Tatjana Grote

t.grote@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
- international humanitarian law, international human rights law, personal data, online privacy, military cyberoperations, military occupation, law and technology
Tatjana Grote is a PhD candidate at the University of Essex. Her research focuses on the international legal framework governing the military collection and processing of civilian personal data during armed conflict. She has published several peer-reviewed articles on questions of international humanitarian law, new technologies and international criminal law. She has been invited to present a paper on data protection during armed conflict at the Cycon 2024 conference in Tallinn (Estonia). Tatjana holds a Master of Laws from London School of Economics and Policial Science (UK) with a specialism in Public International Law and a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from Technische Universität Dresden (Germany). She has completed traineeships with the International Criminal Court, the European Commissions Directorate for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations and the Geneva-based NGO Huridocs. Selected publications: Crimes of Humanity: International Criminal Law as a Collective Psychological Defence Mechanism (2024) 24 International Criminal Law Review 215 Best of Both World? The Interplay between International Human Rights and the Law of Armed Conflict in Cyberspace (2022) 8 LSE Law Review 179 Important Update Needed: Can International Human Rights Law Help to Address the Non-Physical Harm Caused by Military Cyberoperations? (LSE Law Review Blog, 15 February 2022)
Master of Laws (Public International Law) London School of Economics and Political Science (2022)
Bachelor of Arts (International Relations) Technische Universität Dresden (2020)
Research and professional activities
The international legal regulation of the military collection, retention and use of civilian personal data during armed conflict
Supervisor: Professor Noam Lubell