Dimitri Lera

ldimit@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872920
JT.12B, Colchester Campus
Multi-award-winning Dimitri has received an Excellence in Education Award from the University of Essex for successfully embedding sustainability practices into the curriculum, and Platinum award in the Social Enterprise category at the Greengage Sustainability Awards. Dimitri's ambition to teach and his passion for hospitality led him to take up the position of lecturer at the Edge Hotel School at the University of Essex. Dimitri has successfully applied for a doctorate in the Sociology department at Essex. He takes part in charity endurance sport events and is participating in the PBP bike ride (Paris Brest Pari) later this year. He is also a polyglot, comfortable with most Western European languages. Dimitri is an alumnus of the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne in Switzerland. When he was 27 he oversaw the opening of the first ever river cruise ship operating in Italy, as hotel manager. At 30 he was deputy hotel director on award-winning Silversea’s Silver Shadow cruise ship in the USA. "My passion for hospitality stems from an innate curiosity for different cultures and a love for food, which originates from Italy’s rich regional culture." His professional experiences range from restaurant manager to food and beverage manager, deputy hotel director to hotel manager. Having gained professional experiences abroad, in several European cities as well as the USA and Eastern Europe, Dimitri settled in London where he was managing a well-established restaurant. Some of the clientele included royalties, acclaimed artists and musicians, renown politicians, and industry leading entrepreneurs.
PhD researcher University of Essex, (2026)
Master Sociology & Management University of Essex, (2018)
Post Graduate Certificate Education MFL LondonMet, (2017)
BA (Hons) Edge Hotel School University of Essex, (2015)
BA (Assoc.) École Hôtelière de Lausanne, (1997)
Research and professional activities
Conferences and presentations
‘Supporting Sustainable Employability Skills'
Invited presentation, Panellist at EGEI16 A Greener Conference 2024, 27/2/2024
‘Empowering future Hospitality & Events professionals for a more sustainable industry: Mainstreaming Education for Sustainability in Higher Education ’
Invited presentation, European School of Sustainability Science and Research - World Symposium PhD Research, 26/9/2023
Embedding sustainability into Hospitality and Events Education
Advance HE - Teaching and Learning Conference 2022, Flagship three-day conference attracting HE practitioners involved in all aspects of HE teaching and learning from the UK and overseas., 7/7/2022
Engaging with an experiential learning approach towards the development of future leaders of the Hospitality and Events industry
Emerging Research Network, london, United Kingdom, 21/7/2021
The 'multiplier effect': Embedding the SDG for transformational sustainable education.
5th Sustainability in Higher Education (SHE) Conference, The fierce urgency of now: Navigating paradoxes in sustainability education, Canterbury, United Kingdom, 21/5/2020
A model that solves the conflict between delivering theoretical knowledge and practical skills to students of events management
Association for Events Management Education (AEME), Hatfield, United Kingdom, 3/7/2019
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Sustainability in Events and Hospitality (EG108)
Food and Beverage Management (EG123)
Sustainability in Events and Hospitality (EG221)
Food and Beverage Management (EG400)
Food, Beverage and Accommodation Management for the International Hospitality Industry (EG707)
Book chapters (1)
Lera, D., (2019). Food Sales. In: The Practical Guide to Understanding and Raising Hotel Profitability. Routledge. 1000690563. 9781000690569
Media (1)
Lera, D., Goodman, B., Shanks, K. and Alrashidi, M., Newcomers presents: Forming the next generation of sustainability hospitality leaders; Inclusive evaluation of physical activity; Nature therapy & recovering from domestic abuse; Culture representation in EFL classes. Video
Other (2)
Lera, D., (2018).Does the use of cognates equally benefit a varied pupil demographic?
Lera, D., (2017).Are Hotels’ Green Claims just ‘Greenwash’?