Professor Ismene Gizelis

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5.008, Colchester Campus
Ismene Gizelis is professor at the Department of Government in the University of Essex. Her main research interests are in conflict dynamics, peacekeeping, gender equality and post-conflict reconstruction, and communicable diseases. For the most up to date details, please see my personal webpage: She has published in journals such as the British Journal of Political Science, Conflict Management and Peace Science, Cooperation and Conflict, International Interactions, International Organization, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Economic Development and Cultural Change, Journal of Peace Research, Political Geography, Social Science and Medicine, and World Development. She has a book with Manchester University Press (2010) on Globalization, Integration, and the Future of European Welfare States. She was the guest co-editor (together with Louise Olsson) of International Interactions (2013) on “A Systematic Understanding of Gender, Peace and Security – Implementing UNSCR 1325.” She also co-edited with Louise Olsson the Routledge book (2015) A Systematic Understanding of Gender, Peace and Security: Implementing UNSCR 1325. She is the Program Co-Chair for the ISA 2018 Annual Meeting, has served in ISA committees, and has served as Treasurer and Board Member for the ISA section Political Demography and Geography. She has also been involved in the management of professional associations in the UK and served in committees in the Peace Science Society. She is currently or has been a member of the editorial boards of Foreign Policy Analysis, International Interactions, International Peacekeeping, International Studies Quarterly, and Journal of Peace Research. She is the recipient of a small BA grant (2015); British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship (2012-2013), the ESRC Research Grant: RES-000-22-4306 under the Small Grants Scheme (2010), and the BISA - C-SAP Teaching Award for Excellence in Teaching International Studies (2010/2011). She was also part of the research grant Armed Conflict and Maternal Health in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2014-2016, (Funded by Research Council of Norway; Lead PI: Gudrun Østby, PRIO, Norway).
1999. Ph.D. in Political Science and Economics, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA.
1997. MA in International Political Economy, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA.
Research and professional activities
Research interests
International conflict and cooperation
Empirical study of peacekeeping and post-conflict reconstruction
Social institutions and conflict management
Empirical study of gender and conflict
Conferences and presentations
Program Co-Chair
Annual Conventions of the 2018 International Studies Association in San Francisco, San Francisco, United States, 2/4/2018
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/8/2023

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/8/2023

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/10/2019

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/9/2019

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/8/2019

Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/1/2019

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/7/2018

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 27/6/2014
Journal articles (49)
Ari, B., Gizelis, T-I. and Maekawa, W., How United Nations peace operations can help overcome perils to post-conflict elections. Journal of Peace Research
Gizelis, T-I. and Karim, SM., (2024). How Epidemics affect Marginalized Communities in War-Torn Countries: Ebola, Securitization, and Public Opinion about the Security Forces in Liberia. World Development. 179, 106587-106587
Cao, X., Gizelis, T-I., Shortland, A. and Urdal, H., (2022). Drought, Local Public Goods, and Inter-communal Conflicts: Testing the Mediating Effects of Public Service Provisions. Defence and Peace Economics. 33 (3), 259-279
Gizelis, T-I., (2021). It Takes a Village: UN Peace Operations and Social Networks in Post-conflict Environments. Politics and Gender. 17 (1), 167-196
Gizelis, T-I. and Cao, X., (2021). A Security Dividend Peacekeeping and Maternal Health Outcomes and Access. Journal of Peace Research. Online (2), 263-278
Gizelis, T-I., Pickering, S. and Urdal, H., (2021). Conflict on the urban fringe: Urbanization, environmental stress, and urban unrest in Africa. Political Geography. 86, 102357-102357
Benson, MA. and Gizelis, T-I., (2020). A Gendered Imperative: Does Sexual Violence Attract UN Attention in Civil Wars?. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 64 (1), 167-198
Ari, B. and Gizelis, T-I., (2020). Civil Conflict Fragmentation and the Effectiveness of UN Peacekeeping Operations. International Peacekeeping. 27 (4), 617-644
Maekawa, W., Ari, B. and Gizelis, TI., (2019). UN involvement and civil war peace agreement implementation. Public Choice. 178 (3-4), 397-416
Ghosn, F. and Gizelis, T-I., (2019). Power of Rules and Rule of Power. International Studies Review. 21 (2), 183-187
Gizelis, TI. and Benson, M., (2019). Advancing the Frontier of Peacekeeping Research. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 63 (7), 1595-1600
Ruggeri, A., Dorussen, H. and Gizelis, TI., (2018). On the Frontline Every Day? Subnational Deployment of United Nations Peacekeepers. British Journal of Political Science. 48 (4), 1005-1025
Gizelis, T-I., (2018). Systematic study of gender, conflict, and peace. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 24 (4)
Gizelis, TI. and Olsson, L., (2017). The known knowns and known unknowns of peacekeeping data: Toward an equal peace or stuck in the twilight zone? The known knowns and the known unknowns of gender-disaggregated data in peacekeeping research. International Peacekeeping. 24 (1), 13-16
Ruggeri, A., Dorussen, H. and Gizelis, TI., (2017). Winning the Peace Locally: UN Peacekeeping and Local Conflict. International Organization. 71 (1), 163-185
Gizelis, T-I., Karim, S., Østby, G. and Urdal, H., (2017). Maternal Health Care in the Time of Ebola: A Mixed-Method Exploration of the Impact of the Epidemic on Delivery Services in Monrovia. World Development. 98, 169-178
Ari, B. and Gizelis, T., (2017). Conflict Fragmentation Index. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 23 (4)
Gizelis, T-I. and Joseph, J., (2016). Decoupling local ownership? The lost opportunities for grassroots women’s involvement in Liberian peacebuilding. Cooperation and Conflict. 51 (4), 539-556
de Soysa, I. and Gizelis, T-I., (2016). More heat, less light! The resource curse & HIV/AIDS: A reply to Olivier Sterck. Social Science & Medicine. 150, 268-270
Gizelis, T. and Olsson, L., (2016). Toward an equal peace or stuck in the twilight zone? The known knowns and the known unknowns of gender disaggregated data in peacekeeping research. International Peacekeeping
Caruso, R. and Gizelis, T-I., (2014). Introduction to the Proceedings of the 14th Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 20 (4), 523-526
Olsson, L. and Gizelis, T-I., (2014). Advancing Gender and Peacekeeping Research. International Peacekeeping. 21 (4), 520-528
Dorussen, H. and Gizelis, T-I., (2013). Into the lion’s den. Journal of Peace Research. 50 (6), 691-706
Olsson, L. and Gizelis, T-I., (2013). An Introduction to UNSCR 1325. International Interactions. 39 (4), 425-434
Gizelis, T-I. and Pierre, NA., (2013). Gender Equality and Postconflict Reconstruction: What Do We Need to Know in Order to Make Gender Mainstreaming Work?. International Interactions. 39 (4), 601-611
Ruggeri, A., Gizelis, T-I. and Dorussen, H., (2013). Managing Mistrust. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 57 (3), 387-409
de Soysa, I. and Gizelis, T-I., (2013). The natural resource curse and the spread of HIV/AIDS, 1990–2008. Social Science & Medicine. 77 (1), 90-96
Gizelis, T-I., (2011). A Country of their Own: Women and Peacebuilding. Conflict Management and Peace Science. 28 (5), 522-542
Ruggeri, A., Gizelis, T-I. and Dorussen, H., (2011). Events Data as Bismarck's Sausages? Intercoder Reliability, Coders' Selection, and Data Quality. International Interactions. 37 (3), 340-361
Gizelis, T. and Wooden, AE., (2010). Water resources, institutions, & intrastate conflict. Political Geography. 29 (8), 444-453
Gizelis, T-I., (2009). Gender Empowerment and United Nations Peacebuilding. Journal of Peace Research. 46 (4), 505-523
Gizelis, T-I., (2009). Wealth alone does not buy health: Political capacity, democracy, and the spread of AIDS. Political Geography. 28 (2), 121-131
Gizelis, T., (2009). Gender Empowerment and United Nations Peacebuilding. Journal of Peace Research. 46 (4), 503-523
Li, J., Feng, Y. and Gizelis, I., (2007). China's New Social Security System in the Making: Problems and Prospects. International Journal of Public Administration. 31 (1), 5-23
Gizelis, T., Feng, Y. and Li, J., (2007). China's New Social Security System in the Making: Problems and Prospects. International Journal of Public Administration. 31 (1), 5-23
Gizelis, I., (2007). ■ Thakur, Ramesh & Peter Malcontent, eds, 2004. From Sovereign Impunity to International Accountability. New York: United Nations University Press. viii + 295 pp. ISBN 9280811002. Journal of Peace Research. 44 (2), 253-254
Gizelis, I., (2007). ■ Paul, T. V.; James J. Wirtz & Michael Fortmann, eds, 2004. Balance of Power: Theory and Practice in the 21st Century. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. vii + 375 pp. ISBN 0804750173. Journal of Peace Research. 44 (2), 252-252
Gizelis, I., (2006). The Political Use of Military Force in US Foreign Policy. Journal of Peace Research. 43 (6), 755-756
Gizelis, I., (2006). The Russian Military: Power and Policy. Journal of Peace Research. 43 (6), 756-756
Gizelis, I., (2006). The history of human rights: From ancient times to the globalization era.. JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH. 43 (1), 120-120
Baev, P., (2006). Book Note: Energy, Wealth and Governance in the Caucasus and Central Asia: Lessons Not Learned. Journal of Peace Research. 43 (4), 491-491
Gizelis, TI. and Kosek, KE., (2005). Why humanitarian interventions succeed or fail: The role of local participation. Cooperation and Conflict. 40 (4), 363-383
Gizelis, T-I., (2005). Globalization, Integration, and the European Welfare State. International Interactions. 31 (2), 139-162
Gizelis, T. and Kosek, K., (2005). Why Humanitarian Interventions Succeed or Fail. Cooperation and Conflict. 40 (4), 363-383
Gizelis, T., (2005). Globalization, Integration, and the European Welfare State. International Interactions. 31 (2), 139-162
Gizelis, I., (2005). Engaging Eurasia's separatist states: Unresolved conflicts and de facto states.. JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH. 42 (5), 645-645
(2005). Book Notes. Journal of Peace Research. 42 (5), 637-650
Feng, Y. and Gizelis, TI., (2002). Building Political Consensus and Distributing Resources: A Trade‐Off or a Compatible Choice?. Economic Development and Cultural Change. 51 (1), 217-236
Friedman, F. and Gizelis, I., (1997). Fighting in Bosnia: An expected utility evaluation of possible settlements. International Interactions. 23 (3-4), 351-365
Books (2)
(2015). Gender, Peace and Security. Routledge. 9781138800021
Gizelis, T., (2010). Globalization, Integration, and the Future of European Welfare States.. University of Manchester Press. 0719081106. 978-0719081101
Book chapters (7)
Olsson, L. and Gizelis, T-I., (2019). The Production of the 2015 Global Study. In: The Oxford Handbook of Women, Peace, and Security. Editors: Davies, SE. and True, J., . Oxford University Press. 121- 132. 9780190638276
Olsson, L. and Gizelis, T., (2017). The Production of the Global Study: What’s in a measurement?. In: Oxford Handbook on Women, Peace and Security. Editors: Davies, S., . Oxford University Press (OUP)
Gizelis, T., Dorussen, H. and Petrova, M., (2016). Research Findings on the Evolution of Peacekeeping. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Editors: Thompson, WR., . Oxford University Press
Olsson, L. and Gizelis, TI., (2015). An introduction to resolution 1325: Measuring progress and impact. In: Gender, Peace and Security Implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1325. Editors: Olsson, L. and Gizelis, TI., . Routledge. 1- 15. 9781317627944
Gizelis, TI. and Krause, J., (2015). Exploring gender mainstreaming in security and development. In: Gender, Peace and Security: Implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1325. 165- 184. 9781138800021
Gizelis, TI., (2007). Enforcing alone: Collective action in ethnic conflicts settlement. In: Resources Governance and Civil Conflict. 165- 177
Gizelis, T., (2007). Enforcing alone. In: Resources, Governance and Civil Conflict. Editors: �berg, M. and Str�m, K., . Routledge. 165- 177. 978-0415416719
Reports and Papers (1)
Benson, M. and Gizelis, T-I., (2022). Militarization and Women’s Empowerment in Post-Conflict Societies
Other (1)
Dorussen, H. and Gizelis, T., (2015).Flipping the Classroom in Teaching Conflict Resolution,inpracticearticles
Grants and funding
How political violence affects women
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)
Peacekeeping Dividends and Post-conflict Development
European Research Council
Gender Budgeting in Myanmar
International Development Research Centre
Undertstanding the Effects of Liberian Ebola-related Quarantines on government trust
The British Academy
Armed Conflict and Maternal Health in Sub-Saharan Africa
Research Council of Norway
A country of their Own: Womens Organisations and Peacebuilding Operations
The British Academy
A Country of their Own: Women's Organisations..
Economic & Social Research Council