
Dr Claiton Fyock

Essex Law School
Dr Claiton Fyock

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Human Rights: Theories and Applications (HU901)

  • Legal Research Skills (LW254)

  • Jurisprudence (LW301)

  • Final Year Research Project (LW304)

  • Dissertation (LW600)

  • Dissertation (LW900)

  • Trade, Investment, Environment, and Human Rights (LW917)

  • Dissertation (LW985)

  • Public International Economic Law (LW986)

  • Postgraduate research methods and professional development (LW987)

  • French Private Law II (LW208)

  • Law Placement Year (LW400)


Journal articles (4)

Fyock, C., (2025). The Treadmill of Production, Sustainable Development Goals and International Investment Law: The Irreducibility of Growth and Environmental Regulation. Berkeley Journal of International Law. 43

Gunderson, R. and Fyock, C., (2022). Are fossil fuel CEOs responsible for climate change? Social structure and criminal law approaches to climate litigation. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. 12 (2), 378-385

Gunderson, R. and Fyock, C., (2022). The Political Economy of Climate Change Litigation: Is There a Point to Suing Fossil Fuel Companies?. New Political Economy. 27 (3), 441-454

Fyock, C., (2022). What Might Degrowth Mean for International Economic Law? A Necessary Alternative to the (un)Sustainable Development Paradigm. Asian Journal of International Law. 12 (12), 40-62

+44 (0) 1206 876250


5S.6.25, Colchester Campus