Dr Tao Gao

t.gao@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874028
3A.526, Colchester Campus
Tao Gao obtained a bachelor's degree in Mathematics from University Paris VI, France. He completed an MSc degree in Applied Mathematics from Imperial College London with a dissertation concerned with random matrix theory in mathematical physics, and an MSc in Mathematical Modelling from University College London with a dissertation concerned with flow separation in fluid mechanics. In 2016, he was awarded a PhD in Mathematics from University College London for his work on free-surface waves in fluid mechanics. Prior to joining the University of Essex as a lecturer in late 2022, he worked consecutively at Imperial College London, the University of Bath and the University of Greenwich as a postdoc. Tao Gao has expertise in free boundary problems, nonlinear waves, numerical and applied mathematics, uncertainty quantification and optimisation.
PhD Mathematics University College London, (2016)
MSc Mathematical Modelling University College London, (2011)
MSc Applied Mathematics Imperial College London, (2010)
Licence (bachelor) Mathematics Université Paris VI, (2009)
University of Essex
Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences, School Of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Essex (1/5/2023 - present)
Fixed-term Lecturer in Statistical Data Science, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Essex (28/11/2022 - 30/4/2023)
Sessional Lecturer in mathematics and statistics, Kaplan International Pathways, University of Essex International College (1/7/2019 - 30/8/2019)
Other academic
Research Fellow, Schoool of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Greenwich (5/11/2019 - 4/11/2022)
Research Associate, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath (2/10/2017 - 31/5/2019)
LMS Research Fellow, Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London (1/10/2016 - 31/3/2017)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Nonlinear waves
Applied Mathematics
Numerical Optimisation
Uncertainty quantification
Fluid mechanics
Conferences and presentations
A novel numerical observation of parasitic capillary ripples
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Essex Workshop on applied and numerical mathematics, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom, 25/3/2024
Nonlinear interactions of capillary-gravity waves in the presence of normal electric fields
Invited presentation, ICMS workshop on Waves and Free Surface Flows, ICMS, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 19/5/2023
Symmetry-breaking in capillary-gravity waves
Invited presentation, Workshop on Physical Applied Mathematics and Data Science, ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai, China, 9/1/2020
Nonlinear hydroelastic waves on a linear shear current at finite depth
Invited presentation, Workshop on Nonlinear Waves - Theory, Computation and Real-World Applications, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum, Beijing, China, 10/1/2019
New hydroelastic waves and their dynamics
Invited presentation, Workshop on Nonlinear water waves - an interdisciplinary interface, Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, Austria, 30/11/2017
Nonsymmetric Capillary-Gravity waves on water of infinite depth
BAMC, Oxford, United Kingdom, 5/4/2016
Hydroelastic waves on water of infinite depth
BAMC, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1/4/2015
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Mechanics and Relativity (MA105)
Mathematics Careers and Employability (MA199)
Real Analysis (MA203)
Research Skills (MA903)
Journal articles (19)
Gao, T., Wang, Z. and Papageorgiou, D., (2024). Singularities of Capillary-Gravity Waves on Dielectric Fluid Under Normal Electric Fields. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 84 (2), 523-542
Liu, Z., Gao, T., Lai, C-H. and Guo, W., (2024). A numerical investigation on the vibration of a two-deck Euler-Bernoulli beam flooded by a potential flow. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics. 76 (4), 531-550
Gao, T., Wang, Z. and Vanden-Broeck, J-M., (2023). Nonlinear wave interactions on the surface of a conducting fluid under vertical electric fields. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 446, 133651-133651
Flamarion, M., Gao, T. and Ribeiro-Jr, R., (2023). An investigation of the flow structure beneath solitary waves with constant vorticity on a conducting fluid under normal electric fields. Physics of Fluids. 35 (3), 037122-037122
Olawale, L., Gao, T., George, E. and Lai, C-H., (2023). Response of an Euler–Bernoulli beam subject to a stochastic disturbance. Engineering with Computers. 39 (6), 4185-4197
Doak, A., Gao, T. and Vanden-Broeck, J-M., (2022). Global bifurcation of capillary-gravity dark solitary waves on the surface of a conducting fluid under normal electric fields. The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics. 75 (3), 215-234
Flamarion, MV., Gao, T., Ribeiro-Jr, R. and Doak, A., (2022). Flow structure beneath periodic waves with constant vorticity under normal electric fields. Physics of Fluids. 34 (12), 127119-
Gao, T., Milewski, PA. and Wang, Z., (2021). Capillary‐gravity solitary waves on water of finite depth interacting with a linear shear current. Studies in Applied Mathematics. 147 (3), 1036-1057
Doak, A., Gao, T., Vanden-Broeck, J-M. and Kandola, JJS., (2020). Capillary-gravity waves on the interface of two dielectric fluid layers under normal electric fields. The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics. 73 (3), 231-250
Gao, T., Wang, Z. and Milewski, PA., (2019). Nonlinear hydroelastic waves on a linear shear current at finite depth. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 876, 55-86
Gao, T., Doak, A., Vanden-Broeck, J-M. and Wang, Z., (2019). Capillary–gravity waves on a dielectric fluid of finite depth under normal electric field. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids. 77, 98-107
Gao, T., Milewski, P. and Vanden-Broeck, J-M., (2019). Hydroelastic solitary waves with constant vorticity. Wave Motion. 85, 84-97
Gao, T., Vanden-Broeck, J-M. and Wang, Z., (2018). Numerical computations of two-dimensional flexural-gravity solitary waves on water of arbitrary depth. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics. 83 (3), 436-450
Gao, T., Milewski, PA., Papageorgiou, DT. and Vanden-Broeck, J-M., (2018). Dynamics of fully nonlinear capillary–gravity solitary waves under normal electric fields. Journal of Engineering Mathematics. 108 (1), 107-122
Asimit, AV., Gao, T., Hu, J. and Kim, E-S., (2018). Optimal Risk Transfer: A Numerical Optimization Approach. North American Actuarial Journal. 22 (3), 341-364
Gao, T., Wang, Z. and Vanden-Broeck, J-M., (2017). Investigation of symmetry breaking in periodic gravity–capillary waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 811, 622-641
Gao, T., Wang, Z. and Vanden-Broeck, J-M., (2016). On asymmetric generalized solitary gravity–capillary waves in finite depth. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 472 (2194), 20160454-20160454
Gao, T., Wang, Z. and Vanden-Broeck, J-M., (2016). New hydroelastic solitary waves in deep water and their dynamics. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 788, 469-491
Gao, T. and Vanden-Broeck, J-M., (2014). Numerical studies of two-dimensional hydroelastic periodic and generalised solitary waves. Physics of Fluids. 26 (8)
Conferences (1)
Olawale, L., George, E., Gao, T. and Lai, C-H., Response of a slender structure subject to stochastic ground motion and body force
Thesis dissertation (1)
Gao, T., (2016). Nonlinear flexural-gravity free-surface flows and related gravity-capillary flows
Grants and funding
Application for the QJMAM Fund for Applied Mathematics � Organising a two-day workshop on applied and numerical mathematics
Institute of Mathematics & its Applications
Two-day workshop on applied and numerical mathematics
London Mathematical Society