
Dr Alex Diana

School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science (SMSAS)
Dr Alex Diana

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Mathematics Careers and Employability (MA199)

  • Survival Analysis (MA216)

  • Bayesian and Computational Statistics (MA322)


Journal articles (7)

Diana, A., Matechou, E., Griffin, J. and Yu, D., (2024). eDNAPlus: A unifying modelling framework for DNA-based biodiversity monitorin. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-23

Dennis, EB., Diana, A., Matechou, E. and Morgan, BJT., (2024). Efficient statistical inference methods for assessing changes in species. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society

Diana, A., Dennis, EB., Matechou, E. and Morgan, BJT., (2023). Fast Bayesian Inference for Large Occupancy Datasets. Biometrics. 79 (3), 2503-2515

Diana, A., Matechou, E., Griffin, J., Arnold, T., Tenan, S. and Volponi, S., (2023). A General Modeling Framework for Open Wildlife Populations Based on the Polya Tree Prior. Biometrics. 79 (3), 2171-2183

Diana, A., Matechou, E., Griffin, JE., Jhala, Y. and Qureshi, Q., (2022). A vector of point processes for modeling interactions between and within species using capture‐recapture data. Environmetrics. 33 (8)

Diana, A., Matechou, E., Griffin, JE., Buxton, AS. and Griffiths, RA., (2021). An RShiny app for modelling environmental DNA data: accounting for false positive and false negative observation error. Ecography. 44 (12), 1838-1844

Diana, A., Matechou, E., Griffin, J. and Johnston, A., (2020). A hierarchical dependent Dirichlet process prior for modelling bird migration patterns in the UK. The Annals of Applied Statistics. 14 (1)

+44 (0) 1206 876438


3A.522, Colchester Campus