
Dr Alejandra Diaz De Leon

Department of Sociology and Criminology
Dr Alejandra Diaz De Leon



I am a qualitative researcher of undocumented migration. I do ethnography, qualitative interviews, and participant observation in Mexico and the United States. I have two main research interests. The first one is transit migration, violence and trust. I study ethnographically how Central American migrants in transit through Mexico form trust and bonds among themselves in order to survive and help each other. I have recently published a book on this subject. I am also researching how humanitarian actors and migrants understand the climate crisis as a reason for leaving their home countries. This will be a three year project where, with a team, we will do fieldwork in migrant houses along the migrant route in Mexico interviewing migrants, activists, and stakeholders.


  • PhD University of Essex,

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Migration, solidarity and trust

I study how migrants in transit form social ties while they are crossing the unpredictable and dangerous migrant route.

Key words: Migration
Open to supervise

Migration and the climate crisis

I study how migrants from Central America interpret the climate crisis as a reason for leaving their home countries.

Key words: Migration
Open to supervise

Human Rights

Key words: Human Rights
Open to supervise

Latin America

Key words: Latin America
Open to supervise

Migration and Health

I am interested in how migrants' health is affected by the process of migrating.

Key words: Migration
Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Researching the Real World: Qualitative Approaches to Studying Crime and Society (SC203)

  • Childhood Innocence and Deviance (SC311)

  • Migration: Theory, Concepts and Selected Issues (SC982)

  • Living a Good Life: Critical Approaches to Wellness and Happiness (PA107)


Journal articles (12)

Eguiluz, I., Díaz de León, A., González Zepeda, CA. and Trejo Peña, AP., Repensar, reinventar y reflexionar la investigación cualitativa en tiempos de covid-19: el caso de los estudios migratorios. Caleidoscopio - Revista Semestral de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades

Doering-White, J., Diaz De Leon, A., Batista, CA. and Flynn, K., (2024). Humanitarian aid and the everyday invisibility of climate-related migration from Central America. Climate and Development. 17 (1), 1-8

Hasemann Lara, JE., Díaz de León, A., Daser, D., Doering‐White, J. and Frank‐Vitale, A., (2024). Towards a social determination of health framework for understanding climate disruption and health‐disease processes. Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 38 (3), 313-327

López, ME., Diaz De Leon, A. and Castro Sam, AS., (2024). Mujeres a la fuga. Narrativa del viaje como vehículo de resistencia para las mujeres en tránsito por México [Women on the run. Narrative of the journey as a vehicle of resistance for women in transit through Mexico]. Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revue canadienne des etudes latino-americaines et caraibes. 49 (3), 410-427

Doering-White, J., Díaz de León, A., Hernández Tapia, A., Delgado Mejía, L., Castro, S., Roy, K., Cruz, GQ. and Hudock-Jeffrey, S., (2024). Climate-Health Risk (In)visibility in the Context of Everyday Humanitarian Practice. Social Science and Medicine. 354, 117081-117081

Díaz de León, A., (2023). Family dynamics, violence and transit migration through Mexico. Third World Quarterly. 45 (5), 888-902

Doering-White, J. and Díaz de León, A., (2023). The Shelter Multiple: How Humanitarianisms Hang Together at a Mexican Non-governmental Migrant Shelter. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 50 (18), 1-19

Corona-Maioli, S., Díaz de León, A., Machado-Núñez, S., Gómez-Juárez, JE. and Berenzon-Gorn, S., (2023). Respuestas ante la ausencia familiar en la migración de adolescentes no acompañados en México. Salud Pública de México. 66 (1, ene-feb), 37-49

Díaz de León, A., (2023). Resignation and Resistance: How do Undocumented Central American Migrants View Detention in Mexico? = Resignación y resistencia: ¿cómo perciben las personas migrantes centroamericanas la detención migratoria en México?. Journal of Latin American Geography. 22 (1), 11-30

Díaz de León, A., (2022). “Transient Communities”: How Central American Transit Migrants form Solidarity Without Trust. Journal of Borderlands Studies. 37 (5), 897-914

Díaz de León, A., (2021). Why do you trust him? The construction of the good migrant in the Mexican migrant route. European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. 0 (111), 1-1

Díaz de León, A. and Yrizar Barbosa, G., (2021). Diseño de investigación-acción participativa: ethos en espacios de ayuda a migrantes en México [Participatory Action Research Design: Ethosin Spaces to Support Migrants in Mexico]. Estudios Sociológicos de El Colegio de México. 39 (116), 599-614

Books (2)

Diaz De Leon, A., (2024). La migración centroamericana a través de México: familias de origen, familias del camino y comunidad transitoria de migrantes. Publicaciones El Colegio de Mexico. 978-607-564-619-0

Díaz de León, A., (2023). Walking Together Central Americans and Transit Migration Through Mexico. University of Arizona Press. 0816546479. 9780816546473

Book chapters (3)

Diaz De Leon, A., (2025). El control migratorio, la movilidad y la inmovilidad. In: Movilidades e inmovilidades en contextos migratorios. Ruralidades, control fronterizo y dinámicas sociales. Editors: Miranda, B., Prunier, D. and Torres Mejía, P., . Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 978-607-30-9979-0

Díaz de León, A. and Doering-White, J., (2024). Ties along the arterial border in Mexico. In: Forced Migration across Mexico. Routledge. 128- 142

Diaz De Leon, A. and Yrizar Barbosa, G., (2024). The “Zero Tolerance Policy” to Separate Migrant Families: Context and Discursive Strategies to Foster Exclusion. In: Excluding Diversity through Intersectional Borderings Politics, Policies and Daily Lives. Editors: Merla, L., Murru, S., Orsini, G. and Vuckovic Juros, T., . Springer. 55- 71. 3031656229. 9783031656224



5A.327, Colchester Campus

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