
Cassie Fielding

Postgraduate Research Student
Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies
 Cassie Fielding



I am a PhD student within the Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies. My research interest lies in the interconnectedness of psychological transformation and poetic practice, particularly the application of Jungian psychology to surrealist writing techniques as alchemical processes, and in the efficacy of poetic inquiry as a means to knowledge. I completed an MA in Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies with the University of Essex, after which I was awarded the David Holt Prize for outstanding performance. In December 2023 and September 2024 I presented at the London Arts-Based Research Centre at their annual Surrealism and Arts-Based Research conference.


  • MA Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies University of Essex (2023)

Research and professional activities


Surrealist poetry writing as alchemical practice: an arts-based autopsychographic inquiry

Through poetic inquiry into alchemical images, nested within a narrative inquiry into my own surrealist poetic expression and poetic practice, my research intends to explore the degree to which poetry writing is psychologically transformative, particularly questioning the efficacy of a one-sided, purely internal view of alchemy, without an external practice.

Supervisor: Professor Roderick Main

Research interests

Alchemical Practice

Jungian Psychology

Arts-Based Research



Surrealism (particularly surrealist poetry)



Colchester Campus