+44 (0) 1206 872889
5B.213, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Tuesday: 2pm-3pm (UK time) in-person
PhD University College London, (2012)
University of Essex
Senior Lecturer, University of Essex (1/10/2020 - present)
Research interests
Life-cycle consumption, saving and labour supply
Earnings/Income dynamics
Inequality: Supply and demand of workplace skills
The employment and wage structures are changing rapidly across the developed world. This change is likely to accelerate with the introduction of new advanced technologies such as AI. In ongoing work we are using some of the excellent data available in the UK to examine the extent to which social skills in particular are becoming more important in the labour market.
Inequality: Belief heterogeneity and information acquisition
Otherwise identical people often behave in very different ways. For example, we observe substantial variation in rates of saving for retirement. Of several possibilities for explaining this behaviour, one is that individuals have different beliefs about what the future will bring. In this work, we examine heterogeneity in beliefs among older workers about pension reform and see how these beliefs react to information flows coming from the Government and the media.
Household formation over the lifecycle
In this work we examine the determinants of young adults' residency choices. Why and when do they leave their parents' homes to start their own families.
Inequality: The role of housing
Current teaching responsibilities
Introductory Macroeconomics (EC401)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/1/2024

Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 22/7/2022

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/3/2020

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/1/2020

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/1/2020
Journal articles (10)
Burdett, A., Etheridge, B., Tang, L. and Wang, Y., (2024). Worker productivity during Covid-19 and adaptation to working from home. European Economic Review. 167, 104788-104788
Etheridge, B. and Spantig, L., (2022). The Gender Gap in Mental Well-Being At the Onset of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the UK. European Economic Review. 145, 104114-104114
Ciani, E., Delavande, A., Etheridge, B. and Francesconi, M., (2022). Policy Uncertainty and Information Flows: Evidence from Pension Reform Expectations. The Economic Journal. 133 (649), 98-129
Burdett, A., Davillas, A. and Etheridge, B., (2021). Weather, mental health and mobility during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. Health Economics. 30 (9), 2296-2306
Cavaglia, C. and Etheridge, B., (2020). Job Polarization and the Declining Quality of Knowledge Workers:Evidence from the UK and Germany. Labour Economics. 66, 101884-101884
Etheridge, B., (2019). House Prices and Consumption Inequality. International Economic Review. 60 (4), 1781-1822
Brewer, M., Etheridge, B. and O'Dea, C., (2017). Why are households that report the lowest incomes so well-off. The Economic Journal. 127 (605), F24-F49
Etheridge, B., (2015). A test of the household income process using consumption and wealth data. European Economic Review. 78, 129-157
Blundell, R. and Etheridge, B., (2010). Consumption, income and earnings inequality in Britain. Review of Economic Dynamics. 13 (1), 76-102
Ekins, P. and Etheridge, B., (2006). The environmental and economic impacts of the UK climate change agreements. Energy Policy. 34 (15), 2071-2086
Reports and Papers (3)
Etheridge, B., Irastorza-Fadrique, A. and Böhm, MJ., The impact of labour demand shocks when occupational labour supplies are heterogeneous
Brewer, M., Etheridge, B. and O'Dea, C., (2013). Why are households that report the lowest incomes so well-off
Etheridge, B., (2010). Increasing inequality and improving insurance: house price booms and the welfare state in the UK
ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change
Economic and Social Research Council
Worker Adaptation to Working from Home during and after Covid-19
British Academy
Female Selection into Occupations and Occupational Prices
British Academy
Statistical Profile of Haven Gateway
Essex County Council
Academic support hours:
Tuesday: 2pm-3pm (UK time) in-person