Dr Patricia Gillies

pgillies@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872609
5NW.6.7, Colchester Campus
BA Hons in History, Northwestern University; Ph.D. French Literature and Language, Thesis in Comparative Literature, " War and the Hero: Imagery in Virgil's Aeneid, Beowulf, the Chanson de Roland and the Lyric poetry of Troubadour Bertran de Born Northwestern University, Evanston Illinois USA Scholar-in-Residence at the Folger Shakespeare Library (1985-1996) Washington D.C. USA Member of: The Cambridge Research Seminar in Medieval Literature and Culture (2002-continuing The Comitato scientifico della 'Biblioteca di Studi Inglesi' (Edizione di Storia e Letturatura, Rome) Association de C.E.M. University of Picardie-Amiens, France London Medieval Society International Society Rencesvals International Courtly Literature Society Advisory Board of Dialogoi, a multi-cultural and multi-lingual journal published at the Department of English, Universita di Roma Tre Fellow of British Higher Education Association Society for the Study of Medieval Languages. British Comparative Literature Association Society for French Studies Teachers of Old English in Britain and Ireland.
Ph.D. Northwestern University, (1974)
B.A. History Hons. Northwestern University, (1968)
University of Essex
Lecturer, Literature Film and Theatre Studies, University of Essex-Wivenhoe Park (1/9/2015 - 1/9/2019)
Tutor, Literature, Film & Theatre Studies, University of Essex (1/10/2001 - 31/8/2015)
Senior Lecturer, Literature Film and Theatre Studies, University of Essex-Wivenhoe Park (2/9/2019 - present)
Other academic
Tutor in French, French, Trinity College University of Melbourne (1/9/1998 - 15/12/2000)
Adjunct Professor, Liberal Studies/ School of Summer & continuing Education, Georgetown University (1/9/1991 - present)
Adjunct Professor, English/French, University of the District of Columbia (1/9/1992 - 1/6/1996)
Adjunct Professor in Literature, English, American University in Washington D.C. (1/9/1991 - 1/6/1992)
Adjunct Professor i, English, University of Maryland, College Park (1/9/1989 - 1/6/1990)
Assistant Professor/Chairman Foreign Languages, English/Foreign Languages, Colorado Mesa University (1/10/1978 - 1/6/1981)
Internationalisation Officer, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, Melbourne University (1/10/1998 - 1/9/1999)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Theoretical approaches to literature and art history
Lacanian theory
narratives and apocalyptic figuration in Medieval beast literature
gender/genre implications
narrative construction in Old French epic and Medieval and Renaissance analogues
Troubadour poetry and parallels in narrative design of other genres
Pimordialism, beast/bird references imagery, political references and designs in troubadour poetry
literary tradition and Thomas Hobbes Historia Ecclesiastica
issues in modernism
expression and configuration of light in the works of Stephane Mallarmé
Old Icelandic literature
the theory and practice of literary translation
Gaudier-Brzeska Archive
• “ Hybrid Machines in World War I: Shakespeare’s Coriolanus and the art of Henri-Gaudier-Brzeska and Sophie Brzeska” [Brzeska Archive, Special Collections, Albert Sloman Library, University of Essex-Wivenhoe Park} for presentation at “Robots—Androïdes—Machines:]les automates entre la magie et la technique en Littérature depuis l’Antiquité”, 25-31 May, Bologna, Italy, • ‘Journal d'une Âme en Crise: l'écriture des rites funèbres de Sophie Brzeska’ presented at Translatio i Historia idei Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej, University of Warsaw, 19-21 October 2017; based on Brzeska archive, Special Collections, Albert Sloman Library, University of Essex-Wivenhoe Park, included Powerpoint presentation of the Essex Archive manuscript • “Paths to Tragedy: Nietzsche, Shakespeare, World War I in Sophie Brzeska’s Journal (1915) “Shakespeare and Nietzsche” (includes 46 slide Powerpoint presentation) 2 September 2017, program for academics and general public, organised and sponsored by U of Kingston and Garrick’s Temple Committee. My presentation was based on my work in the Brzeska archive, Special Collections, Albert Sloman Library, U of Essex-Wivenhoe Park.
Gaudier-Brzeska Archive, Albert Sloman Library
I have been working on the Gaudier-Brzeska Archive since attending a lecture on it in the Special Collections Room of the library in 2016. I developed a presentation on the Archive, 'Paths to Tragedy: Nietzsche, Shakespeare and Sophie Brzeska's Journal' for the Garrick's Temple/University of Kingston 'Shakespeare and Nietzche" international conference 1September 2017, conference presentation on it :" Journal d'une Âme en Crise: l'écriture des rites funèbres de Sophie Brzeska", Translatio i Historia idei Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej, University of Warsaw, 19-21 October 2017 /for the Translatio and History of Ideas at the U of Warsaw and have now submitted that as article and had it accepted for publication in the conference volume (November 2018). I also presented a paper on it, "Hybrid Machines: Shakespeare's Coriolanus and the art and writings of Henri Gaudier Brzeska and Sophie Brzeska' at an international conference "Machines et Automates' at the U of Bologna, May 2018.I plan to submit that paper as an article in March 2019.
Fantasy Literature and Medieval and Modernist contexts
While I have long been interested int the medieval and modernist contexts for Fantasy literature and have read extensively in the area, my research interest in this area crystallised when I attended and presented a paper on troubadour poetry the international conference 'L'Ailleurs' at the Université Littoral-Côte Opale in November 2018.
Operas and Literary Context: Wagner
While I have a long standing interest and background/publication in opera studies and the literary context, I have recently begun to focus on the literary context for Wagner. I was invited to and attended an international conference, "Wagner and Shakespeare' at the Wagner Museum in Venice in November 2018 sponsored by the Società Richard Wagner di Venezia, 28-30 November 2018.
Representing UoE' special collection of Sophie Gaudier- Brzeska
Visiting the University of Warsaw, Institute of English Studies, post-graduate research. Lecture to post-graduates in the Institute
Lecture at University of Warsaw, post-graduates, on Shakespeare's tragedies
Shakespeare's studies at U of E, LiFTS, underpinned this lecture with the English Institute at University of Warsaw, highlighting expertise at UoE
Current research
Gaudier-Breska Archive
I have been granted and am now on Research Leave to further develop my work on the Gaudier-Brzeska Archive at the Special Collections, Albert Sloman Library and its Modernist context. In connection with that work I have attended Modernist art exhibits in 2018 and 2019 at the Centre Pompidou. I plan to continue my work transcribing Sophie Brzeska's journal and further develop the Nietzsche context of her writings which reflect and reference her conversations with Henri Gaudier Brzeska and their avant-garde milieu
Medieval Arthurian Romance
In further development of my research and publication in the area of Arthurian literature, I plan to prepare and present a paper on magic in Chrétien de Troyes's influential late twelfth century Arthurian romance "Erec and Enide" at the international conference on Magie, Féerie, Sorcellerie at the Université de Picardie-Jules Verne, Maison du Roi, March 2019
Epic Fantasy,:Medievalism and Modernist Context
Archaic Modernism and its influence on Modernist fantasy literature. With a particular focus on Ezra Pound's translation of medieval Occitan, Italian and Old English poetry, I plan to show how the Archaic Modernist literary context fostered the language of absence and regret/melancholy in Modernist Fantasy texts. In addition I am working on an invited paper for the International Colloquium (16-18 May 2019): "Frontières et Limites de la Fantasy: Précurseurs, Apparentés, Compagnons de Route" at the Université Littoral-Côte Opale, Boulogne-sur-Mer. My forthcoming presentation is entitled: "Epic Fantasy: The Metropolis as Monster, Adventure and Marvel"
Conferences and presentations
A presentation at the CIRLS symposium on "Celebrating Sophie Gaudier Brzeska: modernist, artist and writer"
CIRLS symposium on "Celebrating Sophie Gaudier Brzeska: modernist, artist and writer", Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Literary Studies (CIRLS). A 3rd year KCL student doing their dissertation on Woolf and Gaudier-Brzeska presented and PG is supervising and supporting his research., Colchester, United Kingdom, 11/3/2025
Writing Like Shakespeare: Victor Hugo’s Performance of Shakespeare in Notre Dame de Paris”
Invited presentation, Shakespeare Association of America, 52nd Annual Meeting, Portland, United States, 13/4/2024
“Construction of an Artistic Self: Sophie Gaudier-Brzeska’s Poetry Notebooks and Journal”
Invited presentation, “Diaries in the Twentieth Century: Testimony, Memories, Self-Construction”, “Diaries in the Twentieth Century: Testimony, Memories, Self-Construction”, Dublin, Ireland, 9/12/2023
Imagining the East: Marvels and Politics in the Arthurian Romance of Laurin
Invited presentation, From West to East--Of West and East: Exchanges and Perspectives, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 28/10/2019
Imitation et Transformation: les faucons dans les Chansons d'Aube/Alba/Tagelieder:
Invited presentation, Humboldt Forum: Green Economy, Cultural Heritage, Artificial Intelligence, 21/9/2019
Epic Fantasy: the Metropolis as Monster, Marvel and Adventure
Fantasy Forerunners and Fellow Travellers, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17/5/2019
The Space of Magic: Design and Magic in Chrétien de Troyes' Erec et Enide
Magie, Féerie, Sorcellerie, Amiens, France, 13/3/2019
“L’Ailleurs de l’amour du troubadour Guillem de Saint-Didier”
Invited presentation, L'Ailleurs: Colloque international et pluridisciplinaire, URHLLI:Unité de Recherche sure l"histoire, les Langues, Les Littératures et L'Interculturel, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 8/11/2018
“ Hybrid Machines in World War I: Shakespeare’s Coriolanus and the art of Henri-Gaudier-Brzeska and Sophie Brzeska”
Invited presentation, “Robots—Androïdes—Machines:]les automates entre la magie et la technique en Littérature depuis l’Antiquité, SCUOLA DI LINGUE E LETTERATURE, TRADUZIONE E INTERPRETAZIONE, Bologna, Italy, 28/5/2018
Aventure as Style: ‘Mout Bele Conjointure’ and the Late ‘Romance’ Plays of Shakespeare”
Invited presentation, “ Ce qui advient …les déclinaisons de l’aventure”, Danielle Buschinger, Amiens, France, 15/3/2018
‘La croisade n’aura pas lieu: les femmes qui barrent le chemin dans les chansons lyriques de croisade de Bertran de Born’
Invited presentation, Les femmes dans les chansons lyriques de croisade: voix, motifs, representations, enjeux, Liege, Belgium, 2/3/2018
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Origins and Transformations in Literature and Drama (LT111)
Shakespeare Across Media (LT151)
Love and Death in the Renaissance (LT210)
Shakespeare: The Tragedies (LT372)
Independent Literature Project (LT831)
Books (3)
North, R., Allard, J. and Gillies, P., (2011). Longman Anthology of Old English, Old Icelandic, and Anglo-Norman Literatures. Pearson Education Limited. 9781408247709
Hobbes, T., (2008). Historia Ecclesiastica. 2745315773. 9782745315779
Bertran, (1986). The Poems of the Troubadour Bertran de Born. Univ of California Press. 0520042972. 9780520042971
Book chapters (16)
Gillies, P., Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra and the Romantic Fusion of Genres in Victor Hugo's novel Notre Dame de Paris. In: Shakespeare and Romanticism. Editors: Hall, S. and Ruttkay, V., . Palgrave?
Gillies, P., (2023). La Croisade n'aura pas lieu: les femmes qui barrent le chemin dans la poésie lyrique de croisade de Bertran de Born. In: Représentations et voix de femmes face a la guerre sainte au Moyen Age. Lyrique de croisade et littérature narrative (Xiie-XVe siècle). Editors: Henrard, N. and Raguin, M., . Classiques Garnier. 309- 323. 978-2-406-14607-0
Harris Stablein Gillies, P. and Gillies, P., (2023). Medicine Doctors and Maladies in the Poetry of Troubadour Bertran de Born. In: Etudes Médiévales. Editors: Buschinger, D. and Marzloff, M., . Presses du Centre d'Etudes Médiévales de Picardie. 289- 302. 978-2-901121-82-4
Gillies, P., (2023). "Medicine, Doctors and Maladies in the Poetry of Troubadour Bertran de Born,". In: Etudes Médiévales. Editors: Buschinger, D. and Marzloff, M., . Presses du Centre d'Etudes Médiévales. 289- 302
Gillies, P., (2022). Imagining the East : Marvels and Politics in Le Roman de Laurin. In: Etudes Médiévales. Editors: Buschinger, D. and Marzloff, M., . Presses du Centre d'Etudes Médiévales. 374- 381
Gillies, P., (2021). Literature is Comparative/Toute Littérature est littérature comparée: Etudes de littérature et de linguistique offertes à Roy Rosenstein par ses collègues, ses disciples et ses amis,. In: Literature is comparative toute littérature est littérature comparée : études de littérature et de linguistique offertes à Roy Rosenstein par ses collègues, ses disciples et ses amis. Editors: Buschinger, D., Marzloff, M., Gillies, P. and Grossel, M-G., . Presses du Centre d'Etudes Médiévales. 208- 217. 1251475361
Gillies, P., (2020). The Space of Magic: Design and magic in Chrétien de Troyes' Erec et Enide. In: Médiévales conference series, TRAME, Université de Picardie-Jules Verne, Amiens , France. Editors: Buschinger, D. and Ibos-Augé, A., . Centre d'Etudes Médiévales Université de Picardie-Jules Venre
Gillies, P., (2020). Hybrid Machines in World War I: Shakespeare's Coriolanus and the Art of Henri Gaudier-Brzeska and Sophie Brzeska. In: Robots-Androides-Machines:les robots entre la magie et la technique en Littérature depuis l'Antiquité. Editors: Buschinger, D. and Ibos-Augé, A., . Publications du Centre d'Etudes Médiévales Université de Picardie-Jules Verne
Gillies, P., (2019). Longing for Jerusalem: New Spaces of Desire in Bertran de Born. In: Jewish Identity and Comparative Studies/Judéité et Comparatisme: Etudes Offertes à Astrid Starck-Adler par ses collègues et amis à l’occasion de son soixante-quinzième anniversaire. Editors: Buschinger, D. and Rosenstein, R., . Presses du C.E.M.[Centre d'Etudes Médiévales] Université de Picardie-Jules Verne. 267- 272
Gillies, P., (2018). Journal of a Soul in Crisis:Writing on Mourning Rites of Sophie Brzeska. In: Translatio and the History of Ideas: Ideas, Language, Politics, 2 vols.. Editors: Kukulka-Wojtasik, A., Stachurski, E. and Dobrowolska de Tejerina, M., . Peter lang. 177- 184
Gillies, PHS., (2018). Staging Francophone Identities: Latin First Crusade Narratives and the Epic Conflict of French and Occitan. In: Medieval Francophone Literary Culture Outside France: Studies in the Moving Word. Brepols Publishers. 453- 472. 9782503554440
Gillies, P., (2016). Constructing Courtly Subjectivity Otherwise. Excuses and the Anti-Lover in Bertran de Born’s Eu m’escondisc. In: Parodies courtoises, parodies de la courtoisie. Editors: Madureira, M., Clamote Carreto, C. and Morais, AP., . Classiques Garnier. 65- 76. 978-2-8124-6061-6
Gillies, P., (2016). Optics and the Crowned Eye in Shakespeare’s Henry VI, parts 2 & 3. In: Shakespeare and the new science in early modern culture. Editors: Del Sapio Garbero, M., . Pacini Editore. 77- 110. 88-6995-001-8. 978-88-6995-001-8
Gillies, P., (2015). Tancred/Tancredi: Heroism and Hybridity in the Jerusalem Continuations and Tasso’s Gerusalemme Liberata. In: Epic Connections/Rencontres épiques : proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference of the Société Rencesvals, Oxford 13-17 August 2012. Editors: Ailes, MJ., Bennet, PE. and Cobby, AE., . Société Rencesvals British Branch. 215- 233. 978 0 9519791 8 1
Gillies, PHS., (2011). “Queer Coherence: Loss and Hybridity in Barack Obama’s Dreams from My Father”. In: Race and Identity in Barack Obama’s Dreams From My Father.. Editors: Evans, C. and Zeitler, M., . Edward Mellen, 2011.. 98- 115
Gillies, PHS., (2007). • Chapter 15: ‘What Happened After the Normans Arrived? Anglo-Norman Literature: the Road to Middle English’ Ed. Richard North and Joe Allard. H Pp. 454-488.. In: Beowulf and Other Stories,. Editors: North, R. and Allard, J., . Pearson. 454- 488