Professor Fragkiskos Filippaios

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Professor Fragkiskos Filippaios is currently a Professor of International Business at Essex Business School, University of Essex and the Deputy Director of South East Network for Social Sciences (SeNSS), one of the 14 ESRC-funded Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTP) in the United Kingdom. He has responsibility for Training, Employability and Development of over 180 doctoral students within the consortium and in collaboration with the Director is leading the DTP’s competitions. The period 2020 - 2023 he was a Professor of International Business at Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia. The period 2016-2019 he was the Associate Dean for the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Kent, managing the Faculty’s portfolio of postgraduate taught and research programmes focusing on the strategic development of provision for graduate education across academic schools (Business, Economics, Politics and International Relations, Anthropology, Sociology, Law & Psychology) and centres (Journalism & Professional Practice). He was also the University of Kent Academic Lead for SeNSS and had institutional responsibility for training and development of supervisors both at junior and senior levels. Prior to that he was the Director of Graduate Studies (Taught) and Accreditations for Kent Business School focusing on the strategic development of the School’s postgraduate taught portfolio and successfully leading the School’s accreditation efforts (AMBA, AACSB and EQUIS). He has extensive experience at programme level management and design, having been the International MBA Director for Kingston Business School (Russia, Greece, Cyprus and India) as well as a member of the Faculty of Assessors for the Association of MBAs for the last 15 years and a mentor for schools entering the accreditation process for the Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education University of Kent, (2007)
PhD in Internatioonal and European Economic Studies Athens University of Economics and Business, (2004)
MSc in International and European Economic Studies Athens University of Economics and Business, (1999)
BSc in International and European Economic Studies Athens University of Economics and Business, (1997)
University of Essex
Professor of International Business, University of Essex (1/10/2023 - present)
Other academic
Professor of International Business, Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia (1/4/2020 - 30/9/2023)
Deputy Director South East Network for Social Sciences, University of Essex (1/6/2019 - present)
Professor of International Business, Kent Business School, University of Kent (1/10/2018 - 31/3/2020)
Associate Dean (Graduate Studies), Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kent (1/9/2016 - 31/8/2019)
Reader in International Business, Kent Business School, University of Kent (1/4/2012 - 30/9/2018)
Director of Graduate Studies and Accreditations, Kent Business School, University of Kent (1/9/2012 - 31/8/2016)
Senior Lecturer in International Business, Kent Business School, University of Kent (1/9/2010 - 31/3/2012)
Principal Lecturer in International Business, Kingston Business School, Kingston University (1/9/2008 - 31/8/2010)
MBA Director (International), Kingston Business School, Kingston University (1/9/2008 - 31/8/2010)
Ministry of Economy and Finance Senior Research Fellow, Hellenic Observatory, European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science (1/9/2007 - 31/8/2008)
Lecturer in International Business, Kent Business School, University of Kent (1/9/2004 - 31/8/2007)
Journal articles (24)
Nasirov, S., Gokh, I. and Filippaios, F., (2022). Technological radicalness, R&D internationalization, and the moderating effect of intellectual property protection. Journal of Business Research. 145, 215-227
Gokh, I. and Filippaios, F., (2021). Footloose multinationals: extending the internalization theory. Thunderbird International Business Review. 63 (4), 477-486
Fon, RM., Filippaios, F., Stoian, C. and Lee, SH., (2021). Does foreign direct investment promote institutional development in Africa?. International Business Review. 30 (4), 101835-101835
Filippaios, F., Annan-Diab, F., Hermidas, A. and Theodoraki, C., (2019). Political governance, civil liberties, and human capital: Evaluating their effect on foreign direct investment in emerging and developing economies. Journal of International Business Studies. 50 (7), 1103-1129
Benson, V. and Filippaios, F., (2019). The role of learning analytics in networking for business and leisure: A study of culture and gender differences in social platform users. Computers in Human Behavior. 92, 613-624
Chytiri, A-P., Filippaios, F. and Chytiris, L., (2018). Hotel Recruitment and Selection Practices: The Case of the Greek Hotel Industry. International Journal of Organizational Leadership. 7 (3), 324-339
Annan‐Diab, F. and Filippaios, F., (2017). Multinational Firms’ Motivations and Foreign Direct Investment Decisions: An Analysis of the Software and
Benson, V. and Filippaios, F., (2015). Collaborative competencies in professional social networking: Are students short changed by curriculum in business education?. Computers in Human Behavior. 51, 1331-1339
Stone, Z., Filippaios, F. and Stoian, C., (2014). Equity culture development in Central and Eastern Europe: The role of institutional and managerial factors. Research in International Business and Finance. 31, 234-263
Benson, V., Morgan, S. and Filippaios, F., (2014). Social career management: Social media and employability skills gap. Computers in Human Behavior. 30, 519-525
Avloniti, A. and Filippaios, F., (2014). Unbundling the differences between Psychic and Cultural Distance: An empirical examination of the existing measures. International Business Review. 23 (3), 660-674
Filippaios, F. and Kottaridi, C., (2013). Complements or substitutes? New theoretical considerations and empirical evidence on the imports and FDI relationship in Central and Eastern European Countries. International Review of Applied Economics. 27 (6), 766-797
Hashai, N., Almor, T., Papanastassiou, M., Filippaios, F. and Rama, R., (2011). Unraveling the Relationships Between Internationalization and Product Diversification Among the World's Largest Food and Beverage Enterprises. Research in Global Strategic Management. 15, 271-299
Filippaios, F. and Rama, R., (2011). Cultural distance and internationalization: the world's largest food and drink multinationals. Agribusiness. 27 (4), 399-419
Filippaios, F., Papanastassiou, M., Pearce, R. and Rama, R., (2009). New forms of organisation and R&D internationalisation among the world's 100 largest food and beverages multinationals. Research Policy. 38 (6), 1032-1043
Anastassopoulos, G., Filippaios, F. and Phillips, P., (2009). An eclectic investigation of tourism multinationals: Evidence from Greece. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 28 (2), 185-194
Filippaios, F. and Rama, R., (2008). Globalisation or regionalisation? The strategies of the world’s largest food and beverage MNEs. European Management Journal. 26 (1), 59-72
Stoian, C. and Filippaios, F., (2008). Foreign Direct Investment in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe: an 'eclectic' approach to Greek investments. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management. 8 (5), 542-542
Stoian, C. and Filippaios, F., (2008). Dunning's eclectic paradigm: A holistic, yet context specific framework for analysing the determinants of outward FDI. International Business Review. 17 (3), 349-367
FILIPPAIOS, F. and PAPANASTASSIOU, M., (2008). US Outward Foreign Direct Investment in the European Union and the Implementation of the Single Market: Empirical Evidence from a Cohesive Framework. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. 46 (5), 969-1000
Adam, A. and Filippaios, F., (2007). Foreign direct investment and civil liberties: A new perspective. European Journal of Political Economy. 23 (4), 1038-1052
DEMOS, A., FILIPPAIOS, F. and PAPANASTASSIOU *, M., (2004). An event study analysis of outward foreign direct investment: the case of Greece. International Journal of the Economics of Business. 11 (3), 329-348
Filippaios, F. and Kottaridi, C., (2004). INVESTMENT PATTERNS AND THE COMPETITIVENESS OF GREEK REGIONS. Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies. 16 (2), 93-112
Filippaios, F., Papanastassiou, M. and Pearce, R., (2003). The evolution of US outward foreign direct investment in the pacific rim: a cross-time and country analysis. Applied Economics. 35 (16), 1779-1787
Book chapters (4)
Filippaios, F. and Benson, V., (2018). Chapter 4 Agile Digital Skills Examination for the Digital Economy: Knowledge and Social Capital Management Frameworks through Social Networking. In: The Future of Innovation and Technology in Education: Policies and Practices for Teaching and Learning Excellence. Emerald Publishing Limited. 55- 69. 9781787565562
Filippaios, F., Annan-Diab, F. and Hermidas, A., (2017). Civil and Political Liberties and FDI: An Evaluation of Emerging and Developing Economies. In: Growth Frontiers in International Business. Springer International Publishing. 237- 256. 9783319488509
Stone, Z., Filippaios, F. and Stoian, C., (2012). Financial System and Equity Culture Development in Central and Eastern European Countries: The Effect of Institutional Environment. In: Handbook of Institutional Approaches to International Business. Edward Elgar Publishing. 408- 437. 9781849807685
Filippaios, F., Kottaridi, C., Papanastassiou, M. and Pearce, R., (2004). Empirical evidence on the strategic behaviour of US MNEs within the framework of dynamic differentiated networks. In: Multinational Firms’ Location and the New Economic Geography. Edward Elgar Publishing. 178- 204. 9781843766544
Conferences (2)
Avloniti, A. and Filippaios, F., (2018). Evaluating the effects of cultural and psychic distance on multinational corporate performance: a meta-analysis
Benson, V. and Filippaios, F., (2010). Effects of Digital Footprint on Career Management: Evidence from Social Media in Business Education
Reports and Papers (2)
Filippaios, F. and Kottaridi, C., Mapping Foreign Direct Investment in UK Regions: The Role of Environmental Determinism and Dynamism
Filippaios, F. and Kottaridi, C., Complements or Substitutes? New Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Evidence on the Imports and FDI Relationship
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