Professor Michael Freeman

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Colchester Campus
BA Modern Languages and Law, University of Cambridge; LLB, School of Law, Stanford University; PhD, Department of Government, University of Essex. Teaching at the universities of Edinburgh, Essex, North Carolina, and Gothenburg. Lectures at universities in more than 20 countries, from Japan and China to Brazil and Mexico, from Sweden to South Africa. External examiner at University College London, University of Sussex, and University of Oslo. Visiting Gladstein Professor of Human Rights, Human Rights Institute, University of Connecticut. Board Member and Chairperson, Human Rights Research Committee, International Political Science Association. Vice-President, Association of Genocide Scholars. Member, Board of Overseers, Human Rights Institute, University of Connecticut. Torgny Segerstedt Visiting Professor, Institute for the Study of Human Rights, Gothenburg University. Member, Amnesty International, 1977-; . Member of Council, Amnesty International British Section 1983-88; Chairperson British Section 1986-88; Alternate Chairperson, International Council Meeting, Amnesty International, 1989.
BA University of Cambridge,
LLB Stanford University,
PhD University of Essex,
University of Essex
Lecturer, Government, University of Essex (1967 - 1991)
Senior Lecturer, Government, University of Essex (1991 - 1995)
Reader, Government, University of Essex (1996 - 2003)
Research Professor, Government, University of Essex (2003 - 2014)
Emeritus Professor, Government, University of Essex (2014 - present)
Deputy Director, Human Rights Centre, University of Essex (1989 - 2000)
Other academic
Visitor, Nuffield College, University of Oxford (1975 - 1976)
Visiting Professor, Political Science, University of North Carolina (1978 - 1979)
External Examiner, Political Science, University College London (2002 - 2007)
Gladstein Visiting Professor of Human Rights, Human Rights Institute, University of Connecticut (2004 - 2004)
External Examiner, Political Science, University of Sussex (2004 - 2008)
Member Board of Overseers, Human Rights Institute, University of Connecticut (2005 - present)
Torgny Segerstedt Visting Professor, Institute for the Study of Human Rights, University of Gothenburg (2006 - 2007)
External Examiner, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo (2007 - 2010)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Philosophy, History, and Social Science of Human Rights
Journal articles (70)
Freeman, M., (2019). The Right to Self-Determination: Philosophical and Legal Perspectives. New England Journal of Public Policy. 31 (2)
Freeman, M., (2015). What Do We Need To Know About Human Rights? And How Do We Get To Know It?. Essex Human Rights Review. 10 (1)
Freeman, M., (2015). World Poverty: Rights, Obligations, Institutions, Motivations. Human Rights Quarterly. 37 (2), 439-463
Freeman, M., (2015). Neoliberal Policies and Human Rights. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi [Dokuz Eylul University Law Review]. 17 (2), 141-164
Freeman, M., (2012). Review of Samuel Moyn The Last Utopia. Sociology. 46 (5), 989-990
Freeman, M., (2006). El Derecho a la Vida, la Libertad y la Seguridad de la Persona: Dilemas y Conflictos de Aplicación. Cuadernos Deusto de Derechos Humanos. 40
Freeman, M., (2006). Review of Elaine C. Hagopian (ed.), Civil Rights in Peril: The Targeting of Arabs and Muslims. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 29 (2), 365-366
Freeman, M., (2005). Beyond the Rule of Law: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Human Rights. Revista Iberoamericana de Derechos Humanos
Freeman, M., (2005). New Priorities in Human Rights Research. Nordisk Tidsskrift For Menneskerettigheter/Nordic Journal of Human Rights,. 23 (2), 129-143
Freeman, M., (2005). Review of Benjamin A. Valentino, Final Solutions: Mass Killing and Genocide in the 20th Century. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 28 (1), 171-172
Freeman, M., (2004). The origins of indigenism: Human rights and the politics of identity. ETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES. 27 (2), 320-321
Freeman, M., (2004). Review of Brian Orend, Human Rights: Concept and Context. Canadian Journal of Political Science. 37 (2)
Freeman, M., (2004). The Problem of Secularism in Human Rights Theory. Human Rights Quarterly. 26 (2), 375-400
Freeman, M., (2002). Anthropology and the Democratisation of Human Rights. The International Journal of Human Rights. 6 (3), 37-54
Freeman, M., (2002). Past Wrongs and Liberal Justice. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice: An International Forum. 5 (2), 201-220
Freeman, M., (2001). Is a Political Science of Human Rights Possisble?. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights. 19 (2), 123-139
Freeman, M., (2001). Review of Israel W. Charny (ed.), Encylopedia of Genocide. ETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES. 24 (5), 877-878
Freeman, M., (2000). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: origins, drafting and intent. POLITICAL STUDIES. 48 (3), 594-594
Freeman, M., (2000). The East Asian challenge for human rights. POLITICAL STUDIES. 48 (3), 653-655
Freeman, M., (2000). Human rights in global politics. POLITICAL STUDIES. 48 (3), 653-655
Freeman, M., (2000). Debating human rights: critical essays from the United States and Asia. POLITICAL STUDIES. 48 (3), 653-655
Freeman, M., (2000). The Perils of Democratization: Nationalism, Markets and Human Rights. Human Rights Review. 2 (1), 33-50
Freeman, M., (2000). Review of Thomas D. Musgrave, Self Determination and National Minorities. Nations and Nationalism. 6 (3), 486-487
Freeman, M., (2000). Review of David Beetham, Democracy and Human Rights. Democratization. 7 (1)
Freeman, M., (2000). Review of Kevin Bales, Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 23 (2), 372-373
Freeman, M., (1999). Contract of mutual indifference: Political philosophy after the holocaust. POLITICAL STUDIES. 47 (2), 388-389
Freeman, M., (1999). Asia, Europe and Human Rights. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy. 4 (1), 100-122
Freeman, M., (1999). Review of Kurt Jonassohn with Karin Solveigh Björnson, Genocide and Gross Human Rights Violations in Comparative Perspective. ETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES. 22 (6), 1072-1073
Freeman, M., (1999). Review of Adrian Favell, Philosophies of Integration: Immigration and the Idea of Citizenship in France and Britain. Political Studies. 47 (4), 805-805
FREEMAN, M., (1999). The right to self‐determination in international politics: six theories in search of a policy. Review of International Studies. 25 (3), 355-370
Freeman, M., (1998). Human Rights, Asian Values and the Clash of Civilizations. Issues and Studies. 34 (10), 48-78
Freeman, M., (1998). National Self-Determination, Peace and Human Rights. Peace Review. 10 (2), 157-163
Freeman, M., (1998). Universalism, Communitarianism and Human Rights: A Reply to Chris Brown:. The International Journal of Human Rights. 2 (1), 79-92
Freeman, M., (1998). Human Rights and Real Cultures: Towards a Dialogue on "Asian Values". Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights. 16 (1), 25-39
Freeman, M., (1998). Review of Katarina Tomaševski, Between Sanctions and Elections: Aid Donors and Their Human Rights Performance. Democratization. 5 (2), 256-258
Freeman, M., (1998). Review of Jo Reilly, David Cesarani, Tony Kushner and Colin Richmond (eds), Belsen in History and Memory and Richard Lawrence Miller, Nazi Justiz: Law of the Holocaust. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 21 (6), 1204-1205
Freeman, M., (1997). Genocide and the politics of memory, studying death to preserve life - Hirsch,H. ETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES. 20 (1), 218-220
Freeman, M., (1997). Left, Right and Human Rights. Res Publica. III (2), 213-220
Freeman, M., (1997). Review of Donald Clark and Robert Williamson, eds, Self-Determination: International Perspectives. Nations and Nationalism. 3 (3), 480-482
Freeman, M., (1997). Review of Stephen White, Edmund Burke: Modernity, Politics and Aesthetics. The European Legacy: Towards New Paradigms. 2 (5), 900-901
Freeman, M., (1996). Democracy and Dynamite: The Peoples' Right to Self-Determination. Political Studies. 44 (4), 746-761
Freeman, M., (1996). Genocide: Conceptual and Historical Dimensions (review). Human Rights Quarterly. 18 (1), 240-242
Freeman, M., (1996). Human Rights, Democracy and Asian Values. Pacific Review. 9 (3), 352-366
Freeman, M., (1996). Democracy and Dynamite: The Peoples' Right to Self-Determination. Political Studies. XLIV (4), 746-761
FREEMAN, M., (1996). Review of R J Rummel Death by Goverrment. SLAVONIC AND EAST EUROPEAN REVIEW. 74 (3), 336-337
FREEMAN, M., (1995). The Holocaust and Philosophy. Journal of Applied Philosophy. 12 (2), 125-128
Freeman, M., (1995). Puritans and Pequots: The Question of Genocide. The New England Quarterly. 68 (2), 278-278
Freeman, M., (1995). Genocide, Civilization and Modernity. The British Journal of Sociology. 46 (2), 207-207
Freeman, M., (1995). The Rights of Minorities. Právny Obzor (Legal Review)
Freeman, M., (1995). Review of Peter du Preez, Genocide: The Psychology of Mass Murder. Political Studies. 43 (2), 404-404
Freeman, M., (1995). Are there Collective Human Rights?. Political Studies. 43 (1), 25-40
FREEMAN, M., (1994). Nation‐State and Cosmopolis: A Response to David Miller. Journal of Applied Philosophy. 11 (1), 79-87
Freeman, M., (1994). Religion, Nationalism and Genocide. Archives Européennes de Sociologie. XXXV (2), 259-282
Freeman, M., (1994). The Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights. Human Rights Quarterly. 16 (3), 491-514
FREEMAN, M., (1994). Review of William B. Helmreich, Against All Odds: Holocaust Survivors and the Successful Lives They Made in America,. ETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES. 17 (4), 727-728
FREEMAN, M., (1991). THE THEORY AND PREVENTION OF GENOCIDE. Holocaust and Genocide Studies. 6 (2), 185-199
FREEMAN, M., (1991). Speaking about the Unspeakable: genocide and philosophy. Journal of Applied Philosophy. 8 (1), 3-18
Freeman, M., (1991). Review of Frank Chalk and Kurt Jonassohn, The History and Sociology of Genocide. Political Studies. XXXIX (1)
Freeman, M., (1987). The Puzzle of Genocide. Social Science Record
Freeman, M., (1986). Genocide and social science. Patterns of Prejudice. 20 (4), 3-15
Freeman, M., (1978). I. Edmund Burke and the Theory of Revolution. Political Theory. 6 (3), 277-297
Freeman, M., (1977). Edmund Burke and the Sociology of Revolution. Political Studies. 25 (4), 459-473
Freeman, M., (1975). Sociology and Utopia: Some Reflections on the Social Philosophy of Karl Popper. The British Journal of Sociology. 26 (1), 20-20
Freeman, M., (1974). Reference Groups and Revolutions. European Journal of Political Research. 2 (3), 271-282
Freeman, M., (1973). Social Science and Democratic Theory. Political Studies. 21 (1), 70-74
Freeman, M., (1972). Review Article: Theories of Revolution. British Journal of Political Science. 2 (3), 340-360
Books (11)
Freeman, M., (2022). Human Rights: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Polity Press
Freeman, M., (2019). A Magna Carta for Children?. Cambridge University Press. 9781107152823
Freeman, M., (2017). Human Rights: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Polity Press
Freeman, M., (2016). Human Rights: An Interdisciplinary Approach. : Gendai Jinbun-sha,
Freeman, M., (2011). Human Rights: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Polity Press
Freeman, M., (2008). Insam Haklari: disiplinlerarasi Bir Yaklaşim (Human Rights: An Interdisciplinary Aproach). Birlesik Kitabevi
Freeman, M., (2007). Prawa Człowieka (Human Rights: An Interddisciplinary Approach). Wydawnictwo Sic!
Freeman, M., (2006). Human Rights: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Chu Liu Book Company
Freeman, M., (2005). Human Rights: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Ache
Freeman, M., (2002). Human Rights: An Interdiscipliinary Approach. Polity Press
Freeman, M., (1980). Edmund Burke and the Critique of Political Radicalism. Blackwell
Book chapters (45)
Freeman, M., (2017). Human Rights. In: Politics in the Developing World. Editors: Burnell, P., Rakner, L. and Randall, V., . Oxford University Press
Freeman, M., (2015). Thinking about Children’s Rights Sociologically. In: Law in Society: Reflections on Children, Family, Culture and Philosophy. Brill | Nijhoff. 635- 652. 9789004261488
Freeman, M., (2014). Human Rights. In: Politics in the Developing World. Editors: Burnell, P., Randall, V. and Rakner, L., . Oxford University Press
Freeman, M., (2014). Genocide, Civilization and Modernity. In: The Criminology of War. Editors: Jamieson, R., . Ashgate
Freeman, M., (2014). Origins: The Rise and Fall of Natural Rights. In: The Development of International Human Rights Law. Editors: Weissbrodt, D., Ni Aoláin, FD. and Rumsey, M., . Ashgate
Freeman, M., (2013). Universalism of Human Rights and Cultural Relativism. In: Routledge Handbook of International Human /Rights Law. Editors: Sheeran, S. and Rodley, SN., . Routledge
Freeman, M., (2013). Conclusion: Reflections on the Theory and Practice of Economic and Social Rights. In: The State of Economic and Social Rights: A Global Overview. Editors: Minkler, L., . Cambridge University Press
Freeman, M., (2010). Human Rights. In: Politics in the Developing World. Editors: Burnell, P., Randall, V. and Rakner, L., . Oxford University Press
Freeman, M., (2009). Are There Collective Human Right?. In: Group Rights. Editors: Jones, P., . shgate
Freeman, M., (2009). Edmund Burke and the Theory of Revolution. In: Edmund Burke. Editors: Hampsher-Monk, I., . Ashgate
Freeman, M., (2009). The Right to Health. In: Interpreting Human Rights: Social Science Perspectives. Editors: Morgan, R. and Turner, BS., . Routledge
Freeman, M., (2008). Historical Injustice and Liberal Political Theory. In: The Age of Apology: Facing Up to the Past. Editors: Howard-Hassmann, RE., Coicaud, J-M. and Steiner, N., . University of Pennsylvania Press
Freeman, M., (2008). Human Rights. In: Politics in the Developing World. Editors: Burnell, P. and RAndall, V., . Oxford University Press
Freeman, M., (2007). Back to the Future: The Historical Dimension of Liberal Justice. In: Repairing the Past? International Perspectives on Reparations for Gross Human Rights Abuses. Editors: Du PLessis, M. and Peté, S., . Intersentia
Freeman, M., (2005). Human Rights. In: Politics in the Developing World. Editors: Burnell, P. and Randall, V., . Oxford University Press
Freeman, M., (2005). Human Rights, Religion and Secularism. In: Theoretical Foundations of Human Rights. Center for Human Rights Studies at Mofid University
Freeman, M., (2005). Order, rights and threats: Terrorism and global justice. In: Human Rights in the `War on Terror'. Editors: Wilson, RA., . Cambridge University Press. 37- 56. 0521853192. 9780521853194
Freeman, M., (2005). Beyond Capitalism and Socialism. In: Human Rights and Capitalism: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Globalisation. Editors: Dine, J. and Fagan, A., . Edward Elgar
Freeman, M., (2005). Putting Law in its Place: An Interdisciplinary Evaluation of National Amnesty Laws. In: The Legalization of Human Rights: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Human Rights and Human Rights Law. Editors: Meckled-Garcia, S. and Çali, B., . Routledge
Freeman, M., (2004). Culture, Sovereignty and Human Rights. In: Zhengzhi Zhexue (Political Philosophy). Editors: Bunnin, N., Renzong, Q. and Yi, J., . Chinese Social Sciences Press
Freeman, M., (2004). The Right to Freedom of Expression. In: The Right to Freedom of Expression and the Right to Development. Danish Institute for Human Rights
Freeman, M., (2004). The Sexual Abuse of Children. In: Sexuality Repositioned: Diversity and the Law. 317- 337
Freeman, M., (2003). Is Limited Altruism Morally Wrong?. In: Moral Philosophy and the Holocaust. Editors: Garrard, E. and Scarre, G., . Ashgate
Freeman, M., (2000). Universalism, Particularism and Cosmopolitan Justice. In: International Justice. Editors: Coates, T., . Ashgate
Freeman, M., (2000). Liberal Democracy and Minority Rights. In: Human Rights: New Perspectives, New Realities. Editors: Pollis, A. and Schwab, P., . Lynne Rienner
Freeman, M., (2000). Universal Rights and Particular Cultures. In: Human Rights and Asian Values: Contesting National Identities and Cultural Representations in Asia. Editors: Jacobsen, M. and Bruun, O., . Curzon Press
Freeman, M., (1999). The Role of Institution Building in the Prevention of Genocide. In: Genocide: Essays Toward Understanding, Early Warning and Prevention. Editors: Smith, RW., . Association of Genocide Scholars
Freeman, M., (1999). The Right to Self Determination: Ethical Problems and Practical Solutions. In: The Rights of Nations: Nations and Nationalism in a Changing World. Editors: Clarke, DM. and Jones, C., . St Martin's
Freeman, M., (1999). Fifty Years of Development of the Concept and Contents of Human Rights. In: Innovation and Inspiration: Fifty Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Editors: Baehr, PR., Flinterman, C. and Senders, M., . Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences,
Freeman, M., (1999). Theories of Revolution. In: Revolutions: Critical Concepts. Editors: O'Kane, R., . Routledge
Freeman, M., (1998). The Priority of Function Over Structure: A New Approach to Secession. In: Theories of Secession. Editors: Lehning, PB., . Routledge
Freeman, M., (1998). Theories of Tribalism, Ethnicity and Nationalism. In: Ethnic Conflict, Tribal Politics: A Global Perspective. Editors: Christie, K., . Curzon Press
Freeman, M., (1998). The Theory and Prevention of Genocide. In: State Crime. Editors: Friedrichs, DO., . Ashgate
Freeman, M., (1996). Nation States and Minority Rights: A Cosmopolitan Perspective. In: Morality and International Relations: Concepts and Issues. Editors: Wright, M., . Avebury
Freeman, M., (1995). Human Rights: Asia and the West. In: Human Rights and International Relations in the Asia Pacific Region. Editors: Tang, JTH., . Pinter
Freeman, M., (1995). Are There Collective Human Rights?. In: Politics and Human Rights. Editors: Beetham, D., . Blackwell. 409- 424
Freeman, M., (1995). Minority Rights in Liberal-Democratic Theory. In: Nationalism and Minorities. Editors: Freeman, M., , Pantic, D. and Janjic, D., . : Institute of Social Sciences and Forum for Ethnic Relations
Freeman, M., (1994). Nationalism. In: Ideas That Shape Politics. Editors: Foley, M., . Manchester University Press
Freeman, M., (1994). Nationalism, Liberalism and Democracy. In: Nations, Cultures and Markets. Editors: Gilbert, P. and Gregory, P., . Avebury
Freeman, M., (1992). State Terrorism and Human Rights in Europe. In: Terrorism in the New Europe. Editors: Almond, B., . University of Hull Social Values Research Centre
Freeman, M., (1990). Human Rights and the Corruption of Governments 1789-1989. In: The Enlightenment and its Shadows. Editors: Hulme, P. and Jordanova, L., . Routledge
Freeman, M., (1983). Revolution as a Subject for Science. In: Revolutionary Theory and Political Reality. Editors: O'Sullivan, NK., . Harvester
Freeman, MDA., (1981). Jews and the Law of Divorce in England. In: The Jewish Law Annual. BRILL. 276- 288. 9789004065048
Freeman, M., (1980). A Preface to Revolutionary Theory. In: Frontiers of Political Theory. Editors: Freeman, M. and Robertson, D., . Harvester
Freeman, MDA., (1978). The Status of a Foreign “Get” in Belgium. In: The Jewish Law Annual. BRILL. 228- 229. 9789004057272
Conferences (64)
Freeman, M., The Right to Self Determination: Philosophical and Legal Perspectives
Freeman, M., Global Poverty: Approaches from Philosophy, Religion, and the Social Sciences
Freeman, M., Asian Values: Cultural Relativism vs Universalism
Freeman, M., The Interdisciplinary Study of Human Rights
Freeman, M., Human Rights in Conflict Zones
Freeman, M., Asian Values, Philosophical Critiques
Freeman, M., Human Rights and Terrorism
Freeman, M., Power and Culture in the Implementation of Human Rights
Freeman, M., Beyond Capitalism and Socialism
Freeman, M., The Right to Life, Liberty and Security of Person: Dilemmas and Conflicts of Implementation
Freeman, M., Islam, Human Rights and Democracy
Freeman, M., Culture, Identity and Human Rights
Freeman, M., Human Rights: Historical Perspectives and New Challenges
Freeman, M., Human Rights and the War on Terrorism
Freeman, M., Doing Right by Making Good: Beyond Apology, Compensation and Justice
Freeman, M., Towards New Priorities in the Study of Human Rights
Freeman, M., Order, Rights, and Threats
Freeman, M., Human Rights and Force: Revisiting the Question of Intervention
Freeman, M., The Evolution of the International Human Rights Regime
Freeman, M., The Right to Freedom of Expression
Freeman, M., Human Rights, Secularism and Religion
Freeman, M., Putting Law in its Place: an interdisciplinary evaluation of national amnesty laws
Freeman, M., Is Liberal Nationalism Coherent?
Freeman, M., Culture, Sovereignty, and Human Rights
Freeman, M., Human Rights as a Cultural Practice: Anthropology and Human Rights Law’
Freeman, M., Human Rights and the Protection of Minorities at the Beginning of the Twenty-first Century
Freeman, M., Is a Political Science of Human Rights Possible?
Freeman, M., James Tully’s Political Theory of Cultural Recognition: A Reply by Aristotle to Wittgenstein
Freeman, M., Group Rights and Liberal Democracy
Freeman, M., Markets, Ethnonationalism and Human Rights in the Process of Democratization
Freeman, M., Obligations, Institutions and International Justice
Freeman, M., Fifty Years of Development of the Concept and Contents of Human Rights
Freeman, M., Parents, Children and Citizens
Freeman, M., Universal Human Rights and National Particularities
Freeman, M., Asian Values, Asian Crisis: Prospects for Human Rights
Freeman, M., Universalism, Particularism and Foreign Policy
Freeman, M., Asia, Europe and Human Rights: dialogue or confrontation?
Freeman, M., The Foreign Policy of Democratic Nationalism: New Labour and Human Rights
Freeman, M., National Self-Determination: Law, Politics, Ethics
Freeman, M., Human Rights, Asian Values and the Clash of Civilizations
Freeman, M., Nationalism and Genocide: A Philosophical Analysis
Freeman, M., On culture, values, and human rights
Freeman, M., The Right to Self-determination: dilemmas of democratic theory
Freeman, M., Institutional Barriers to Genocide: the contribution of social science
Freeman, M., Human Rights, Democracy and "Asia": A Cosmopolitan Perspective
Freeman, M., The Role of Institution Building in the Prevention of Genocide
Freeman, M., The Priority of Function to Structure: A New Approach to Secession
Freeman, M., Collective Rights and Distributive Justice
Freeman, M., Are There Collective Human Rights?
Freeman, M., The Place of "Community" in Liberal Democratic Theory
Freeman, M., The Theory of Rights
Freeman, M., International Justice and Minority Rights
Freeman, M., Human Rights and Democratization
Freeman, M., The Holocaust and Political Philosophy
Freeman, M., Minority Rights and Liberal Democracy
Freeman, M., Minority Rights and Ethnic Conflict
Freeman, M., Human Rights, China and the West
Freeman, M., Human Rights and the Crisis in Western Philosophy
Freeman, M., Human Rights as Political Praxis
Freeman, M., Human Rights: for a unity of theory and practice
Freeman, M., Enemies of God
Freeman, M., Speaking about the Unspeakable: The "Genocide" Problematic - Reality, Ethics, Discourse
Freeman, M., The Janus-Faced State: the case of Turkey
Freeman, M., Some Methodological Problems in the Study of Genocide
Other (30)
Freeman, M., Genocide in World-Historical Perspective
Freeman, M., Genocide and the Political Community
Freeman, M., Liberalism, Socialism and Human Rights
Freeman, M., Nationalism: for and against
Freeman, M., Putting Law in its Place: An interdisciplinary evaluation of national amnesty laws
Freeman, M., A Common Standard for All Peoples: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Freeman, M., 'Taiwan'
Freeman, M., Death toll from the war in our midst
Freeman, M., Collective Rights and Distributive Justice
Freeman, M., (2023).History of Human Rights,Bloomsbury Academic
Freeman, M., (2023).History of Human Rights,Bloomsbury Academic
Freeman, M., (2023).The mystery of history,University of Essex Human Rights Centre
Freeman, M., (2021).Human rights and social science,University of Essex Human Rights Ceentre
Freeman, M., (2017).Human rights in difficult times,Polity Press
Freeman, M., (2017).Human Rights: An Interdisciplinary Approach,Essex University Human Rights Centre
Freeman, M., (2014).The interdisciplinary approach to human rights
Freeman, M., (2013).World Poverty as a Human Rights Problem. 2(4)
Freeman, M., (2009).Introduction to the Turkish translation of Human Rights: An Interdisciplinary Approach,Polity Press
Freeman, M., (2005).Pequot. Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity,Macmillan
Freeman, M., (2005).The Historical Roots of Human Rights Before the Second World War. The Essential Guide to Human Rights,Hodder Arnold
Freeman, M., (2001).Rights,Routledge
Freeman, M., (2001).Revolutions. Encyclopedia of Democratic Thought,Rotledge
Freeman, M., (1997).Why Rights Matter. Politics Review. 7(1)
Freeman, M., (1997).Report: Conference on "Gross Human-Rights Violations: Prevention, Intervention, and Punishment. Journal of Value Inquiry. 31(4),Springer
Freeman, M., (1996).Genocide. Dictionary of Ethics, Theology and Society,Routledge
Freeman, M., (1996).Revolution. Dictionary of Ethics, Theology and Society,Routledge
Freeman, M., (1995).Genocide and Ethnic Conflict,Éditions Montmorency
Freeman, M., (1995).Guest Editorial: The Holocaust and Philosophy. Journal of Applied Philosophy. 12(2),Wiley
Freeman, M., (1992).Edmund Burke. The Encyclopedia of Ethics,Garland Publishing
Freeman, M., (1992).Oppression. The Encyclopedia of Ethics,Garland Publishing