
Professor David Fremlin

Emeritus Professor
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science
Professor David Fremlin


Journal articles (76)

Fremlin, D. and Mala, J., (2018). Symmetry and measurability. Acta Mathematica Hungarica. 154 (1), 43-47

(2015). Flying blind. New Scientist. 227 (3031), 57-57

Fremlin, D., (2008). Untitled. NEW SCIENTIST. 199 (2669), 18-18

Loxley, D., (2008). David Loxley. New Scientist. 197 (2640), 25-25

Dow, A. and Fremlin, D., (2007). Compact sets without converging sequences in the random real model. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. 76 (2), 161-171

Smith, A., (2007). Free will…. New Scientist. 193 (2589), 20-20

Fremlin, DH., de Pagter, B. and Ricker, WJ., (2005). Sequential closedness of Boolean algebras of projections in Banach spaces. Studia Mathematica. 167 (1), 45-62

Fremlin, DH., (2003). Skew Products of Ideals. Journal of Applied Analysis. 9 (1), 1-18

Fremlin, D., (2000). Weakly α-favourable measure spaces. Fundamenta Mathematicae. 165 (1), 67-94

Fremlin, D., Natkaniec, T. and Recław, I., (2000). Universally kuratowski-ulam spaces. Fundamenta Mathematicae. 165 (3), 239-247

Fremlin, DH., (1999). Compact measure spaces. Mathematika. 46 (2), 331-336

Fremlin, DH., (1999). Compact measure spaces. Mathematika. 46 (2), 331-336

Fremlin, DH., (1997). Skeletons and Central Sets. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 74 (3), 701-720

Fremlin, DH., (1997). On compact spaces carrying Radon measures of uncountable Maharam type. Fundamenta Mathematicae. 154 (3), 295-304

Fremlin, D., Johnson, R. and Wajch, E., (1996). Countable network weight and multiplication of Borel sets. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 124 (9), 2897-2903

Fremlin, DH., (1995). The generalized McShane integral. Illinois Journal of Mathematics. 39 (1), 39-67

Fremlin, DH. and Grekas, S., (1995). Products of completion regular measures. FUNDAMENTA MATHEMATICAE. 147 (1), 27-37

Fremlin, DH., (1994). The Henstock and McShane integrals of vector-valued functions. Illinois Journal of Mathematics. 38 (3), 471-479

Fremlin, DH., (1994). Embedding Spaces of Finite Length in R3. Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 49 (1), 150-162

Fremlin, DH. and Mendoza, J., (1994). On the integration of vector-valued functions. Illinois Journal of Mathematics. 38 (1), 127-147

Fremlin, DH., Holický, P. and Pelant, J., (1993). Lindelöf modifications and K ‐analytic spaces. Mathematika. 40 (1), 1-6

Shelah, S. and Fremlin, DH., (1993). Pointwise compact and stable sets of measurable functions. Journal of Symbolic Logic. 58 (2), 435-455

Fremlin, DH., (1992). Spaces of Finite Length. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. s3-64 (3), 449-486

Fremlin, DH., (1991). Covering squares with independent squares. Mathematika. 38 (2), 329-333

Fremlin, DH. and Kunen, K., (1991). Essentially unbounded chains in compact sets. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 109 (1), 149-160

Fremlin, D., (1991). On the average of inner and outer measures. Fundamenta Mathematicae. 139 (1), 9-15

Fremlin, DH., (1990). A new notion of κ‐Souslin operation. Mathematika. 37 (1), 9-20

Fremlin, DH. and Nyikos, PJ., (1989). Saturating ultrafilters on N. Journal of Symbolic Logic. 54 (3), 708-718

Fremlin, DH., (1988). Large correlated families of positive random variables. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 103 (1), 147-162

Balogh, Z., Dow, A., Fremlin, DH. and Nyikos, PJ., (1988). Countable tightness and proper forcing. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. 19 (1), 295-298

Burke, MR. and Fremlin, DH., (1988). A note on measurability and almost continuity. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 102 (3), 611-612

FREMLIN, D. and SERSOURI, A., (1988). ON ω-INDEPENDENCE IN SEPARABLE BANACH SPACES. The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. 39 (3), 323-331

Fremlin, DH., (1988). Perfect pre-images of ω1 and the PFA. Topology and its Applications. 29 (2), 151-166

Miller, A. and Fremlin, D., (1988). On some properties of Hurewicz, Menger, and Rothberger. Fundamenta Mathematicae. 129 (1), 17-33

Jefferies, BRF. and Fremlin, DH., (1987). An indecomposable Daniell integral. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 101 (4), 647-651

Fremlin, DH. and Jasiński, J., (1986). G δ Covers and Large Thin Sets of Reals. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. s3-53 (3), 518-538


Fremlin, DH. and Talagrand, M., (1985). Subgraphs of random graphs. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 291 (2), 551-582

Fremlin, DH. and Talagrand, M., (1985). Subgraphs of Random Graphs. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 291 (2), 551-551

Fremlin, DH., (1984). On the additivity and cofinality of Radon measures. Mathematika. 31 (2), 323-335

Fremlin, DH., Hansell, RW. and Junnila, HJK., (1983). Borel functions of bounded class. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 277 (2), 835-849

Fremlin, DH., Hansell, RW. and Junnila, HJK., (1983). Borel Functions of Bounded Class. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 277 (2), 835-835

Aldous, D. and Fremlin, D., (1982). Colacunary sequences in L-spaces. Studia Mathematica. 71 (3), 297-304

Fremlin, DH., (1981). Measurable functions and almost continuous functions. Manuscripta Mathematica. 33 (3-4), 387-405

FREMLIN, DH., (1980). Borel sets in non-separable Banach spaces. Hokkaido Mathematical Journal. 9 (2), 179-188

Fremlin, DH. and Talagrand, M., (1980). A Gaussian Measure on $l^\infty$. The Annals of Probability. 8 (6), 1192-1193

Fremlin, DH. and Talagrand, M., (1979). A decomposition theorem in tensor products of Archimedean vector lattices. Mathematika. 26 (2), 302-305

Fremlin, DH. and Talagrand, M., (1979). On CS ‐closed sets. Mathematika. 26 (1), 30-32

Fremlin, DH. and Talagrand, M., (1979). A decomposition theorem for additive set-functions, with applications to pettis integrals and ergodic means. Mathematische Zeitschrift. 168 (2), 117-142

Fremlin, DH. and Shelah, S., (1979). On partitions of the real line. Israel Journal of Mathematics. 32 (4), 299-304

Choksi, JR. and Fremlin, DH., (1979). Completion regular measures on product spaces. Mathematische Annalen. 241 (2), 113-128

Dodds, PG. and Fremlin, DH., (1979). Compact operators in Banach lattices. Israel Journal of Mathematics. 34 (4), 287-320

Fremlin, DH. and Talagrand, M., (1978). On the representation of increasing linear functionals on Riesz spaces by measures. Mathematika. 25 (2), 213-215

Fremlin, DH., (1978). Riesz spaces with the order-continuity property. II. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 83 (2), 211-223

Fremlin, DH., (1978). Decomposable measure spaces. Zeitschrift f�r Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete. 45 (2), 159-167

Bourgain, J., Fremlin, DH. and Talagrand, M., (1978). Pointwise Compact Sets of Baire-Measurable Functions. American Journal of Mathematics. 100 (4), 845-845

Fremlin, DH., (1977). K‐analytic spaces with metrizable compacta. Mathematika. 24 (2), 257-261

Fremlin, DH., (1977). Riesz spaces with the order-continuity property. I. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 81 (1), 31-42

Fremlin, DH., (1977). Uncountable powers of $$\underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\thicksim}$}}{R}$$ can be almost Lindel�f. Manuscripta Mathematica. 22 (1), 77-85

Fremlin, DH., (1976). The clustering problem : some Monte Carlo results. Journal de Physique. 37 (7-8), 813-817

Fremlin, DH., (1975). Topological measure spaces: two counter-examples. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 78 (1), 95-106

Fremlin, DH., (1975). A Direct Proof of the Matthes-Wright Integral Extension Theorem. Journal of the London Mathematical Society. s2-11 (3), 276-284

Fremlin, DH., (1975). Inextensible Riesz spaces. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 77 (1), 71-89

Fremlin, DH., (1975). A positive compact operator. Manuscripta Mathematica. 15 (4), 323-327

Fremlin, DH., (1975). Pointwise compact sets of measurable functions. Manuscripta Mathematica. 15 (3), 219-242

Fremlin, DH. and Pryce, JD., (1974). Semi-Extremal Sets and Measure Representations. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. s3-29 (3), 502-520

Fremlin, DH., (1974). Tensor products of Banach lattices. Mathematische Annalen. 211 (2), 87-106

Fremlin, DH., (1974). A characterization of L-spaces. Indagationes Mathematicae. 36 (3), 270-275

Fremlin, DH., (1974). A characterization of L-spaces. Indagationes Mathematicae (Proceedings). 77 (3), 270-275

Fremlin, D., (1972). On the completion of locally solid vector lattices. Pacific Journal of Mathematics. 43 (2), 341-347

Fremlin, DH., Garling, DJH. and Haydon, RG., (1972). Bounded Measures on Topological Spaces. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. s3-25 (1), 115-136

Fremlin, DH., (1968). Stable subspaces of L1 + L. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 64 (3), 625-644

Fremlin, DH., (1968). Abstract Köthe spaces. IV. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 64 (1), 45-52

Fremlin, DH., (1967). Abstract Köthe Spaces. I. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 63 (3), 653-660

Fremlin, DH., (1967). Abstract Köthe spaces. III. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 63 (4), 957-962

Fremlin, DH., (1967). Abstract Köthe Spaces. II. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 63 (4), 951-956

Conferences (1)

Fremlin, DH., (2010). Measure-centering ultrafilters



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