Dr Mahmoud Fatouh

mfatou@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
PhD University of Essex, (2016)
Publications (2)
Fatouh, M., (2023). Proportionality of Banking Regulation Should Smaller Banks Regulation Be Simpler?
Fatouh, M., Giansante, S. and Ongena, SRG., (2022). Quantitative Easing and the Functioning of the Gilts Repo Market
Journal articles (10)
Fatouh, M. and McCunn, A., Shareholder Risk-Taking Incentives in the Presence of Contingent Capital. SSRN Electronic Journal
Lee, T., Moutzouris, I., Papapostolou, NC. and Fatouh, M., Foreign exchange hedging using regime-switching models: the case of pound sterling. SSRN Electronic Journal
Lee, T., Moutzouris, IC., Papapostolou, NC. and Fatouh, M., (2024). Foreign exchange hedging using
Fatouh, M., Giansante, S. and Ongena, S., (2024). Leverage ratio, risk‐based capital requirements, and risk‐taking in the United Kingdom. Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments. 33 (1), 31-60
Fatouh, M., Bock, R. and Ouenniche, J., (2023). Impact of IFRS 9 on the cost of funding of banks in Europe. Journal of Banking Regulation. 24 (2), 115-145
Fatouh, M. and Giansante, S., (2023). The cyclicality of bank credit losses and capital ratios under expected loss model. Annals of Operations Research. 330 (1-2), 807-840
Giansante, S., Fatouh, M. and Dove, N., (2023). Carbon Emissions Announcements and Market Returns. Sustainability. 15 (13), 10385-10385
Fatouh, M. and McCunn, AA., (2022). Shareholder risk-taking incentives in the presence of contingent capital. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance. 30 (1), 25-42
Fatouh, M., Markose, S. and Giansante, S., (2021). The impact of quantitative easing on UK bank lending: Why banks do not lend to businesses?. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 183, 928-953
Fatouh, M., Giansante, S. and Ongena, S., (2021). Economic support during the COVID crisis. Quantitative easing and lending support schemes in the UK. Economics Letters. 209, 110138-110138
Reports and Papers (10)
Giansante, S., Fatouh, M. and Ongena, SRG., Does Quantitative Easing Boost Bank Lending to the Real Economy or Cause Other Bank Asset Reallocation? The Case of the UK
Fatouh, M., Bock, R. and Ouenniche, J., Impact of IFRS 9 on the Cost of Funding of Banks in Europe
van Wijnbergen, S., Neamțu, I. and Fatou, M., Risk-Taking, Competition and Uncertainty: Do Contingent Convertible (Coco) Bonds Increase the Risk Appetite of Banks?
Fatouh, M., Neamțu, I. and van Wijnbergen, S., Risk-taking and Uncertainty: Do Contingent Convertible (CoCo) Bonds Increase the Risk Appetite of Banks?
Giansante, S., Fatouh, M. and Ongena, SRG., Does Quantitative Easing Boost Bank Lending to the Real Economy or Cause Other Bank Asset Reallocation? The Case of the UK
Fatouh, M., Neamțu, I. and van Wijnbergen, S., Risk-Taking, Competition and Uncertainty: Do Contingent Convertible (CoCo) Bonds Increase the Risk Appetite of Banks?
Fatouh, M., Markose, SM. and Giansante, S., The Impact of Quantitative Easing on UK Bank Lending: Why Banks Do Not Lend to Businesses?
Fatouh, M. and Giansante, S., (2023). The cyclicality of bank credit losses and capital ratios under expected loss model
Fatouh, M. and Giansante, S., (2020). Expected Loss Model and the Cyclicality of Bank Credit Losses and Capital Ratios
Markose, SM., Mahmoud, F. and Simone, G., (2018). The Impact of Quantitative Easing on UK Bank Lending: Why Banks Do Not Lend to Businesses?