Professor Faten Ghosn

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5.024, Colchester Campus
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By Appointment
Professor Ghosn is a faculty in the Department of Government at the University of Essex and affiliated faculty (Non-UA) at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Arizona. She has received several research awards, including a Minerva Initiative funded by the Department of Defense and The U.S. Army Research Office, as well as several teaching awards, both undergraduate and graduate. A common theme running throughout her professional interests is the importance of the choice of strategy that is picked by actors to manage their conflicts and disagreements, how such strategies and policies are implemented, their effectiveness as well as their consequences. Her current research focuses on enemy images as obstacles to cooperation, ethics in fieldwork, forced migration, militarized interstate disputes, and transitional justice.
PhD Penn State University, (2006)
MA American University of Beirut, (2000)
BA American University of Beirut, (1998)
University of Essex
Professor, Department of Government, University of Essex (5/1/2022 - present)
Other academic
Distinguished University Professor, School of Government & Public Policy, University of Arizona (1/7/2021 - 2/1/2022)
Associate Professor, School of Government & Public Policy, University of Arizona (1/8/2013 - 30/6/2022)
Assistant Professor, School of Government & Public Policy, University of Arizona (15/8/2006 - 31/7/2013)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Research Project: Politics (GV831)
Journal articles (26)
Gerver, M., Simon, M. and Ghosn, F., Refugee Resettlement and Preferences. Political Studies
Ghosn, F. and Bayram, AB., (2025). The Cost of Dehumanization: How Political Rhetoric Shapes Public Resistance to Cooperation with Adversaries. Cooperation and Conflict
Simon, M., Braithwaite, A., Frith, M. and Ghosn, F., (2024). How Governance Under the 'Grand Compromise' Affects Refugee Preferences for Relocation: Evidence from Syrian Refugees in Lebanon. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-20
Findley, M., Ghosn, F. and Lowe, S., (2024). Vulnerability in research ethics: A call for assessing vulnerability and implementing protections. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121 (34), e2322821121-
Davies, G., De Alba-Ulloa, J., Ghosn, F., Gleditsch, K., Kneuer, M., Milner, H. and Solingen, E., (2023). Forum: Challenges to Scholarship and Policy During Crises. International Studies Review. 25 (2)
Chagas-Bastos, FH., Resende, E., Ghosn, F. and Lisle, D., (2023). Forum: Navigating the Global South Landscape: Insights and Implications for Representation and Inclusion in ISA Journals. International Studies Perspectives. 24 (4), 441-466
Braithwaite, A., Ghosn, F. and Hameed, T., (2022). Under Pressure: When Refugees Feel Pressured to Leave Their Host Countries. Journal of Refugee Studies. 35 (1), 595-614
Braithwaite, A., Frith, M., Savun, B. and Ghosn, F., (2022). Government Targeting of Refugees in the Midst of Epidemics. Perspectives on Politics. 20 (2), 490-506
Braithwaite, A., Cox, JM. and Ghosn, F., (2021). Should I stay or should I go? The decision to flee or stay home during civil war. International Interactions. 47 (2), 221-236
Ghosn, F., Chu, T., Simon, M., Braithwaite, A., Frith, M. and Jandali, J., (2021). The Journey Home: Violence, Anchoring, and Refugee Decisions to Return. American Political Science Review. 115 (3), 982-998
Ghosn, F. and Jandali, J., (2020). The Price of Prosecution: The Reality for Syrian Transitional Justice. Penn State Journal of Law and International Affairs. 8 (1)
Ghosn, F. and Gizelis, T-I., (2019). Power of Rules and Rule of Power. International Studies Review. 21 (2), 183-187
Ghosn, F. and Parkinson, SE., (2019). “Finding” Sectarianism and Strife in Lebanon. PS: Political Science & Politics. 52 (03), 494-497
Ghosn, F., Braithwaite, A. and Chu, TS., (2019). Violence, displacement, contact, and attitudes toward hosting refugees. Journal of Peace Research. 56 (1), 118-133
Braithwaite, A., Chu, TS., Curtis, J. and Ghosn, F., (2019). Violence and the perception of risk associated with hosting refugees. Public Choice. 178 (3-4), 473-492
Ghosn, F. and Braithwaite, A., (2018). Could Contact Stem the Rising Tide of Negative Attitudes Towards Hosting Syrian Refugees in Lebanon. Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration: Field Monitor. 7 (2), 69-74
Ghosn, F. and Sciabarra, C., (2017). Analyzing Identity in Peace Agreements, 1989-2006. Peace Research: The Canadian Journal of Peace and Conflict. 49 (1), 96-120
Bond, K. and Ghosn, F., (2015). Cultural Similarity and Mediation Offers in Interstate Conflicts, 1945–1995. International Negotiation. 20 (2), 269-290
Joyce, KA., Ghosn, F. and Bayer, R., (2014). When and Whom to Join: The Expansion of Ongoing Violent Interstate Conflicts. British Journal of Political Science. 44 (1), 205-238
Ghosn, F. and Khoury, A., (2013). The case of the 2006 War in Lebanon: reparations? Reconstruction? Or both?. The International Journal of Human Rights. 17 (1), 1-17
Ghosn, F. and Khoury, A., (2011). Lebanon after the Civil War: Peace or the Illusion of Peace?. The Middle East Journal. 65 (3), 381-397
Ghosn, F., (2011). Influence of Domestic Politics on the Decision to Negotiate. International Negotiation: A Journal of Theory and Practice. 16 (1), 69-85
Ghosn, F., (2011). Domestic Unrest and the Initiation of Negotiations. International Negotiation. 16 (1), 69-85
Ghosn, F., (2010). Getting to the Table and Getting to Yes: An Analysis of International Negotiations1. International Studies Quarterly. 54 (4), 1055-1072
Ghosn, F., Palmer, G. and Bremer, SA., (2004). The MID3 Data Set, 1993—2001: Procedures, Coding Rules, and Description. Conflict Management and Peace Science. 21 (2), 133-154
Bremer, SA. and Ghosn, F., (2003). Defining States: Reconsiderations and Recommendations. Conflict Management and Peace Science. 20 (1), 21-41
Book chapters (7)
Ghosn, F. and Khoury, A., (2017). Bridging Elite and Grassroots Initiatives: The Road to Sustainable Peace in Syria. In: Post-Conflict Power-Sharing Agreements: Options for Syria. Editors: Salamey, I., Abu--Nimer, M. and Abouaoun, E., . Palgrave Macmillan. 43- 61. 9783319601038
Ghosn, F., (2016). Lebanon: The Lack of a Unified and Independent Foreign Policy. In: Democratic Peace Across the Middle East: Islam and Political Modernisation. Editors: Halabi, Y., . I.B. Tarus
Ghosn, F., (2009). Israel and Lebanon: A Precarious Relationship. In: The Middle East – Peace by Piece: The Quest for a Solution to the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Editors: Barari, H., . Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Ghosn, F., Palmer, G. and London, T., (2008). Negotiations, Guns and Money: Do Constrained Leaders Do Better?. In: Causes and Consequences of International Conflict: Data, Methods and Theory. Editors: Palmer, G., . Routledge. 222- 246. 9780203932872
Ghosn, F., Palmer, G. and Bremer, SA., (2008). The MID 3 data set, 1993-2001: Procedures, coding rules, and description. In: Causes and Consequences of International Conflict: Data, Methods and Theory. 67- 93
Ghosn, F., (2005). A Guide to Lebanon’s Armed Forces and Security Policy. In: Defense and Security: A Guide to National Armed Forces and Security Policies of the World. Editors: DeRouen, K. and Heo, U., . ABC-CLIO
Ghosn, F., (2005). Lebanon. In: Encyclopedia for Transitional Justice. Editors: Stan, L. and Nedelsky, N., . Cambridge University Press. 401- 420. 9781851097869
Reports and Papers (2)
Ghosn, F., (2020). Lessons from History: Ending Internal Displacement in Post-Civil War Lebanon
Ghosn, F. and Palmer, G., (2005). A Short Investigation of Interstate Conflict Since World War II: Has the Frequency of Severity Declined?
Dataset (2)
Ghosn, F. and Bennett, S., (2007).Codebook for the Dyadic Militarized Interstate Incident Data, Version 3.1
Ghosn, F. and Palmer, G., (2003).Codebook for the Militarized Interstate Dispute Data, Version 3.0
Other (5)
Ghosn, F. and Braithwaite, A., IDPs & Refugees: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Ferstman, C. and Ghosn, F., (2025).Academics must challenge selective empathy fuelled by social media. Times Higher Education
Ghosn, F., (2019).Conflict Management in the Middle East,Oxford University Press
Ghosn, F., (2018).The Hard Road Ahead for Syrian Reconstruction. Current History. 117(December)
Ghosn, F., (2016).International Relations and Diplomacy. In International Relations and Diplomacy for the Curious: Why Study International Relations and Diplomacy
Grants and funding
Master Class on Negotiation for Junior Diplomats
Kuwait Diplomatic Institute
Collaborative Research: The Militarized Dispute Data: 2015-2024 and Beyond
National Science Foundation
Academic support hours:
By Appointment