Dr Mrinalini Greedharry

mrinalini.greedharry@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
SP 2025 Academic Support Hours Thursdays 12-2 pm
Dr Mrinalini Greedharry is a humanities scholar who has recently been given refuge at Essex Business School. Her main research interest is in the ways that the study of literature is theorized, practiced, and organized from its origins in the Anglophone empire as a means of colonizing Brown and Black subjects to its contemporary transformation into a means of decolonizing both former colonial and metropolitan citizens. She is currently working on a book about the past and future of postcolonial literary studies. Mrinalini's work is underpinned by curiosity about how epistemological frameworks preserve, maintain, and normalize relations of unequal power. Her work on psychoanalytic theory, for example, investigates how colonial assumptions about subjects continually overlook questions about culture and racialization. On the other side of the epistemological encounter, she is deeply interested in how Black and Brown writers produce theories of the world themselves through lite-writing, auto-ethnography, and auto theory. She welcomes queries from graduate students who want to examine the colonial, postcolonial, and decolonial politics of knowledge. For example, she would be interested in projects that examine: - the colonial logic of diversity and other management techniques aimed at creating racial equality - decolonizing academic writing in the social sciences and humanities - literary though in and as management - the dominance of psychoanalytic and 'psy' discourse in management
PhD Goldsmiths University of London,
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Research Methods in Management and Marketing (BE425)
Independent Study Project: Management/Marketing (BE938)
Student Success Tutorial (BE917)
Journal articles (11)
Greedharry, M., Social Constructionism
Aguiar, M., Greedharry, M. and Tölölyan, K., Postcolonial Studies and Diaspora Studies
Greedharry, M., (2024). In Other Theories: Colonial Reason, Language, And Literature in Ankhi Mukherjee’s Unseen City. Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry. 11 (1), 59-65
Greedharry, M., (2024). A thousand tiny theories: The colonized subject, postcolonial literature, and decolonial epistemologies. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society
Greedharry, M., Limki, R., Johansson, M., Johnson, JL. and Ahonen, P., (2023). Race difference and power: Recursions of coloniality in work and organization. Gender, Work and Organization. 30 (2), 457-468
Meriläinen, S., Tienari, J. and Greedharry, M., (2023). Feminist theorizing in organization studies: A way forward with Marta Calás and Linda Smircich. Organization. 30 (6), 1188-1194
Greedharry, M., (2021). The limits of literature as liberation: Colonialism, governmentality, and the humanist subject. Management Learning. 52 (2), 243-254
Harvey, G., Finniear, J. and Greedharry, M., (2019). Women in aviation: A study of insecurity. Research in Transportation Business & Management. 31, 100366-100366
Greedharry, M., (2016). Review of A critical psychology of the postcolonial: The mind of apartheid.. Psychoanalytic Psychology. 33 (2), 355-358
Malkin, V., (2013). Unconscious Dominions: Psychoanalysis, Colonial Trauma, and Global Sovereignties. Contemporary Psychoanalysis. 49 (4), 642-649
Greedharry, M., (2013). Unconscious Dominions: Psychoanalysis, Colonial Trauma, and Global Sovereignties. HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF THE LIFE SCIENCES. 35 (1), 125-126
Books (1)
Greedharry, M., (2008). Postcolonial Theory and Psychoanalysis: From Uneasy Engagements to Effective Critique. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 9781349356539
Book chapters (12)
Rajan-Rankin, S. and Greedharry, M., (2023). Gender on the Post-colony: Phenomenology, Race, and the Body in Nervous Conditions. In: Interpreting the Body: Between Meaning and Matter. Editors: Champagne, A-M. and Friedman, A., . Bristol University Press. 88- 108. 978-1529211566
Greedharry, M., (2022). Thinking through the critics: strategies of filiation, affiliation, and disaffiliation in postcolonial lifewriting. In: Racial Dimensions of Life Writing in Education. Editors: Hinton, K. and Bailey, LE., . Information Age Publishing. 45- 62. 9798887300375
Greedharry, M., Harvey, G. and Finniear, J., (2022). Trade Unions and Organising Women in Civil Aviation. In: Women, Work and Transport. Editors: Wright, T., Budd, L. and Ison, S., . Emerald Publishing Limited. 323- 337. 1800716702. 9781800716704
Greedharry, M., Ahonen, P. and Tienari, J., (2021). Colonialism as Context in Diversity Research. In: Routledge Companion to Organizational Diversity Research Methods. Editors: Nørholm Just, S., Risberg, A. and Villesèche, F., . Routledge. 13- 23. 9780367211486
Greedharry, M., (2020). Living, Reading, and Dying in the Didactic Void: Roberto Bolaño’s 2666 and Organized Literature. In: Organization 2666. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. 89- 107. 9783658296490
Greedharry, M., Ahonen, P. and Tienari, J., (2020). Race and identity in organizations. In: The Oxford Handbook of Identities in Organizations. Editors: Brown, AD., . Oxford University Press. 654- 668. 9780198827115
Greedharry, M., (2020). Unhomed knowledge: The diasporic family as site of subaltern pedagogy. In: Subaltern Women's Narratives Strident Voices, Dissenting Bodies. Editors: Bonnerjee, S., . Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality. 60- 70. 0367639017. 9780367639013
Greedharry, M., Ahonen, P. and Tienari, J., (2020). Race and identity in organizations. In: The Oxford Handbook of Identities in Organizations. 654- 668
Greedharry, M. and Ahonen, P., (2015). Managing Postcolonialism. In: What Postcolonial Theory Does Not Say. Editors: Bernard, A., Elmarsafy, Z. and Murray, S., . Routledge. 49- 66. 9780415857970
Greedharry, M., (2008). Homi Bhabha and the Psychoanalytic Truth. In: Postcolonial Theory and Psychoanalysis. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 73- 104. 9781349356539
Greedharry, M., (2008). Reshaping Postcolonial Relations with Psychoanalysis. In: Postcolonial Theory and Psychoanalysis. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 135- 158. 9781349356539
Greedharry, M., (2008). The Fanonian Psychoanalytic. In: Postcolonial Theory and Psychoanalysis. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 15- 43. 9781349356539
Academic support hours:
SP 2025 Academic Support Hours Thursdays 12-2 pm