Professor John Gan

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5B.521, Colchester Campus
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3-4pm & 5-6pm Thursdays. Zoom meeting ID: 9736527569
PhD in Biomedical Engineering Member of Research Group: Brain-Computer Interfaces and Neural Engineering Member of Research Group: Robotics and Embedded Systems Fellow of The Higher Education Academy, UK Member of EPSRC Peer Review College Member of Data Science, Tools & Technology Advisory Committee, Wellcome Trust Associate Editor, Neurocomputing (2005-2008) Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Part B (2006-2012) Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (2013-2023) My research interests include machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics, signal and image processing (computer vision), pattern recognition, brain-computer interfaces, human-machine interaction, health informatics, data and text mining (Big Data). My research has been funded by EPSRC, EU FP7, Innovate UK / KTP, British Council / UKIERI, The Royal Society, and industry. Modules I have taught / supervised at University of Essex: CC122 Professional Development and Practice (module co-supervisor) CC253/CE221 Programming in C++ CC401 MSc Project and Dissertation CC461/481 Artificial Neural Networks CE213 Artificial Intelligence CE215 Robotics (module co-supervisor) CE335/804 Digital Signal Processing CE803 Human-Machine Interaction (module co-supervisor) CE866 Computer Vision (module co-supervisor) CE903/913 MSc Group Project
University of Essex
Professor, University of Essex (10/2010 - present)
Senior Lecturer, Reader, University of Essex (10/2000 - 9/2010)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Machine learning and artificial intelligence
Computer vision and robotics
Brain-computer interfaces
Multimodal human-machine interaction
Intelligent data and text mining
Signal processing
Pattern recognition
(See also staff research interests by category)
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/6/2023

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 28/6/2022

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/2/2022

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Master of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/11/2020

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/8/2019

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/4/2017

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/6/2016

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/10/2014
Journal articles (92)
Kiziltepe, RS., Gan, JQ. and Escobar, JJ., (2024). Integration of Feature and Decision Fusion With Deep Learning Architectures for Video Classification. IEEE Access. 12, 19432-19446
Han, H., Jiang, J., Gu, L., Gan, JQ. and Wang, H., (2024). Brain connectivity patterns derived from aging-related alterations in dynamic brain functional networks and their potential as features for brain age classification.. Journal of Neural Engineering. 21 (2), 026015-026015
Islam, S., Wishart, GC., Walls, J., Hall, P., Herrera, AGSD., Gan, JQ. and Raza, H., (2024). Leveraging AI and Patient Metadata to Develop a Novel Risk Score for Skin Cancer Detection. Scientific Reports. 14 (1), 20842-
Wang, H., Han, H., Gan, JQ. and Wang, H., (2024). Lightweight Source-Free Domain Adaptation based on Adaptive Euclidean Alignment for Brain-Computer Interfaces. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 29 (2), 909-922
Savran Kızıltepe, R., Gan, JQ. and Escobar, JJ., (2023). A novel keyframe extraction method for video classification using deep neural networks. Neural Computing and Applications. 35 (34), 24513-24524
Gu, L., Jiang, J., Han, H., Gan, JQ. and Wang, H., (2023). Recognition of unilateral lower limb movement based on EEG signals with ERP-PCA analysis.. Neuroscience Letters. 800, 137133-137133
Wang, H., Jiang, J., Gan, JQ. and Wang, H., (2023). Motor Imagery EEG Classification Based on a Weighted Multi-branch Structure Suitable for Multisubject Data. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 70 (11), 3040-3051
Tan, X., Qi, J., Gan, JQ., Zhang, J., Guo, C., Wan, F. and Wang, K., (2023). Multi-filter semi-supervised transformer model for fault diagnosis. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 124, 106498-106498
Zhang, R., Rong, R., Gan, JQ., Xu, Y., Wang, H. and Wang, X., (2023). Reliable and fast automatic artifact rejection of Long-Term EEG recordings based on Isolation Forest. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. 62 (2), 521-535
Han, H., Li, X., Gan, JQ., Yu, H. and Wang, H., (2022). Biomarkers Derived from Alterations in Overlapping Community Structure of Resting-state Brain Functional Networks for Detecting Alzheimer's Disease.. Neuroscience. 484, 38-52
Aquino-Brítez, D., Ortiz, A., Ortega, J., León, J., Formoso, M., Gan, JQ. and Escobar, JJ., (2021). Optimization of Deep Architectures for EEG Signal Classification: An AutoML Approach Using Evolutionary Algorithms. Sensors. 21 (6), 2096-2096
Hung, S-K. and Gan, JQ., (2021). Small facial image dataset augmentation using conditional GANs based on incomplete edge feature input. PeerJ Computer Science. 7, e760-e760
Ju, Z., Liu, J., Huang, YA., Kubota, N. and Gan, JQ., (2020). Neural Networks and Learning Systems for Human Machine Interfacing. Neurocomputing. 390, 196-197
Talukdar, U., Hazarika, SM. and Gan, JQ., (2020). Adaptation of Common Spatial Patterns based on mental fatigue for motor-imagery BCI. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 58, 101829-101829
Zhang, L., Gan, JQ., Zhu, Y., Wang, J. and Wang, H., (2020). EEG source-space synchrostate transitions and Markov modeling in the math-gifted brain during a long-chain reasoning task. Human Brain Mapping. 41 (13), 3620-3636
Talukdar, U., Hazarika, SM. and Gan, JQ., (2020). Adaptive feature extraction in EEG-based motor imagery BCI: tracking mental fatigue. Journal of Neural Engineering. 17 (1), 016020-016020
León, J., Escobar, JJ., Ortiz, A., Ortega, J., González, J., Martín-Smith, P., Gan, JQ. and Damas, M., (2020). Deep learning for EEG-based Motor Imagery classification: Accuracy-cost trade-off. PLoS One. 15 (6), e0234178-e0234178
Talukdar, U., Hazarika, SM. and Gan, JQ., (2019). Motor imagery and mental fatigue: inter-relationship and EEG based estimation. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 46 (1), 55-76
González, J., Ortega, J., Damas, M., Martín-Smith, P. and Gan, JQ., (2019). A new multi-objective wrapper method for feature selection – Accuracy and stability analysis for BCI. Neurocomputing. 333, 407-418
Phukan, N., Kakoty, NM., Shivam, P. and Gan, JQ., (2019). Finger movements recognition using minimally redundant features of wavelet denoised EMG. Health and Technology. 9 (4), 579-593
Almulla Khalaf, MI. and Gan, JQ., (2019). A three-stage learning algorithm for deep multilayer perceptron with effective weight initialisation based on sparse auto-encoder. Artificial Intelligence Research. 8 (1), 41-41
Li, X., Gan, JQ. and Wang, H., (2018). Collective sparse symmetric non-negative matrix factorization for identifying overlapping communities in resting-state brain functional networks. NeuroImage. 166, 259-275
Zhang, L., Gan, JQ., Zheng, W. and Wang, H., (2018). Spatiotemporal Phase Synchronization in Adaptive Reconfiguration from Action Observation Network to Mentalizing Network for Understanding Other’s Action Intention. Brain Topography. 31 (3), 447-467
Wang, L., Gan, JQ., Zhang, L. and Wang, H., (2018). Differential recruitment of brain networks in single-digit addition and multiplication: Evidence from EEG oscillations in theta and lower alpha bands. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 128, 81-92
Talukdar, U., Hazarika, SM. and Gan, JQ., (2018). A Kernel Partial Least Square Based Feature Selection Method. Pattern Recognition. 83, 91-106
Zhang, L., Gan, JQ. and Wang, H., (2017). Neurocognitive mechanisms of mathematical giftedness: A literature review. Applied Neuropsychology: Child. 6 (1), 79-94
Martín-Smith, P., Ortega, J., Asensio-Cubero, J., Gan, JQ. and Ortiz, A., (2017). A supervised filter method for multi-objective feature selection in EEG classification based on multi-resolution analysis for BCI. Neurocomputing. 250, 45-56
Asensio-Cubero, J., Gan, JQ. and Palaniappan, R., (2016). Multiresolution analysis over graphs for a motor imagery based online BCI game. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 68, 21-26
Ortega, J., Asensio-Cubero, J., Gan, JQ. and Ortiz, A., (2016). Classification of motor imagery tasks for BCI with multiresolution analysis and multiobjective feature selection. BioMedical Engineering OnLine. 15 (S1), 73-
Kakoty, NM., Hazarika, SM. and Gan, JQ., (2016). EMG Feature Set Selection Through Linear Relationship for Grasp Recognition. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering. 36 (6), 883-890
Zhang, L., Gan, JQ. and Wang, H., (2015). Mathematically gifted adolescents mobilize enhanced workspace configuration of theta cortical network during deductive reasoning. Neuroscience. 289, 334-348
Zhang, L., Gan, JQ. and Wang, H., (2015). Localization of neural efficiency of the mathematically gifted brain through a feature subset selection method. Cognitive Neurodynamics. 9 (5), 495-508
Tan, X-M., Chen, M-Y. and Gan, JQ., (2015). A co-training algorithm based on modified Fisher's linear discriminant analysis. Intelligent Data Analysis. 19 (2), 279-292
Plansangket, S. and Gan, JQ., (2015). A query suggestion method combining TF-IDF and Jaccard Coefficient for interactive web search. Artificial Intelligence Research. 4 (2)
Gan, JQ., Awwad Shiekh Hasan, B. and Tsui, CSL., (2014). A filter-dominating hybrid sequential forward floating search method for feature subset selection in high-dimensional space. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 5 (3), 413-423
Tan, X., (2014). A Batch-mode Active Learning Method Based on the Nearest Average-class Distance (NACD) for Multiclass Brain-Computer Interfaces. Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics. 7 (4), 627-636
Nia, HFG., Hu, O. and Gan, JQ., (2014). A novel fuzzy logic approach to online exposure time calculation of line scan cameras in industrial inspection. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control. 21 (1), 8-8
Zhang, L., Gan, JQ. and Wang, H., (2014). Optimized gamma synchronization enhances functional binding of fronto-parietal cortices in mathematically gifted adolescents during deductive reasoning. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 8 (430), 430-
Asensio-Cubero, J., Gan, JQ. and Palaniappan, R., (2013). Multiresolution analysis over simple graphs for brain computer interfaces. Journal of Neural Engineering. 10 (4), 046014-046014
Asensio-Cubero, J., Gan, JQ. and Palaniappan, R., (2013). Extracting optimal tempo-spatial features using local discriminant bases and common spatial patterns for brain computer interfacing. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 8 (6), 772-778
Oskoei, MA., Hu, H. and Gan, JQ., (2013). Feature-channel subset selection for optimising myoelectric human-machine interface design. International Journal of Biomechatronics and Biomedical Robotics. 2 (2/3/4), 195-208
Oskoei, MA., Hu, H. and Gan, JQ., (2013). Feature-channel subset selection for optimising myoelectric human-machine interface design. International Journal of Biomechatronics and Biomedical Robotics. 2 (2/3/4), 195-208
Hasan, BAS. and Gan, JQ., (2012). Hangman BCI: An unsupervised adaptive self-paced Brain–Computer Interface for playing games. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 42 (5), 598-606
Amorim, R., Mirkin, B. and Gan, JQ., (2012). Anomalous pattern based clustering of mental tasks with subject independent learning – some preliminary results. Artificial Intelligence Research. 1 (1), 55-55
Hasan, BAS. and Gan, JQ., (2011). Conditional random fields as classifiers for three-class motor-imagery brain–computer interfaces. Journal of Neural Engineering. 8 (2), 025013-025013
Yoon, JW., Roberts, SJ., Dyson, M. and Gan, JQ., (2011). Bayesian inference for an adaptive Ordered Probit model: An application to Brain Computer Interfacing. Neural Networks. 24 (7), 726-734
Hasan, BAS. and Gan, JQ., (2011). Temporal modeling of EEG during self-paced hand movement and its application in onset detection. Journal of Neural Engineering. 8 (5), 056015-056015
Tsui, CSL., Gan, JQ. and Hu, H., (2011). A Self-Paced Motor Imagery Based Brain-Computer Interface for Robotic Wheelchair Control. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience. 42 (4), 225-229
Hasan, BAS. and Gan, JQ., (2011). Conditional random fields as classifiers for 3-class motor-imagery brain-computer interfaces. Journal of Neural Engineering. 8 (2), creators-Gan=3AJohn_Q=3A=3A
Hasan, BAS. and Gan, JQ., (2011). Temporal modeling of EEG during self-paced hand movement and its application in onset detection. Journal of Neural Engineering. 8 (5), creators-Gan=3AJohn_Q=3A=3A
Dyson, M., Sepulveda, F. and Gan, JQ., (2010). Localisation of cognitive tasks used in EEG-based BCIs. Clinical Neurophysiology. 121 (9), 1481-1493
Awwad Shiekh Hasan, B. and Gan, JQ., (2010). Unsupervised movement onset detection from EEG recorded during self-paced real hand movement. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 48 (3), 245-253
Tao Geng and Gan, JQ., (2010). Planar Biped Walking With an Equilibrium Point Controller and State Machines. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 15 (2), 253-260
Geng, T., Gan, JQ. and Hu, H., (2010). A self-paced online BCI for mobile robot control. International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems. 2 (1-2), 28-35
Geng, T., Gan, JQ. and Hu, H., (2010). A self-paced online BCI for mobile robot control. International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems. 2 (1-2), 28-35
Tsui, CSL., Gan, JQ. and Roberts, SJ., (2009). A self-paced brain–computer interface for controlling a robot simulator: an online event labelling paradigm and an extended Kalman filter based algorithm for online training. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 47 (3), 257-265
Oskoei, MA., Gan, JQ. and Huosheng Hu, (2009). Adaptive schemes applied to online SVM for BCI data classification. 2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2009, 2600-2603
Shang-Ming Zhou and Gan, JQ., (2009). Extracting Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Rules with Interpretable Submodels via Regularization of Linguistic Modifiers. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 21 (8), 1191-1204
Yoon, JW., Roberts, SJ., Dyson, M. and Gan, JQ., (2009). Adaptive classification for Brain Computer Interface systems using Sequential Monte Carlo sampling. Neural Networks. 22 (9), 1286-1294
Geng, T., Gan, JQ., Dyson, M., Tsui, CSL. and Sepulveda, F., (2008). A Novel Design of 4-Class BCI Using Two Binary Classifiers and Parallel Mental Tasks. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. 2008, 1-5
Zhou, S-M. and Gan, JQ., (2008). Low-level interpretability and high-level interpretability: a unified view of data-driven interpretable fuzzy system modelling. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 159 (23), 3091-3131
Zhou, S-M., Gan, JQ. and Sepulveda, F., (2008). Classifying mental tasks based on features of higher-order statistics from EEG signals in brain–computer interface. Information Sciences. 178 (6), 1629-1640
Gan, JQ. and Rosales, EM., (2008). Producing interpretable local models in parametric CMAC by regularization. International Journal of Knowledge-based and Intelligent Engineering Systems. 11 (6), 399-408
Zhou, S., Gan, JQ. and Sepulveda, F., (2008). Classifying mental tasks based on features of higher-order statistics from EEG signals in brain-computer interface. Information Sciences. 178 (6), 1639-1640
Geng, T., Gan, JQ., Dyson, M., Tui, SSL. and Sepulveda, F., (2008). A novel design of 4-class BCI using two binary classifiers and parallel mental tasks. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. 2008, creators-Sepulveda=3AFrancisco=3A=3A
Geng, T., Dyson, M., Tsui, CSL. and Gan, JQ., (2007). A 3-class Asynchronous BCI Controlling A Simulated Mobile Robot. 2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2007, 2524-2527
Sepulveda, F., Dyson, M., Gan, JQ. and Tsui, CSL., (2007). A Comparison of Mental Task Combinations for Asynchronous EEG-Based BCIs. 2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2007, 5055-5058
Zhou, S-M. and Gan, JQ., (2007). Constructing L2-SVM-Based Fuzzy Classifiers in High-Dimensional Space With Automatic Model Selection and Fuzzy Rule Ranking. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 15 (3), 398-409
Zhou, S-M., Gan, JQ., Xu, L-D. and John, R., (2007). Interactive image enhancement by fuzzy relaxation. International Journal of Automation and Computing. 4 (3), 229-235
Zhou, S-M. and Gan, JQ., (2006). Constructing accurate and parsimonious fuzzy models with distinguishable fuzzy sets based on an entropy measure. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 157 (8), 1057-1074
Zhou, S-M. and Gan, J., (2006). Multiple Objective Learning for Constructing Interpretable Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Model. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 16, 385-403
Zhou, S-M. and Gan, JQ., (2006). A new fuzzy relaxation algorithm for image enhancement. International Journal of Knowledge-based and Intelligent Engineering Systems. 10 (3), 181-192
Gan, JQ., Oyama, E., Rosales, EM. and Hu, H., (2005). A complete analytical solution to the inverse kinematics of the Pioneer 2 robotic arm. Robotica. 23 (1), 123-129
Harris, CJ. and Gan, Q., (2001). State estimation and multi-sensor data fusion using data-based neurofuzzy local linearisation process models. Information Fusion. 2 (1), 17-29
Qiang Gan and Harris, CJ., (2001). A hybrid learning scheme combining EM and MASMOD algorithms for fuzzy local linearization modeling. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. 12 (1), 43-53
Qiang Gan and Harris, CJ., (1999). Linearization and state estimation of unknown discrete-time nonlinear dynamic systems using recurrent neurofuzzy networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics). 29 (6), 802-817
Qiang Gan and Harris, CJ., (1999). Fuzzy local linearization and local basis function expansion in nonlinear system modeling. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics). 29 (4), 559-565
Gan, Q., Saratchandran, P., Sundararajan, N. and Subramanian, KR., (1999). A complex valued radial basis function network for equalization of fast time varying channels. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. 10 (4), 958-960
Harris, C., (1999). Neurofuzzy State Estimators and Their Applications. Annual Reviews in Control. 23 (1), 149-158
Zhou, J., Gan, Q., Krzyżak, A. and Suen, CY., (1999). Recognition of handwritten numerals by Quantum Neural Network with fuzzy features. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition. 2 (1), 30-36
Wang, J-S., Gan, Q., Wei, Y. and Xie, L., (1999). Cellular neural networks with opposite-sign templates for image thinning. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications. 27 (2), 229-240
Peng, Sha, Gan and Wei, (1998). Energy function for learning invariance in multilayerperceptron. Electronics Letters. 34 (3), 292-294
Peng, H., Gan, Q. and Wei, Y., (1998). Several realistic approaches to improve the generalization of feedforward neural networks. Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica. 26 (4), 116-119
Peng, Sha, Gan and Wei, (1998). Combining adaptive sigmoid packet and trace neuralnetworkfor fast invariance-learning. Electronics Letters. 34 (9), 898-900
Yu Wei, Zuhong Lu, Chunwei Yuan and Qiang Gan, (1997). Molecular electronics: strategies and progress in China. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine. 16 (4), 53-61
Wang, J. and Gan, Q., (1997). Thinning-like property of CNN with opposite-sign templates and its applications. Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica. 25 (4), 39-43
Wang, J., Gan, Q. and Wei, Y., (1997). Fractal cellular neural networks for associative memory. Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica. 25 (2), 107-109
Gan, Q., Subramanian, R., Sundararajan, N. and Saratchandran, P., (1996). Design for centres of RBF neural networks for fasttime-varying channel equalisation. Electronics Letters. 32 (25), 2333-2334
Wang, J., Gan, Q. and Wei, Y., (1996). Cellular neural networks with multi-step output function. Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica. 24 (5), 103-106
Junsheng Wang, Qiang Gan and Yu Wei, (1995). Stability of CNN with opposite-sign templates and nonunity gain output functions. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications. 42 (7), 404-408
Gan, Q. and Wei, Y., (1992). Neuron model with potential applications in pulse-stream neural nets. Electronics Letters. 28 (8), 755-756
Gan, Q., Sha, F. and Wei, Y., (1992). A mathematical neuron model with dynamically adjustable threshold and refractory period. Network: Computation in Neural Systems. 3 (4), 415-422
Conferences (84)
Izwan Heroza, R., Gan, JQ. and Raza, H., (2024). Enhancing Skin Lesion Classification: A Self-Attention Fusion Approach with Vision Transformer
Ali, M., Hassan, M., Esra, K., Gan, J. and Raza, H., (2024). Enhancing Dental Diagnostics: Advanced Image Segmentation Models for Teeth Identification and Enumeration
Islam, MS., Wishart, G., Walls, J., Hall, P., Garcia, A., Gan, J. and Raza, H., (2024). Unlocking the Potential of Patient Metadata for Skin Cancer Detection: An AI Framework
Ali, M., Raza, H. and Gan, JQ., (2024). Fortifying Deep Neural Networks for Industrial Applications: Feature Map Fusion for Adversarial Defense
Ali, M., Raza, H., Gan, JQ. and Haris, M., (2024). Integrating Spatial Information into Global Context: Summary Vision Transformer (S-ViT)
Izwan Heroza, R., Raza, H. and Gan, J., (2023). SIA-SMOTE: A SMOTE-based Oversampling Method with Better Interpolation on High-Dimensional Data by Using a Siamese Network
Hung, S-K. and Gan, JQ., (2022). Boosting Facial Emotion Recognition by Using GANs to Augment Small Facial Expression Dataset
Hung, S-K. and Gan, JQ., (2021). Augmentation of Small Training Data Using GANs for Enhancing the Performance of Image Classification
Hung, S-K. and Gan, JQ., (2021). Facial Image Augmentation from Sparse Line Features Using Small Training Data
Sun, Y., Pu, D., Gu, D., Gan, JQ. and Yang, K., (2020). A Rough Set Classifier Based on Discretization and Attribute Selection
Kızıltepe, RS. and Gan, JQ., (2020). Simple Effective Methods for Decision-Level Fusion in Two-Stream Convolutional Neural Networks for Video Classification
Basbrain, A. and Gan, JQ., (2020). One-Shot Only Real-Time Video Classification: A Case Study in Facial Emotion Recognition
Jacutprakart, J., Savran Kiziltepe, R., Gan, J., Papanastasiou, G. and Garcia Seco De Herrera, A., (2020). Essex-NLIP at MediaEval Predicting MediaMemorability 2020 Task
Savran Kızıltepe, R., Gan, JQ. and Escobar, JJ., (2019). Combining Very Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks for Video Classification
Escobar, JJ., Ortega, J., Damas, M., Kızıltepe, RS. and Gan, JQ., (2019). Energy-Time Analysis of Convolutional Neural Networks Distributed on Heterogeneous Clusters for EEG Classification
Khalaf, MIAA. and Gan, JQ., (2018). Deep Classifier Structures with Autoencoder for Higher-level Feature Extraction
Wang, L. and Gan, JQ., (2018). Prediction of the 2017 French Election Based on Twitter Data Analysis Using Term Weighting
Basbrain, AM., Gan, JQ., Sugimoto, A. and Clark, A., (2018). A Neural Network Approach to Score Fusion for Emotion Recognition
Ortega, J., Ortiz, A., Martín-Smith, P., Gan, JQ. and González-Peñalver, J., (2017). Deep Belief Networks and Multiobjective Feature Selection for BCI with Multiresolution Analysis
Ortega, J., Kimovski, D., Gan, JQ., Ortiz, A. and Damas, M., (2017). A Parallel Island Approach to Multiobjective Feature Selection for Brain-Computer Interfaces
Basbrain, AM., Gan, JQ. and Clark, A., (2017). Accuracy enhancement of the viola-jones algorithm for thermal face detection
Wu, Y., Gan, JQ. and Wang, H., (2017). Identifying Intrinsic Phase Lag in EEG Signals from the Perspective of Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test
Basbrain, AM., Al-Taie, I., Azeez, N., Gan, JQ. and Clark, A., (2017). Shallow convolutional neural network for eyeglasses detection in facial images
Wang, L. and Gan, JQ., (2017). Prediction of the 2017 French election based on Twitter data analysis
Saikia, A., Khan, MA., Pusph, S., Tauhidi, SI., Bhattacharyya, R., Hazarika, SM. and Gan, JQ., (2016). cBDI-based Collaborative Control for a Robotic Wheelchair
Abdulhussain, MI. and Gan, JQ., (2016). Class-specific pre-trained sparse autoencoders for learning effective features for document classification
Abdulhussain, MI. and Gan, JQ., (2015). An experimental investigation on PCA based on cosine similarity and correlation for text feature dimensionality reduction
Mouli, S., Palaniappan, R., Sillitoe, IP. and Gan, JQ., (2015). Quantification of SSVEP responses using multi-chromatic LED stimuli: Analysis on colour, orientation and frequency
Martín-Smith, P., Ortega, J., Asensio-Cubero, J., Gan, JQ. and Ortiz, A., (2015). A Label-Aided Filter Method for Multi-objective Feature Selection in EEG Classification for BCI
Plansangket, S. and Gan, JQ., (2015). A new term weighting scheme based on class specific document frequency for document representation and classification
Ortega, J., Asensio-Cubero, J., Gan, JQ. and Ortiz, A., (2015). Evolutionary Multiobjective Feature Selection in Multiresolution Analysis for BCI
Wang, L., Gan, JQ. and Wang, H., (2014). CSP-Based EEG Analysis on Dissociated Brain Organization for Single-Digit Addition and Multiplication
Asensio-Cubero, J., Gan, JQ. and Palaniappan, R., (2014). Wavelet Lifting over Information-Based EEG Graphs for Motor Imagery Data Classification
Plansangket, S. and Q. Gan, J., (2014). Performance Evaluation of State-of-the-Art Ranked Retrieval Methods and Their Combinations for Query Suggestion
Mouli, S., Palaniappan, R., Sillitoe, IP. and Gan, JQ., (2013). Performance analysis of multi-frequency SSVEP-BCI using clear and frosted colour LED stimuli
Zhang, L., Wang, H. and Gan, JQ., (2013). EEG-Based Cortical Localization of Neural Efficiency Related to Mathematical Giftedness
Asensio-Cubero, J., Gan, JQ. and Palaniappan, R., (2012). Extracting common spatial patterns based on wavelet lifting for brain computer interface design
Al Moubayed, N., Hasan, BAS., Gan, JQ., Petrovski, A. and McCall, J., (2012). Continuous presentation for multi-objective channel selection in Brain-Computer Interfaces
Gan, JQ., Awwad Shiekh Hasan, B. and Tsui, CSL., (2011). A Hybrid Approach to Feature Subset Selection for Brain-Computer Interface Design
Asensio-Cubero, J., Galvan, E., Panlaniappan, R. and Gan, JQ., (2011). Wavelet design by means of multi-objective GAs for motor imagery EEG analysis
Asensio-Cubero, J., Palaniappan, R. and Gan, JQ., (2011). A study on temporal segmentation strategies for extracting common spatial patterns for brain computer interfacing
Hasan, BAS., Gan, JQ. and Zhang, Q., (2010). Multi-objective evolutionary methods for channel selection in Brain-Computer Interfaces: Some preliminary experimental results
Al Moubayed, N., Shiekh Hasan, BA., Gan, JQ., Petrovski, A. and McCall, J., (2010). Binary-SDMOPSO and its application in channel selection for Brain-Computer Interfaces
Awwad Shiekh Hasan, B. and Gan, JQ., (2009). Sequential EM for Unsupervised Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model Based Classifier
Dyson, M., Sepulveda, F., Gan, JQ. and Roberts, SJ., (2009). Sequential Classification of Mental Tasks vs. Idle State for EEG Based BCIs
Hasan, BAS. and Gan, JQ., (2009). Unsupervised Adaptive GMM for BCI
Zhou, S-M., Gan, JQ., Xu, L. and John, RI., (2009). Fuzziness index driven fuzzy relaxation algorithm and applications to image processing
Dyson, M., Sepulveda, F., Gan, JQ. and Roberts, SJ., (2009). Sequential classification of mental tasks vs. idle state for EEG based BCIs
Hasan, BAS. and Gan, JQ., (2009). Unsupervised adaptive GMM for BCI
Hasan, BAS. and Gan, JQ., (2009). Multi-objective particle swarm optimization for channel selection in brain-computer interfaces
Amorim, R., Mirkin, B. and Gan, JQ., (2009). A method for classifying mental tasks in the space of EEG transforms
Dyson, M., Sepulveda, F. and Gan, JQ., (2008). Mental task classification against the idle state: A preliminary investigation
Asghari Oskoei, M., Hu, H. and Gan, JQ., (2008). Manifestation of fatigue in myoelectric signals of dynamic contractions produced during playing PC games
Tao Geng and Gan, JQ., (2008). Motor prediction in Brain-Computer Interfaces for controlling mobile robots
Yoon, JW., Roberts, SJ., Dyson, M. and Gan, JQ., (2008). Adaptive Classification by Hybrid EKF with Truncated Filtering: Brain Computer Interfacing
Ji Won Yoon, Roberts, SJ., Dyson, M. and Gan, JQ., (2008). Sequential Bayesian estimation for adaptive classification
Hasan, BAS., Dyson, M., Balli, T. and Gan, JQ., (2008). A Study via Feature Selection on the Separability of Approximate Entropy for Brain-Computer Interfaces
Geng, T. and Gan, JQ., (2008). Towards a virtual 4-class synchronous BCI using motor prediction and one motor imagery
Dyson, M., Balli, T., Gan, JQ., Sepulveda, F. and Palaniappan, R., (2008). Approximate entropy for EEG-based movement detection
Tsui, CSL. and Gan, JQ., (2008). Comparison of three methods for adapting LDA classifiers with BCI applications
Tsui, CSL. and Gan, JQ., (2007). Asynchronous BCI Control of a Robot Simulator with Supervised Online Training
Chun Sing Louis Tsui, Jia, P., Gan, JQ., Hu, H. and Yuan, K., (2007). EMG-based hands-free wheelchair control with EOG attention shift detection
Gan, JQ. and Zhou, S-M., (2006). A New Fuzzy Membership Function with Applications in Interpretability Improvement of Neurofuzzy Models
Wang, B. and Gan, JQ., (2006). SC-Tree: An Efficient Structure for High-Dimensional Data Indexing
Wang, B. and Gan, JQ., (2005). An Incremental Updating Method for Clustering-Based High-Dimensional Data Indexing
Gan, JQ., (2005). On optimal criteria of linear projections for classification
Zhou, SM. and Gan, JQ., (2005). L2-SVM based fuzzy classifier with automatic model selection and fuzzy rule ranking
Oyama, E., Maeda, T., Gan, JQ., Rosales, EM., MacDorman, KF., Tachi, S. and Agah, A., (2005). Inverse kinematics learning for robotic arms with fewer degrees of freedom by modular neural network systems
Shang-Ming Zhou and Gan, JQ., (2004). Interpretability improvement of input space partitioning by merging fuzzy sets based on an entropy measure
Shang-Ming Zhou and Gan, JQ., (2004). Improving the interpretability of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model by using linguistic modifiers and a multiple objective learning scheme
Wang, B. and Gan, JQ., (2004). Integration of Projected Clusters and Principal Axis Trees for High-Dimensional Data Indexing and Query
Zhou, S. and Gan, JQ., (2004). Mercer Kernel, Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm, and Prototypes of Clusters
Shang-Ming Zhou and Qiang Gan, (2003). A new fuzzy relaxation algorithm for image contrast enhancement
Wang, B. and Gan, Q., (2003). Non-uniform partition strategies for indexing high-dimensional data with different distributions
Gan, Q., (2002). Exploring recurrent learning for neurofuzzy networks using regularization theory
Harris, CJ., Wu, ZQ. and Gan, Q., (1999). Neurofuzzy state estimators and their applications
Peng, H., Gan, Q., Sha, L. and Wei, Y., (1998). Using sparse trace neural network to extract temporal-spatial invariance
Gan, Q., Yao, J. and Subramanian, KR., (1998). Learning algorithms for a neural network with laterally inhibited receptive fields
Zhou, J., Gan, Q. and Suen, CY., (1997). High-performance hand-printed numerical recognition system with verification module
Wang, JS., Gan, Q. and Wei, Y., (1996). On stability of CNN with asymmetric opposite-sign templates and non-unity gain output functions
Gan, Q., Yu, W. and Conrad, M., (1991). Locally-connected multilayer neural networks consisting of enzymatic neurons
Sha, F. and Gan, Q., (1991). Improving error tolerance of self-organizing neural nets
Gan, Q. and Wei, Y., (1990). Unfully interconnected neural networks as associative memory
Reports and Papers (2)
Rosales, EM., Gan, JQ., Hu, H. and Oyama, E., CSM-414 A Hybrid Approach to Inverse Kinematics Modeling and COntrol of Pioneer 2 Robotic Arms (labeled on PDF as CSM-412)
Gan, JQ. and Hu, H., (2005). CSM-422 Sensors and Data Fusion Algorithms in Mobile Robotics
Grants and funding
Check4Cancer BBSRC IAA Enhancing Skin Cancer Detection: AI Model Performance Across Diverse Skin Types
University of Essex (BBSRC IAA)
Check4Cancer KTP Application (February 2022 submission).
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Check4Cancer skin cancer AI model
BCI as an Intelligent Sensor: BCI Integrated Collaborative Control of a Cognitively Enhanced Smart Wheelchair
British Council
67% To develop a novel optical paper counting technique
Technology STrategy Board
33% To develop a novel optical paper counting technique
Vacuumatic Limited
SHOAL Project
European Commission
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