
Professor Peter Fussey

Department of Sociology and Criminology
Professor Peter Fussey



Professor Fussey’s research focuses on surveillance, human rights, digital sociology, algorithmic justice, technology and policing, and urban studies. He has published widely across these areas, having produced over 75 academic publications in his field. He is a director of the Centre for Research into Information, Surveillance and Privacy (CRISP) – a collaboration between surveillance researchers at the universities of St Andrews, Edinburgh, Stirling and Essex - and co-director of the eight-year £6m ESRC funded Human Rights, Big Data and Technology project (2015-2023). As part of this project Professor Fussey leads research teams empirically analysing digital security strategies in the US, UK, Brazil, India and Germany. Professor Fussey has also co drafted UN human rights standards on law enforcement uses of technology at protests and written national policy on the regulation of surveillance technologies. Other work has focused on urban resilience and, separately, organised crime in the EU with particular reference to the trafficking of children for criminal exploitation (monograph Child Trafficking in the EU: Policing and protecting Europe’s most vulnerable published by Routledge in 2017). Further books include Securing and Sustaining the Olympic City (Ashgate) and Terrorism and the Olympics (Routledge), and a co-authored book on social science research methodology, Researching Crime: Researching Crime Approaches, Methods and Application (Palgrave). He has also co-authored one of the UK's best selling criminology textbooks (Criminology: A Sociological Introduction) with a team of colleagues from the Department of Sociology at the University of Essex. Professor Fussey is also an editor for the Routledge Studies in Surveillance book series and serves on the editorial board of the British Sociological Association's journal, Sociology. Professor Fussey is currently contracted by Oxford University Press for a monograph on remote biometric identification and human rights in an era of digital policing. A regular commentator in national and international media, Professor Fussey's award winning research has featured on the front pages of The Guardian and Financial Times, and additionally covered by BBC Newsnight, PBS Newshour (US), The New York Times, Washington Post, The Times, La Repubblica, El Pais, Le Monde, BBC Radio 4 (File on 4, PM) and other national news outlets across the world. Professor Fussey has also worked with and advised central and regional governments in the UK, Europe and Asia on a number of issues including the regulation of surveillance, public order policing and the security and social implications of urban mega-events. He has advised EU and UN agencies on human rights and surveillance technology, authored work laid before the UN General Assembly, written national guidence on law enforcement uses of biometric technologies, leads the human rights and ethics strand of the UK Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner’s national strategy and led the independent academic review of the London Metropolitan Police trials of face recognition technology. He is currently supporting the UN in the development of international guidance on human rights and uses of technology in policing protest. Professor Fussey also serves on the expert advisory panels for a number of large-scale European Commission funded projects researching technology and security, human trafficking, and resilience issues @petefussey Grants and Funding (selected): ESRC Large Grant Scheme: Human Rights and Information Technology in the Era of Big Data, 2015-2023 (c.£6m) Norwegian Research Council: CRIMKNOW: Private knowledge, public issues: Digitalization and private economies of knowledge in criminal justice (2022-2025) ESRC GCRF: Surveillance Chilling Effects in Africa ESRC Impact Acceleration & other external matched funding: Regulating Communications Surveillance in the Post-Snowden Era 2017-18 STFC Global Challenge Exploration Award: Data Analytics and Future Urbanism, 2015 ESRC & EPSRC EP/I005943/1 Resilient Futures, 2010-2014 ( (£1.7m) EPSRC EP/HO230LX/1 Terrorism and Crowded Places: Shades of Grey, 2010-2013 (£1.2m)


  • PhD in Criminology (2005)

  • MA Criminology (1998)

  • BA (Hons) History & History of Art (1996)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Surveillance and society

Open to supervise

Digital Sociology

Open to supervise

Security and the city

Open to supervise

Terrorism and counter-terrorism

Open to supervise

Urban sociology

Open to supervise

Resilience and climate change

Open to supervise

Informal and criminal economies

Open to supervise

Human trafficking

Open to supervise

Current research

Surveillance and society

Security and major sporting events: ongoing work yielding an edited collection (Terrorism and the Olympics) and joint monograph (Securing and Sustaining the Olympic City) (see below). This analyses the form and impact of Olympic (and other mega-event) security operations with particular reference to London 2012.

Critical studies of resilience: part of £1.7m ESRC & EPSRC research project (see below) analysing the future resilience and UK energy and transport infrastructures and the social impacts of infrastructure failure and climate change. Related scholarship examines critical theoretical approaches to resilience.

Security and public spaces: part of £1.2m EPSRC research project (see below). This research stream covers a number of areas ranging from the commission of terrorist acts to the form and impact of counter-terrorism measures.

Crossing Borders: Migration, the informal and organised criminal economies in London. Qualitative research investigating how migrants from East Europe and the Former Soviet Union operate within the second economy and criminal networks in London. Related research analyses the dynamics of, and responses to, child trafficking into London (see 2017 monograph).

ESRC Large Grant Scheme: Human Rights and Information Technology in the Era of Big Data, (October) 2015-2020 (c.£5m)

ESRC & EPSRC EP/I005943/1 Resilient Futures, 2010-2013 ( (£1.7m)

EPSRC EP/HO230LX/1 Terrorism and Crowded Places: Shades of Grey, 2010-2013 (£1.2m)

ESRC & other external matched funding: Impact Accelleration: Regulating Surveillance in the Post-Snowden Era 2017-18 (£30k PI)

STFC Global Challenge Exploration Award: Data Analytics and Future Urbanism Workshop (March 2015)

EC COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action IS0807 Living in Surveillance Societies (LISS) 2009-2013

EC COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action TU1203 Crime Prevention through Urban Design and Planning 2013-2015

Professor Fussey also serves on the expert advisory panels for a number of large-scale European Commission funded projects researching technology and security, human trafficking, and resilience issues

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Introduction to Crime, Law and Society (SC104)

  • Critical Perspectives on Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism (SC557)

  • Global Security Challenges (SC561)

  • Policing, Punishment and Society (SC205)

Previous supervision

Amy Rebecca Stevens
Amy Rebecca Stevens
Thesis title: Resisting State Surveillance in the Digital Age: Precarious Coalitions, Contested Knowledge and Diverse Opposition to Mass-Surveillance and the Uk's Investigatory Powers Act
Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/6/2021
Daniel Felix Marciniak
Daniel Felix Marciniak
Thesis title: Data-Driven Policing: How Digital Technologies Transform the Practice and Governance of Policing
Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/4/2021
Daniela Boraschi
Daniela Boraschi
Thesis title: Cervical Cancer At the Crossroads. an Historical Ontology of Evidence in Cervical Cancer Prevention
Degree subject: Sociological Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/12/2019
Kofi Odei Addo
Kofi Odei Addo
Thesis title: Implications of the Different Experiences of Corruption on Police Confidence and Legitimacy in Ghana: An Exploratory Study
Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 14/9/2018
Eleana Nikiforidou
Eleana Nikiforidou
Thesis title: Countering Kidnapping in a Globalised World: A Critical Analysis of the Production, Transfer and Application of High Security Knowledge.
Degree subject: Criminology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/5/2018
Emma Katherine Milne
Emma Katherine Milne
Thesis title: Suspicious Perinatel Death and the Law: Criminalising Mothers Who Do Not Conform
Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/10/2017
Falko Alexander Ernst
Falko Alexander Ernst
Thesis title: From Narcotrafficking to Alternative Governance: An Ethnographic Study on Los Caballeros Templarios and the Mutation of Organized Crime in Michoacán, Mexico
Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 27/4/2016
Juan Carlos Ruiz Flores
Juan Carlos Ruiz Flores
Thesis title: Stigma and Exclusion in Santiago: Urban Violence From Above and Below in the Neoliberal Era
Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/3/2015


Journal articles (49)

Murray, D., Fussey, P., Hove, K., Wakabi, W., Kimumwe, P., Saki, O. and Stevens, A., (2024). The Chilling Effects of Surveillance and Human Rights: Insights from Qualitative Research in Uganda and Zimbabwe. Journal of Human Rights Practice. 16 (1), 397-412

Stevens, A., Fussey, P., Murray, D., Hove, K. and Saki, O., (2023). ‘I started seeing shadows everywhere’: The diverse chilling effects of surveillance in Zimbabwe. Big Data and Society. 10 (1), 205395172311586-205395172311586

Fussey, P. and Webster, CWR., (2023). Policy Review: The Evolving Governance of Surveillance Cameras in the UK1. Information Polity. 28 (4), 559-567

Fussey, P. and Sandhu, A., (2022). Surveillance arbitration in the era of digital policing. Theoretical Criminology. 0 (1), 3-22

Drake, A., Keller, P., Pietropaoli, I., Puri, A., Maniatis, S., Tomlinson, J., Maxwell, J., Fussey, P., Pagliari, C., Smethurst, H., Edwards, L. and Blair, SW., (2022). Legal contestation of artificial intelligence-related decision-making in the United Kingdom: reflections for policy. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology. 36 (2), 251-285

Fussey, P., (2022). Seeing Surveillance: Twenty Years of Surveillance & Society. Surveillance and Society. 20 (4), 346-352

Sandhu, A. and Fussey, P., (2021). The ‘uberization of policing’? How police negotiate and operationalise predictive policing technology. Policing and Society. 31 (1), 66-81

Fussey, P., Davies, B. and Innes, M., (2021). ‘Assisted’ Facial Recognition and the Reinvention of Suspicion and Discretion in Digital Policing. The British Journal of Criminology. 61 (2), 325-344

Murray, D., Fussey, P., McGregor, L. and Sunkin, M., (2021). Effective Oversight of Large-Scale Surveillance Activities: A Juman Rights Perspective. Journal of National Security Law and Policy. 11 (3)

Fussey, P. and Roth, S., (2020). Digitizing Sociology: Continuity and Change in the Internet Era. Sociology. 54 (4), 659-674

Murray, D. and Fussey, P., (2019). Bulk Surveillance in the Digital Age: Rethinking the Human Rights Law Approach to Bulk Monitoring of Communications Data. Israel Law Review. 52 (1), 31-60

Chmutina, K., Fussey, P., Dainty, A. and Bosher, L., (2018). Implications of transforming climate change risks into security risks. Disaster Prevention and Management. 27 (5), 460-477

Maguire, M. and Fussey, P., (2016). Sensing evil. Focaal. 2016 (75), 31-44

Fussey, P. and Klauser, F., (2015). Securitisation and the mega‐event: an editorial introduction. The Geographical Journal. 181 (3), 194-198

Fussey, P., (2015). Command, control and contestation: negotiating security at the London 2012 Olympics. The Geographical Journal. 181 (3), 212-223

Sage, D., Sircar, I., Dainty, A., Fussey, P. and Goodier, C., (2015). Understanding and enhancing future infrastructure resiliency: a socio‐ecological approach. Disasters. 39 (3), 407-426

Coaffee, J. and Fussey, P., (2015). Constructing resilience through security and surveillance: The politics, practices and tensions of security-driven resilience. Security Dialogue. 46 (1), 86-105

Sage, D., Fussey, P. and Dainty, A., (2015). Securing and scaling resilient futures: neoliberalization, infrastructure, and topologies of power. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 33 (3), 494-511

Boykoff, J. and Fussey, P., (2014). London's shadow legacies: security and activism at the 2012 Olympics. Contemporary Social Science. 9 (2), 253-270

Fussey, P., (2013). Contested topologies of UK counterterrorist surveillance: the rise and fall of Project Champion. Critical Studies on Terrorism. 6 (3), 351-370

Fussey, P., (2013). Eternal Return? Social Science Perspectives of ?Upstream? Terrorist Activities. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 28 (2), 102-114

Sircar, I., Sage, D., Goodier, C., Fussey, P. and Dainty, A., (2013). Constructing Resilient Futures: Integrating UK multi-stakeholder transport and energy resilience for 2050. Futures. 49, 49-63

Fussey, P. and Coaffee, J., (2012). Balancing local and global security leitmotifs: Counter-terrorism and the spectacle of sporting mega-events. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 47 (3), 268-285

Fussey, P., (2012). Eastern promise? East London transformations and the state of surveillance. Innovation and the Public Sector. 18, 80-93

Fussey, P., (2012). Eastern promise? East London transformations and the state of surveillance. Information Polity. 17 (1), 21-34

Fussey, P., (2012). (In)security and the re-ordered Olympic city: Pete Fussey explores some key issues around Olympic-related security and insecurity. Criminal Justice Matters. 88 (1), 22-24

Fussey, P., Coaffee, J., Armstrong, G. and Hobbs, D., (2012). The regeneration games: purity and security in the Olympic city1. The British Journal of Sociology. 63 (2), 260-284

Fussey, P., Richards, A. and Silke, A., (2012). Critical reflections on securing the Olympics: Conclusions and ways forward. Routledge Online Studies on the Olympic and Paralympic Games. 1 (41), 227-238

Fussey, P., (2012). (In) security and the re-ordered Olympic city. Criminal Justice Matters. 88 (1), 22-24

Fussey, P., (2012). Surveillance and the Olympic spectacle. Routledge Online Studies on the Olympic and Paralympic Games. 1 (41), 91-117

Fussey, P., (2012). Terrorist threats to the Olympics, 1972--2016. Routledge Online Studies on the Olympic and Paralympic Games. 1 (41), 239-243

Richards, A., Fussey, P. and Silke, A., (2012). Towards an understanding of terrorism and the Olympics. Routledge Online Studies on the Olympic and Paralympic Games. 1 (41), 1-11

Coaffee, J. and Fussey, P., (2012). Chapter 8 - Olympic Security. Routledge Online Studies on the Olympic and Paralympic Games. 1 (36), 167-179

Fussey, P., Richards, A. and Silke, A., (2012). Chapter 12 - Critical reflections on securing the Olympics: Conclusions and ways forward. Routledge Online Studies on the Olympic and Paralympic Games. 1 (41), 227-238

Fussey, P. and Coaffee, J., (2012). Chapter 2 - Olympic rings of steel: Constructing security for 2012 and beyond. Routledge Online Studies on the Olympic and Paralympic Games. 1 (34), 36-54

Coaffee, J., Fussey, P. and Moore, C., (2011). Laminated Security for London 2012. Urban Studies. 48 (15), 3311-3327

Fussey, P., (2011). An economy of choice? Terrorist decision-making and criminological rational choice theories reconsidered. Security Journal. 24 (1), 85-99

Fussey, P. and Clavell, GG., (2011). Introduction: towards new frontiers in the study of mega-events and the city. Urbe: Revista Brasileira de Gest�o Urbana. 3 (2), 149-155

Coaffee, J. and Fussey, P., (2011). Resilient planning for sporting mega-events: designing and managing safe and secure urban places for London 2012 and beyond. Urbe: Revista Brasileira de Gest�o Urbana. 3 (2), 165-177

Fussey, P., (2011). Review of Haggerty and Samatas's Surveillance and Democracy. Surveillance & Society. 8 (4), 544-546

Rawlinson, P. and Fussey, P., (2010). Crossing borders: Migration and survival in the capital's informal marketplace: Paddy Rawlinson and Pete Fussey examine the experiences of migrants involved in the informal economy and organised criminal activity in East London. Criminal Justice Matters. 79 (1), 6-7

Rawlinson, P. and Fussey, P., (2010). Crossing borders: migration and survival in the capital's informal marketplace. Criminal Justice Matters. 79 (1), 6-7

Fussey, P. and Richards, A., (2008). Researching and understanding terrorism: a role for criminology?. Criminal Justice Matters. 73 (1), 37-39

Fussey, P., (2008). Beyond Liberty, Beyond Security: The Politics of Public Surveillance. British Politics. 3 (1), 120-135

Fussey, P., (2007). Observing Potentiality in the Global City. International Criminal Justice Review. 17 (3), 171-192

Fussey, P., (2006). Book Review: State Crime: Governments, Violence and Corruption. Social & Legal Studies. 15 (3), 464-465

Fussey, P., (2004). New labour and new surveillance: Theoretical and political ramifications of CCTV implementation in the UK. Surveillance & Society. 2 (2/3)

Fussey, P., (2004). New labour and new surveillance: Theoretical and political ramifications of CCTV implementation in the UK. Surveillance and Society. 2 (2-3), 251-269

Fussey, P., (2002). An interrupted transmission? Processes of CCTV implementation and the impact of human agency. Surveillance & Society. 4 (3), 229-256

Books (7)

Richards, A., Fussey, P. and Silke, A., Terrorism and the Olympics: major event security and lessons for the future. Taylor & Francis (Routledge). 9780415499392

Carrabine, E., Cox, P., Cox, A., Crowhurst, I., Di Ronco, A., Fussey, P., Sergi, A., South, N., Thiel, D. and Turton, J., (2020). Criminology. A Sociological Introduction (Fourth edition). Routledge

Fussey, P. and Rawlinson, P., (2017). Child trafficking in the EU: Policing and protecting europe's most vulnerable. Taylor and Francis (Routledge). 1134495692. 9780203761953

Carrabine, E., Cox, P., Fussey, P., Hobbs, D., South, N. and Thiel, D., (2014). Criminology: A Sociological Introduction (3rd Edition). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 978-0-415-64080-0

Crowther-Dowey, C. and Fussey, P., (2013). Researching Crime Approaches, Methods and Application. Macmillan International Higher Education. 1137368144. 9781137368140

Fussey, P., Coaffee, J., Armstrong, G. and Hobbs, D., (2011). Securing and sustaining the Olympic city: Reconfiguring London for 2012 and beyond. 9780754679455

Carrabine, E., Iganski, P., Lee, M., South, N., Plummer, K. and Turton, J., (2004). Criminology: A Sociological Introduction. Routledge. 9780415640787

Book chapters (18)

Fussey, P., (2018). Surveillance. In: The Routledge Companion to Criminological Theory and Concepts. Routledge. 498- 501

Fussey, P. and Coaffee, J., (2017). Hollow Sovereignty and the Hollow Crown? Contested Governance and the Olympic Security Edifice. In: London 2012 and the Post-Olympics City. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 53- 87. 9781137489463

(2016). Olympic Cities. In: Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning, and the World's Games, 1896-2020. Editors: Gold, JR. and Gold, MM., . Routledge. 203- 216

Coaffee, J. and Fussey, P., (2016). The politics of security-driven resilience. In: The Routledge Handbook of International Resilience. Editors: Chandler, D. and Coaffee, J., . Routledge. 293- 306. 9781317655992

Stedmon, AW., Saikayasit, R., Lawson, G. and Fussey, P., (2013). User requirements and training needs within security applications: Methods for capture and communication. In: Strategic Intelligence Management: National Security Imperatives and Information and Communications Technologies. 120- 133

Fussey, P. and South, N., (2012). Heading Toward a New Criminogenic Climate: Climate Change, Political Economy and Environmental Security. In: Climate Change from a Criminological Perspective. Springer New York. 27- 40. 9781461436393

Fussey, P. and Coaffee, J., (2012). Urban spaces of surveillance. In: Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies. Editors: Ball, K., Haggerty, K. and Lyon, D., . Routledge. 201- 208. 9780415588836

Saikayasit, R., Stedmon, A., Lawson, G. and Fussey, P., (2012). User Requirements for Security and Counter-terrorism Initiatives. In: Advances in Social and Organizational Factors. Editors: Salvendy, G. and Karwowski, W., . CRC Press. 256- 268. 9781439870198

(2012). Handbook of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. In: Handbook of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games: Volume One: Making the Games. Editors: Girginov, V., . Routledge. 99- 113

Fussey, P. and Coaffee, J., (2012). Olympic rings of steel: Constructing security for 2012 and beyond. In: Security Games: Surveillance and Control at Mega-Events. 36- 54

Fussey, P. and Coaffee, J., (2011). Olympic rings of steel: constructing security for 2012 and beyond. In: Security Games: Surveillance and Control at Mega-Events. Editors: Bennett, C. and Haggerty, K., . Routledge. 36- 54. 9780415602624

(2010). Terrorism and the Olympics. In: Terrorism and the Olympics: Major Event Security and Lessons for the Future. Editors: Richards, A., Fussey, P. and Silke, A., . Routledge. 227- 238. 1136854975. 9781136854972

Silke, A., (2010). The Psychology of Counter-Terrorism. In: The Psychology of Counter-Terrorism. Routledge. 62- 75. 9780415558396

Coaffee, J. and Fussey, P., (2010). Olympic security. In: Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning, and the World?s Games, 1896 ? 2016 (2nd Edition). Editors: Gold, JR. and Gold, MM., . Routledge. 167- 179. 9780415486576

Fussey, P., Richards, A. and Silke, A., (2009). Critical reflections on securing the Olympics. In: Terrorism and the Olympics: Major Event Security and Lessons for the Future. Editors: Richards, A., Fussey, P. and Silke, A., . Routledge. 227- 238. 9780415499392

Fussey, P., (2009). Surveillance and the Olympic spectacle. In: Terrorism and the Olympics: Major Event Security and Lessons for the Future. Editors: Richards, A., Fussey, P. and Silke, A., . Routledge. 91- 117. 9780415499392

Fussey, P., (2009). Terrorist threats to the Olympics 1972-2016. In: Terrorism and the Olympics: Major Event Security and Lessons for the Future. Editors: Richards, A., Fussey, P. and Silke, A., . Routledge. 239- 243. 9780415499392

Richards, A., Fussey, P. and Silke, A., (2009). Towards an understanding of terrorism and the Olympics. In: Terrorism and the Olympics: Major Event Security and Lessons for the Future. Editors: Richards, A., Fussey, P. and Silke, A., . Routledge. 1- 12. 9780415499392

Conferences (2)

Fussey, P., Akin-Onigbinde, A. and Skarvelis-Kazakos, S., (2024). A Study of Charge Point Infrastructure Policies on EV Driver Satisfaction

Fussey, P. and Dalby, J., (2022). Optimisation of geofencing for mobility solutions in smart cities

Reports and Papers (3)

McGregor, L., Fussey, P., Murray, D., Fox, C., Alhelbawy, A., McDonald Maier, K., Shaheed, A. and Gilbert, G., ‘Written Evidence from Professor Lorna McGregor et al 0090): Urgent Need for Full Transparency and Human Rights Impact Assessment of the NHSX Contact Tracing App’

Fussey, P. and Murray, D., (2019). Independent Report on the London Metropolitan Police Service’s Trial of Live Facial Recognition Technology

Fussey, P. and Webster, W., (2014). Review of Camera Surveillance, External Advisers? Final Report

Grants and funding


Impact and Oversight of Law Enforcement Surveillance

University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)


The Chilling Effect of Surveillance: What does it mean for our democracy?

University of Essex (ESRC IAA)

Private knowledge, public issues: Digitalization and private economies of knowledge in criminal justice

Research Council of Norway


Human rights and digital surveillance in Africa

University of Essex (GCRF)


Developing Oversight and Regulation for Surveillance in the post-Snowden era

University of Essex


Human Rights and Information Technology in the Era of Big Data

Economic & Social Research Council


Review of CCTV camera surveillance

States of Jersey Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel


IDEAS Factory - Resilient Futures

Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council


Detecting Terrorist Activities: Shades of Grey

Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council

+44 (0) 1206 872748


6.336, Colchester Campus

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