Professor Alex Dumbrell

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3SW.4.18, Colchester Campus
2019 -- Professor (University of Essex) 2016 - 2019 - Senior Lecturer (University of Essex) 2010 - 2016 - Lecturer (University of Essex) 2009 - 2010 - Visiting Research Fellow (Radboud University Nijmegen) 2007 - 2009 - Postdoctoral Research Fellow (University of York) 2002 - 2006 - Ph.D. (University of York) 2001 - 2002 - M.Sc. (University of Wales, Bangor) 1998 - 2001 - B.Sc. hons (University of Wales, Bangor) See: for details.
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Community ecology (focus on microbial systems)
Theoretical ecology (focus on models of biodiversity)
Molecular ecology (focus on next generation sequencing)
Macroecology (focus on examining patterns of biodiversity in microbial systems)
Spatial and temporal patterns of biodiversity
Biodiversity-Ecosystem service/function relationships
Species abundance distributions and species area relationships
Biodiversity models (ie niche and neutral theories)
Next generation sequencing technology and bioinformatics in ecological research
Metagenetics, metagenomics, metatranscriptomics
Soil biodiversity and function
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and other symbiotic systems
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Biodiversity: From Genes to Ecosystems (BS241)
Research Project in Biomedical Science (BS831)
Research Project in Life Sciences (BS832)
Arctic Ecology Field Course (BS233)
Publications (1)
Nightingale, J., McMahon, L., Steinke, M., McGenity, TJ., Gehrels, W., Dumbrell, A., Schäfer, H. and Redeker, K., (2022). Carbon neutrality does not equal climate neutrality in saltmarsh restoration
Journal articles (82)
Albini, D., Ransome, E., Dumbrell, AJ., Pawar, S., O’Gorman, EJ., Smith, TP., Bell, T., Jackson, MC. and Woodward, G., (2025). Warming alters plankton body-size distributions in a large field experiment. Communications Biology. 8 (1), 162-
Chen, L., Dini‐Andreote, F., Liu, H., Wang, H., Dumbrell, A., Wang, Z., Chen, X., Chen, F., Chen, X., Wu, L. and Jiang, Y., (2024). Integrating variation in bacterial‐fungal co‐occurrence network with soil carbon dynamics. Journal of Applied Ecology. 61 (1), 36-50
Šibanc, N., Clark, DR., Helgason, T., Dumbrell, AJ. and Maček, I., (2024). Extreme environments simplify reassembly of communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. mSystems. 9 (3), e0133123-
Jackson, MC., Friberg, N., Moliner Cachazo, L., Clark, DR., Mutinova, PT., O'Gorman, EJ., Kordas, RL., Gallo, B., Pichler, DE., Bespalaya, Y., Aksenova, OV., Milner, A., Brooks, SJ., Dunn, N., Lee, KWK., Ólafsson, JS., Gíslason, GM., Millan, L., Bell, T., Dumbrell, AJ. and Woodward, G., (2024). Regional impacts of warming on biodiversity and biomass in high latitude stream ecosystems across the Northern Hemisphere.. Communications Biology. 7 (1), 316-
Muenzel, D., Bani, A., De Brauwer, M., Stewart, E., Djakiman, C., Halwi, Purnama, R., Yusuf, S., Santoso, P., Hukom, FD., Struebig, M., Jompa, J., Limmon, G., Dumbrell, A. and Beger, M., (2024). Combining environmental DNA and visual surveys can inform conservation planning for coral reefs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121 (17), e2307214121-
Jackson, MC., O'Gorman, EJ., Gallo, B., Harpenslager, SF., Randall, K., Harris, DN., Prentice, H., Trimmer, M., Sanders, I., Dumbrell, AJ., Cameron, TC., Layer-Dobra, K., Bespalaya, Y., Aksenova, O., Friberg, N., Moliner Cachazo, L., Brooks, SJ. and Woodward, G., (2024). Warming reduces trophic diversity in high-latitude food webs.. Global Change Biology. 30 (10), e17518-
Valentinuzzi, F., Fracasso, I., Bani, A., Graf, H., Pii, Y., Dumbrell, A., Cavani, L., Cesco, S., Borruso, L. and Mimmo, T., (2024). Enhancing Soil-Grown Strawberry Fruit Quality through the Synergistic Influence of Beneficial Microorganisms and Digestate. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 24 (4), 7696-7712
Bani, A., Whitby, C., Colbeck, I., Dumbrell, AJ. and Ferguson, RMW., (2024). Rapid In-Field Detection of Airborne Pathogens Using Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP). Microorganisms. 12 (12), 2578-2578
Freeman, HA., Hepburn, LJ., Taylor, MI., Hunter, E., Dumbrell, AJ., Gregson, BH., Smith, AJ., Lamphierre, A. and Cameron, TC., (2024). What makes a habitat a home? Habitat associations of juvenile European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, in estuarine nurseries.. Journal of Fish Biology. 105 (2), 539-556
Li, P., Wu, M., Li, T., Dumbrell, AJ., Saleem, M., Kuang, L., Luan, L., Wang, S., Li, Z. and Jiang, J., (2023). Molecular weight of dissolved organic matter determines its interactions with microbes and its assembly processes in soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 184, 109117-109117
Li, P., Tedersoo, L., Crowther, TW., Wang, B., Shi, Y., Kuang, L., Li, T., Wu, M., Liu, M., Luan, L., Liu, J., Li, D., Li, Y., Wang, S., Saleem, M., Dumbrell, AJ., Li, Z. and Jiang, J., (2023). Global diversity and biogeography of potential phytopathogenic fungi in a changing world. Nature Communications. 14 (1), 6482-
Li, P., Tedersoo, L., Crowther, TW., Dumbrell, AJ., Dini-Andreote, F., Bahram, M., Kuang, L., Li, T., Wu, M., Jiang, Y., Luan, L., Saleem, M., de Vries, FT., Li, Z., Wang, B. and Jiang, J., (2023). Fossil-fuel-dependent scenarios could lead to a significant decline of global plant-beneficial bacteria abundance in soils by 2100. Nature Food. 4 (11), 996-1006
Su, M., Dell'Orto, M., D'Imporzano, G., Bani, A., Dumbrell, AJ. and Adani, F., (2022). The structure and diversity of microalgae-microbial consortia isolated from various local organic wastes.. Bioresource Technology. 347, 126416-126416
Bohmann, K., Elbrecht, V., Carøe, C., Bista, I., Leese, F., Bunce, M., Yu, DW., Seymour, M., Dumbrell, AJ. and Creer, S., (2022). Strategies for sample labelling and library preparation in DNA metabarcoding studies.. Molecular Ecology Resources. 22 (4), 1231-1246
Clagnan, E., D'Imporzano, G., Dell'Orto, M., Bani, A., Dumbrell, AJ., Parati, K., Acién-Fernández, FG., Portillo-Hahnefeld, A., Martel-Quintana, A., Gómez-Pinchetti, JL. and Adani, F., (2022). Centrate as a sustainable growth medium: Impact on microalgal inocula and bacterial communities in tubular photobioreactor cultivation systems. Bioresource Technology. 363, 127979-127979
Struebig, MJ., Aninta, SG., Beger, M., Bani, A., Barus, H., Brace, S., Davies, ZG., De Brauwer, M., Diele, K., Djakiman, C., Djamaluddin, R., Drinkwater, R., Dumbrell, A., Evans, D., Fusi, M., Herrera-Alsina, L., Iskandar, DT., Jompa, J., Juliandi, B., Lancaster, LT., Limmon, G., Lindawati, Lo, MGY., Lupiyaningdyah, P., Mccannon, M., Meijaard, E., Mitchell, SL., Mumbunan, S., O'connell, D., Osborne, OG., Papadopulos, AST., Rahajoe, JS., Rosaria, Rossiter, SJ., Rugayah, Rustiami, H., Salzmann, U., Sheherazade, Sudiana, IM., Sukara, E., Tasirin, JS., Tjoa, A., Travis, JMJ., Trethowan, L., Trianto, A., Utteridge, T., Voigt, M., Winarni, N., Zakaria, Z., Edwards, DP., Frantz, L. and Supriatna, J., (2022). Safeguarding Imperiled Biodiversity and Evolutionary Processes in the Wallacea Center of Endemism. BioScience. 72 (11), 1118-1130
Marden, E., Abbott, RJ., Austerlitz, F., Ortiz‐Barrientos, D., Baucom, RS., Bongaerts, P., Bonin, A., Bonneaud, C., Browne, L., Alex Buerkle, C., Caicedo, AL., Coltman, DW., Cruzan, MB., Davison, A., DeWoody, JA., Dumbrell, AJ., Emerson, BC., Fountain‐Jones, NM., Gillespie, R., Giraud, T., Hansen, MM., Hodgins, KA., Heuertz, M., Hirase, S., Hooper, R., Hohenlohe, P., Kane, NC., Kelley, JL., Kinziger, AP., McKenzie, VJ., Moreau, CS., Nazareno, AG., Pelletier, TA., Pemberton, JM., Qu, Y., Renaut, S., Riginos, C., Rodríguez‐Ezpeleta, N., Rogers, SM., Russell, JA., Schoville, SD., Shi, S., Smith, M., Sork, VL., Stone, GN., Taberlet, P., Videvall, E., Waits, L., Warschefsky, E., Wayne, RK., Whibley, A., Willoughby, J., Yoder, JB., Zinger, L., Sibbett, B., Narum, S. and Rieseberg, LH., (2021). Sharing and reporting benefits from biodiversity research. Molecular Ecology. 30 (5), 1103-1107
Ferguson, RMW., Neath, CEE., Nasir, ZA., Garcia-Alcega, S., Tyrrel, S., Coulon, F., Dumbrell, AJ., Colbeck, I. and Whitby, C., (2021). Size fractionation of bioaerosol emissions from green-waste composting. Environment International. 147, 106327-106327
Signorini, M., Borruso, L., Randall, KC., Dumbrell, AJ., Pii, Y., Mimmo, T. and Cesco, S., (2021). Soil heterogeneity within a vineyard impacts the beta but not the alpha microbial agro-diversity. Applied Soil Ecology. 166, 104088-104088
Razak, TB., Ramadhani, BA., Corni, S., Roelfsema, C., Markey, K., Bambic, B., De Brauwer, M., Masdar, H., Purnama, R., Dumbrell, AJ., Jompa, J., Limmon, GV., Beger, M. and Fox, HE., (2021). Large scale study of benthic communities in Eastern Indonesia’s reef systems. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 44, 101731-101731
Francioli, D., van Rijssel, SQ., van Ruijven, J., Termorshuizen, AJ., Cotton, TEA., Dumbrell, AJ., Raaijmakers, JM., Weigelt, A. and Mommer, L., (2021). Plant functional group drives the community structure of saprophytic fungi in a grassland biodiversity experiment. Plant and Soil. 461 (1-2), 91-105
Fell, SC., Carrivick, JL., Cauvy-Fraunié, S., Crespo-Pérez, V., Hood, E., Randall, KC., Nicholass, KJM., Tiegs, SD., Dumbrell, AJ. and Brown, LE., (2021). Fungal decomposition of river organic matter accelerated by decreasing glacier cover. Nature Climate Change. 11 (4), 349-353
Wilkes, MA., Mckenzie, M., Naura, M., Allen, L., Morris, M., Van De Wiel, M., Dumbrell, AJ., Bani, A., Lashford, C., Lavers, T. and England, J., (2021). Defining Recovery Potential in River Restoration: A Biological Data-Driven Approach. Water. 13 (23), 3339-3339
Ferguson, RMW., O'Gorman, EJ., McElroy, DJ., McKew, BA., Coleman, RA., Emmerson, MC. and Dumbrell, AJ., (2021). The Ecological Impacts of Multiple Environmental Stressors on Coastal Biofilm Bacteria.. Global Change Biology. 27 (13), 3166-3178
Clark, DR., Underwood, GJC., McGenity, TJ. and Dumbrell, AJ., (2021). What drives study-dependent differences in distance–decay relationships of microbial communities?. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 30 (4), 811-825
Clark, DR., McKew, BA., Dong, LF., Leung, G., Dumbrell, AJ., Stott, A., Grant, H., Nedwell, DB., Trimmer, M. and Whitby, C., (2020). Mineralization and nitrification: Archaea dominate ammonia-oxidising communities in grassland soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 143, 107725-107725
Li, P., Li, W., Dumbrell, AJ., Liu, M., Li, G., Wu, M., Jiang, C. and Li, Z., (2020). Spatial Variation in Soil Fungal Communities across Paddy Fields in Subtropical China.. mSystems. 5 (1), e00704-e00719
Garcia-Alcega, S., Nasir, ZA., Cipullo, S., Ferguson, RMW., Yan, C., Whitby, C., Dumbrell, AJ., Drew, G., Colbeck, I., Tyrrel, S. and Coulon, F., (2020). Fingerprinting ambient air to understand bioaerosol profiles in three different environments in the south east of England.. Science of the Total Environment. 719, 137542-137542
Zhu, Y., Purdy, KJ., Eyice, Ö., Shen, L., Harpenslager, SF., Yvon-Durocher, G., Dumbrell, AJ. and Trimmer, M., (2020). Disproportionate increase in freshwater methane emissions induced by experimental warming. Nature Climate Change. 10 (7), 685-690
Makiola, A., Compson, ZG., Baird, DJ., Barnes, MA., Boerlijst, SP., Bouchez, A., Brennan, G., Bush, A., Canard, E., Cordier, T., Creer, S., Curry, RA., David, P., Dumbrell, AJ., Gravel, D., Hajibabaei, M., Hayden, B., van der Hoorn, B., Jarne, P., Jones, JI., Karimi, B., Keck, F., Kelly, M., Knot, IE., Krol, L., Massol, F., Monk, WA., Murphy, J., Pawlowski, J., Poisot, T., Porter, TM., Randall, KC., Ransome, E., Ravigné, V., Raybould, A., Robin, S., Schrama, M., Schatz, B., Tamaddoni-Nezhad, A., Trimbos, KB., Vacher, C., Vasselon, V., Wood, S., Woodward, G. and Bohan, DA., (2020). Key Questions for Next-Generation Biomonitoring. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 7
Luke, SH., Advento, AD., Aryawan, AAK., Adhy, DN., Ashton-Butt, A., Barclay, H., Dewi, JP., Drewer, J., Dumbrell, AJ., Edi, Eycott, AE., Harianja, MF., Hinsch, JK., Hood, ASC., Kurniawan, C., Kurz, DJ., Mann, DJ., Matthews Nicholass, KJ., Naim, M., Pashkevich, MD., Prescott, GW., Ps, S., Pujianto, Purnomo, D., Purwoko, RR., Putra, S., Rambe, TDS., Soeprapto, Spear, DM., Suhardi, Tan, DJX., Tao, H-H., Tarigan, RS., Wahyuningsih, R., Waters, HS., Widodo, RH., Whendy, Woodham, CR., Caliman, J-P., Slade, EM., Snaddon, JL., Foster, WA. and Turner, EC., (2020). Managing Oil Palm Plantations More Sustainably: Large-Scale Experiments Within the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) Programme. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 2
Underwood, G., Michel, C., Meisterhans, G., Niemi, A., Belzile, C., Witt, M., Dumbrell, AJ. and Koch, BP., (2019). Organic matter from Artic sea ice loss alters bacterial community structure and function. Nature Climate Change. 9 (2), 170-176
Alzarhani, AK., Clark, DR., Underwood, GJC., Ford, H., Cotton, TEA. and Dumbrell, A., (2019). Are Drivers of Root-Associated Fungal Community Structure Context Specific?. ISME Journal. 13 (5), 1330-1344
Ferguson, RMW., Garcia-Alcega, S., Coulon, F., Dumbrell, AJ., Whitby, C. and Colbeck, I., (2019). Bioaerosol Biomonitoring: Sampling Optimisation for Molecular Microbial Ecology. Molecular Ecology Resources. 19 (3), 672-690
Dumbrell, AJ., (2019). Size matters in regulating the biodiversity of tropical forest soils. Molecular Ecology. 28 (3), 525-527
Zinger, L., Bonin, A., Alsos, IG., Bálint, M., Bik, H., Boyer, F., Chariton, AA., Creer, S., Coissac, E., Deagle, BE., De Barba, M., Dickie, IA., Dumbrell, AJ., Ficetola, GF., Fierer, N., Fumagalli, L., Gilbert, MTP., Jarman, S., Jumpponen, A., Kauserud, H., Orlando, L., Pansu, J., Pawlowski, J., Tedersoo, L., Thomsen, PF., Willerslev, E. and Taberlet, P., (2019). DNA metabarcoding—Need for robust experimental designs to draw sound ecological conclusions. Molecular Ecology. 28 (8), 1857-1862
Maček, I., Clark, DR., Šibanc, N., Moser, G., Vodnik, D., Müller, C. and Dumbrell, AJ., (2019). Impacts of long‐term elevated atmospheric CO₂ concentrations on communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Molecular Ecology. 28 (14), 3445-3458
Bani, A., Borruso, L., Matthews Nicholass, KJ., Bardelli, T., Polo, A., Pioli, S., Gómez-Brandón, M., Insam, H., Dumbrell, AJ. and Brusetti, L., (2019). Site-Specific Microbial Decomposer Communities Do Not Imply Faster Decomposition: Results from a Litter Transplantation Experiment.. Microorganisms. 7 (9), 349-349
Clark, DR., Ferguson, RMW., Harris, DN., Matthews Nicholass, KJ., Prentice, HJ., Randall, KC., Randell, L., Warren, SL. and Dumbrell, AJ., (2018). Streams of data from drops of water: 21st century molecular microbial ecology. WIREs Water. 5 (4)
Mommer, L., Cotton, TEA., Raaijmakers, JM., Termorshuizen, AJ., van Ruijven, J., Hendriks, M., van Rijssel, SQ., van de Mortel, JE., van der Paauw, JW., Schijlen, EGWM., Smit-Tiekstra, AE., Berendse, F., de Kroon, H. and Dumbrell, AJ., (2018). Lost in diversity: the interactions between soil-borne fungi, biodiversity and plant productivity. New Phytologist. 218 (2), 542-553
Garcia-Alcega, S., Nasir, ZA., Ferguson, RMW., Noël, C., Cravo-Laureau, C., Whitby, C., Dumbrell, AJ., Colbeck, I., Tyrrel, S. and Coulon, F., (2018). Can chemical and molecular biomarkers help discriminate between industrial, rural and urban environments?. Science of the Total Environment. 631–632, 1059-1069
Bohan, DA., Vacher, C., Tamaddoni-Nezhad, A., Raybould, A., Dumbrell, AJ. and Woodward, G., (2017). Next-Generation Global Biomonitoring: Large-scale, Automated Reconstruction of Ecological Networks. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 32 (7), 477-487
Garcia-Alcega, S., Nasir, Z., Ferguson, RMW., Whitby, C., Dumbrell, AJ., Colbeck, I., Gomes, D., Tyrrel, S. and Coulon, F., (2017). Fingerprinting outdoor air environment using microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) – A review. TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 86, 75-83
Dumbrell, ALEXJ., Ferguson, RMW. and Clark, DR., (2017). Microbial Community Analysis by Single-Amplicon High-Throughput Next Generation Sequencing: Data Analysis – From Raw Output to Ecology. Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Protocols. Microbial Quantitation, Community Profiling and Array Approaches, 155-206
Terrisse, F., Cravo-Laureau, C., Noël, C., Cagnon, C., Dumbrell, AJ., McGenity, TJ. and Duran, R., (2017). Variation of oxygenation conditions on a hydrocarbonoclastic microbial community reveals Alcanivorax and Cycloclasticus ecotypes. Frontiers in Microbiology. 8 (AUG), 1549-
Clark, DR., Mathieu, M., Mourot, L., Underwood, GJC., Dufossé, L., Dumbrell, AJ. and McGenity, TJ., (2017). Biogeography at the limits of life: Do extremophilic microbial communities show biogeographical regionalization?. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 26 (12), 1435-1446
Lohr, KE., Smith, DJ., Suggett, DJ., Nitschke, MR., Dumbrell, AJ., Woodcock, S. and Camp, EF., (2017). Coral community structure and recruitment in seagrass meadows. Frontiers in Marine Science. 4 (NOV)
Osburn, CL., Anderson, NJ., Stedmon, CA., Giles, ME., Whiteford, EJ., McGenity, TJ., Dumbrell, AJ. and Underwood, GJC., (2017). Shifts in the Source and Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter in Southwest Greenland Lakes Along a Regional Hydro-climatic Gradient. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 122 (12), 3431-3445
Low-Décarie, E., Fussmann, GF., Dumbrell, AJ. and Bell, G., (2016). Communities that thrive in extreme conditions captured from a freshwater lake. Biology Letters. 12 (9), 20160562-20160562
Aslam, SN., Dumbrell, AJ., Sabir, JS., Mutwakil, MHZ., Baeshen, MMN., Abo‐Aba, SEM., Clark, DR., Yates, SA., Baeshen, NA., Underwood, GJC. and McGenity, TJ., (2016). Soil compartment is a major determinant of the impact of simulated rainfall on desert microbiota. Environmental Microbiology. 18 (12), 5048-5062
Camp, EF., Hobbs, JPA., De Brauwer, M., Dumbrell, AJ. and Smith, DJ., (2016). Cohabitation promotes high diversity of clownfishes in the Coral Triangle. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 283 (1827), 20160277-20160277
Lansdown, K., McKew, BA., Whitby, C., Heppell, CM., Dumbrell, AJ., Binley, A., Olde, L. and Trimmer, M., (2016). Importance and controls of anaerobic ammonium oxidation influenced by riverbed geology. Nature Geoscience. 9 (5), 357-360
Thompson, MSA., Bankier, C., Bell, T., Dumbrell, AJ., Gray, C., Ledger, ME., Lehmann, K., McKew, BA., Sayer, CD., Shelley, F., Trimmer, M., Warren, SL. and Woodward, G., (2016). Gene‐to‐ecosystem impacts of a catastrophic pesticide spill: testing a multilevel bioassessment approach in a river ecosystem. Freshwater Biology. 61 (12), 2037-2050
(2016). Networking Our Way to Better Ecosystem Service Provision. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 31 (2), 105-115
Fayle, TM., Scholtz, O., Dumbrell, AJ., Russell, S., Segar, ST. and Eggleton, P., (2015). Detection of Mitochondrial COII DNA Sequences in Ant Guts as a Method for Assessing Termite Predation by Ants. PLOS ONE. 10 (4), e0122533-e0122533
Cotton, TEA., Fitter, AH., Miller, RM., Dumbrell, AJ. and Helgason, T., (2015). Fungi in the future: interannual variation and effects of atmospheric change on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. New Phytologist. 205 (4), 1598-1607
Li, J., Nedwell, DB., Beddow, J., Dumbrell, AJ., McKew, BA., Thorpe, EL. and Whitby, C., (2015). amoA Gene Abundances and Nitrification Potential Rates Suggest that Benthic Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria and Not Archaea Dominate N Cycling in the Colne Estuary, United Kingdom. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 81 (1), 159-165
Low-Décarie, E., Kolber, M., Homme, P., Lofano, A., Dumbrell, A., Gonzalez, A. and Bell, G., (2015). Community rescue in experimental metacommunities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112 (46), 14307-14312
Cotton, TEA., Dumbrell, AJ. and Helgason, T., (2014). What Goes in Must Come out: Testing for Biases in Molecular Analysis of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Communities. PLoS ONE. 9 (10), e109234-e109234
Papaspyrou, S., Smith, CJ., Dong, LF., Whitby, C., Dumbrell, AJ. and Nedwell, DB., (2014). Nitrate Reduction Functional Genes and Nitrate Reduction Potentials Persist in Deeper Estuarine Sediments. Why?. PLoS One. 9 (4), e94111-e94111
Šibanc, N., Dumbrell, AJ., Mandić-Mulec, I. and Maček, I., (2014). Impacts of naturally elevated soil CO2 concentrations on communities of soil archaea and bacteria. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 68, 348-356
Woodward, G., Dumbrell, AJ., Baird, DJ. and Hajibabaei, M., (2014). ADVANCES IN ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH Big Data in Ecology PREFACE. ADVANCES IN ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, VOL 51: BIG DATA IN ECOLOGY. 51, IX-XIII
McKew, BA., Dumbrell, AJ., Taylor, JD., McGenity, TJ. and Underwood, GJC., (2013). Differences between aerobic and anaerobic degradation of microphytobenthic biofilm-derived organic matter within intertidal sediments. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 84 (3), 495-509
Talmy, D., Blackford, J., Hardman-Mountford, NJ., Dumbrell, AJ. and Geider, RJ., (2013). An optimality model of photoadaptation in contrasting aquatic light regimes. Limnology and Oceanography. 58 (5), 1802-1818
Codling, EA. and Dumbrell, AJ., (2013). Bridging the gap between theory and data in ecological models. Ecological Complexity. 16, 1-8
Lewis, HM. and Dumbrell, AJ., (2013). Evolutionary games of cooperation: Insights through integration of theory and data. Ecological Complexity. 16, 20-30
McKew, BA., Dumbrell, AJ., Daud, SD., Hepburn, L., Thorpe, E., Mogensen, L. and Whitby, C., (2012). Characterization of Geographically Distinct Bacterial Communities Associated with Coral Mucus Produced by Acropora spp. and Porites spp. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 78 (15), 5229-5237
Fayle, TM., Edwards, DP., Turner, EC., Dumbrell, AJ., Eggleton, P. and Foster, WA., (2012). Public goods, public services and by‐product mutualism in an ant–fern symbiosis. Oikos. 121 (8), 1279-1286
Codling, EA. and Dumbrell, AJ., (2012). Mathematical and theoretical ecology: linking models with ecological processes. Interface Focus. 2 (2), 144-149
Maček, I., Dumbrell, AJ., Nelson, M., Fitter, AH., Vodnik, D. and Helgason, T., (2011). Local Adaptation to Soil Hypoxia Determines the Structure of an Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Community in Roots from Natural CO2Springs. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 77 (14), 4770-4777
Dumbrell, AJ., Ashton, PD., Aziz, N., Feng, G., Nelson, M., Dytham, C., Fitter, AH. and Helgason, T., (2011). Distinct seasonal assemblages of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi revealed by massively parallel pyrosequencing. New Phytologist. 190 (3), 794-804
Fayle, TM., Dumbrell, AJ., Turner, EC. and Foster, WA., (2011). Distributional Patterns of Epiphytic Ferns are Explained by the Presence of Cryptic Species. Biotropica. 43 (1), 6-7
Mommer, L., Dumbrell, AJ., Wagemaker, CAM. and Ouborg, NJ., (2011). Belowground DNA-based techniques: untangling the network of plant root interactions. Plant and Soil. 348 (1-2), 115-121
Dumbrell, AJ., Nelson, M., Helgason, T., Dytham, C. and Fitter, AH., (2010). Relative roles of niche and neutral processes in structuring a soil microbial community. The ISME Journal. 4 (3), 337-345
Dumbrell, AJ., Nelson, M., Helgason, T., Dytham, C. and Fitter, AH., (2010). Erratum: Relative roles of niche and neutral processes in structuring a soil microbial community. The ISME Journal. 4 (8), 1078-1078
Dumbrell, AJ., Nelson, M., Helgason, T., Dytham, C. and Fitter, AH., (2010). Idiosyncrasy and overdominance in the structure of natural communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: is there a role for stochastic processes?. Journal of Ecology. 98 (2), 419-428
Fayle, TM., Chung, AYC., Dumbrell, AJ., Eggleton, P. and Foster, WA., (2009). The Effect of Rain Forest Canopy Architecture on the Distribution of Epiphytic Ferns (Asplenium spp.) in Sabah, Malaysia. Biotropica. 41 (6), 676-681
Dumbrell, AJ., Clark, EJ., Frost, GA., Randell, TE., Pitchford, JW. and Hill, JK., (2008). Changes in species diversity following habitat disturbance are dependent on spatial scale: theoretical and empirical evidence. Journal of Applied Ecology. 45 (5), 1531-1539
Wüster, W., Dumbrell, AJ., Hay, C., Pook, CE., Williams, DJ. and Fry, BG., (2005). Snakes across the Strait: trans-Torresian phylogeographic relationships in three genera of Australasian snakes (Serpentes: Elapidae: Acanthophis, Oxyuranus, and Pseudechis). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 34 (1), 1-14
Dumbrell, AJ. and Hill, JK., (2005). Impacts of selective logging on canopy and ground assemblages of tropical forest butterflies: Implications for sampling. Biological Conservation. 125 (1), 123-131
Nichol, G., Huszti, E., Rokosh, J., Dumbrell, A., McGowan, J. and Becker, L., (2004). Impact of informed consent requirements on cardiac arrest research in the United States: exception from consent or from research?. Resuscitation. 62 (1), 3-23
Books (9)
Bohan, DA. and Dumbrell, A., (2022). Functional Microbiomes. Elsevier. 9780323985932
Dumbrell, AJ., Turner, EC. and Fayle, TM., (2020). Preface. Elsevier
Bohan, DA. and Dumbrell, AJ., (2019). Preface. Elsevier
Eisenhauer, N., Bohan, DA. and Dumbrell, AJ., (2019). Preface: Mechanistic links between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Elsevier
Dumbrell, AJ., Woodward, G., Jackson, MC. and Bohan, DA., (2018). Preface. Elsevier
Dumbrell, AJ., Woodward, G., Jackson, MC. and Bohan, DA., (2018). Preface. Elsevier
Dumbrell, AJ., Kordas, RL. and Woodward, G., (2016). Preface. Elsevier
Woodward, G., Dumbrell, AJ., Baird, DJ. and Hajibabaei, M., (2014). Preface. Elsevier
Woodward, G., Dumbrell, AJ., Baird, DJ. and Hajibabaei, M., (2014). Big Data in Ecology. Elsevier. 978-0-08-099970-8
Book chapters (17)
Maček, I. and Dumbrell, AJ., (2023). Long-term experiments in natural locally-extreme high CO2 environments: Roadmap for future research. In: Advances in Ecological Research. Elsevier. 35- 49. 9780443193781
Underwood, GJC., Dumbrell, AJ., McGenity, TJ., McKew, BA. and Whitby, C., (2022). The Microbiome of Coastal Sediments. In: The Marine Microbiome. Editors: Stal, LJ. and Cretoiu, MS., . Springer International Publishing. 479- 534. 9783030903824
Whitby, C., Ferguson, RMW., Colbeck, I., Dumbrell, AJ., Nasir, ZA., Marczylo, E., Kinnersley, R., Douglas, P., Drew, G., Bhui, K., Lemon, M., Jackson, S., Tyrrel, S. and Coulon, F., (2022). Compendium of analytical methods for sampling, characterization and quantification of bioaerosols. In: Functional Microbiomes. Editors: Bohan, DA. and Dumbrell, AJ., . Elsevier. 101- 229. 978-0-323-98593-2
Li, P., Dumbrell, AJ., Saleem, M., Kuang, L., Li, T., Luan, L., Li, W., Li, G., Wu, M., Wang, B., Jiang, J., Liu, M. and Li, Z., (2022). Linking microbial body size to community co-occurrences and stability at multiple geographical scales in agricultural soils. In: Functional Microbiomes. Editors: Bohan, DA. and Dumbrell, AJ., . Elsevier. 1- 26. 978-0-323-98593-2
Bani, A., De Brauwer, M., Creer, S., Dumbrell, AJ., Limmon, G., Jompa, J., von der Heyden, S. and Beger, M., (2020). Informing marine spatial planning decisions with environmental DNA. In: Advances in Ecological Research. Elsevier. 375- 407
Dumbrell, AJ., Turner, EC. and Fayle, TM., (2020). Tropical Ecosystems in the 21st Century, Volume 62 Preface. In: TROPICAL ECOSYSTEMS IN THE 21ST CENTURY. XVII- XXVI
Bohan, DA. and Dumbrell, AJ., (2019). ADVANCES IN ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH Resilience in Complex Socio-ecological Systems, vol 60 Preface. In: RESILIENCE IN COMPLEX SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS. XI- XIII. 978-0-08-102854-4
Redeker, KR., Cai, LL., Dumbrell, AJ., Bardill, A., Chong, JPJ. and Helgason, T., (2018). Noninvasive Analysis of the Soil Microbiome: Biomonitoring Strategies Using the Volatilome, Community Analysis, and Environmental Data. In: Advances in Ecological Research. Academic Press. 93- 132. 9780128143179
Steinke, M., Randell, L., Dumbrell, AJ. and Saha, M., (2018). Volatile Biomarkers for Aquatic Ecological Research. In: Next Generation Biomonitoring: Part 2. Editors: Bohan, DA., Dumbrell, AJ., Woodward, G. and Jackson, M., . Elsevier. 75- 92. 978-0128143179
Dumbrell, AJ., Woodward, G., Jackson, MC. and Bohan, DA., (2018). Next Generation Biomonitoring: Part 1 PREFACE. In: NEXT GENERATION BIOMONITORING, PT 1. XV- XVIII
Derocles, SAP., Bohan, DA., Dumbrell, AJ., Kitson, JJN., Massol, F., Pauvert, C., Plantegenest, M., Vacher, C. and Evans, DM., (2018). Biomonitoring for the 21st Century: Integrating Next-Generation Sequencing Into Ecological Network Analysis. In: Networks of Invasion: Empirical Evidence and Case Studies. Editors: Bohan, DA., Dumbrell, AJ. and Massol, F., . Academic Press. 1- 62. 978-0-12-813328-6
Nedwell, DB., Underwood, GJC., McGenity, TJ., Whitby, C. and Dumbrell, AJ., (2016). The Colne Estuary. In: Advances in Ecological Research. Elsevier. 227- 281. 978-0-08-100935-2
Jackson, MC., Weyl, OLF., Altermatt, F., Durance, I., Friberg, N., Dumbrell, AJ., Piggott, JJ., Tiegs, SD., Tockner, K., Krug, CB., Leadley, PW. and Woodward, G., (2016). Recommendations for the Next Generation of Global Freshwater Biological Monitoring Tools. In: Advances in Ecological Research. Elsevier. 615- 636. 978-0-08-100935-2
Maček, I., Vodnik, D., Pfanz, H., Low-Décarie, E. and Dumbrell, AJ., (2016). Locally Extreme Environments as Natural Long-Term Experiments in Ecology. In: Advances in Ecological Research. Elsevier. 283- 323. 9780081009352
Woodward, G., Dumbrell, AJ., Baird, DJ. and Hajibabaei, M., (2014). Preface - Big Data in Ecology. In: Big Data in Ecology. Editors: Woodward, G., Dumbrell, AJ., Baird, DJ. and Hajibabaei, M., . Elsevier. ix- xiii. 978-0-08-099970-8
Dumbrell, AJ., (2013). Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi throughout the Year: Using Massively Parallel Pyrosequencing to Quantify Spatiotemporal Seasonal Dynamics. In: Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere: Volume 1. Wiley. 1113- 1122. 9781118296172
Conferences (1)
Steinke, M., Hodapp, B., Martin-Creuzburg, D., Subhan, R., Lemaire, S. and Dumbrell, A., (2015). Environmental volabolomics: deciphering the chemical language that shapes aquatic health
Grants and funding
Visiting Researcher - Understanding human-induced trophic cascades in coastal ecosystems
Norwegian Institute for Natural Research
APPLECore - Apple Genomics
Norwegian Institute for Natural Research
Climate REEFS: Integrating Risks, Evolution, socio-Economics for Fisheries Sustainability on coral reefs in a changing climate
International Development Research Centre
Developing an understanding of ecological network science (ENS) for river ecosystems. An opinion piece
Environment Agency
Ecosystem Benefits of Oyster Aquaculture Sites
Atlantic Edge Oysters Ltd
Ecosystem Benefits of Oyster Aquaculture Sites
Envision Marine Ltd
REWilding and restoration inteRtIdal sedimenT Ecosystem for carbon sequestration, climate adaptation and biodiversity support
European Commission
MPAShift: Improving marine protected areas on tropicalizing temperate reefs
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Adaptive Reefs in Ducie Island Pitcairn
The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Quantifying the ecological effects of grassland management above and below ground
Northumbrian Water Limited
Identifying Determinants For Indoor Air Quality And Their Health Impact In Environments For Children: Measures To Improve Indoor Air Quality And Reduce Disease Burdens
European Commission
Benchmarking Agriculture and Agri-environment Performance
Spains Hall Estate
ECO-COATING � Engineering Control of Organic Coatings on Autonomous Navy Gliders
US Department of Defense: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Local Government Association Net Zero Innovation Programme - partnership with CBC to work with local schools to create a Climate Emergency Action Plan
Colchester Borough Council (CBC)
Local Government Association Net Zero Innovation Programme - partnership with CBC to work with local schools to create a Climate Emergency Action Plan
Colchester Borough Council (CBC)
Increasing diversity in environmental science
Natural Environment Research Council
NI: BioSkyNet: the first global network of bioaerosols researchers
Natural Environment Research Council
Towards optimising biofumigation and pest control with mustard and radish plants: monitoring the soil microbiome via volatile organic compounds and next generation sequencing
Enabling Innovation: Research to Application
A Novel Framework for Predicting Emerging Chemical Stressor Impacts in Complex Ecosystems
Natural Environment Research Council
Managing tropical agricultural ecosystems for resistance and recovery of ecosystem processes
University of Cambridge
FUSED - Functionality of Urban Soils supporting Ecosystem service Delivery
Natural Environment Research Council
Gradients of marine biodiversity and linkages with eDNA across the Wallacea Region
Natural Environment Research Council
Rapid monitoring of bioaerosols in Urban, Agricultural and Industrial Environments
Natural Environment Research Council
Rapid monitoring of bioaerosols in Urban, Agricultural and Industrial Environments
Natural Environment Research Council
Rapid monitoring of bioaerosols in Urban, Agricultural and Industrial Environments
Natural Environment Research Council
Integrating Next Generation Sequencing Technologies into Food Web Ecology
Imperial College, London
Impacts of Global warming in sentinel systems: from genes to ecosystems
Natural Environment Research Council
Diversity and community composition of AMF in selected secondary succession areas in Balkan Peninsula
University of Ljubljana
Response of plant roots and mycorrhizal fungi to soil hypoxia
University of Ljubljana
Coral Reefs of New Providence Island, Bahamas
Blackstone Consultancy Ltd
Do realignment sites restore microbial biodiversity-driven nutrient cycling and trace gas fluxes comparable to natural coastal ecosystems?
Natural Environment Research Council
Quantifying Ecosystem Resilience
Natural Environment Research Council
A hierarchical approach to the examination of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem
Natural Environment Research Council
Suppression and Promotion of Clover Species through Plant-Species Specific Biotic Soil Legacies
University of Wageningen
The key role of DOM in regulating microbial diversity, community structure and
Natural Environment Research Council
Understanding Mathematical Models in Ecology
British Ecological Society (BES)
Visiting Scientist Grant - University of Wageningen
University of Wageningen