Professor Christopher Green

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 874980
2S2.4.13, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
By Appointment
Chris is the Director of Education in the School of Health and Social Care (HSC) leading a range initiatives to design and deliver the ambitious HSC Education Strategy. Chris has previously held leadership roles in Practice Partnerships, Medical and Clinical Education and Interprofessional Education. Chris undertakes and supports systematic reviews of health professions education. He is Associate Editor for the Journal of Interprofessional Care and is external consultant to the PROFRES Research School (Norway). Prospective PhD students with an interest in health professions education, critical pedagogies, interprofessional education and workforce development are encouraged to apply.
Ph.D. Nursing Studies University of Essex,
M.Sc. Adult Nursing University of Essex,
PG.Dip. Medical and Clinical Education University of Essex,
University of Essex
Professor, HSC, University of Essex (1/10/2022 - present)
Director of Education, HSC, University of Essex (1/9/2020 - present)
Senior Lecturer, University of Essex (1/10/2016 - 30/9/2022)
Lecturer, University of Essex (1/10/2010 - 30/9/2016)
Fixed-term Teacher, University of Essex (1/10/2007 - 30/9/2010)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Critical evidence synthesis in health professions education
Interprofessional education and collaborative person-centred practice
The contribution of theory and pedagogy to health professions education
Critical and post-structuralist perspectives on health professions education discourse
Innovative and critical pedagogies in curriculum design
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation (HS908)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Health Care Education
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 28/10/2024

Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 19/4/2024

Degree subject: Health and Organisational Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/12/2021

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 20/12/2018

Degree subject: Applied Psychology
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 7/10/2016

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 13/2/2014
Journal articles (10)
Lackie, K., Najjar, G., El-Awaisi, A., Frost, J., Green, C., Langlois, S., Lising, D., Pfeifle, AL., Ward, H., Xyrichis, A. and Khalili, H., (2020). Interprofessional education and collaborative practice research during the COVID-19 pandemic: Considerations to advance the field. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 34 (5), 583-586
Walsh, K., Noben, C., Gregory, S., Lim, WS., Green, C., Roberts, T., Maloney, S., Ilic, D., Rivers, G. and Reeves, S., (2018). Cost–benefit analysis of healthcare professional education: report of a conference workshop. BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning. 4 (2), 95-96
Hean, S., Green, C., Anderson, E., Morris, D., John, C., Pitt, R. and O’Halloran, C., (2018). The contribution of theory to the design, delivery, and evaluation of interprofessional curricula: BEME Guide No. 49. Medical Teacher. 40 (6), 542-558
Rouse, J. and Green, C., (2018). What Factors Influence General Practice Specialist Trainees’ Engagement with their E-portfolio?. MedEdPublish. 7 (3), 173-173
Hean, S., Anderson, L., Green, C., John, C., Pitt, R. and O’Halloran, C., (2016). Reviews of theoretical frameworks: Challenges and judging the quality of theory application. Medical Teacher. 38 (6), 613-620
Green, C., Taylor, C., Buckley, S. and Hean, S., (2016). Beyond synthesis: augmenting systematic review procedures with practical principles to optimise impact and uptake in educational policy and practice. International Journal of Research & Method in Education. 39 (3), 329-344
Green, C., Anderson, L., Joseph, S., McFadyen, A. and Reeves, S., (2015). Expanding interprofessional research in the United Kingdom: A new national research group. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 29 (5), 407-408
Green, C., (2014). The making of the interprofessional arena in the United Kingdom: a social and political history. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 28 (2), 116-122
Thistlethwaite, J., (2013). Introducing the Global Research Interprofessional Network (GRIN). Journal of Interprofessional Care. 27 (2), 107-109
Green, C., (2013). Relative distancing: A grounded theory of how learners negotiate the interprofessional. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 27 (1), 34-42
Book chapters (3)
Lackie, K., Lising, D., Friere Filho, JR., Green, C., Maxwell, B., Pfeifle, AL. and Ward, H., (2021). InterprofessionalResearch.Global Incubating Global Communities to Support IPECP Research Worldwide. In: Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice International Approaches at Micro, Meso, and Macro Levels. Editors: Joosten-Hagye, D. and Khalili, H., . Cognella. 254- 267. 1793510687. 9781793510686
MacMillan, K., Langlois, S., Miller, SG., Cole, V., Green, C., Hunt, AW., Pendergast, N. and Pfeifle, AL., (2021). Development of Student Leadership and Interprofessional Collaborative Competencies. In: Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice International Approaches at Micro, Meso, and Macro Levels. Editors: Joosten-Hagye, D. and Khalili, H., . 357- 369. 1793510687. 9781793510686
Hean, S., Doucet, S., Bainbridge, L., Green, C., Ball, V., Anderson, L., Baldwin, C., Pitt, R., Snyman, S., Schmidt, M., Clark, P., Gilbert, J. and Oandesan, I., (2015). Moving from atheoretical to theoretical approaches to interprofessional client-centred collaborative practice. In: Interprofessional Client-Centred Collaborative Practice: What Does it Look Like? How Can it be Achieved?. Editors: Orchard, C. and Bainbridge, L., . Nova Science Publishers. 978-1-63483-811-5
Reports and Papers (1)
Green, C., Khalili, H., Park, V. and Daulton, B., Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP) in Post COVID Healthcare Education and Practice Transformation Era
Grants and funding
Implementation strategies to support student wellbeing in practice learning settings
Long term Impact of Care Closer to Home on Anglian Community Enterprise
Anglian Community Enterprise
Academic support hours:
By Appointment