Professor Miriam Glucksmann

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5.404, Colchester Campus
I came to Essex University in 1991 having previously taught at Brunel, Leicester and South Bank universities in the UK. I have also held research fellowships in the UK (the Ginsberg Research Fellowship at the LSE and the Hallsworth Senior Research Fellowship at the University of Manchester) and abroad (in 1998 at the Research School of Social Sciences at Australian National University in Canberra and at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences in Uppsala). I was Head of the Sociology Department here at Essex between 1999 and 2001. From 2004 to 2006, I was funded by an ESRC Professorial Fellowship to undertake a 3 year program of research in- Transformations of Work: New Frontiers, Shifting Boundaries, Changing Temporalities (see;) and I am currently writing a book based on this research. In 2005 I was elected a Fellow of the British Academy, and was awarded the 'Kerstin Hesselgren' Visiting Professorship for 2007 by the Swedish Research Council, hosted by the Economic History Department of Stockholm University. I am currently funded (2010 - 2013) by a European Research Council Advanced Investigator Grant to undertake a programme of research on 'Consumption Work and Societal Divisions of Labour'.
BA London,
PhD London,
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Transformations of work and employment
Global changes in the division of labour
The gendering of work and women's work and employment
Shifting boundaries between the work of production, distribution and consumption
The work of consumption
Food preparation work
Remotely located work
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 1/10/2014

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/1/2014
Journal articles (20)
Glucksmann, M., (2016). Completing and Complementing: The Work of Consumers in the Division of Labour. Sociology. 50 (5), 878-895
Wheeler, K. and Glucksmann, M., (2015). ‘It's Kind of Saving them a Job isn't it?’ The Consumption Work of Household Recycling. The Sociological Review. 63 (3), 551-569
Glucksmann, MA., (2014). Bake or buy? Comparative and theoretical perspectives on divisions of labour in food preparation work. Anthropology of food. S10 (S10), 45-paragraphs
Wheeler, K. and Glucksmann, M., (2013). Economies of Recycling, ‘Consumption Work’ and Divisions of Labour in Sweden and England. Sociological Research Online. 18 (1), 1-14
Glucksmann, M., (2012). Reflecting onWomen on the Line: Continuities and Change in Women's Work. International Labor and Working-Class History. 81 (1), 168-173
Glucksmann, MA., (2009). Formations, Connections and Divisions of Labour. Sociology. 43 (5), 878-895
Glucksmann, MA., (2008). Arbete i omvandling. Od & Bild. 3, 104-113
Lyon, D. and Glucksmann, MA., (2008). Comparative Configurations of Care Work across Europe. Sociology. 42 (1), 101-118
Glucksmann, MA., (2008). V. Airbrushing the History of Feminism: `Race' and Ethnicity. Feminism & Psychology. 18 (3), 405-409
(2008). Erratum. Sociology. 42 (4), 794-796
Glucksmann, MA. and Nolan, J., (2007). New technologies and the transformations of women's labour at home and work. Equal Opportunities International. 26 (2), 96-112
Glucksmann, MA. and Lyon, D., (2006). Configurations or care work: paid and unpaid elder care in Italy and the Netherlands. Sociological Research Online. 11 (2), 25-39
Parry, J., Taylor, R., Pettinger, L. and Glucksmann, M., (2005). Confronting the Challenges of Work Today: New Horizons and Perspectives. The Sociological Review. 53 (2_suppl), 1-18
Glucksmann, M., (2005). Shifting Boundaries and Interconnections: Extending the ‘Total Social Organisation of Labour’. The Sociological Review. 53 (2_suppl), 19-36
Glucksmann, MA., (2004). Call configurations: varieties of call centre and divisions of labour. Work, Employment & Society. 18 (4), 795-811
Glucksmann, MA., (1998). `What a Difference a Day Makes': A Theoretical and Historical Exploration of Temporality and Gender. Sociology. 32 (2), 239-258
Glucksmann, MA., (1995). Why ‘Work’? Gender and the ‘Total Social Organization of Labour’. Gender, Work & Organization. 2 (2), 63-75
GLUCKSMANN, MA., (1995). Some Do, Some Don't (But in Fact They All Do Really); Some Will, Some Won't; Some Have, Some Haven't: Women, Men, Work, and Washing Machines in Inter‐War Britain. Gender & History. 7 (2), 275-294
Glucksmann, M., (1994). Working through Gender: The Inter-Weaving of New Technology in Workplace and Home. Work, Employment and Society. 8 (4), 623-628
Glucksmann, MA., (1990). Domestic and Wage Labour: Women's Class Relations in Interwar Britain. Rethinking Marxism. 3 (2), 161-172
Books (6)
Glucksmann, M., (2022). Women Assemble. Routledge
Wheeler, K. and Glucksmann, M., (2015). Household Recycling and Consumption Work - Social and Moral Economies. Palgrave MacMillan. 9781137440433
Glucksmann, MA., (2014). Structuralist Analysis in Contemporary Social Thought (RLE Social Theory) A Comparison of the Theories of Claude Lévi-Strauss and Louis Althusser. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. 978-1-13-878259-4
Glucksmann, M., (2013). Cottons and Casuals: The Gendered Organisation of Labour in Time and Space. sociologypress. 1134280866. 9781134280865
Glucksmann, MA., (2009). Women on the Line (2nd edition). Routledge. 9781134023844
Pettinger, L., Perry, J., Taylor, R. and Glucksmann, M., (2006). A New Sociology of Work?. Wiley-Blackwell. 140513903X. 9781405139038
Book chapters (11)
Glucksmann, MA., Shifting boundaries: the “total social organisation of labour revisited. In: The New Sociology of Work. Editors: Pettinger, L., Parry, J., Taylor, R. and Glucksmann, M., . Blackwell/ Sociological Review Monograph.
Glucksmann, M., (2015). The structuralism of levi-strauss and althusser. In: Approaches to Sociology: An Introduction to Major Trends in British Sociology. 230- 245
Glucksmann, M., (2013). Silenced by law: The cautionary tale of women on the line. In: Secrecy and Silence in the Research Process: Feminist Reflections. 200- 207
Glucksmann, MA., (2010). es plats cuisinés et la nouvelle division internationale du travail. In: Le sexe de la mondialisation: Genre, classe, race et nouvelle division du travail. Editors: Falquet, J., Hirata, H. and Kergoat, D., . Presses de Sciences Politiques. 85- 98. 9782724611458
Glucksmann, M., (2009). Silenced by Law: the Cautionary Tale of Women on the Line. In: Secrecy and Silence in the Research Process: feminist reflections. Editors: Ryan-Flood, R. and Gill, R., . Routledge. 200- 207. 9780415452144
Glucksmann, MA., (2007). Telephone transactions: instituting new processes of exchange and distribution. In: Karl Polanyi : new perspectives on the place of the economy in society. Editors: Harvey, M., Randles, S. and Ramlogan, R., . Manchester University Press. 9780719073328
Blackburn, R., (2006). Return of the proletariat? Pension rights and pension finance in the ageing society. In: Rights: Sociological Perspectives. Editors: Morris, L., . Routledge. 37- 54. 9780415355216
Glucksmann, MA., (2006). Developing an economic sociology of care and rights. In: Rights: Sociological Perspectives. Editors: Morris, L., . Routledge
Glucksmann, M., (2006). Domestic Labour. In: Sociology: The Key Concepts. 63- 64
Glucksmann, M., (2006). Time and space. In: Sociology: The Key Concepts. 182- 184
Glucksmann, M., (2006). Division of labour. In: Sociology: The Key Concepts. 59- 63
Reports and Papers (1)
Glucksmann, MA., (2013). Working to consume: consumers as the missing link in the division of labour