Dr Hussein Gherli

hussein.gherli@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
Hussein is part of the RIPE consortium (Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency), an international research initiative aimed at increasing crop productivity by enhancing photosynthesis -the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy and yield. At the University of Essex, he utilizes synthetic biology to develop transgenic crops, including tobacco, soybean, and cowpea, focusing on optimizing RuBP regeneration and electron transport to boost photosynthetic efficiency in response to climate challenges and food security needs. He also integrates various omics approaches to analyse these transgenic lines, identifying new targets for further enhancement.
PhD Plant Sciences University of Warwick,
MsC Plant Biosciences for Crop Production University of Warwick,
University of Essex
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences, University of Essex (1/5/2020 - present)
Publications (1)
Lemonnier, P., Wall, S., Gherli, H., Moreno-Garcia, B., Afamefule, C., Lawson, T., Raines, CA. and Lopez-Calcagno, PE., (2024). Simultaneous Overexpression of Three Enzymes of Chloroplast Metabolism Fails to Improve CO2Assimilation or Biomass
Journal articles (1)
Ruiz-Vera, UM., Acevedo-Siaca, LG., Brown, KL., Afamefule, C., Gherli, H., Simkin, AJ., Long, SP., Lawson, T. and Raines, CA., (2022). Field-grown ictB tobacco transformants show no difference in photosynthetic efficiency for biomass relative to the wild type.. Journal of Experimental Botany. 73 (14), 4897-4907
Book chapters (1)
Raines, C., Cavanagh, A., Afamefule, C., Chibani, K., Gherli, H. and Lopez, P., (2023). Understanding the biochemistry of C3 photosynthesis in crop plants. In: Understanding and Improving Crop Photosynthesis. Editors: Sharwood, R., . Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. 1003287174. 9781003287179