
Professor John Dowden

Emeritus Professor
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science
Professor John Dowden



John Dowden was the first student at the University (1964).

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Heat and mass transfer processes occurring in laser materials processing, in medicine and in geophysics.


Journal articles (106)

Douglas, T., Pordea, A. and Dowden, J., (2017). Iron-Catalyzed Indolizine Synthesis from Pyridines, Diazo Compounds, and Alkynes. Organic Letters. 19 (23), 6396-6399

Day, J., McKeever‐Abbas, B. and Dowden, J., (2016). Stereoselective Synthesis of Tetrahydroindolizines through the Catalytic Formation of Pyridinium Ylides from Diazo Compounds. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 55 (19), 5809-5813

You, B., Hamer, K., Lewis, W. and Dowden, J., (2013). An unusual silicon mediated transannular cyclopropanation. Chem. Commun.. 49 (8), 795-797

Day, J., Uroos, M., Castledine, RA., Lewis, W., McKeever-Abbas, B. and Dowden, J., (2013). Alkaloid inspired spirocyclic oxindoles from 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of pyridinium ylides. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 11 (38), 6502-6502

Dowden, J., Pike, RA., Parry, RV., Hong, W., Muhsen, UA. and Ward, SG., (2011). Small molecule inhibitors that discriminate between protein arginine N-methyltransferases PRMT1 and CARM1. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 9 (22), 7814-7814

Hong, W. and Dowden, J., (2011). Facile synthesis of N-6 adenosine modified analogue toward S-adenosyl methionine derived probe for protein arginine methyltransferases. Chinese Chemical Letters. 22 (12), 1439-1442

Kheniche, A., Salhi, A., Harrison, A. and Dowden, JM., (2010). A Deterministic DNA Database Search. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 680, 371-378

Dowden, J., Hong, W., Parry, RV., Pike, RA. and Ward, SG., (2010). Toward the development of potent and selective bisubstrate inhibitors of protein arginine methyltransferases. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 20 (7), 2103-2105

Dowden, J., Stevenson, B. and Lewis, W., (2010). Expedient Route to an Amine Precursor of Halichlorine and Pinnaic Acid from Nitrocyclopent-1-ene. Synlett. 2010 (04), 672-674

Dammermann, W., Zhang, B., Nebel, M., Cordiglieri, C., Odoardi, F., Kirchberger, T., Kawakami, N., Dowden, J., Schmid, F., Dornmair, K., Hohenegger, M., Flügel, A., Guse, AH. and Potter, BVL., (2009). NAADP-mediated Ca2+signaling via type 1 ryanodine receptor in T cells revealed by a synthetic NAADP antagonist. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 106 (26), 10678-10683

Parkesh, R., Lewis, AM., Aley, PK., Arredouani, A., Rossi, S., Tavares, R., Vasudevan, SR., Rosen, D., Galione, A., Dowden, J. and Churchill, GC., (2008). Cell-permeant NAADP: A novel chemical tool enabling the study of Ca2+ signalling in intact cells. Cell Calcium. 43 (6), 531-538

Foster, SR., Pearce, A., Blake, AJ., Welham, MJ. and Dowden, J., (2007). Novel octavalent cross-linker displays efficient trapping of protein–protein interactions. Chem. Commun. (24), 2512-2514

Parkesh, R., Vasudevan, SR., Berry, A., Galione, A., Dowden, J. and Churchill, GC., (2007). Chemo-enzymatic synthesis and biological evaluation of photolabile nicotinic acid adenine dinuclotide phosphate (NAADP+). Org. Biomol. Chem.. 5 (3), 441-443

Anderson, C., Bartlett, SJ., Gansner, JM., Wilson, D., He, L., Gitlin, JD., Kelsh, RN. and Dowden, J., (2007). Chemical genetics suggests a critical role for lysyl oxidase in zebrafish notochord morphogenesis. Mol. BioSyst.. 3 (1), 51-59

Yiakouvaki, A., Savović, J., Al-Qenaei, A., Dowden, J. and Pourzand, C., (2006). Caged-Iron Chelators a Novel Approach towards Protecting Skin Cells against UVA-Induced Necrotic Cell Death. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 126 (10), 2287-2295

Dowden, J., Berridge, G., Moreau, C., Yamasaki, M., Churchill, GC., Potter, BVL. and Galione, A., (2006). Cell-Permeant Small-Molecule Modulators of NAADP-Mediated Ca2+ Release. Chemistry & Biology. 13 (6), 659-665

Galione, A., Parrington, J. and Dowden, J., (2004). The NAADP receptor: commentary on Billington et al.. British Journal of Pharmacology. 142 (8), 1203-1207

Dowden, J., Moreau, C., Brown, RS., Berridge, G., Galione, A. and Potter, BVL., (2004). Chemical Synthesis of the Second Messenger Nicotinic Acid Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate by Total Synthesis of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 43 (35), 4637-4640

Ward, S., Sotsios, Y., Dowden, J., Bruce, I. and Finan, P., (2003). Therapeutic Potential of Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase Inhibitors. Chemistry & Biology. 10 (3), 207-213

Dowden, J., (2002). Interaction of the keyhole and weld pool in laser keyhole welding. Journal of Laser Applications. 14 (4), 204-209

Brown, RS., Dowden, J., Moreau, C. and Potter, BVL., (2002). A concise route to tiazofurin. Tetrahedron Letters. 43 (37), 6561-6562

YANG, J., DOWDEN, J., TATIBOUËT, A., HATANAKA, Y. and HOLMAN, GD., (2002). Development of high-affinity ligands and photoaffinity labels for the d-fructose transporter GLUT5. Biochemical Journal. 367 (2), 533-539

Dowden, J., Lazizi, A., Johnston, E. and Nicolas, S., (2001). A thermoelastic analysis of the laser scabbling of concrete. Journal of Laser Applications. 13 (4), 159-166

Dowden, J., (2001). The onset and absorption of ionisation in the vapour for laser keyhole welding. International Journal for the Joining of Materials. 13 (4), 85-90

Solana, P., Kapadia, P., Dowden, J., Rodden, WSO., Kudesia, SS., Hand, DP. and Jones, JDC., (2001). Time dependent ablation and liquid ejection processes during the laser drilling of metals. Optics Communications. 191 (1-2), 97-112

Dowden, J. and Savović, J., (2001). Olefin metathesis in non-degassed solvent using a recyclable, polymer supported alkylideneruthenium. Chemical Communications (1), 37-38

Dowden, J. and Ward, SG., (2001). Inhibitors of p56lck: assessing their potential as tools for manipulating T-lymphocyte activation. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents. 11 (2), 295-306

Solana, P., Kapadia, P. and Dowden, J., (2000). Surface depression and ablation for a weld pool in material processing: A mathematical model. Journal of Laser Applications. 12 (2), 63-67

Postacioglu, N., Kapadia, P. and Dowden, JM., (2000). Distortion generated by a moving weld pool of elliptical cross section in the welding of thin metal sheets. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 33 (14), 1739-1746

Solana, P., Kapadia, P. and Dowden, J., (1999). Gas motion and heat transfer in a hollow cylinder with applications to arc welding. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 32 (19), 2529-2536

Solana, P., Kapadia, P., Dowden, JM. and Marsden, PJ., (1999). An analytical model for the laser drilling of metals with absorption within the vapour. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 32 (8), 942-952

Dowden, J. and Kapadia, P., (1999). Oscillations of a weld pool formed by melting through a thin work piece. Lasers in Engineering. 8 (4), 311-318

Dain, Y., Kapadia, PD. and Dowden, JM., (1999). The distortion gap width and stresses in laser welding of thin elastic plates. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 32 (2), 168-175

Solana, P., Kapadia, P. and Dowden, J., (1999). Cathode torch design and gas flow in arc welding. International Journal for the Joining of Materials. 11 (1), 1-4

Dowden, J., Edwards, PD., Flack, SS. and Kilburn, JD., (1999). Synthesis and Binding Properties of a Macrocyclic Peptide Receptor. Chemistry - A European Journal. 5 (1), 79-89

Taylor, P., Anderson, V., Walkinshaw, MD., Dowden, J., Flitsch, SL., Turner, NJ. and Loughran, K., (1999). Novel Mechanism of Inhibition of Elastase by β-Lactams Is Defined by Two Inhibitor Crystal Complexes. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 274 (35), 24901-24905

Dowden, J. and Kapadia, P., (1998). The use of a high-power laser to provide an electrical path of low resistance. Journal of Laser Applications. 10 (5), 219-223

Solana, P., Kapadia, P. and Dowden, J., (1998). A mathematical analysis of heating effects and electrode erosion in conical electrical arc cathodes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 31 (24), 3446-3456

Kapadia, P., Solana, P. and Dowden, J., (1998). Stochastic model of the deep penetration laser welding of metals. Journal of Laser Applications. 10 (4), 170-173

Dowden, J., Ducharme, R. and Kapadia, P., (1998). Time-dependent line and point sources: A simple model for time-dependent welding processes. Lasers in Engineering. 7 (3-4), 215-228

Dowden, J., Kapadia, P. and Solana, P., (1998). A mathematical model of thermocapillary flow in the weld pool during laser welding. International Journal for the Joining of Materials. 10 (3-4), 69-76

Solana, P., Kapadia, P., Dowden, J. and Richardson, I., (1998). Behaviour of a stable welding arc with positive and negative arc resistance. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 212 (1), 15-23

Dowden, J., Kapadia, P. and Solana, P., (1998). Mathematical model of thermocapillary flow in the weld pool during laser welding. International Journal for the Joining of Materials. 10 (3-4), 70-76

Dowden, J. and Kapadia, P., (1998). Acoustic oscillations in the keyhole in laser welding. International Journal for the Joining of Materials. 10 (1-2), 25-31

Böhm, G., Dowden, J., Rice, DC., Burgess, I., Pilard, J-F., Guilbert, B., Haxton, A., Hunter, RC., Turner, NJ. and Flitsch, SL., (1998). A novel linker for the attachment of alcohols to solid supports. Tetrahedron Letters. 39 (22), 3819-3822

Postacioglu, N., Kapadia, P. and Dowden, JM., (1997). The thermal stress generated by a moving elliptical weldpool in the welding of thin metal sheets. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 30 (16), 2304-2312

Kapadia, P., Solana, P. and Dowden, J., (1997). A mathematical model of the interaction of the arc with the anode in plasma arc welding. International Journal for the Joining of Materials. 9 (2)

Dowden, J., Murray, J. and Kapadia, P., (1997). Changes in the stress regime and displacement field in the interior of Mount Etna deduced from surface observations. Tectonophysics. 269 (3-4), 299-315

Kapadia, P., Solana, P. and Dowden, J., (1997). Mathematical model of the interaction of the arc with the anode in plasma arc welding. International Journal for the Joining of Materials. 9 (2), 47-51

Solana, P., Kapadia, P. and Dowden, J., (1997). A mathematical model for the stochastic behaviour of species near the cathode in arc welding. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 30 (5), 871-878

Solana, P., Dowden, J., Kapadia, P., Richardson, I. and Ducharme, R., (1997). An evaluation of two mathematical models of the arc in plasma arc welding. International Journal for the Joining of Materials. 9 (3)

Solana, P., Kapadia, P., Ducharme, R., Dowden, J. and Richardson, I., (1997). Evaluation of two mathematical models of the arc in plasma arc welding. International Journal for the Joining of Materials. 9 (3), 101-105

Dowden, J., Edwards, PD. and Kilburn, JD., (1997). Modified synthesis and binding properties of a peptide receptor. Tetrahedron Letters. 38 (6), 1095-1098

Dowden, J., Kapadia, P., Clucas, A., Ducharme, R. and Steen, WM., (1996). On the relation between fluid dynamic pressure and the formation of pores in laser keyhole welding. Journal of Laser Applications. 8 (4), 183-190

Dowden, J. and Kapadia, P., (1996). The penetration depth in keyhole welding with pseudo-continuous Nd-YAG and CO lasers investigated mathematically. Applied Surface Science. 106, 235-239

Ducharme, RJ., Kapadia, PD., Dowden, JM., Richardson, IM. and Thornton, MF., (1996). A mathematical model of TIG electric arcs operating in the hyperbaric range. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 29 (10), 2650-2658

Kapadia, P. and Dowden, J., (1996). Some electrical effects in the keyhole plasma in deep penetration cw CO2 laser welding. Applied Surface Science. 106, 240-242

HAMOUDI, WK., ISMAIL, RA., DOWDEN, J. and KAPADIA, P., (1996). Transformation Hardening of En_{3} Steel with \alpha Nd:YAG 10 Millisecond Pulsed Laser. Turkish Journal of Physics. 20 (11), 1180-1190

Dowden, J. and Kapadia, P., (1995). A mathematical investigation of the penetration depth in keyhole welding with continuous CO2lasers. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 28 (11), 2252-2261

Ducharme, R., Kapadia, P., Dowden, J., Thornton, M. and Richardson, I., (1995). A mathematical model of the arc in electric arc welding including shielding gas flow and cathode spot location. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 28 (9), 1840-1850

Dowden, J., Murray, J. and Kapadia, P., (1995). Mathematical modelling of the stress regime in Mount Etna using ground deformation measurements 1987–1992. Tectonophysics. 249 (3-4), 141-154

Dowden, JM., Kapadia, P. and Ducharme, R., (1995). Analytical model of deep penetration welding of metals with a continuous CO2 laser. International Journal for the Joining of Materials. 7 (2-3), 54-61

Ducharme, R., Williams, K., Kapadia, P., Dowden, J., Steen, B. and Glowacki, M., (1994). The laser welding of thin metal sheets: an integrated keyhole and weld pool model with supporting experiments. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 27 (8), 1619-1627

Dowden, J. and Kapadia, P., (1994). Plasma arc welding: a mathematical model of the arc. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 27 (5), 902-910

Ducharme, R., Kapadia, P., Dowden, J. and Decker, I., (1993). Mathematical model of gas flow and heat transfer in the welding arc. International Journal for the Joining of Materials. 5 (4), 131-136

Postacioglu, N., Kapadia, P. and Dowden, J., (1993). A mathematical model of heat conduction in a prolate spheroidal coordinate system with applications to the theory of welding. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 26 (4), 563-573

Dowden, J., Kapadia, P. and Fenn, B., (1993). Space charge in plasma arc welding and cutting. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 26 (8), 1215-1223

Ducharme, R., Kapadia, P., Scarfe, F. and Dowden, J., (1993). A mathematical model of glass flow and heat transfer in a platinum downspout. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 36 (7), 1789-1797

Ducharme, R., Kapadia, P. and Dowden, J., (1992). Calculation of radiative transfer in plane media. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 25 (6), 924-932

Gratzke, U., Kapadia, PD., Dowden, J., Kroos, J. and Simon, G., (1992). Theoretical approach to the humping phenomenon in welding processes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 25 (11), 1640-1647

Whiting, P., Dowden, JM., Kapadia, PD. and Davis, MP., (1992). A one-dimensional mathematical model of laser induced thermal ablation of biological tissue. Lasers in Medical Science. 7 (1-4), 357-368

Kapadia, P. and Dowden, J., (1992). Non-linear plasma waves and their potential influence on the welding arc. International Journal for the Joining of Materials. 4 (1), 553-557

Aggarwal, VK., Evans, G., Moya, E. and Dowden, J., (1992). Chiral bisfunctionalization of substrates: a powerful strategy for the asymmetric synthesis of C2 symmetric compounds and its application to the synthesis of enantiomerically pure trans-1,3-dithiane 1,3-dioxide. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 57 (24), 6390-6391

Ducharme, R., Kapadia, P. and Dowden, J., (1991). A mathematical model of the flow of blood cells in fine capillaries. Journal of Biomechanics. 24 (5), 299-306

Gratzke, U., Kapadia, PD. and Dowden, J., (1991). Heat conduction in high-speed laser welding. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 24 (12), 2125-2134

Dowden, J., Kapadia, P. and Sibold, D., (1991). Mathematical modelling of laser welding. International Journal for the Joining of Materials. 3 (3), 73-78

Ducharme, R., Scarfe, F., Kapadia, P. and Dowden, J., (1991). The induction melting of glass. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 24 (5), 658-663

Dowden, J., Chang, WS., Kapadia, P. and Strange, C., (1991). Dynamics of the vapour flow in the keyhole in penetration welding with a laser at medium welding speeds. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 24 (4), 519-532

Dowden, J., Kapadia, P., Brown, G. and Rymer, H., (1991). Dynamics of a geyser eruption. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 96 (B11), 18059-18071

Postacioglu, N., Kapadia, P. and Dowden, J., (1991). Theory of the oscillations of an ellipsoidal weld pool in laser welding. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 24 (8), 1288-1292

Postacioglu, N., Kapadia, P. and Dowden, J., (1991). A theoretical model of thermocapillary flows in laser welding. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 24 (1), 15-20

B R Finke, P D Kapadia and J M Dowden, (1990). A fundamental plasma based model for energy transfer in laser material processing. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 23 (6), 643-654

Whiting, P., Dowden, J. and Kapadia, P., (1989). A mathematical analysis of the results of experiments on rats' livers by local laser hyperthermia. Lasers in Medical Science. 4 (1), 55-64

Davis, M., Kapadia, P., Whiting, P. and Dowden, J., (1989). Solution of a problem in the theory of laser medicine by the method of lines. Journal of Computational Physics. 81 (2), 406-420

Dowden, J., Kapadia, P. and Postacioglu, N., (1989). An analysis of the laser-plasma interaction in laser keyhole welding. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 22 (6), 741-749

Postacioglu, N., Kapadia, P. and Dowden, J., (1989). Capillary waves on the weld pool in penetration welding with a laser. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 22 (8), 1050-1061

Akhter, R., Davis, M., Dowden, J., Kapadia, P., Ley, M. and Steen, WM., (1989). A method for calculating the fused zone profile of laser keyhole welds. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 22 (1), 23-28

Davis, M., Dowden, J., Steger, A., Kapadia, P. and Whiting, P., (1989). A mathematical model for interstitial laser treatment of tumours using four fibres. Lasers in Medical Science. 4 (1), 41-53

Brown, G., Rymer, H., Dowden, J., Kapadia, P., Stevenson, D., Barquero, J. and Morales, LD., (1989). Energy budget analysis for Poás crater lake: implications for predicting volcanic activity. Nature. 339 (6223), 370-373

Steen, WM., Dowden, J., Davis, M. and Kapadia, P., (1988). A point and line source model of laser keyhole welding. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 21 (8), 1255-1260

Dowden, J., Jordan, T. and Kapadia, P., (1988). Temperature distribution produced by a cylindrical etched fibre tip in laser treatment of tumours by local hyperthermia. Lasers in Medical Science. 3 (1-4), 47-54

Dowden, J., Postacioglu, N., Davis, M. and Kapadia, P., (1987). A keyhole model in penetration welding with a laser. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 20 (1), 36-44

Davis, M. and Dowden, J., (1987). Interpolation by a local taut cubic piecewise polynomial. Computing. 38 (4), 299-313

Postacioglu, N., Kapadia, P., Davis, M. and Dowden, J., (1987). Upwelling in the liquid region surrounding the keyhole in penetration welding with a laser. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 20 (3), 340-345

Dowden, JM., Davis, M., Kapadia, P. and Matthewson, K., (1987). Heat flow in laser treatment by local hyperthermia. Lasers in Medical Science. 2 (3), 211-221

Davis, M., Kapadia, P. and Dowden, J., (1986). MODELLING THE FLUID FLOW IN LASER BEAM WELDING.. Welding Journal (Miami, Fla). 65 (7), S167-S174

Davis, M., Kapadia, P., Dowden, J., Steen, WM. and Courtney, CHG., (1986). Heat hardening of metal surfaces with a scanning laser beam. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 19 (10), 1981-1997

Dowden, J., Davis, M. and Kapadia, P., (1985). Molten-region temperature distribution in laser welding. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 18 (10), 1987-1994

Dowden, J., Davis, M. and Kapadia, P., (1985). The flow of heat and the motion of the weld pool in penetration welding with a laser. Journal of Applied Physics. 57 (9), 4474-4479

Davis, M., Kapadia, P. and Dowden, J., (1985). Solution of a stefan problem in the theory of laser welding by the method of lines. Journal of Computational Physics. 60 (3), 534-548

Dowden, J., Davis, M. and Kapadia, P., (1983). Some aspects of the fluid dynamics of laser welding. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 126 (3), 123-146

Dowden, J., (1981). The stability of a periodically heated layer of fluid. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 110 (SEP), 149-159

Dowden, JM., (1979). On the use of the theory of for the construction of models of turbulence. International Journal of Engineering Science. 17 (5), 533-544

Dowden, JM., (1974). A ν-fluid model of homogeneous turbulence subjected to uniform mean distortion. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 63 (01), 33-33

Dowden, JM., (1972). An equatorial boundary layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 56 (2), 193-200

Dowden, JM., (1972). The relaxation of stress in a ≠-fluid with reference to the decay of homogeneous turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 56 (4), 641-656

Books (2)

Dowden, JM., (2024). The Mathematics of Thermal Modeling. CRC Press

Dowden, JM., (2001). The mathematics of thermal modeling: An introduction to the theory of laser material processing

Book chapters (2)

Dowden, J., (2017). Mathematics in Laser Processing. In: Springer Series in Materials Science. Springer International Publishing. 1- 24. 9783319567105

Dowden, J., (2017). Laser Keyhole Welding: The Vapour Phase. In: Springer Series in Materials Science. Springer International Publishing. 113- 151. 9783319567105

Conferences (24)

Kheniche, A., Salhi, A., Harrison, A. and Dowden, JM., (2008). A deterministic algorithm for DNA sequence comparison

Dowden, J., Amara, E-H., Boudjemai, S. and Doumaz, D., (2008). Why Construct Analytical Models Of Laser Welding?

Pourzand, C., Yiakouvaki, A., Savovi, J., Al-Qenaei, A. and Dowden, J., (2007). Caged-iron chelatrs' as powerful prodrugs to protect the skin cells against iron-mediated lysosomal damage and necrotic cell death

Dowden, J., (2006). Convection of energy in partially ionised vapour in laser keyhole welding

Dowden, J., Brown, RS., Moreau, C., Galione, A. and Potter, BVL., (2005). CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS OF THE NOVEL CA2+ MESSENGER NAADP

Dowden, J., (2001). Driving forces for fluid motion in the weld pool in laser keyhole welding

Dowden, J. and Kapadia, P., (2000). Mathematical analysis of stress criteria in the interior of a heated translating work piece

Dowden, J., Kapadia, P., Lazizi, A. and Johnston, E., (2000). A mathematical model of the laser scabbling of concrete

Dowden, J. and Kapadia, P., (1997). Mathematical model of the use of a high-power laser to provide an electrical path of low resistance

Kapadia, P., Solana, P. and Dowden, J., (1997). Stochastic model of the deep penetration laser welding of metals

Dowden, J., Kapadia, P. and Solana, P., (1997). Thermocapillary flows in the weld pool formed during laser welding, investigated mathematically

Dowden, J. and Kapadia, P., (1996). A mathematical model of the Chevron-like wave pattern on a weld piece

Kapadia, P., Dowden, J. and Ducharme, R., (1996). A mathematical model of ablation in the keyhole and droplet formation in the plume in deep penetration laser welding

Dowden, J. and Kapadia, P., (1995). The instabilities of the keyhole and the formation of pores in the weld in laser keyhole welding.



Ducharme, R., Kapadia, PD., Dowden, JM., Williams, K. and Steen, WM., (1993). Integrated mathematical model of the keyhole and weldpool in the laser welding of thin metal sheets

Ducharme, R., Kapadia, P. and Dowden, J., (1993). Mathematical model of the defocusing of laser light above a workpiece in laser material processing

Kapadia, PD., Ducharme, R., Trayner, C., Dowden, JM., Williams, K. and Steen, WM., (1993). Radiative emission in the laser welding of thin metal sheets

Kapadia, PD., Ducharme, R., Trayner, C., Dowden, JM., Williams, K. and Steen, WM., (1993). Radiative emission in the laser welding of thin metal sheets

Ducharme, R., Kapadia, P. and Dowden, J., (1993). Mathematical model of the defocusing of laser light above a workpiece in laser material processing

Ducharme, R., Kapadia, PD., Dowden, JM., Williams, K. and Steen, WM., (1993). Integrated mathematical model of the keyhole and weldpool in the laser welding of thin metal sheets

Kapadia, P., Ducharme, R. and Dowden, J., (1992). Theory of radiative transfer in the plasma of the keyhole in penetration laser welding

Finke, BR., Finke, M., Kapadia, PD., Dowden, JM. and Simon, G., (1990). Numerical investigation of the Knudsen-layer, appearing in the laser-induced evaporation of metals



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