from migration. Emilia is also continuing to work on the ESRC-funded project Inequality in Higher Education Outcomes in the UK, which features a large longitudinal study of higher university students started in 2015.
PhD in Economics University of Oxford, (2004)
MPhil in Economics University of Oxford, (1999)
B.A. in Economics and Banking University of Siena, (1997)
University of Essex
Professor of Economics, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex (1/10/2014 - present)
Reader, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex (10/2012 - 9/2014)
Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex (10/2011 - 9/2012)
Research Fellow, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex (10/2008 - 9/2011)
Senior Research Officer, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex (11/2005 - 9/2008)
Other academic
Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley (8/2004 - 10/2005)
Junior Research Fellow, Queen's College, University of Oxford (9/2002 - 7/2004)