Dr Andrea Fejos

afejos@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872601
4SB.4.7, Colchester Campus
Dr Andrea Fejős researches and teaches in (consumer) contract and banking law. Andrea's research is in retail financial services law, on the intersection of consumer law and financial regulation, which she calls 'financial consumer law.' Andrea's current research focuses on aspects of financial inclusion: * social lending and the work of credit unions in the UK * automated loan contracts * credit, food poverty, and mental health resilience. Andrea's current work draws on her previous consumer law research on standard form contracts, unfair contract terms, consumer credit, consumer alternative dispute resolution, and enforcement of consumer rights, which she published in leading journals such as the Journal of Consumer Policy and the European Review of Private Law. She also relies on her broad educational background and work experience. In addition to her formal education, Andrea has completed additional training in mediation and negotiation (Humboldt University, 2006), European Law (CEU, 2006), German and European Law (Ludwig Maximilians University, 2007), consumer protection law and policy (European Consumer Organization- BEUC, 2011) and qualitative research (University of Essex, 2020), and a placement at the Financial Conduct Authority (2018). Before joining Essex Law School in September 2015, Andrea was a lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Business Studies, Dr Lazar Vrkatic in Serbia. Andrea is passionate about improving the real lives of consumers. In addition to her academic work, Andrea served as a consumer protection advocate, a volunteer legal adviser to the National Consumer Protection Organization of Serbia (2007-12), worked at the Oxford Citizens Advice Bureau as a researcher and financial education trainer (2015) and as a Trustee of the Colchester Citizens Advice Bureau (2019). She has been an expert consultant on several research projects for the EU Commission that resulted in law reform; she is an Individual Member of Finance Watch, a Director of Financial Inclusion Europe, and a member of the European Law Institute. Andrea regularly delivers training at The Academy of European Law (ERA) to lawyers, judges, barristers, solicitors, in-house counsels, and regulatory authorities, and she is an author of a popular blog: 'Recent Developments in European Consumer Law' widely read by law and policy makers, judges, practicitons and academics. As a recognition of her work on influencing EU consumer law, in 2023, Andrea was awarded the an Impact Award by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Essex. Since 2020, she has been working with the British credit union sector. Her work is currently on creating the first guide on affordability assessment for the industry, in cooperation with the Association of British Credit Unions Limited. At Essex Law School, Andrea leads the strategy on law and technology and is the first Director of the Business Law Clinic.
PhD University of Szeged, Hungary (2014)
LLM in Banking and Finance Law, Queen Mary, University of London (2014)
LLM in International Business Law, Central European University (2006)
LLB University of Novi Sad, Serbia (2004)
University of Essex
Lecturer, Law, University of Essex (1/9/2015 - present)
Visiting Lecturer, Business Law Institute, University of Szeged, Faculty of Law and Political Scieneces (1/12/2022 - present)
Senior Lecturer, Essex Law School, University of Essex (1/10/2023 - present)
Other academic
Lecturer, Law, Faculty of Law and Business Studies Dr Lazar Vrkatic, Union University (1/9/2007 - 1/9/2012)
External Examiner, Dickson Poon School of Law, King's College University of London (22/3/2021 - present)
Visiting Scholar, School of Law, University of California, Berkeley (7/1/2010 - 20/5/2010)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Consumer law
Issues of general consumer law such as unfair contract terms, unfair commercial practices and enforcement of consumer rights (alternative dispute resolution and collective court actions); a comparative approach between national and European consumer law; consumer law and social justice, interplay of consumer and contract law theory with political theory and socio-legal perspectives on social justice.
Financial consumer law
Specialized area of consumer law, retail financial services law covering credit, insurance, investment and payment services; interplay between general consumer law rules and special financial consumer law rules; interplay between private law of financial contracts and public regulation of contracts; powers of financial supervisory authorities; European and national financial consumer law; challenges to consumer protection by new technologies (FinTech).
Conferences and presentations
Automated Contracts and Financial Inclusion
Financial Inclusion Europe meeting, online, 27/10/2023
Automated Consumer Credt Contracts: Fiction or Reality?
2nd Lawtomation Conference, IE University, Madrid, Spain, 28/9/2023
Smart Contracts and Financial Inclusion
18th International Association of Consumer Law Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 20/7/2023
Consumer Credit and Mortgage Credit
Invited presentation, Summer Course on Consumer Law, The Academy of European Law, Trier, Germany, 6/7/2023
Research into Financial Ombudsman Sevice Affordability Complaints
Invited presentation, Association of British Credit Unions Limited Annual Conference 2023, Manchester, 17/3/2023
Consumer Credit, Mortgage Credit and Main EU legal instruments on cross-border payments
Invited presentation, Summer Course on EU Consumer Law, The Academy of European Law, Trier, Germany, 7/7/2022
Singleness as a dimension of consumer vulnerability
Singleness, 5/7/2022
Inivted Panelist, Financial Law and Regulation Conference
Invited presentation, Society of Legal Scholars, Banking and Finance Section, Univercity College London, Bentham House, London, 1/7/2022
Vulnerability in Consumer Alternative Dispute Resolution: the UK Financial Ombudsman Service, Fairness and Reasonableness, and the Law
Vulnerability Accross Disciplines, Newcastle University, 8/10/2021
Recent CJEU case law on consumer matters
Invited presentation, Annual Conference on EU Consumer Law, The Academy of European Law, Trier, Germany, 7/10/2021
Consumer Credit and Mortgage Credit
Invited presentation, Summer Course on EU Consumer Law, The Academy of European Law, Online, 8/7/2021
CJEU case law on consumer protection in financial services
Invited presentation, Consumer Protection in Financial Services, The Academy of European Law, Trier, Germany, 28/3/2019
Social Justice in EU Financial Consumer Law
The Responsible Consumer in Digital Age – International and Nordic Perspectives on Consumer Financial Protection, Copenhagen, Denmark, 31/5/2018
The obligation to assess consumers’ creditworthiness in the UK
Invited presentation, International Conference: the New Paradigm of Consumer Creditworthiness, A Coruña, Spain, 27/10/2017
Recent CJEU case-law on consumer matters
Invited presentation, Annual Conference on European Consumer Law 2017, Academy of European Law, Trier, Germany, 12/10/2017
Challenges in Regulating the Culture of Credit Providers: The UK Experience
Invited presentation, Possible Directions in Improving the Fairness of Contract Terms and Other Aspects of Consumer Lending, 4/4/2017
'Consumer Protection and New Technologies: The Role of Ethics in FinTech Revolution' at University of Essex, Newton Conference: Ethics and Challenges in Chinese Financial Markets, 25 March 2017
Colchester, United Kingdom, 2017
'Strenghtening Consumer Protection and Trust in Key Fileds such as Credit' at University of Oxford, SLS Conference, 7 September 2016
Oxford, United Kingdom, 2016
'Post-crisis EU financial services law: a new direction in consumer protection?' at University of Szeged, School of Law, PhD seminar, September 2015
Szeged, Hungary, 2015
The Vision of a Modern Consumer of Financial Services: the Evolution of EU Law from Free Market to Social Justice Oriented Approach at LSETransnational Law and Social Justice conference, June 2015
London, United Kingdom, 2015
Creating a Legal Regime that Supports Sustainable Access to Financial Services at University of Amsterdam, School of Law,15th International Conference on Consumer Law: Virtues and Consumer Law, July 2015
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2015
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Contract Law (LW101)
Banking Law (LW224)
Digital Technologies, Law and Society (LW368)
Foundation Essay (LW531)
Foundation Essay (LW617)
Foundation Essay (LW997)
Cybercrime and Cybersecurity Law (LW340)
Cybercrime and Cybersecurity Law (LW655)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/2/2024

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/10/2021

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/3/2021
Journal articles (14)
Fejos, A., (2022). Substantive harmonisation of cost caps on consumer credit: one step forward two steps sideways. European Journal of Consumer Law. 2022 (2), 245-272
Fejős, A., (2021). From Information Provision to (Direct and Indirect) Product Intervention; Case Note on Soho Group (C-686/19). Journal of European Consumer and Market Law. 10 (5), 200-206
Fejős, A., (2020). Regulating the fairness of (loan) contracts. A case-note on OTP Bank and Dunai. European Journal of Consumer Law (2), 353-363
Fejős, A., (2019). Social justice in EU financial consumer law. Tilburg Law Review. 24 (1), 68-88
Fejős, A., (2018). Consumer ADR in Hungary. Journal of European Consumer and Market Law. 7 (3), 116-120
Fejős, A. and Willett, C., (2016). Consumer Access to Justice: The Role of the ADR Directive and the Member States. European Review of Private Law. 24 (1), 33-60
Fejős, A., (2015). Achieving Safety and Affordability in the UK Payday Loans Market. Journal of Consumer Policy. 38 (2), 181-202
Fejős, A., (2013). The Impact of EU Norms and Policies on Consumer Protection Enforcement in Serbia. Journal of Consumer Policy. 36 (3), 247-268
Fejős, A., (2009). The Impact of Information on Responsible Lending and Responsible Borrowing in the European Union. Pravni zivot (Legal Life- Serbian Journal of Legal Studies). 6 (12), 751-764
Fejős, A., (2008). Consumer protection in sales transactions in Hungary. Acta Juridica Hungarica. 49 (4), 441-468
Fejős, A. and Papović, G., (2008). Uloga Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju u zaštiti potrošaca (The Role of Stabilization and Association Agreement in Consumer Protection). Izazovi Evropskih integracija (Challenges of European Integration). 1 (1), 45-60
Fejős, A., (2007). Battle of the Forms under the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG): the Application and Interpretation of Art. 19 CISG. Pravni zivot (Legal Life- Serbian Journal of Legal Studies). 4 (12), 451-464
Fejős, A., (2007). Battle of the Forms under the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG): A Uniform Solution?. Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration. 11 (1), 113-129
Fejős, A., (2004). Az emberi jogok magasabb védelme Vajdaságban: jogrendszerünk új intezménye – az ombudsman (Higher Protection of Human Rights: the Role of Ombudsman in Vojvodina). Létünk (Our Existence: Society, Science, Culture -Interdisciplinary Journal of the Hungarian Minority in Serbia). 3-4, 17-35
Book chapters (2)
Amajuoyi, U. and Fejős, A., (2023). Mind the Consumer Protection Gap: the UK Financial Ombudsman Service, Fairness and Reasonableness, and the Law. In: Consumer Protection in Financial Services. Editors: Tereszkiewicz, P. and Golecki, M., . Brill. 978-90-04-53438-4
Fejős, A., (2013). Fairness of Contract Terms in European and Serbian Law. In: Strengthening Consumer Protection in Serbia. Editors: Bourgoignie, T. and Jovanić, T., . University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law. 186- 201
Conferences (7)
Fejos, A. and Amajuoyi, U., Vulnerability in Consumer Alternative Dispute Resolution: the UK Financial Ombudsman Service, Fairness and Reasonableness, and the Law
Fejős, A., (2010). The Features of New Directive on Consumer Credit
Fejős, A., (2005). Tulajdnovédelem és az emberi jogok (Property Protection and Human Rights)
Fejős, A., (2004). Az ombudsman Vajdaságban (Ombudsman in Vojvodina)
Reports and Papers (6)
Fejős, A., (2022). European Union Cost Caps: One Step Forward Two Steps Sideways to Substantive Harmonisation of Consumer Credit Law
Fejős, A. and Szűcs, M., (2021). Hungary (pp 296-311) in European Commission, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, Migliorini, S., Lein, E., Bonzé, C., et al., Study on the Rome II Regulation (EC) 864/2007 on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations
Fejős, A. and Willett, C., (2018). The obligation to assess consumers’ creditworthiness in the UK in Jose Manuel Busto Lago (ed.) El Nuevo paradigm de la solvenicia del consumidor de creditor en la Union Europea,
Fejős, A. and Herczeg, Á., (2017). Hungary-Report in State of collective redress in the EU in the context of the implementation of the Commission Recommendation
Other (2)
Fejos, A., Response submitted to the EU Commission regarding the public consultation on Directive 2008/48/EC on Consumer Credit
Fejos, A., Response to the Finacial Conduct Authority's Consultation Paper CP 18/13 on Overdrafts
Grants and funding
Training on the Guide on Affordability Assessment for the British Credit Union Sector (�Guide�)
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)
Mapping Third Party Litigation Funding in the European Union
British Institute of International and Comparative Law
Civil law rules applicable to smart contracts
VVA Brussels s.p.r.l.
Exploring determinants of Mental Health Resilience in Greenstead
North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group
Guide on affordability assessment for British credit unions
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)
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