+44 (0) 1206 872000
5S.5.4B, Colchester Campus
Higher Education Academy National Teaching Fellow (2005)
Ph.D. in Computer Science, thesis title: Commodious Logics of Agents, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex, UK. (2000)
BSc in Computer Science, Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki (T.E.I.), Department of Informatics (1995)
Certificate in Education, School of Teachers of Technical and Vocational Education (S.E.L.E.T.E.), Thessaloniki, Greece, (1992)
University of Essex
Director, Institute for Analytics and Data Science, University of Essex (1/8/2014 - 31/7/2019)
Head of School, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex (1/8/2009 - 31/12/2014)
Professor, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex (1/10/2012 - present)
Senior Lecturer, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex (1/10/2007 - 30/9/2012)
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex (1/1/2000 - 30/9/2007)
Executive Dean, Faculty of Science and Health, University of Essex (1/8/2019 - present)
Research interests
Multi-agent systems and autonomous adaptive systems
Data exploration analysing and modelling complex data Big data analysis and modelling of structured and unstructured data
Machine learning modelling opponents learning behaviours from data
Reasoning and analytics over multiple streams of data Internet of Things (IoT) reasoning and analytics
Individual and collective user profiles profile adaptation contextualised profiles
Recommender systems collaborative filtering reputation systems
complex systems modelling dynamics of financial systems and markets
Market mechanisms negotiation protocols strategic interaction supply chain management
Semantic matching resource search cloud computing resource allocation
Trust in agent societies trust mechanisms trust in decision making
Formal theories of agents and multi-agent systems BDI agents
Cognitive agents knowledge and belief self-reference
Software engineering methodologies for agents and multi-agent systems
Social dynamics regulation of agent societies roles and power institutions
Self-organisation team formation
Serious games for education and learning collaborative learning
Current research
agents and multi-agent systems and their theoretical foundations and practical applications
the analysis and modelling of complex and big data that can be structured or unstructured
user profiling
recommendation techniques and semantic information extraction
trust mechanisms
self-organisation in distributed systems
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/2/2023

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 27/10/2021

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/11/2020

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/6/2020

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/5/2020

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/4/2020

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/8/2019

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/7/2019

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/8/2018

Degree type: Master of Science
Awarded date: 5/10/2016

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/9/2016

Degree type: Postgraduate Modular Study
Awarded date: 30/9/2015

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/1/2014

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/4/2013

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/10/2012
Publications (1)
Arcanjo, B., Ferrarini, B., Fasli, M., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2023). Aggregating Multiple Bio-Inspired Image Region Classifiers For Effective And Lightweight Visual Place Recognition
Journal articles (35)
Kolozali, S., Fasli, M., White, SL., Norris, S. and van Heerden, A., (2024). Explainable Early Prediction of Gestational Diabetes Biomarkers by Combining Medical Background and Wearable Devices: A Pilot Study with a Cohort Group in South Africa. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 28 (4), 1860-1871
Schöfmann, CM., Fasli, M. and Barros, MT., (2024). Investigating Biologically Plausible Neural Networks for Reservoir Computing Solutions. IEEE Access. 12, 50698-50709
Arcanjo, B., Ferrarini, B., Fasli, M., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2024). Aggregating Multiple Bio-Inspired Image Region Classifiers for Effective and Lightweight Visual Place Recognition. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 9 (4), 3315-3322
Liu, Y., Yu, W., Zhai, X., Zhang, B., McDonald-Maier, K. and Fasli, M., (2024). Multi-level CEP Rules Automatic Extraction Approach for Air Quality Detection and Energy Conservation Decision Based on AI Technologies. Applied Energy. 372, 123724-123724
Wang, W., Yu, Q. and Fasli, M., (2021). Altering Gaussian process to Student-t process for maximum distribution construction. International Journal of Systems Science. 52 (4), 727-755
Naz, T., Akhtar, M., Shahzad, SK., Fasli, M., Iqbal, MW. and Naqvi, MR., (2020). Ontology-driven advanced drug-drug interaction. Computers & Electrical Engineering. 86, 106695-106695
Kalliatakis, G., Ehsan, S., Leonardis, A., Fasli, M. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2019). Exploring Object-Centric and Scene-Centric CNN Features and their Complementarity for Human Rights Violations Recognition in Images. IEEE Access. 7, 10045-10056
Luna-Ramirez, W. and Fasli, M., (2018). Bridging the Gap between ABM and MAS: A Disaster-Rescue Simulation Using Jason and NetLogo. Computers. 7 (2), 24-24
Samothrakis, S., Fasli, M., Perez, D. and Lucas, S., (2017). Default policies for global optimisation of noisy functions with severe noise. Journal of Global Optimization. 67 (4), 893-907
Aloud, M., Fasli, M., Tsang, E., Dupuis, A. and Olsen, R., (2017). Modeling the High-Frequency FX Market: An Agent-Based Approach. Computational Intelligence. 33 (4), 771-825
Chrysoulas, C. and Fasli, M., (2017). Towards an adaptive SOA-based QoS & Demand-Response Provisioning Architecture for the Smart Grid. Journal of Communications Software and Systems. 13 (2), 77-77
Aloud, M. and Fasli, M., (2017). Exploring Trading Strategies and Their Effects in the Foreign Exchange Market. Computational Intelligence. 33 (2), 280-307
Ehsan, S., Clark, A., Leonardis, A., ur Rehman, N., Khaliq, A., Fasli, M. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2016). A Generic Framework for Assessing the Performance Bounds of Image Feature Detectors. Remote Sensing. 8 (11), 928-928
Samothrakis, S. and Fasli, M., (2015). Emotional Sentence Annotation Helps Predict Fiction Genre. PLoS One. 10 (11), e0141922-e0141922
Hermoso, R., Lopes Cardoso, H. and Fasli, M., (2015). From roles to standards: a dynamic maintenance approach using incentives. Information Systems Frontiers. 17 (4), 763-778
Neville, B., Fasli, M. and Pitt, J., (2015). Utilising social recommendation for decision-making in distributed multi-agent systems. Expert Systems with Applications. 42 (6), 2884-2906
Centeno, R., Hermoso, R. and Fasli, M., (2015). On the inaccuracy of numerical ratings: dealing with biased opinions in social networks. Information Systems Frontiers. 17 (4), 809-825
Samothrakis, S. and Fasli, M., (2015). Emotional Sentence Annotation Helps Predict Fiction Genre. PloS One. 10 (11), creators-Fasli=3AMaria=3A=3A
Hawalah, A. and Fasli, M., (2015). Dynamic user profiles for web personalisation. Expert Systems with Applications. 42 (5), 2547-2569
Hermoso, R., Centeno, R. and Fasli, M., (2014). From blurry numbers to clear preferences: A mechanism to extract reputation in social networks. Expert Systems with Applications. 41 (5), 2269-2285
Hawalah, A. and Fasli, M., (2014). Utilizing contextual ontological user profiles for personalized recommendations. Expert Systems with Applications. 41 (10), 4777-4797
Aloud, M., Fasli, M., Tsang, E., Dupuis, A. and Olsen, R., (2013). Stylized Facts of the FX Market Transactions Data: An Empirical Study. Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis. 2 (4), 145-183
Clark, M., Kim, Y., Kruschwitz, U., Song, D., Albakour, D., Dignum, S., Beresi, UC., Fasli, M. and De Roeck, A., (2012). Automatically structuring domain knowledge from text: An overview of current research. Information Processing & Management. 48 (3), 552-568
Niu, J., Cai, K., Parsons, S., Fasli, M. and Yao, X., (2012). A grey-box approach to automated mechanism design. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 11 (1), 24-35
Fasli, M. and Kovalchuk, Y., (2011). Learning Approaches for Developing Successful Seller Strategies in Dynamic Supply Chain Management. International Journal of Information Sciences. 181 (16), 3411-3426
Fasli, M. and Michalakopoulos, M., (2008). e-Game: A platform for developing auction-based market simulations. Decision Support Systems. 44 (2), 469-481
FASLI, M., (2007). On agent technology for e-commerce: trust, security and legal issues. The Knowledge Engineering Review. 22 (1), 3-35
Gekas, J. and Fasli, M., (2007). Employing Graph Network Analysis for Web Service Composition. International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering. 2 (4), 21-40
Fasli, M., (2006). Shopbots: A Syntactic Present, A Semantic Future. IEEE Internet Computing. 10 (6), 69-75
Fasli, M. and Michalakopoulos, M., (2006). Learning Through Game-like Simulations. Innovation in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences. 5 (2), 1-11
Fasli, M., (2004). Formal Systems and Agent-Based Social Simulation Equals Null?. J. Artif. Soc. Soc. Simul.. 7
Fasli, M., (2004). Formal systems ∧ agent-based social simulation = ⊥?. JASSS. 7 (4)
Fasli, M., (2004). Formal systems Λ agent-based social simulation=⊥?. JASSS-THE JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL SOCIETIES AND SOCIAL SIMULATION. 7 (4)
Fasli, M., (2003). Interrelations between the BDI primitives: Towards heterogeneous agents. Cognitive Systems Research. 4 (1), 1-22
Books (6)
(2011). Multi-Agent Systems for Education and Interactive Entertainment. IGI Global. 9781609600808
Beer, M., Fasli, M. and Richards, D., (2010). Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multi-agent systems for Education and Interactive Entertainment (MASEIE), held in conjunction with the Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) Conference, 11 May 2010, Toronto, Canada. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (IFAAMAS)
Beer, M., Fasli, M. and Richards, D., (2009). Proceedings of the Educational Uses of Multi-Agent Systems (EduMAS) Workshop. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (IFAAMAS)
Fasli, M., (2008). Proceedings of the 4th Artificial Intelligence in Education Workshop. Higher Education Academy Psychology Network. 9780955967634
Fasli, M. and Shehory, O., (2007). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics: Preface
Fasli, M., (2007). Agent Technology For E-Commerce. Wiley. 9780470030301
Book chapters (9)
Stamatopoulou, I., Fasli, M. and Kefalas, P., (2011). Introducing AI and IA into a Non Computer Science Graduate Programme. In: Multi-Agent Systems for Education and Interactive Entertainment. IGI Global. 89- 100. 9781609600808
Stamatopoulou, I., Fasli, M. and Kefalas, P., (2010). Teaching AI and IA into a non-science graduate programme. In: Multi-Agent Systems for Education and Interactive Entertainment: Design, Use and Experience. Editors: Beer, M., Fasli, M. and Richards, D., . IGI Global. 89- 100. 9781609600808
Fasli, M. and Virginas, B., (2009). BDI Agents: Flexibility, Personalization, and Adaptation for Web-Based Support Systems. In: Studies in Computational Intelligence. Editors: . Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 191- 221. 9783540880707
Fasli, M., (2009). The Next Generation of Shopbots. In: Comparison-Shopping Services and Agent Designs. IGI Global. 19- 36. 9781599049786
Gekas, J. and Fasli, M., (2009). Employing Graph Network Analysis for Web Service Composition. In: Agent Technologies and Web Engineering. IGI Global. 1- 18. 9781605666181
Nanas, N., Kruschwitz, U., Albakour, M., Fasli, M., Song, D., Kim, Y., Cervino, U. and De Roeck, A., (2009). A Methodology for Simulated Experiments in Interactive Search. In: Proceedings of the SIGIR 2010 Workshop on Simulation of Interaction (SimInt). Editors: Azzopardi, L., J�rvelin, K., Kamps, J. and Smucker, MD., . IR Publications. 23- 24. 9789081448536
Dignum, S., Kim, Y., Kruschwitz, U., Song, D., Fasli, M. and De Roeck, A., (2009). Moving towards Adaptive Search. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Advanced Technologies for Digital Libraries (AT4DL). Editors: Bernard, R., Chambers, S. and Gottfried, B., . Bozen/Bolzano University Press. 9788860460301
Stamatopoulou, I., Fasli, M. and Kefalas, P., (2009). Teaching AI and IA into a non-science graduate programme. In: Proceedings of the Educational Uses of Multi-agent Systems (EduMAS) Workshop, at the Eighth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2009), Budapest, Hungary, 12 May, 2009. Editors: Beer, M., Fasli, M. and Richards, D., . International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (IFAAMAS)
Fasli, M. and Michalakopoulos, M., (2007). Designing and Developing Electronic Market Games. In: Studies in Computational Intelligence. Editors: . Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 117- 151. 9783540727040
Conferences (115)
Raza, H., Rathee, D., Amorim, R. and Fasli, M., (2024). Optimizing Patient Care Pathways: Impact Analysis of an AI-Assisted Smart Referral System for Musculoskeletal Services
Ravana, SD., Win, MN., Dina, NZ. and Fasli, M., (2023). Embedding SDGs in Higher Education Curricula: A Case Study
Owda, M., Owda, AY. and Fasli, M., (2023). An Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualizations of Underprivileged Communities Diabetes Dataset for Public Good
Fasli, M., Owda, AY., Abbasi, T., Owda, M., Stergioulas, L. and Neupane, B., (2023). Open Government Data (OGD) Framework for Sustainable Development
Kihlman, R. and Fasli, M., (2023). Multi-label Co-training using a Graph neural network.
Samothrakis, S., Matran-Fernandez, A., Abdullahi, U., Fairbank, M. and Fasli, M., (2022). Grokking-like effects in counterfactual inference
Kihlman, R. and Fasli, M., (2022). Improving the co-training algorithm to enhance semi-supervised learning results
Fasli, M., (2022). Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for Social Good: The Case for the SDGs
Kihlman, R. and Fasli, M., (2021). Classifying human rights violations using deep multi-label co-training
Abdullahi, UI., Samothrakis, S. and Fasli, M., (2020). Causal Inference with Correlation Alignment
Almuammar, M. and Fasli, M., (2019). Learning Patterns from Imbalanced Evolving Data Streams
Alshahrani, M., Samothrakis, S. and Fasli, M., (2019). Identifying idealised vectors for emotion detection using CMA-ES
Al-Karkhi, AAS. and Fasli, M., (2019). Virtual Organizations for Resource Allocation under Random Failure in a Network of Agents
Al-Karkhi, A. and Fasli, M., (2019). Dealing with Permanent Agent Failure in Dynamic Agents Organisations
Gokhale, R. and Fasli, M., (2019). Matrix factorization for co-training algorithm to classify human rights abuses
Al-Ani, JA. and Fasli, M., (2019). Probabilistic Relational Supervised Topic Modelling using Word Embeddings
Alkhamees, N. and Fasli, M., (2019). The Dynamic-FPM: An Approach for Identifying Events from Social Networks Using Frequent Pattern Mining and Dynamic Support Values
Alani, JA. and Fasli, M., (2019). Probabilistic Named Entity Recognition for nonstandard format entities using cooccurrence word embeddings
Kihlman, R. and Fasli, M., (2019). Augmenting Co-Training With Recommendations to Classify Human Rights Violations
Almuammar, M. and Fasli, M., (2019). Deep Learning for Non-stationary Multivariate Time Series Forecasting
Alkhamees, N. and Fasli, M., (2018). A Directional Change Based Trading Strategy with Dynamic Thresholds
Al-karkhi, A. and Fasli, M., (2018). Disruption Recovery within Agent Organisations in Distributed Systems
Kalliatakis, G., Ehsan, S., Fasli, M., Leonardis, A., Gall, J. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2017). Detection of Human Rights Violations in Images: Can Convolutional Neural Networks Help?
Chrysoulas, C. and Fasli, M., (2017). Building an Adaptive E-Learning System
Al-Karkhi, A. and Fasli, M., (2017). Deploying self-organisation to improve task execution in a multi-agent systems
Luna Ramirez, WA. and Fasli, M., (2017). Plan acquisition in a BDI agent framework through intentional learning
Samothrakis, S., Vodopivec, T., Fairbank, M. and Fasli, M., (2017). Convolutional-Match Networks for Question Answering
Alkhamees, N. and Fasli, M., (2017). Event detection from time-series streams using directional change and dynamic thresholds
Koumoutsos, G., Fasli, M., Lewin, I. and Milward, D., (2017). Graph-based information exploration over structured and unstructured data
Alshahrani, M., Samothrakis, S. and Fasli, M., (2017). Word mover's distance for affect detection
Almuhaimeed, A. and Fasli, M., (2017). A hybrid semantic method for enhancing movie recommendations
Almuammar, M. and Fasli, M., (2017). Pattern discovery from dynamic data streams using frequent pattern mining with multi-support thresholds
Gokhale, R. and Fasli, M., (2017). Deploying a co-training algorithm to classify human-rights abuses
Alkhamees, N. and Fasli, M., (2017). An exploration of the directional change based trading strategy with dynamic thresholds on variable frequency data streams
Abdullahi, U., Samothrakis, S. and Fasli, M., (2017). Counterfactual domain adversarial training of neural networks
Luna Ramirez, WA. and Fasli, M., (2017). Integrating NetLogo and Jason: A disaster-rescue simulation
Al-Karkhi, A. and Fasli, M., (2017). Deploying Self-Organisation to Improve Task Execution in a Multi-Agent Systems.
Alshahrani, M., Samothrakis, S. and Fasli, M., (2017). Word Mover's Distance for Affect Detection
Almuammar, M. and Fasli, M., (2017). Pattern Discovery from Dynamic Data Streams using Frequent Pattern Mining with Multi-Support Thresholds
Gokhale, R. and Fasli, M., (2017). Deploying A Co-training Algorithm to Classify Human-Rights Abuses
Abdullahi, UI., Samothrakis, S. and Fasli, M., (2017). Counterfactual Domain Adversarial Training of Neural Networks
Alkhamees, N. and Fasli, M., (2017). An Exploration of the Directional Change Based Trading Strategy with Dynamic Thresholds on Variable Frequency Data Streams
Almuhaimeed, A. and Fasli, M., (2017). A Hybrid Semantic Method for Enhancing Movie Recommendations
Chrysoulas, C. and Fasli, M., (2016). A service oriented QoS architecture targeting the smart grid world & machine learning aspects
Banjo Olatunde, Stewart David and Fasli Maria, (2016). Optimising Mixed Model Assembly Lines for Mass Customisation: A Multi Agent Systems Approach
Alkhamees, N. and Fasli, M., (2016). Event detection from social network streams using frequent pattern mining with dynamic support values
Samothrakis, S., Vodopivec, T., Fasli, M. and Fairbank, M., (2016). Match memory recurrent networks
Samothrakis, S., Perez-Liebana, D., Lucas, SM. and Fasli, M., (2015). Neuroevolution for General Video Game Playing
Hermoso, R. and Fasli, M., (2015). Entry Point Matters - Effective Introduction of Innovation in Social Networks
Almuhaimeed, A. and Fasli, M., (2015). A semantic method for multiple resources exploitation
Fasli, M., Hermoso, R., Sbruzzi, E. and Sena, V., (2015). Introducing innovation in social networks: A cost-benefit analysis of entry point selection
Almuhaimeed, A. and Fasli, M., (2014). Exploiting Different Bioinformatics Resources for Enhancing Content Recommendations
Almuhaimeed, A. and Fasli, M., (2014). Exploring and exploiting knowledge in multiple resources
Al-Asfoor, M. and Fasli, M., (2013). Distributed Resource Search in Self-organising Networks
Lopes Cardoso, H., Hermoso, R. and Fasli, M., (2013). Policies for Role Maintenance through Incentives: How to Keep Agents on Track
Centeno, R., Hermoso, R. and Fasli, M., (2013). Extracting Reputation with Knock-Out Tournament-Based Pairwise Elicitation in Complex Social Networks
Zeb, MA. and Fasli, M., (2012). Dynamically Adaptive User Profiling for Personalized Recommendations
Al-Asfoor, M., Neville, B. and Fasli, M., (2012). Heuristic Resource Search in a Self-Organised Distributed Multi Agent System
Adeyanju, IA., Song, D., Albakour, M-D., Kruschwitz, U., De Roeck, A. and Fasli, M., (2012). Adaptation of the concept hierarchy model with search logs for query recommendation on intranets
Adeyanju, IA., Song, D., Albakour, M-D., Kruschwitz, U., De Roeck, A. and Fasli, M., (2012). Learning from users' querying experience on intranets
Albakour, M-D., Kruschwitz, U., Nanas, N., Adeyanju, I., Song, D., Fasli, M. and De Roeck, A., (2012). Analysis of Query Reformulations in a Search Engine of a Local Web Site
Al-Asfoor, M. and Fasli, M., (2012). A study of multi agent based resource search algorithms
Al-Asfoor, M., Fasli, M. and Al-Majeed, S., (2011). A Multi-Agent System-Based Resource Advertisement Model for Grid Environments
Albakour, M-D., Kruschwitz, U., Nanas, N., Kim, Y., Song, D., Fasli, M. and De Roeck, A., (2011). AutoEval: An Evaluation Methodology for Evaluating Query Suggestions Using Query Logs
Hawalah, A. and Fasli, M., (2011). Using User Personalized Ontological Profile to Infer Semantic Knowledge for Personalized Recommendation
Hawalah, A. and Fasli, M., (2011). Improving the mapping process in ontology-based user profiles for web personalization systems
Zeb, MA. and Fasli, M., (2011). Using Semantic Relations for Representing Long-Term User Interests
Albakour, M-D., Kruschwitz, U., Nanas, N., Song, D., Fasli, M. and De Roeck, A., (2011). Exploring Ant Colony Optimisation for Adaptive Interactive Search
Albakour, M-D., Kruschwitz, U., Adeyanju, I., Song, D., Fasli, M. and De Roeck, A., (2011). Enriching Query Flow Graphs with Click Information
Hawalah, A. and Fasli, M., (2011). A graph-based approach to measuring semantic relatedness in ontologies
Zeb, MA. and Fasli, M., (2011). Interest Aware Recommendations Based on Adaptive User Profiling
Hawalah, A. and Fasli, M., (2011). A Multi-agent System Using Ontological User Profiles for Dynamic User Modelling
Albakour, MD., Kruschwitz, U., Nanas, N., Neville, B., Lungely, D. and Fasli, M., (2011). University of essex at the TREC 2011 session track
Kruschwitz, U., Albakour, M-D., Niu, J., Leveling, J., Nanas, N., Kim, Y., Song, D., Fasli, M. and De Roeck, A., (2011). Moving towards Adaptive Search in Digital Libraries
Zeb, MA. and Fasli, M., (2011). Adaptive user profiling for deviating user interests
Hawalah, A. and Fasli, M., (2011). A hybrid re-ranking algorithm based on ontological user profiles
Khdour, T. and Fasli, M., (2010). A Semantic-Based Web Service Registry Filtering Mechanism
Kovalchuk, Y. and Fasli, M., (2010). A Demand-Driven Approach for a Multi-Agent System in Supply Chain Management
Albakour, MD., Kruschwitz, U., Niu, J. and Fasli, M., (2010). University of essex at the TREC 2010 session track
Dignum, S., Kruschwitz, U., Fasli, M., Kim, Y., Song, D., Beresi, UC. and de Roeck, A., (2010). Incorporating Seasonality into Search Suggestions Derived from Intranet Query Logs
Malibary, A. and Fasli, M., (2009). Modelling SCM as a Multi-layer Interconnected Constraint Satisfaction Problem
Dignum, S., Kim, Y., Kruschwitz, U., Song, D., Fasli, M. and De Roeck, A., (2009). Using domain models for context-rich user logging
Kovalchuk, Y. and Fasli, M., (2008). Deploying Neural-Network-Based Models for Dynamic Pricing in Supply Chain Management
Kovalchuk, Y. and Fasli, M., (2008). Adaptive strategies for predicting bidding prices in supply chain management
Kovalchuk, Y. and Fasli, M., (2008). Evaluating adaptive customer strategies in TAC SCM
Kovalchuk, Y. and Fasli, M., (2008). Deploying Neural-Network-Based Models for Dynamic Pricing
Buffett, S. and Fasli, M., (2007). TAC-REM – The Real Estate Market Game: A Proposal for the Trading Agent Competition
(2007). Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce. Automated Negotiation and Strategy Design for Electronic Markets, AAMAS 2006 Workshop, TADA/AMEC 2006, Hakodate, Japan, May 9, 2006, Selected and Revised Papers
González, CRJ. and Fasli, M., (2006). Socrates: A Production-Driven SCM Agent
Fasli, M., (2006). On the relationship between roles and power
Fasli, M., (2005). On the Interplay of Roles and Power
Michalakopoulos, M. and Fasli, M., (2005). On Deciding to Trust
Fasli, M. and Michalakopoulos, M., (2005). Supporting active learning through game-like exercises
Gekas, J. and Fasli, M., (2005). Automatic Web Service Composition Based on Graph Network Analysis Metrics
Michalakopoulos, M. and Fasli, M., (2005). On Different Trust Attitudes and Their Effects on the Electronic Marketplace
Fasli, M. and Michalakopoulos, M., (2005). Designing and implementing e-Market games
Fasli, M., (2004). Accounting for social order in multi-agent systems:preliminary report
Fasli, M. and Michalakopoulos, M., (2004). e-Game:a generic auction platform supporting customizable market games
Fasli, M., (2003). Reasoning about Knowledge and Belief: A Syntactical Treatment
Fasli, M., (2003). From Social Agents to Multi-agent Systems: Preliminary Report
Fasli, M., (2003). Social interactions in multi-agent systems: a formal approach
Fasli, M., (2003). Reasoning about the dynamics of social behaviour
Fasli, M., Korres, I., Michalakopoulos, M. and Rallidis, G., (2002). Building trading agents: Challenges and strategies
Fasli, M., (2002). On Commitments, Roles, and Obligations
DINVERNO, M., LUCK, M. and 2001 Contributors, UKMAS., (2002). Practical and theoretical innovations in multi-agent systems research
Fasli, M., (2001). Conceptualizing BDI agents for financial markets
Fasli, M., (2001). On Obligations, Relativised Obligations, and Bilateral Commitments
Fasli, M., (2001). Heterogeneous BDI Agents I: Bold Agents.
Fasli, M. and Kruschwitz, U., (2001). Using Implicit Relevance Feedback in a Web Search Assistant
Fasli, M., (2000). Towards circumspect BDI agents: Preliminary report
Fasli, M., (2000). Towards Realistic Models of Agents: Preliminary Report.
Fasli, M., (1999). Towards a syntactic approach for the representation of the propositional attitudes
Fasli, M., (1999). Reasoning with Common Knowledge and Self-Reference in Multy-Agent Systems.
Fasli, M., (1999). Towards a First-Order Approach for Social Agents: Preliminary Report.
Reports and Papers (6)
Fasli, M. and Poursanidis, N., CSM-388 Thalis: A Flexible Trading Agent
Fasli, M., CSM-389 Reasoning about the dynamics of social behaviour
Kalliatakis, G., Ehsan, S., Fasli, M. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2019). GET-AID: Visual Recognition of Human Rights Abuses via Global Emotional Traits
Kalliatakis, G., Ehsan, S., Fasli, M. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). DisplaceNet: Recognising Displaced People from Images by Exploiting Dominance Level
Fasli, M., (2002). Heterogeneous BDI Agents
Scott, PD. and Fasli, M., (2001). CSM-349 - Benford's Law: An Empirical Investigation and a Novel Explanation
Business and Local Government Data Research Centre Legacy Status Proposal
Economic and Social Research Council
ESRC BLG DRC Data Service/Infrastructure bid (Bronze Option)
Economic and Social Research Council
AI-Assisted Decision-Making System for Cancer Pathways of the Colchester Hospital
East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Discovering Individual and Social Preferences through Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Economic and Social Research Council
Business and Local Government Data Research Centre (BLG DRC)
Economic and Social Research Council
Develop AI methods to optimise interactions with customers.
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Provide KTP 2018
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Scoping Exercise and feasibility study with Jiangsu Credit Re-Guarantee
Essex and Jiangsu Province Credits Re-guarantee Group Co Ltd
Scoping Exercise and feasibility study with Jiangsu Credit Re-Guarantee
Essex and Jiangsu Province Credits Re-guarantee Group Co Ltd
The project investigates the use of algorithms (genetic + reinforcement) to provide accurate forecasts of asset prices.
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Embedding a Machine Learning capability into the Hood Group Ltd platform.
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Embedding a Machine Learning capability into the Hood Group Ltd platform.
Hoodgroup Ltd
Create new methods of capturing insight from current and future Preqin datasets by embedding AI and Machine Learning techniques across the unique Preqin investor platform.
Create new methods of capturing insight from current and future Preqin datasets by embedding AI and Machine Learning techniques across the unique Preqin investor platform.
The project investigates the use of algorithms (genetic + reinforcement) to provide accurate forecasts of asset prices.
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
To embed a NLP capability in Objective IT
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
To embed a NLP capability in Objective IT
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
67% Embedding an innovative application of advanced data mining, data analytics and data visualisation to exploit the growth potential of the UK's leading insight platform for professional services firms
Technology STrategy Board
33% Embedding an innovative application of advanced data mining, data analytics and data visualisation to exploit the growth potential of the UK's leading insight platform for professional services firms
Mondaq Ltd
67% - The design and development of a scalable, avatar based, digital healthcare platform, driven by AI and Machine Learning technology.
Technology STrategy Board
33% - The design and development of a scalable, avatar based, digital healthcare platform, driven by AI and Machine Learning technology.
Orbital Media & Advertising Ltd.
Scoping Exercise for new data product
Hood Group Ltd
Utilising Big Data in the Practice of Torture Survivors' Rehabilitation
Economic & Social Research Council
67% - To extend the business intelligence and digital marketing offer by developing and embedding a new data analytics capability
Technology STrategy Board
33% - To extend the business intelligence and digitial marketing offer by developing and embedding a new data analytics capability
Objective Computing Ltd
Data & Database Review
Utilising Big Data in the Practice of Torture Survivors' Rehabilitation
Economic & Social Research Council
Smart Data Analytics for Business and Local Government
Economic & Social Research Council
Innovative tools to enable exploration of complex and specialised data sets
Technology STrategy Board
DADO - Data Analytics Driven by Ontologies
Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council
Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council