Professor Carolina Garriga

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5B.308, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
On research leave for AY 2024-2025.
I am a Professor in the Department of Government at the University of Essex. During 2024-2025, I will be a Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics. My research and teaching interests include international and comparative political economy, the political economy of money and finance, central banks, the interactions between of domestic and international institutions, and Latin American politics. Currently, I am working on the study of central banks'governance, the adoption of restrictive monetary institutions in developing countries, the political economy of FDI, and the political economy of conflict. My research has been published or is forthcoming in the Journal of Politics, International Studies Quarterly, the Journal of Peace Research, the Journal of Conflict Resolution, Governance, Regulation & Governance, Political Research Quarterly, Economic Modelling, Economic Analysis and Policy, and other outlets. . I am interested in supervising Doctoral dissertations and Post-doctoral research addressing issues in international political economy and in global governance. ***In the 2024/2025 academic year, I will NOT be able to supervise Undergraduate or Masters dissertations.*** If you need a letter of recommendation, please send me your request and materials with a minimum three-week notice. Please, see
PhD University of Pittsburgh,
MA, European Union Law Universidad Complutense de Madrid,
BA, International Relations Catholic University of Cordoba,
University of Essex
Professor (R), Government, University of Essex (1/10/2023 - present)
Deputy Director, Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis (1/9/2022 - 31/8/2024)
Reader, Government, University of Essex (1/10/2020 - 30/9/2023)
Director of Diversity and Inclusion, Department of Government, (1/9/2019 - 31/8/2022)
Lecturer, Government, University of Essex (1/10/2018 - 30/9/2020)
Other academic
Visiting Professor, London School of Economics and Political Science (1/9/2024 - 15/7/2025)
Affiliated professor, Political Science, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Economicas (CIDE) (1/1/2020 - 31/12/2022)
Visiting Professor of Political Science, Torcuato di Tella University (1/8/2017 - 31/7/2018)
Associate professor, Political Science, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Economicas (CIDE) (1/11/2016 - 30/9/2018)
Assistant professor, Political Science, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Economicas (CIDE) (1/6/2010 - 31/10/2016)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
International Political Economy
Comparative Political Economy
Central banks
Foreign direct investment
International cooperation/International institutions
Current research
Central banks' mandates
Conflict finance: the role of monetary institutions
Central bank independence: determinants and consequences
Foreign direct investment and environmental regulation
Subnational allocation of FDI
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/8/2023
Journal articles (23)
Garriga, AC., Revisiting Central Bank Independence in the World: An Extended Dataset. International Studies Quarterly
Garriga, AC. and Zhang, M., Are Foreign Firms Good for the Environment? FDI and Protected Areas. International Interactions
Garriga, AC., (2025). PUBLIC CONFIDENCE IN THE BANK OF ENGLAND. National Institute Economic Review, 1-23
Garriga, AC., (2024). "Reflections on Self-Care from an Academic Mother" in Introspective Journeys and Lessons Learned: Narratives of Self-Care in Academia. International Studies Perspectives. 25 (4), 533-575
Bodea, C. and Garriga, AC., (2023). Central bank independence in Latin America: Politicization and de-delegation. Governance: an international journal of policy, administration, and institution. 36 (1), 59-80
Garriga, AC. and Rodriguez, CM., (2023). Central Bank Independence and Inflation Volatility in Developing Countries. Economic Analysis and Policy. 78, 1320-1341
Garriga, AC. and Phillips, BJ., (2023). Organized crime and foreign direct investment: Evidence from criminal groups in Mexico. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 67 (9), 1675-1703
Garriga, AC., (2022). International Capital and Subnational Politics: Partisanship and Foreign Direct Investment in Mexican States. Political Research Quarterly. 75 (4), 1006-1020
Garriga, AC., (2022). Central Banks and Civil War Termination. Journal of Peace Research. 59 (4), 508-525
Garriga, AC. and Negri, J., (2020). It’s (Almost) Always the Economy: Economic Performance and Political Realignments In Argentina. Revista de Ciencia Política. 40 (2), 137-161
Garriga, AC. and Rodriguez, CM., (2020). More Effective than We Thought: Central Bank Independence and Inflation in Developing Countries. Economic Modelling. 85 (1), 87-105
Bodea, C., Garriga, AC. and Higashijima, M., (2019). Economic Institutions and Autocratic Breakdown: Monetary Constraints and Spending in Dominant-Party Regimes. Journal of Politics. 81 (2), 601-615
Garriga, AC. and Meseguer, C., (2019). Remittances, Monetary Institutions, and Autocracies. Oxford Development Studies. 47 (4), 452-467
Garriga, AC., (2017). Regulatory lags, liberalization, and vulnerability to banking crises. Regulation and Governance. 11 (2), 143-165
Garriga, AC., (2017). Inversión extranjera directa en México: comparación entre la inversión procedente de los Estados Unidos y del resto del mundo. Foro Internacional. 57 (2), 317-355
Garriga, AC., (2017). Independencia de los bancos centrales: La "sabiduría convencional" a la luz de nuevos datos.. Studia Politicae. 40, 103-128
Garriga, AC., (2016). Central Bank Independence in the World: A New Data Set. International Interactions. 42 (5), 849-868
Garriga, AC., (2016). Human Rights Regimes, Reputation, and Foreign Direct Investment. International Studies Quarterly. 60 (1), 160-172
Garriga, AC. and Grau Vidiella, M., (2015). Actitudes ante la inversión extranjera: el caso de México. Foro Internacional. 55 (3), 879-916
Garriga, AC., (2015). Leonardo Baccini and Johannes Urpelainen. 2014. Cutting the Gordian Knot of Economic Reform. When and How International Institutions Help (New York: Oxford University Press). The Review of International Organizations. 10 (3), 409-412
Garriga, AC. and Ortiz, HD., (2014). Delegated Decree Authority (DDA): Instruments to compare dda scope, with application to Latin American cases. Politica y Gobierno. 21 (1), 201-232
Garriga, AC. and Phillips, BJ., (2014). Foreign Aid as a Signal to Investors: Predicting FDI in Post-conflict Countries. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 58 (2), 280-306
Garriga, AC., (2009). Regime Type and Bilateral Treaty Formalization. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 53 (5), 698-726
Book chapters (4)
Bodea, C., Garriga, AC. and Higashijima, M., Central Bank Independence and the Fate of Authoritarian Regimes. In: Populism, Economic Policies and Central Banking. Editors: Gnan, E. and Masciandro, D., . Bocconi University and BAFFI CAREFIN. 161- 179. 978-3-902109-89-7
Garriga, AC., Do Human Rights Violations Affect Investors’ Decisions? Past and Current Trends. Elsevier BV
Garriga, AC. and del Tedesco Linz, MA., (2014). El Camino Hacia la Estabilidad. Treinta Años de la Moneda en México y Brasil (The Path Towards Stability: Thirty Years of Currency in Mexico and Brazil). In: La integración de políticas públicas para el desarrollo Brasil y México en perspectiva comparada. Editors: Magaldi de Sousa, M. and Maldonado Trujillos, C., . CIDE. 55- 103. 6079367181. 9786079367183
Garriga, AC., (2014). Other Forms of Punishment of Human Rights Violations: The Case of Foreign Direct Investment. In: Derecho internacional de los derechos humanos manifestaciones, violaciones y respuestas actuales. Editors: Pavón Piscitello, D. and Thiele, C., . EDUCC, Editorial de la Universidad Católica de Córdoba. 99- 138. 987626253X. 9789876262538
Reports and Papers (5)
DiGiuseppe, M., Garriga, AC. and Kern, A., (2025). Information, Party Politics, and Public Support for Central Bank Independence
Garriga, AC., (2024). Revisiting Central Bank Independence in the World: An Extended Dataset
Garriga, AC., (2023). Box A: Public Confidence in the Bank of England
Garriga, AC. and Phillips, BJ., (2022). Organized Crime and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence From Criminal Groups in Mexico
Garriga, AC., (2021). Central Banks and Civil War Termination
Other (4)
Garriga, AC., Mexican Monetary Policy (1980-2010): Objectives, Instruments and Results (Objetivos, Instrumentos Y Resultados De Política Monetaria, México 1980-2010). SSRN Electronic Journal,Elsevier BV
Garriga, AC., Mexican Monetary Policy (1980-2010): Objectives, Instruments and Results (Objetivos, Instrumentos Y Resultados De Política Monetaria, México 1980-2010),Elsevier BV
Garriga, AC., Proving Existence: Inter-Latin American Relations as International Subsystem. SSRN Electronic Journal,Elsevier BV
(2024).Correction to: Introspective Journeys and Lessons Learned: Narratives of Self-Care in Academia. International Studies Perspectives. 25(3),Oxford University Press (OUP)
Grants and funding
Toward a GIG6 Impact Case: Policy engagement with NIESR (National Institute of Economic and Social Research)
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)
Establishing an interdisciplinary network to address the economic consequences of violence in Mexico
Academy of Medical Sciences
A servant of many masters: What are the consequences of assigning multiple mandates to central banks?
British Academy
Academic support hours:
On research leave for AY 2024-2025.
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