Elizabeth Fisher-Frank

elizabeth.fisherfrank@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 876121
4SB.5.13, Colchester Campus
Liz is a solicitor (non-practising) with many years experience in representing clients in social welfare law, in particular family law, care proceedings and children’s rights. She set up and managed projects in law firms and local and national charities aimed at improving access to justice for vulnerable young people. She has also campaigned on access to justice issues plus has written for the legal press about this. She is a former member of the Law Society’s Children Panel and its Children Law Sub Committee. In September 2019 she was appointed to the Law Society's Family Committee which considers legal and policy issues. She has a Creative Writing MA and writes novels, plays and scripts with legal themes.
Research and professional activities
Conferences and presentations
Building Reflective Practice into an Extracurricular Law Clinic – Challenges and Opportunities
GAJE-IJCLE-SAULCA Worldwide Conference December 2022, Justice Education: Building Resilience and Strong Connections in Times of Global Challenges, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 12/12/2024
A Case for the Ambitious Use of Giving Voice to Values Throughout Legal Education
10th ENCLE/ 21st IJCLE Conference, Clinical Legal Education: the creation of knowledge through transformative experience, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 22/7/2024
The ‘no recourse to public funds’ condition within the UK immigration system: its damaging impact on families
Invited presentation, Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE) Conference, University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa, 13/12/2022
Community and Connectedness in Clinical Legal Education: Before, During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Social Work and Human Rights (HS656)
Family Law (LW214)
Legal Ethics and Justice (LW352)
Law Placement Year (LW400)
Book chapters (2)
Nicolson, D. and Fisher-Frank, E., (2020). Legal Advice in the Covid-19 Lockdown: Making Do or Brave New World?. In: Covid-19, Law and Human Rights : Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Editors: Ferstman, C. and FAgan, A., . University of Essex. 229- 236. 978-1-5272-6632-2
Fisher-Frank, E., Hansen, L., Harwood, J., Lindsey, J. and Tallodi, T., (2020). Access to Justice: A Discussion. In: Covid-19, Law and Human Rights : Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Editors: Ferstman, C. and Fagan, A., . University of Essex. 205- 206. 978-1-5272-6632-2
Grants and funding
To advise on the content of the family law module due to changes in the law
CILEX (Chartered Institute of Legal Executives)
Review of script of CPQ Professional Stage Family Law and Practice course book, by reference to the sample assessment materials (SAM) and syllabus.
CILEX (Chartered Institute of Legal Executives)