Professor Diane Elson

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Colchester Campus
I am now an Emeritus Professor in the Department of Sociology, enjoying a very busy ‘retirement’ as chair of the UK Women’s Budget Group, a voluntary network of researchers, trade unionists and feminist activists that analyses the impact of UK government budgets on gender equality and low income women (see ). In addition, I advise UN Women and am a member of the UN Committee for Development Policy. I continue to research and publish, with a focus on fiscal policy, gender equality and human rights; and enjoy interacting with feminist scholars in Scotland, as Visiting Professor in the Women in Scotland’s Economy Research Centre at Glasgow Caledonian University. Diane Elson, with Dr Devaki Jain, H.E. Zanele Mbeki and Dr Winnie Byanyima, at a UNDP Expert Group Meeting on Gender Equality, Poverty and Economic Growth, Wivenhoe House Hotel, 21st June 2007. In 2006, I was named as one of fifty key thinkers on development in a book, see David Simon, Fifty Key Thinkers in Development, Routledge, London. Membership of organisations: International Association for Feminist Economics
BA Oxford,
PhD Manchester,
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Master of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/12/2018

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/5/2016
Journal articles (7)
Balakrishnan, R., Elson, D. and Heintz, J., (2011). Financial Regulation, Capabilities and Human Rights in the US Financial Crisis: The Case of Housing. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities. 12 (1), 153-168
Vizard, P., Fukuda?Parr, S. and Elson, D., (2011). Introduction: The Capability Approach and Human Rights. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities. 12 (1), 1-22
Elson, D., (2010). Gender and the global economic crisis in developing countries: a framework for analysis. Gender & Development. 18 (2), 201-212
Elson, D., (2009). Gender Equality and Economic Growth in the World Bank World Development Report 2006. Feminist Economics. 15 (3), 35-59
Balakrishnan, R. and Elson, D., (2008). Auditing Economic Policy in the Light of Obligations on Economic and Social Rights. Essex Human Rights Review. 5 (1)
Elson, D. and Gideon, J., (2004). Organising for Women's Economic and Social Rights: how useful is the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights?. Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies: JIGS. 8 (1/2), 133-152
Elson, D., (2004). Engendering Government Budgets in the Context of Globalization(s). International Feminist Journal of Politics. 6 (4), 623-642
Books (3)
Balakrishnan, R. and Elson, D., (2011). Economic Policy and Human Rights: Holding Governments to Account. Zed Books. 9781848138759
Young, B., Bakker, I. and Elson, D., (2011). Questioning Financial Governance from a Feminist Perspective. Routledge. 9780415676694
van Staveren, I., Elson, D., Grown, C. and Cagatay, N., (2007). The Feminist Economics of Trade. Routledge. 978-0415436373
Book chapters (13)
Elson, D., (2012). Social Reproduction in the Global Crisis: Rapid Recovery or Long-Lasting Depletion?. In: The Global Crisis and Transformative Social Change. Editors: Utting, P., Razavi, S. and Buchholz, R., . Palgrave Macmillan. 9781137002525
Balakrishnan, R. and Elson, D., (2011). Economic Policies and Human Rights Obligations: An Introduction. In: Economic Policy and Human Rights: Holding Governments to Account. Editors: Balakrishnan, R. and Elson, D., . Zed Books. 9781848138759
Aydiner-Avsar, N. and Elson, D., (2011). Human Rights and Public Expenditure in USA. In: Economic Policy and Human Rights: Holding Governments to Account. Editors: Balakrishnan, R. and Elson, D., . Zed Books. 9781848138759
Elson, D. and Warnecke, T., (2011). IMF policies and gender orders: the case of the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility. In: Questioning Financial Governance from a Feminist Perspective. Editors: Young, B., Bakker, I. and Elson, D., . Routledge. 110- 131. 9780415676694
Elson, D., (2011). International Financial Architecture: A view from the kitchen. In: The Women, Gender and Development Reader. Editors: Visvanathan, N., Duggan, L., Wiegersma, N. and Nisonoff, L., . Zed Books. 9781848135871
Elson, D. and Pearson, R., (2011). The Subordination Of Women And The Internationalization Of Factory Production. In: The Women, Gender and Development Reader. Editors: Visvanathan, N., Duggan, L., Wiegersma, N. and Nisonoff, L., . Zed Books. 9781848135871
Aydiner-Avsar, N. and Elson, D., (2011). Trade Policy and Human Rights Obligations of the USA: the Case of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). In: Economic Policy and Human Rights: Holding Governments to Account. Editors: Balakrishnan, R. and Elson, D., . Zed Books. 9781848138759
Elson, D., (2010). Commerce international, egalite des sexes et advantage competitif. In: Le sexe de la mondialisation: Genre, classe, race et nouvelle division du travail. Editors: Falquet, J., Hirata, H. and Kergoat, D., . Presses de Sciences Politiques. 85- 98. 9782724611458
Elson, D. and Sharp, R., (2010). Gender Responsive Budgeting and Women's' Poverty. In: The International Handbook Of Gender And Poverty: Concepts, Research, Policy. Editors: Chant, S., . Edward Elgar. 522- 527. 9781848443341
Elson, D., (2010). Macroeconomic Policy and Employment Generation: Gender Dimensions. In: Gender and Economics: Feministische Kritik der politischen Ökonomie. Editors: Bauhardt, C. and Caglar, G., . Springer. 221- 232. 9783531164854
Elson, D., (2008). Macroeconomic Policy, Employment, Unemployment and Gender Equality. In: Towards full and decent employment. Editors: Ocampo, JA. and Jomo, KS., . United Nations/Zed Books. 1842778838
Grown, C., Bahadur, C., Handbury, J. and Elson, D., (2008). The Financial Requirements of Achieving Gender Equality and Women?s Empowerment. In: Equality for Women: Where Do We Stand on Millennium Development Goal?. Editors: Buvinic, M., Morrison, AR., Ofuso-Amaah, AW. and Sjoblom, M., . World Bank Publications. 207- 260. 9780821374467
Elson, D., (2008). Gender Issues in Development. In: International Handbook Of Development Economics. Editors: Dutt, AK. and Ros, J., . Edward Elgar. 9781845423278