Dr Nicolas Geeraert

geeraert@essex.ac.uk -
4.706, Colchester Campus
Dr Nicolas Geeraert is a reader in Psychology. He obtained his PhD in Social Psychology from the University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) and joined Psychology at Essex in 2004. Nicolas has over 20 years of teaching experience covering cross-cultural psychology, social psychology, and statistics. He has supervised over 150 students at UG, PGT and PhD level. Nicolas research focuses predominantly on acculturation (migrants and sojourners), using survey, longitudinal and experimental methods. He has studied acculturative stress and stress trajectories, cultural adaptation, acculturation gaps in families and ecological factors in acculturation. He has a broader interest in cross-cultural psychology and social psychology.
Senior Fellow (HEA) Higher Education Academy, (2014)
PhD Université catholique de Louvain, (2004)
Lic. (equivalent to MSc) Ghent University, (2000)
Cand. (equivalent to BSc) Ghent University, (1997)
University of Essex
Reader, Psychology, University of Essex (1/10/2020 - present)
Senior Lecturer, Psychology, University of Essex (1/10/2015 - 30/9/2020)
Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology, University of Essex (1/10/2004 - 30/9/2015)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Acculturation, acculturative stress & well-being in acculturation
Cross-cultural differences in social cognition
Acculturation in migrants and international students
Acculturation within the family context
Social Psychology
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Beyond Borders: Culture & Psychology (PS486)
Fundamental Statistics for Research (PS946)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/3/2024

Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 18/12/2023

Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/12/2020

Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/7/2019

Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/5/2019

Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/7/2017

Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/1/2016

Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/12/2014

Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/4/2014
Journal articles (29)
Zahid, H., Orbell, S. and Geeraert, N., Effect of Temporal Frame on Pakistani Britons’ Motivation to Engage in Preventive Health Screening. Health Psychology
Hignell, B., Geeraert, N. and Easterbrook, MJ., (2025). Acculturation in lockdown: The effects of heritage and settlement COVID-19 concern and support on well-being. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 104, 102095-102095
Cheung, HW., Geeraert, N. and Loaiza, VM., (2024). Evidence Against Effects of Cultural Group and Prior Knowledge on Feature Binding in Working Memory.. Journal of Cognition. 7 (1), 62-
Zhou, X., English, AS., Kulich, SJ., Zheng, L., Geeraert, N. and et al, (2024). COVID‐19 cases correlates with greater acceptance coping in flexible cultures: A cross‐cultural study in 26 countries. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 18 (2), e12919-
Yin, Y., Sun, Q., Geeraert, N. and Sun, Q., (2024). Desire for cultural tightness: The associated between COVID-19 infection concern and mental health and protective behavior during- and post-COVID-19 lockdown in China. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 103, 102052-102052
Schwartz, SJ., Walsh, SD., Ward, C., Geeraert, N., Tartakovsky, E., Weisskirch, RS., Vedder, P., Makarova, E., Bardi, A., Birman, D., Oppedal, B., Benish-Weisman, M., Lorenzo-Blanco, EI., Güngör, D., Stevens, GWJM., Benet-Martínez, V., Titzmann, PF. and Silbereisen, RK., (2022). The Role of Psychologists in International Migration Research: Complementing Other Expertise and an Interdisciplinary Way Forward. Migration Studies. 10 (2), 356-373
Geeraert, N., Ward, C. and Hanel, PHP., (2022). Returning home: The role of expectations in re‐entry adaptation. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. 14 (3), 949-966
Sun, Q., Geeraert, N. and Lamarche, V., (2022). Home is Where the Heart is: Implications of Dyadic Acculturation for Migrant Couples' Personal and Relational Well-being. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 50 (4), 550-570
Geeraert, N., Demes, KA. and Ward, C., (2021). Sojourner expectations: Are they met and does it matter if they’re not?. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 84, 27-40
Sun, Q. and Geeraert, N., (2021). We are (migrant) families: The interdependence between family members’ actual and perceived acculturation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 82, 74-80
Sun, Q., Geeraert, N. and Simpson, A., (2020). Never Mind the Acculturation Gap: Migrant Youth’s Wellbeing Benefit when They Retain Their Heritage Culture but Their Parents Adopt the Settlement Culture. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 49 (2), 520-533
English, AS. and Geeraert, N., (2020). Crossing the rice-wheat border: Not all intra-cultural adaptation is equal. PLOS ONE. 15 (8), e0236326-e0236326
Simpson, A., Al Ruwaili, R., Jolley, R., Leonard, H., Geeraert, N. and Riggs, KJ., (2019). Fine Motor Control Underlies the Association Between Response Inhibition and Drawing Skill in Early Development. Child Development. 90 (3), 911-923
Geeraert, N., Li, R., Ward, C., Gelfand, M. and Demes, K., (2019). A tight spot: How personality moderates the impact of social norms on sojourner adaptation. Psychological Science. 30 (3), 333-342
Geeraert, N., (2018). Many Cultures, One Psychology?. American Scientist. 106 (4), 214-214
Marshall, AC., Cooper, NR. and Geeraert, N., (2016). The impact of experienced stress on aged spatial discrimination: Cortical overreliance as a result of hippocampal impairment. Hippocampus. 26 (3), 329-340
Marshall, AC., Cooper, NR. and Geeraert, N., (2016). Experienced stress produces inhibitory deficits in old adults’ Flanker task performance: First evidence for lifetime stress effects beyond memory. Biological Psychology. 113, 1-11
Ward, C. and Geeraert, N., (2016). Advancing acculturation theory and research: The acculturation process in its ecological context. Current Opinion in Psychology. 8, 98-104
Marshall, AC., Cooper, NR., Segrave, R. and Geeraert, N., (2015). The effects of long-term stress exposure on aging cognition: a behavioral and EEG investigation. Neurobiology of Aging. 36 (6), 2136-2144
Demes, KA. and Geeraert, N., (2015). The highs and lows of a cultural transition: A longitudinal analysis of sojourner stress and adaptation across 50 countries.. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 109 (2), 316-337
Geeraert, N., Demoulin, S. and Demes, KA., (2014). Choose your (international) contacts wisely: A multilevel analysis on the impact of intergroup contact while living abroad. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 38 (1), 86-96
Demes, KA. and Geeraert, N., (2014). Measures Matter: Scales for Adaptation, Cultural Distance, and Acculturation Orientation Revisited. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 45 (1), 91-109
Geeraert, N. and Demoulin, S., (2013). Acculturative Stress or Resilience? A Longitudinal Multilevel Analysis of Sojourners' Stress and Self-Esteem. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 44 (8), 1241-1262
Geeraert, N., (2013). When Suppressing One Stereotype Leads to Rebound of Another: On the Procedural Nature of Stereotype Rebound. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 39 (9), 1173-1183
Geeraert, N., Van Boven, L. and Yzerbyt, VY., (2011). Similarity on the rebound: Inhibition of similarity assessment leads to an ironic postsuppressional rebound. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 64 (9), 1788-1796
Geeraert, N. and Yzerbyt, VY., (2010). Cultural differences in the correction of social inferences: Does the dispositional rebound occur in an interdependent culture?. British Journal of Social Psychology. 46 (2), 423-435
Orbell, S., Lidierth, P., Henderson, CJ., Geeraert, N., Uller, C., Uskul, AK. and Kyriakaki, M., (2009). Social–cognitive beliefs, alcohol, and tobacco use: A prospective community study of change following a ban on smoking in public places.. Health Psychology. 28 (6), 753-761
Geeraert, N. and Yzerbyt, VY., (2006). How fatiguing is dispositional suppression? Disentangling the effects of procedural rebound and ego-depletion. European Journal of Social Psychology. 37 (2), 216-230
Geeraert, N., Yzerbyt, VY., Corneille, O. and Wigboldus, D., (2004). The return of dispositionalism: On the linguistic consequences of dispositional suppression. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 40 (2), 264-272
Book chapters (1)
Geeraert, N. and Demes, KA., (2015). Nicht jeder Auslandsreisende erlebt einen Kulturschock. Resultate des Projektes 'The Impact of Living Abroad' [Not all sojourners experience culture shock: Evidence from the impact of living abroad project]. In: Forum Jugendarbeit International 2013-2015. Editors: Fachstelle f�r Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik, DEV., . IJAB. 250- 263. 978-3-924053-59-8
Conferences (5)
Zahid, H., Orbell, S. and Geeraert, N., CROSS-CULTURAL DIFFERENCES IN COPING
Zahid, H., Geeraert, N. and Orbell, S., CULTURE AND COPING
Zahid, H., Orbell, S. and Geeraert, N., IF YOU LISTEN TO THE DOCTOR, YOU STILL HAVE TO DIE
Zahid, H., Geeraert, N. and Orbell, S., PHYSICAL HEALTH ACROSS CULTURES
Reports and Papers (1)
Daughters, K., Meadows, A., Lamarche, V., Geeraert, N., Loakthar, Z. and Humphris, E., Understanding the sociocultural barriers to mental healthcare among Muslim women in Colchester
Grants and funding
Understanding the sociocultural barriers to mental healthcare among Muslim women in Colchester
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
A Typology of Completed Suicides in Essex using Coroner Data
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
A Typology of Completed Suicides in Essex using Coroner Data
Essex County Council
The Impact Of Living Abroad
Economic & Social Research Council