Hannah Evans

h.j.evans@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874940
2S2.3.24, Colchester Campus
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Fundamentals of Lifesciences (HS183)
Person-Centred Care 1 (HS184)
Person-Centred Care 2 (HS187)
Person-Centred Care 3 (Adult Nursing) (HS196)
Supervising Learning in Clinical Practice (HS197)
Person-Centred Care 2 (HS243)
Person-Centred Care 3 (Adult Nursing) (HS247)
Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviours Portfolio 1 (HS705)
Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours Portfolio 2 (HS708)
Fundamentals of Behavioural Sciences (HS182)
Relationship Based Practice (HS188)
Introduction to Management and Leadership in Health and Social Care (HS178)
Acute Interventions and Rehabilitation (HS707)
Integrated Care for Nursing Associates (HS709)