
Professor Emily Grundy

Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER)
Professor Emily Grundy



Emily Grundy joined the University of Essex in October 2017 as Professor of Population Science in the Institute for Social & Economic Research (ISER), and served as Institute Director 2017-2020. Before joining ISER she was Professor of Demography at the London School of Economics. Previous appointments include positions at the University of Cambridge, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, and King’s College, London. Emily Grundy is a demographer whose research has focussed on health , disability and mortality at older ages; family and household change; family life courses and later life health and well-being; intergenerational exchanges, and the demography of ageing. Prof Grundy has been awarded numerous UK and international grants, including an ERC Advanced Grant (2013-2018) and has served as President of the British Society for Population Studies, Chair of the UK Population Investigation Committee, elected Secretary General and then Council member of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population and on a range of international and national advisory committees and review boards. She is a Fellow of the British Academy and of the Academy of Social Sciences.


  • PhD Medical Demography University of London,

  • MSc Medical Demography London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, (1979)

  • BA University of Cambridge,


University of Essex

  • Professor of Population Science, ISER, University of Essex (2/10/2017 - present)

Other academic

  • Professor of Demography, Social Policy, London School of Economics (1/1/2013 - 1/1/2018)

  • Professor of Demography, University of Cambridge (1/1/2011 - 1/1/2013)

  • Reader then Professor of Demographic Gerontology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (1/1/1998 - 1/1/2011)

  • Lecturer then Reader in Social Gerontology, Gerontology, King's College London (1/9/1986 - 1/9/2003)

  • Research Fellow, Social Statistics Research Unit, The City University (1/9/1983 - 1/9/1986)

  • Research Officer, Health Care of the Elderly, University of Nottingham (1/9/1981 - 1/9/1983)

Research and professional activities

Conferences and presentations

Family life courses and intergnerational influences on later life health and well-being in Europe

Keynote presentation, European Population Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 12/6/2024

Teaching and supervision

Previous supervision

Katrin Gasior
Katrin Gasior
Thesis title: The Heterogeneity of Social Policy Impact and Coping Mechanisms in Challenging Times
Degree subject: Applied Social and Economic Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/12/2023


Journal articles (225)

Tosi, M. and Grundy, EM., Returns home by children and changes in parents' well-being in Europe. Social Science & Medicine. nk (nk)

Zueras, P. and Grundy, E., (2024). Assessing the impact of caregiving for older parents on caregivers' health: Initial health status and trajectories of physical and mental health among midlife caregivers for parents and parents-in-law in Britain. Social Science and Medicine. 342, 116537-116537

Murphy, M. and Grundy, E., (2024). Housing tenure and disability in the UK: Trends and projections 2004-2030. Frontiers in Public Health. 11, 1248909-

Steele, F., Zhang, S., Grundy, E. and Burchardt, T., (2024). Longitudinal analysis of exchanges of support between parents and children in the UK. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society. 187 (2), 279-304

Wu, J. and Grundy, E., (2023). ‘Boomerang’ moves and young adults’ mental well-being in the United Kingdom. Advances in Life Course Research. 56, 100531-100531

McCrory, C., McLoughlin, S., Layte, R., NiCheallaigh, C., O'Halloran, AM., Barros, H., Berkman, LF., Bochud, M., M Crimmins, E., T Farrell, M., Fraga, S., Grundy, E., Kelly-Irving, M., Petrovic, D., Seeman, T., Stringhini, S., Vollenveider, P. and Kenny, RA., (2023). Towards a consensus definition of allostatic load: a multi-cohort, multi-system, multi-biomarker individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis.. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 153, 106117-106117

Tajvar, M., Grundy, E., Fletcher, A., Allen, E. and Karami, B., (2023). Role of family factors in provision and perception of social support for older people in Iran: a cross-sectional survey. BMC Primary Care. 24 (1), 279-

Murphy, MJ. and Grundy, EMD., (2022). Slowdown in Mortality Improvement in the Past Decade: A US/UK Comparison. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B. 77 (Supplement_2), S138-S147

Tajvar, M., Fletcher, A., Grundy, E., Karami, B. and Mohabbati, F., (2022). Gender Interaction in Association of Perceived Social Support and Health-Related Quality of Life Among Iranian Older People: A Cross-sectional Survey. Health Promotion Perspectives. 12 (1), 56-66

Grundy, EM. and Stuchbury, R., (2022). Multimorbidity as assessed by reporting of multiple causes of death: variations by period, sociodemographic characteristics and place of death among older decedents in England and Wales, 2001-2017.. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 76 (8), 699-706

Tosi, M. and Grundy, E., (2021). Work-family life courses and later life health in the the United Kingdom. Ageing and Society. 41 (6), 1371-1397

Salvatore, MA. and Grundy, E., (2021). Area deprivation, perceived neighbourhood cohesion and mental health at older ages: A cross lagged analysis of UK longitudinal data. Health and Place. 67, 102470-102470

Burchardt, T., Steele, F., Grundy, E., Karagiannaki, E., Kuha, J., Moustaki, I., Skinner, C., Zhang, N. and Zhang, S., (2021). Welfare within Families beyond Households: Intergenerational Exchanges of Practical and Financial Support in the UK. LSE Public Policy Review. 2 (1)

Steele, F. and Grundy, E., (2021). Random effects dynamic panel models for unequally-spaced multivariate categorical repeated measures: an application to child-parent exchanges of support. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics. 70 (1), 3-23

Hiilamo, A. and Grundy, EMD., (2020). Household debt and depressive symptoms among older adults in three continental European countries. Ageing and Society. 40 (2), 412-438

van den Broek, T. and Grundy, E., (2020). Does long-term care coverage shape the impact of informal care-giving on quality of life? A difference-in-difference approach. Ageing and Society. 40 (6), 1291-1308

Grundy, E., Read, S. and Väisänen, H., (2020). Fertility trajectories and later-life depression among parents in England. Population Studies. 74 (2), 219-240

Sironi, M., Ploubidis, GB. and Grundy, EM., (2020). Fertility History and Biomarkers Using Prospective Data: Evidence From the 1958 National Child Development Study. Demography. 57 (2), 529-558

Kravdal, O., Tverdal, A. and Grundy, E., (2020). The association between parity, CVD mortality, and CVD risk factors among Norwegian women and men. European Journal of Public Health. 30 (6), 1133-1139

Farina, N., King, D., Burgon, C., Berwald, S., Bustard, E., Feeney, Y., Habibi, R., Comas-Herrera, A., Knapp, M., Banerjee, S., Adelaja, B., Avendano, M., Bamford, S-M., Banerjee, S., Berwald, S., Bowling, A., Burgon, C., Bustard, E., Habibi, R., Comas-Herrera, A., Dangoor, M., Dixon, J., Farina, N., Feeney, Y., Greengross, S., Grundy, E., Hu, B., Jagger, C., Jopling, K., Knapp, M., King, D., Kingston, A., Lombard, D., Lorenz, K., McDaid, D., Park, A-L., Pikhartova, J., Read, S., Rehill, A. and Wittenberg, R., (2020). Disease severity accounts for minimal variance of quality of life in people with dementia and their carers: analyses of cross-sectional data from the MODEM study. BMC Geriatrics. 20 (1), 232-

Read, S., Comas-Herrera, A. and Grundy, E., (2020). Social isolation and memory decline in later life. Journals of Gerontology, Series B. 75 (2), 367-376

Keenan, K. and Grundy, E., (2019). Fertility History and Physical and Mental Health Changes in European Older Adults. European Journal of Population. 35 (3), 459-485

Shelton, N., Marshall, CE., Stuchbury, R., Grundy, E., Dennett, A., Tomlinson, J., Duke-Williams, O. and Xun, W., (2019). Cohort Profile: the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study (The LS). International Journal of Epidemiology. 48 (2), 383-384g

Kravdal, Ø. and Grundy, E., (2019). Children’s age at parental divorce and depression in early and mid-adulthood. Population Studies. 73 (1), 37-56

Gondek, D., Bann, D., Ning, K., Grundy, E. and Ploubidis, GB., (2019). Post-war (1946-2017) population health change in the United Kingdom: A systematic review. PLoS ONE. 14 (7), e0218991-e0218991

van den Broek, T., Tosi, M. and Grundy, E., (2019). Offspring and later-life loneliness in Eastern and Western Europe. Zeitschrift fur Familien-forschung / Journal of Family Research. 31 (2), 199-215

Tosi, M. and Grundy, E., (2019). Intergenerational contacts and depressive symptoms among older parents in Eastern Europe. Aging and Mental Health. 23 (6), 686-692

Grundy, E. and Murphy, M., (2018). Coresidence with a child and happiness among older widows in Europe: Does gender of the child matter?. Population, Space and Place. 24 (3), e2102-

Kravdal, O., Grundy, E. and Keenan, K., (2018). The increasing mortality advantage of the married: The role played by education. Demographic Research. 38 (1), 471-512

van den Broek, T. and Grundy, E., (2018). Parental health limitations, caregiving and loneliness among women with widowed parents: longitudinal eveidence from France. European Journal of Ageing. 15 (4), 369-377

Beenackers, MA., Doiron, D., Fortier, I., Noordzij, JM., Reinhard, E., Courtin, E., Bobak, M., Chaix, B., Costa, G., Dapp, U., Diez Roux, AV., Huisman, M., Grundy, EM., Krokstad, S., Martikainen, P., Raina, P., Avendano, M. and Van Lenthe, FJ., (2018). MINDMAP: Establishing an integrated database infrastructure for research in ageing, mental well-being, and the urban environment. BMC Public Health. 18 (1), 158-

Kravdal, O., Grundy, E. and Keenan, K., (2018). The increasing mortality advantage of the married. DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH. 38, 471-511

Kingston, A., Robinson, L., Booth, H., Knapp, M. and Jagger, C., (2018). Projections of multi-morbidity in the older population in England to 2035: estimates from the Population Ageing and Care Simulation (PACSim) model. Age and Ageing. 47 (3), 374-380

Tosi, M. and Grundy, E., (2018). Returns home by children and changes in parents’ well-being in Europe. Social Science and Medicine. 200, 99-106

Tosi, M. and Grundy, E., (2018). Returns home by children and changes in parents' well-being in Europe. Social Science and Medicine. 200, 99-106

Read, SL. and Grundy, EMD., (2017). Fertility History and Cognition in Later Life. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B. 72 (6), 1021-1031

Keenan, K., Ploubidis, GB., Silverwood, RJ. and Grundy, E., (2017). Life-course partnership history and midlife health behaviours in a population-based birth cohort. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 71 (3), 232-238

Di Gessa, G. and Grundy, E., (2017). The Dynamics of Paid and Unpaid Activities Among People Aged 50–69 in Denmark, France, Italy, and England. Research on Aging. 39 (9), 1013-1038

Kravdal, Ø., Grundy, E. and Skirbekk, V., (2017). Fertility history and use of antidepressant medication in late mid-life: a register-based analysis of Norwegian women and men. Aging & Mental Health. 21 (5), 477-486

Van den Broek, T. and Grundy, EMD., (2017). Loneliness among Polish migrants in the Netherlands: The impact of presence and location of partners and offspring. Demographic Research. 37 (23), 727-742

Tajvar, M., Grundy, E. and Fletcher, A., (2017). Social support and mental health status of older people: a population-based study in Iran-Tehran. Aging and Mental Health. 22 (3), 344-353

Comas-Herrera, A., John Knapp, MR., Wittenberg, R., Banerjee, S., Bowling, A., Grundy, E., Jagger, C., Farina, N., Lombard, D., Lorenz, K. and McDaid, D., (2017). MODEM: a comprehensive approach to modelling outcome and costs impacts of interventions for dementia. Protocol paper. BMC Health Services Research. 17 (7S_Part_16), 1-8

Comas-Herrera, A., Knapp, M., Wittenberg, R., Banerjee, S., Bowling, A., Grundy, E., Jagger, C., Farina, N., Lombard, D., Lorenz, K. and McDaid, D., (2017). MODEM: A comprehensive approach to modelling outcome and costs impacts of interventions for dementia. Protocol paper. BMC Health Services Research. 17 (1)

Grundy, E., van den Broek, T. and Keenan, K., (2017). Number of Children, Partnership Status, and Later-life Depression in Eastern and Western Europe. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B. 74 (2), 353-363

Silverwood, RJ., Williamson, L., Grundy, EM. and De Stavola, BL., (2016). Pathways between Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Childhood Growth in the Scottish Longitudinal Study, 1991–2001. PLoS ONE. 11 (10), e0164853-e0164853

Ploubidis, GB., Silverwood, R., De Stavola, B. and Grundy, E., (2016). Ploubidis et al. Respond. American Journal of Public Health. 106 (9), e2-e3

Read, S., Grundy, E. and Foverskov, E., (2016). Socio-economic position and subjective health and well-being among older people in Europe: a systematic narrative review. Aging and Mental Health. 20 (5), 529-542

Kravdal, Ø. and Grundy, E., (2016). Health effects of parental deaths among adults in Norway: Purchases of prescription medicine before and after bereavement. SSM - Population Health. 2, 868-875

Barclay, K., Keenan, K., Grundy, E., Kolk, M. and Myrskylä, M., (2016). Reproductive history and post-reproductive mortality: A sibling comparison analysis using Swedish register data. Social Science and Medicine. 155, 82-92

Désesquelles, A., Gamboni, A., Demuru, E., Barbieri, M., Denissov, G., Egidi, V., Frova, L., Pappagallo, M., Goldberger, N., Grundy, E., Marshall, C., Meslé, F., Pechholdova, M. and Sakkeus, L., (2016). We only die once... but from how many causes?. Population and Societies. 534 (1), 1-4

Keenan, K., Foverskov, E. and Grundy, E., (2016). Data sources on the older population in Europe: Comparison of the generations and gender survey (GGS) and the survey of health, ageing and retirement in Europe (SHARE). Population. 71 (3), 547-573

Grundy, E. and Foverskov, E., (2016). Age at First Birth and Later Life Health in Western and Eastern Europe. Population and Development Review. 42 (2), 245-269

Courtin, E., Knapp, M., Grundy, E. and Avendano‐Pabon, M., (2015). Are different measures of depressive symptoms in old age comparable? An analysis of the CES‐D and Euro‐D scales in 13 countries. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. 24 (4), 287-304

Benova, L., Grundy, E. and Ploubidis, GB., (2015). Socioeconomic Position and Health-Seeking Behavior for Hearing Loss Among Older Adults in England. Journals of Gerontology, Series B. 70 (3), 443-452

Wolf, DA., Raissian, KM. and Grundy, E., (2015). Parental disability, parent care, and offspring mental health outcomes. European Journal of Ageing. 12 (3), 175-185

Grundy, E. and Read, S., (2015). Pathways from fertility history to later life health: Results from analyses of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Demographic Research. 32 (1), 107-146

Ploubidis, GB., Silverwood, RJ., DeStavola, B. and Grundy, E., (2015). Life-Course Partnership Status and Biomarkers in Midlife: Evidence From the 1958 British Birth Cohort.. American Journal of Public Health. 105 (8), 1596-1603

Mathur, R., Bhaskaran, K., Chaturvedi, N., Leon, DA., vanStaa, T., Grundy, E. and Smeeth, L., (2014). Completeness and usability of ethnicity data in UK-based primary care and hospital databases. Journal of Public Health. 36 (4), 684-692

McCann, M., Grundy, E. and O’Reilly, D., (2014). Urban and rural differences in risk of admission to a care home: A census-based follow-up study. Health & Place. 30, 171-176

Ploubidis, GB., Benova, L., Grundy, E., Laydon, D. and DeStavola, B., (2014). Lifelong Socio Economic Position and biomarkers of later life health: Testing the contribution of competing hypotheses. Social Science & Medicine. 119, 258-265

Grundy, E. and Kravdal, Ø., (2014). Do short birth intervals have long-term implications for parental health? Results from analyses of complete cohort Norwegian register data.. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 68 (10), 958-964

Di Gessa, G. and Grundy, E., (2014). The relationship between active ageing and health using longitudinal data from Denmark, France, Italy and England. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 68 (3), 261-267

Read, S. and Grundy, E., (2014). Allostatic load and health in the older population of England: a crossed-lagged analysis.. Psychosomatic Medicine. 76 (7), 490-496

Keenan, K., Kenward, MG., Grundy, E. and Leon, DA., (2014). The impact of alcohol consumption on patterns of union formation in Russia 1998–2010: An assessment using longitudinal data. Population Studies. 68 (3), 283-303

Kravdal, Ø. and Grundy, E., (2014). Underuse of medication for circulatory disorders among unmarried women and men in Norway?. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology. 15 (1), 65-

Keenan, K., Grundy, E., Kenward, MG. and Leon, DA., (2014). Women's Risk of Repeat Abortions Is Strongly Associated with Alcohol Consumption: A Longitudinal Analysis of a Russian National Panel Study, 1994–2009. PLoS ONE. 9 (3), e90356-e90356

Ramsay, S., Grundy, E. and O'Reilly, D., (2013). The relationship between informal caregiving and mortality: an analysis using the ONS Longitudinal Study of England and Wales. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 67 (8), 655-660

Rechel, B., Grundy, E., Robine, J-M., Cylus, J., Mackenbach, JP., Knai, C. and McKee, M., (2013). Ageing in the European Union. The Lancet. 381 (9874), 1312-1322

Tajvar, M., Fletcher, A., Grundy, E. and Arab, M., (2013). Social support and health of older people inMiddleEastern countries: A systematic review. Australasian Journal on Ageing. 32 (2), 71-78

Ploubidis, GB., Mathenge, W., De Stavola, B., Grundy, E., Foster, A. and Kuper, H., (2013). Socioeconomic position and later life prevalence of hypertension, diabetes and visual impairment in Nakuru, Kenya. International Journal of Public Health. 58 (1), 133-141

Keenan, K., Kenward, MG., Grundy, E. and Leon, DA., (2013). Longitudinal Prediction of Divorce in Russia: The Role of Individual and Couple Drinking Patterns. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 48 (6), 737-742

Huisman, M., Read, S., Towriss, CA., Deeg, DJH. and Grundy, E., (2013). Socioeconomic Inequalities in Mortality Rates in Old Age in the World Health Organization Europe Region. Epidemiologic Reviews. 35 (1), 84-97

McCann, M., Grundy, E. and O'Reilly, D., (2012). Why is housing tenure associated with a lower risk of admission to a nursing or residential home? Wealth, health and the incentive to keep ‘my home’. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 66 (2), 166-169

Marmot, M., Allen, J., Bell, R., Bloomer, E. and Goldblatt, P., (2012). WHO European review of social determinants of health and the health divide. The Lancet. 380 (9846), 1011-1029

Blomgren, J., Martikainen, P., Grundy, E. and Koskinen, S., (2012). Marital history 1971–91 and mortality 1991–2004 in England & Wales and Finland. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 66 (1), 30-36

Ploubidis, GB., Dale, C. and Grundy, E., (2012). Later life health in Europe: how important are country level influences?. European Journal of Ageing. 9 (1), 5-13

Kravdal, Ø., Grundy, E., Lyngstad, TH. and Wiik, KA., (2012). Family Life History and Late Mid‐Life Mortality in Norway. Population and Development Review. 38 (2), 237-257

Grundy, EM., Albala, C., Allen, E., Dangour, AD., Elbourne, D. and Uauy, R., (2012). Grandparenting and psychosocial health among older Chileans: a longitudinal analysis.. Aging and Mental Health. 16 (8), 1047-1057

Grundy, E. and Read, S., (2012). Social Contacts and Receipt of Help Among Older People in England: Are There Benefits of Having More Children?. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 67 (6), 742-754

Read, S., Grundy, E. and Wolf, DA., (2011). Fertility history, health, and health changes in later life: A panel study of British women and men born 1923–49. Population Studies. 65 (2), 201-215

Ploubidis, GB. and Grundy, E., (2011). Health Measurement in Population Surveys: Combining Information from Self-reported and Observer-Measured Health Indicators. Demography. 48 (2), 699-724

Dangour, AD., Albala, C., Allen, E., Grundy, E., Walker, DG., Aedo, C., Sanchez, H., Fletcher, O., Elbourne, D. and Uauy, R., (2011). Effect of a Nutrition Supplement and Physical Activity Program on Pneumonia and Walking Capacity in Chilean Older People: A Factorial Cluster Randomized Trial. PLoS Medicine. 8 (4), e1001023-e1001023

Read, S. and Grundy, E., (2011). Mental health among older married couples: the role of gender and family life. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 46 (4), 331-341

Grundy, E., (2011). Household transitions and subsequent mortality among older people in England and Wales: trends over three decades. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 65 (4), 353-359

Davies, AR., Grundy, E., Nitsch, D. and Smeeth, L., (2011). Constituent country inequalities in myocardial infarction incidence and case fatality in men and women in the United Kingdom, 1996-2005. Journal of Public Health. 33 (1), 131-138

Ploubidis, GB., DeStavola, BL. and Grundy, E., (2011). Health differentials in the older population of England: An empirical comparison of the materialist, lifestyle and psychosocial hypotheses. BMC Public Health. 11 (1), 390-

Fahy, N., McKee, M., Busse, R. and Grundy, E., (2011). How to meet the challenge of ageing populations. BMJ. 342 (jun20 1), d3815-d3815

READ, S. and GRUNDY, E., (2011). Fertility history and quality of life in older women and men. Ageing and Society. 31 (1), 125-145

Smith, NR. and Grundy, E., (2011). Time period trends in ethnic inequalities in limiting long term illness in England and Wales. Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care. 4 (4), 200-209

Grundy, E. and Kravdal, Ø., (2010). Fertility history and cause-specific mortality: A register-based analysis of complete cohorts of Norwegian women and men. Social Science & Medicine. 70 (11), 1847-1857

Grundy, E., Stuchbury, R. and Young, H., (2010). Households and families: Implications of changing census definitions for analyses using the ONS Longitudinal Study. Population Trends. 139 (1), 64-69

Young, H., Grundy, E., O'Reilly, D. and Boyle, P., (2010). Self-rated health and mortality in the UK: results from the first comparative analysis of the England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland Longitudinal Studies. Population Trends. 139 (1), 11-36

Grundy, EMD. and Tomassini, C., (2010). Marital history, health and mortality among older men and women in England and Wales.. BMC Public Health. 10 (1), 554-

Bowling, A. and Grundy, E., (2009). Differentials in mortality up to 20 years after baseline interview among older people in East London and Essex. Age and Ageing. 38 (1), 51-55

Ploubidis, GB. and Grundy, E., (2009). Later-Life Mental Health in Europe: A Country-Level Comparison. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 64B (5), 666-676

Doyle, Y., McKee, M., Rechel, B. and Grundy, E., (2009). Meeting the challenge of population ageing. BMJ. 339 (oct05 1), b3926-b3926

Walker, DG., Aedo, C., Albala, C., Allen, E., Dangour, AD., Elbourne, D., Grundy, E. and Uauy, R., (2009). Methods for economic evaluation of a factorial-design cluster randomised controlled trial of a nutrition supplement and an exercise programme among healthy older people living in Santiago, Chile: the CENEX study. BMC Health Services Research. 9 (85), 85-

Grundy, E., (2009). Women's fertility and mortality in late mid life: A comparison of three contemporary populations. American Journal of Human Biology. 21 (4), 541-547

Ploubidis, GB. and Grundy, E., (2009). Personality and all cause mortality: Evidence for indirect links. Personality and Individual Differences. 47 (3), 203-208

Doyle, Y., McKee, M., Rechel, B. and Grundy, E., (2009). Meeting the challenge of population ageing. BMJ (Online). 339 (7726), 892-894

Henretta, JC., Grundy, EMD., Okell, LC. and Wadsworth, MEJ., (2008). Early motherhood and mental health in midlife: A study of British and American cohorts. Aging & Mental Health. 12 (5), 605-614

Young, H. and Grundy, E., (2008). Longitudinal perspectives on caregiving, employment history and marital status in midlife in England and Wales. Health & Social Care in the Community. 16 (4), 388-399

GRUNDY, E., (2008). Allan Borowski, Elizabeth Ozanne and Sol Encel (eds), Longevity and Social Change in Australia, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 2007, i-x+397 pp., pbk AUS$ 59.95, ISBN 13: 978 0 86840 889 7.. Ageing and Society. 28 (6), 909-910

Grundy, E. and Kravdal, O., (2008). Reproductive History and Mortality in Late Middle Age among Norwegian Men and Women. American Journal of Epidemiology. 167 (3), 271-279

Davies, AR., Smeeth, L. and Grundy, EMD., (2007). Contribution of changes in incidence and mortality to trends in the prevalence of coronary heart disease in the UK: 1996 2005. European Heart Journal. 28 (17), 2142-2147

de Souza, EM. and Grundy, E., (2007). Intergenerational interaction, social capital and health: Results from a randomised controlled trial in Brazil. Social Science & Medicine. 65 (7), 1397-1409

Murphy, M., Grundy, E. and Kalogirou, S., (2007). The increase in marital status differences in mortality up to the oldest age in seven European countries, 1990–99. Population Studies. 61 (3), 287-298

Grundy, E. and Jitlal, M., (2007). Socio-demographic variations in moves to institutional care 1991 2001: a record linkage study from England and Wales. Age and Ageing. 36 (4), 424-430

Campbell, O., Coleman, M., Cousens, S., Doyle, P., Elbourne, D., Evans, S., Filteau, S., Fine, PEM., Glynn, JR., Grundy, E., Haines, A., Hall, AJ., Hayes, R., Kenward, M., Kirkwood, B., Lamping, DL., Lee, K., Leon, D., Mabey, D., McKee, M., Meade, T., Milligan, P., Mills, A., Patel, V., Peto, J., Pocock, S., Prentice, A., Roberts, I., Rodrigues, LC., Silva, IDS., Smeeth, L., Sondorp, E., Stavola, BD., Timæus, IM., Walt, G., Whittaker, J., Wilkinson, P. and Zaba, B., (2007). Reed Elsevier and the arms trade revisited. The Lancet. 369 (9566), 987-987

Dangour, AD., Albala, C., Aedo, C., Elbourne, D., Grundy, E., Walker, D. and Uauy, R., (2007). A factorial-design cluster randomised controlled trial investigating the cost-effectiveness of a nutrition supplement and an exercise programme on pneumonia incidence, walking capacity and body mass index in older people living in Santiago, Chile: the CENEX study protocol. Nutrition Journal. 6 (1), 14-

Sloggett, A., Young, H. and Grundy, E., (2007). The association of cancer survival with four socioeconomic indicators: a longitudinal study of the older population of England and Wales 1981–2000. BMC Cancer. 7 (20), 20-

GRUNDY, E., (2007). Joyce Cavaye, Hidden Carers, Dunedin Academic Press, Edinburgh, 2006, 96 pp., pbk £12.95, ISBN 13: 978 1903 765 66 1. - Margaret B. Neal and Leslie B. Hammer Working Couples Caring for Children and Aging Parents: Effects on Work and Well-being, Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah, New Jersey, 2007, 392 pp., pbk $32.50, ISBN 13: 978 0 8058 4604 1.. Ageing and Society. 27 (6), 973-975

Falkingham, J. and Grundy, E., (2006). Healthy, wealthy and old?. Nursing Older People. 18 (9), 12-18

Tomassini, C., Grundy, E., Skytthe, A. and Christensen, K., (2006). Twins and Their Health Cost: Consequences of Multiple Births on Parental Health and Mortality in Denmark and England and Wales. Twin Research and Human Genetics. 9 (3), 444-449

Grundy, E., Tomassini, C. and Festy, P., (2006). Demographic change and the care of older people: introduction. European Journal of Population / Revue européenne de Démographie. 22 (3), 215-218

GRUNDY, E. and HENRETTA, JC., (2006). Between elderly parents and adult children: a new look at the intergenerational care provided by the ‘sandwich generation’. Ageing and Society. 26 (5), 707-722

Tomassini, C., Grundy, E., Skytthe, A. and Christensen, K., (2006). Twins and Their Health Cost: Consequences of Multiple Births on Parental Health and Mortality in Denmark and England and Wales. Twin Research and Human Genetics. 9 (3), 444-449

Grundy, E. and Tomassini, C., (2005). Fertility history and health in later life: a record linkage study in England and Wales. Social Science & Medicine. 61 (1), 217-228

Grundy, E., (2005). Commentary: The McKeown debate: time for burial. International Journal of Epidemiology. 34 (3), 529-533

Grundy, E., (2005). Reciprocity in relationships: socio‐economic and health influences on intergenerational exchanges between Third Age parents and their adult children in Great Britain. The British Journal of Sociology. 56 (2), 233-255

Young, H., Grundy, E. and Kalogirou, S., (2005). Who cares? Geographic variation in unpaid caregiving in England and Wales: evidence from the 2001 census.. Population trends (120), 23-34

Buxton, J., Clarke, L., Grundy, E. and Marshall, CE., (2005). The long shadow of childhood: associations between parental social class and own social class, educational attainment and timing of first birth; results from the ONS Longitudinal Study.. Population trends (121), 17-26

Grundy, E. and Festy, P., (2005). Retraite et Societe: Avant-propos. Retraite et Societe. 46 (3), 4-8

Tomassini, C., Grundy, E., Kalogirou, S., Gaymu, J., Martikainen, P., Binet, A. and Karisto, A., (2005). Differentials in Parent-Child Contacts among the Older Populations of Europe. Retraite et Societe. 46 (3), 9-27

Mackenbach, JP., Martikainen, P., Looman, CWN., Dalstra, JAA., Kunst, AE. and Lahelma, E., (2005). The shape of the relationship between income and self-assessed health: an international study. International Journal of Epidemiology. 34 (2), 286-293

Grundy, E., Mayer, D., Young, H. and Sloggett, A., (2004). Living arrangements and place of death of older people with cancer in England and Wales: a record linkage study. British Journal of Cancer. 91 (5), 907-912

Tomassini, C., Glaser, K., Wolf, DA., Broese van Groenou, MI. and Grundy, E., (2004). Living arrangements among older people: an overview of trends in Europe and the USA.. Population trends (115), 24-34

Souza, EMD. and Grundy, E., (2004). Promoção da saúde, epidemiologia social e capital social: inter-relações e perspectivas para a saúde pública. Cadernos de Saúde Pública. 20 (5), 1354-1360

Glaser, K., Tomassini, C. and Grundy, E., (2004). Revisiting convergence and divergence: support for older people in Europe. European Journal of Ageing. 1 (1), 64-72

Grundy, E., (2004). Gender and social inequities in health—a public health issue.. Journal of epidemiology and community health. 58 (11), 963-963

Tomassini, C., Kalogirou, S., Grundy, E., Fokkema, T., Martikainen, P., Broese van Groenou, M. and Karisto, A., (2004). Contacts between elderly parents and their children in four European countries: current patterns and future prospects. European Journal of Ageing. 1 (1), 54-63

Grundy, E. and Sloggett, A., (2003). Health inequalities in the older population: the role of personal capital, social resources and socio-economic circumstances. Social Science & Medicine. 56 (5), 935-947

Murphy, M. and Grundy, E., (2003). Mothers with living children and children with living mothers: the role of fertility and mortality in the period 1911-2050.. Population trends (112), 36-44

Glaser, K., Grundy, E. and Lynch, K., (2003). Transitions to Supported Environments in England and Wales Among Elderly Widowed and Divorced Women: The Changing Balance Between Co-Residence with Family and Institutional Care. Journal of Women & Aging. 15 (2-3), 107-126

GLASER, K. and GRUNDY, E., (2002). Class, caring and disability: evidence from the British Retirement Survey. Ageing and Society. 22 (3), 325-342

HENRETTA, JC., GRUNDY, E. and HARRIS, S., (2002). The influence of socio-economic and health differences on parents' provision of help to adult children: a British–United States comparison. Ageing and Society. 22 (04), 441-458

Grundy, E., (2002). Sunset lives: British retirement migration to the Mediterranean. URBAN STUDIES. 39 (3), 575-576

Grundy, E., (2001). The socioeconomic status of older adults: How should we measure it in studies of health inequalities?. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 55 (12), 895-904

Mackay, DM. and Badrinath, P., (2001). Systematic reviews and Cochrane Collaboration. BMJ. 323 (7315), 755-755

Armstrong, B., Coleman, M., Davies, C., Elbourne, D., Fletcher, A., Grundy, E., Haines, A., Hall, A., Kirkwood, B., Lamping, D., Miles, M., Roberts, I. and Sondorp, E., (2001). Plight of Afghan people must not be forgotten. BMJ. 323 (7315), 755-755

Henretta, JC., Grundy, E. and Harris, S., (2001). Socioeconomic Differences in Having Living Parents and Children: A U.S.‐British Comparison of Middle‐Aged Women. Journal of Marriage and Family. 63 (3), 852-867

Grundy, E. and Shelton, N., (2001). Contact between Adult Children and Their Parents in Great Britain 1986–99. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 33 (4), 685-697

Grundy, E., (2001). The Berlin aging study: Aging from 70 to 100.. POPULATION STUDIES-A JOURNAL OF DEMOGRAPHY. 55 (2), 199-199

Grundy, E. and Holt, G., (2000). Adult life experiences and health in early old age in Great Britain. Social Science & Medicine. 51 (7), 1061-1074

Grundy, E., (2000). Socio-demographic differences in the onset and progression of disability in early old age: a longitudinal study. Age and Ageing. 29 (2), 149-157

Holt, G., (2000). Comparing health inequality in men and women. BMJ. 321 (7266), 961-961

Shelton, N. and Grundy, E., (2000). Proximity of Adult Children to their Parents in Great Britain. International Journal of Population Geography. 6 (3), 181-195

GRUNDY, E., (2000). Co-residence of mid-life children with their elderly parents in England and Wales: Changes between 1981 and 1991. Population Studies. 54 (2), 193-206

Shelton, N. and Grundy, E., (2000). Proximity of adult children to their parents in Great Britain. International Journal of Population Geography. 6 (3), 181-195

(2000). Position paper by the UKCCCR Elderly Cancer Patients in Clinical Trials Working Group. British Journal of Cancer. 82 (1), 1-3

Grundy, E., Jolley, D. and Heath, I., (1999). Funding long term care for older people: Heirs will have to forgo their inheritance. BMJ. 319 (7201), 55-55

Grundy, E., Murphy, M. and Shelton, N., (1999). Looking beyond the household: intergenerational perspectives on living kin and contacts with kin in Great Britain.. Population trends (97), 19-27

GRUNDY, E., (1999). Stephen Jackson, Britain's Population: Demographic Issues in Contemporary Society, Routledge, London 1998, 158 pp., £13.99 pbk, ISBN 0 415 07076 7.. Ageing and Society. 19 (4), 505-516

Grundy, E., Jolley, D. and Heath, I., (1999). Funding long term care for older people (multiple letters) [9]. British Medical Journal. 318 (7201), 55-56

GRUNDY, E. and BOWLING, A., (1999). Enhancing the quality of extended life years. Identification of the oldest old with a very good and very poor quality of life. Aging & Mental Health. 3 (3), 199-212

Grundy, E., (1999). The political economy of population ageing. POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW. 25 (4), 807-808

Grundy, E., (1999). Holding back the years. AGEING AND SOCIETY. 19, 506-507

Glaser, K. and Grundy, E., (1998). Migration and household change in the population aged 65 and over, 1971-1991. International Journal of Population Geography. 4 (4), 323-339

Glaser, K. and Grundy, E., (1998). Migration and household change in the population aged 65 and over, 1971-1991. International Journal of Population Geography. 4 (4), 323-339

Bowling, A. and Grundy, E., (1998). The association between social networks and mortality in later life. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology. 8 (4), 353-361

Glaser, K. and Grundy, E., (1998). Migration and household change in the population aged 65 and over, 1971–1991. International Journal of Population Geography. 4 (4), 323-323

Grundy, E., (1998). Household and family dynamics in ageing societies. European Journal of Population/ Revue europenne de Dmographie. 14 (4), 389-390

BOWLING, ANN. and GRUNDY, E., (1997). Activities of daily living: changes in functional ability in three samples of elderly and very elderly people. Age and Ageing. 26 (2), 107-114

Grundy, E. and Glaser, K., (1997). Trends in, and transitions to, institutional residence among older people in England and Wales, 1971-91.. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 51 (5), 531-540

Grundy, E., (1997). Young v. Old: Generational Combat in the 21st Century. Population Studies. 51 (1), 108-109

GLASER, K., MURPHY, M. and GRUNDY, E., (1997). Limiting Long-Term Illness and Household Structure among People Aged 45 and over, Great Britain 1991. Ageing and Society. 17 (1), 3-19

GRUNDY, E., (1997). Demography and Gerontology: Mortality Trends Among the Oldest Old. Ageing and Society. 17 (6), 713-725

Murphy, M., Glaser, K. and Grundy, E., (1997). Marital Status and Long-Term Illness in Great Britain. Journal of Marriage and the Family. 59 (1), 156-156

Grundy, EM., (1996). Population review: (5). The population aged 60 and over.. Population trends (84), 14-20

Grundy, E., (1996). Averting the Old Age Crisis: Policies to Protect the Old and Promote Growth. Population Studies. 50 (2), 292-293


Grundy, E., (1996). Age, ‘dependency’ and intergenerational relationships. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology. 6 (4), 303-304

Bowling, A., Farquhar, M. and Grundy, E., (1996). Associations with changes in life satisfaction among three samples of elderly people living at home. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 11 (12), 1077-1087

Bowling, A., Farquhar, M. and Grundy, E., (1996). Outcome of anxiety and depression at two and a half years after baseline interview: associations with changes in psychiatric morbidity among three samples of elderly people living at home. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 11 (2), 119-129

Bowling, A., Grundy, E. and Farquhar, M., (1995). Changes in network composition among the very old living in inner London. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology. 10 (4), 331-347

Bowling, A., Farquhar, M. and Grundy, E., (1995). Changes in network composition among older people living in inner London and Essex. Health & Place. 1 (3), 149-166

GRUNDY, E., (1995). Book Reviews. Age and Ageing. 24 (4), 369-369

Grundy, E., (1995). Linda G. Martin and Samuel H. Preston (eds), Demography of Aging, National Academy Press, Washington D.C., 1994, 411 pp., £31.95, ISBN 0 309 05085 5.. Ageing and Society. 15 (3), 437-439

Grundy, E., (1994). Forecasting the Health of Elderly Populations. Population Studies. 48 (3), 542-543

GRUNDY, E., (1994). Book Reviews. Age and Ageing. 23 (6), 526-527

GRUNDY, E., (1994). Book Reviews. Age and Ageing. 23 (1), 87-87

GRUNDY, E., (1994). Book Reviews. Age and Ageing. 23 (2), 173-174

Bowling, A., Farquhar, M. and Grundy, E., (1994). Associations with Changes in Level of Functional Ability. Results from a Follow-up Survey at Two and a Half Years of People Aged 85 Years and Over at Baseline Interview. Ageing and Society. 14 (1), 53-73

Grundy, EMD., (1993). Moves into Supported Private Households among Elderly People in England and Wales. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 25 (10), 1467-1479

Grundy, EMD., (1993). Moves into Supported Private Households among Elderly People in England and Wales. 25 (10), 1467-1479

Grundy, EM., (1993). Moves into supported private households among elderly people in England and Wales.. Environment & planning A. 25 (10), 1-479

Farquhar, M., Bowling, V., Grundy, E. and Formby, J., (1993). Elderly housebound: changes over time. Nursing Standard. 8 (1), 26-31

Farquhar, M., Bowling, A., Grundy, E. and Formby, J., (1993). Elderly people’s use of services: a survey. Nursing Standard. 7 (47), 31-36

Bowling, A., Farquhar, M., Grundy, E. and Formby, J., (1993). Changes in life satisfaction over a two and a half year period among very elderly people living in London. Social Science & Medicine. 36 (5), 641-655

Farquhar, M., Grundy, E. and Dcr, TJF., (1993). Functional ability of very elderly people. Nursing Standard. 7 (51), 31-36

Grundy, E., (1993). Elderly Migration and Population Redistribution. Population Studies. 47 (3), 553-554

Bowling, A., Farquhar, M. and Grundy, E., (1993). Who are the consistently high users of health and social services? A follow-up study two and a half years later of people aged 85+ at baseline. Health & Social Care in the Community. 1 (5), 277-287

GRUNDY, E., (1993). Book Reviews. Age and Ageing. 22 (1), 77-77

Carter, J., (1993). Janet Askham, Emily Grundy and Anthea Tinker, Caring: The Importance of Third Age Carers, Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, Dunfermline, Fife, 1992, 88 pp., £9.50, ISBN 0 900 25925 6.. Ageing and Society. 13 (2), 288-290

Grundy, EMD., (1992). Socio-Demographic Variations in Rates of Movement into Institutions Among Elderly People in England and Wales: An Analysis of Linked Census and Mortality Data 1971–1985. Population Studies. 46 (1), 65-84

Grundy, EMD., (1992). Sociodemographic change and the elderly population of England and Wales. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 7 (2), 75-82

Grundy, E., (1992). The living arrangements of elderly people. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology. 2 (4), 353-361

Grundy, E. and Harrop, A., (1992). Co-residence between Adult Children and their Elderly Parents in England and Wales. Journal of Social Policy. 21 (3), 325-348

Bowling, A., Farquhar, M., Grundy, E. and Formby, J., (1992). Psychiatric morbidity among people aged 85+ in 1987. A follow‐up study at two and a half years: Associations with changes in psychiatric morbidity. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 7 (5), 307-321

Harrop, A. and Grundy, EMD., (1991). Geographic Variations in Moves into Institutions among the Elderly in England and Wales. Urban Studies. 28 (1), 65-86

Farquhar, M., Bowling, A. and Grundy, E., (1991). Elderly people in the community--tailoring the service.. Nursing times. 87 (43), 32-34

Grundy, E., (1991). Ageing: Age-Related Change in Later Life. Population Studies. 45 (1), 133-156

Grundy, E., (1991). Ageing: Age-Related Change in Later Life. Population Studies. 45 (sup1), 133-156

Grundy, E., (1991). History of Old Age. Population Studies. 45 (2), 364-365

Grundy, E., (1990). Later Phases of the Family Cycle: Demographic Aspects. Population Studies. 44 (3), 512-514

GRUNDY, E., (1989). Book Reviews. Age and Ageing. 18 (2), 141-141

GRUNDY, E., (1988). BOOK REVIEWS. Age and Ageing. 17 (1), 65-66

GRUNDY, E., (1988). BOOK REVIEWS. Age and Ageing. 17 (3), 214-214

Grundy, E., (1987). Community care for the elderly 1976-84.. BMJ. 294 (6572), 626-629

Grundy, E., (1987). Singular Paths: Old Men Living Alone. Population Studies. 41 (1), 175-175

Grundy, E., (1987). Our Aging Society. Population Studies. 41 (3), 521-522

Grundy, E., (1987). Retirement Migration and its Consequences in England and Wales. Ageing and Society. 7 (1), 57-82

Grundy, E., (1987). Household Change and Migration among the Elderly in England and Wales. Espace, populations, sociétés. 5 (1), 109-123

Murphy, E., (1986). 60 Years of Suicide in England and Wales. Archives of General Psychiatry. 43 (10), 969-969

Grundy, E., (1986). Migration and fertility behaviour in England and Wales: a record linkage study. Journal of Biosocial Science. 18 (4), 403-423

WAITE, J., GRUNDY, E. and ARlE, TOM., (1986). A Controlled Trial of Antidepressant Medication in Elderly In-Patients. International Clinical Psychopharmacology. 1 (2), 113-126

Grundy, EMD. and Fox, AJ., (1985). Migration during early married life. European Journal of Population. 1 (2-3), 237-263

Grundy, E., (1985). Divorce, widowhood, remarriage and geographic mobility among women. Journal of Biosocial Science. 17 (4), 415-435


Murphy, E. and Grundy, E., (1984). A comparative study of bed usage by younger and older patients with depression. Psychological Medicine. 14 (2), 445-450

Grundy, E., (1984). Mortality and morbidity among the old.. BMJ. 288 (6418), 663-664

GRUNDY, E., (1983). Demography and Old Age. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 31 (6), 325-332

Grundy, E. and Arie, T., (1983). Dead Souls: Crisis Intervention in Geriatrics. British Journal of Psychiatry. 142 (3), 312-313

Grundy, E., (1983). Communication to the editor. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 27 (2), 175-176

Grundy, E. and Arie, T., (1982). Falling rate of provision of residential care for the elderly.. BMJ. 284 (6318), 799-802

Books (9)

Ploubidis, GB., Pongiglione, B., Stavola, BD., Daniel, R., Benova, L., Grundy, E. and Reed, S., (2019). Pathways to Health. Springer. 9402417052. 9789402417050

Dangour, AD., Grundy, EMD. and Fletcher, AE., (2007). Introduction

Dangour, AD., Grundy, EMD. and Fletcher, AE., (2007). Ageing Well Nutrition, Health, and Social Interventions. CRC Press. 1420007564. 9781420007565

Young, H., Grundy, E. and Jitlal, M., (2006). Care providers, care receivers: a longitudinal perspective. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. 9781859355169

Grundy, EMD., Ahlburg, D., Ali, M., Breeze E and Sloggett, A., (1999). ISBN 1 84123 119 3 Disability in Great Britain: results from the 1996/7 Disability Survey. Corporate Document Services. 1 84123 119 3

Disney, R., Britain, IFFSG. and Gerontology, ACIO., (1997). The Dynamics of Retirement Analyses of the Retirement Surveys : a Report of Research Carried Out by the Institute for Fiscal Studies and Age Concern Institute of Gerontology on Behalf of the Department of Social Security. Stationery Office Books (TSO)

Bowling, A., Grundy, E. and Farquhar, M., (1997). Living well inot old age. Age Concern England. 9780862422431

Askham, J., Grundy, E. and Tinker, A., (1992). Caring: The importance of Third Age Carers. Carnegie United Kingdom Trust. 0-900259-25-6

Grundy, EMD., (1989). Longitudinal study women's migration : marriage, fertility, and divorce

Book chapters (40)

Grundy, E., Co-residence.. In: Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Editors: Gu, D. and Dupre, M., . Springer

Grundy, E. and Murphy, M., Marital Status and Family Support for the Oldest-Old in Great Britain. In: International Studies in Population. Springer Netherlands. 415- 436. 9781402048463

ploubidis, G., Benova, L., De Stavola, B. and Grundy, E., Lifelong Socio-economic Position and Later Life Health Related Behaviour: A Formal Mediation Approach. In: Pathways to health. Springer

Tomassini, C. and Grundy, E., (2022). Reproduction and longevity in humans. In: Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Editors: Gu, D. and Dupre, ME., . Springer. 4263- 4269. 3030220087. 9783030220082

Grundy, E. and Murphy, M., (2021). Demography and public health. In: Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health. Oxford University Press. 0191858382. 9780191858383

Grundy, E., (2020). Co-residence. In: Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Editors: Gu, D. and Dupre, M., . Springer. 978-3-319-69892-2

Grundy, E., (2018). Pivot Generation. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development. Sage Publications Inc.. 1664- 1665. 1506307639. 9781506307633

Grundy, EMD. and Murphy, M., (2017). Population ageing in Europe. In: Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine. Editors: Michel, JP., Beattie, BL., Martin, FC. and Walston, J., . Oxford University Press. 11- 17. 0198701594. 9780198701590

Grundy, E., (2016). Ageing and disadvantage. In: Social advantage and disadvantage. Editors: Dean, H. and Platt, L., . Oxford University Press. 201- 219

Grundy, E. and Murphy, MJ., (2015). Demography and public health. In: Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health. Editors: Detels, R., Gulliford, M., Karim, QA. and Tan, CC., . Oxford University Press. 718- 735

Read, S. and Grundy, E., (2015). Physical Activity: A Moderator or Mediator in the Association Between Fertility History and Later Life Health?. Springer. 166- 166

Grundy, E., (2011). Demography and public health. In: Oxford Textbook of Public Health. Editors: Detels, R., Beaglehole, R., Lansang, MA. and Gulliford, MC., . Oxford University Press. 807- 828

Grundy, E., (2010). Family support for older people: determinants and consequences. In: Ageing in Advanced Industrial States: Riding the Age Waves. Editors: Tuljapurkar, S., Ogawa, N. and Gauthier, AH., . Springer Science+Business Media B.V.. 197- 222. 9789048135523

Grundy, E., (2009). Demography and public health. In: Oxford Textbook of Public Health. Editors: Detels, R., Beaglehole, R., Lansang, MA. and Gulliford, MC., . Oxford University Press. 734- 751

Grundy, E., (2009). 7.2 Demography and public health. In: Oxford Textbook of Public Health. Oxford University Press. 9780199218707

Young, H. and Grundy, E., (2009). Living Arrangements, Health and Well-Being. In: Fertility, Living Arrangements, Care and Mobility. Springer Netherlands. 127- 150. 9781402096815

Tomassini, C., Grundy, E. and Kalogirou, S., (2008). Potential family support for older people 2000-2030. In: Future Elderly Living Conditions in Europe. Editors: Gaymu, J., Festy, P., Poulain, M. and Beets, G., . Institut national d’études démographiques (INED). 71- 96

Grundy, E., (2007). Intergenerational exchanges in older populations. In: Ages, Generations and the Social Contract: the Demographic Challenges Facing the Welfare State. Editors: Véron, J., Pennec, S. and Légaré, J., . Springer. 209- 230. 9781402059728

Grundy, E., (2007). Demographic change, family support and ageing well: developed country perspectives. In: Ageing Well: Nutrition, Health, and Social Interventions. Editors: Dangour, AD., Grundy, E. and Fletcher, A., . CRC Press. 85- 102

Grundy, E., (2007). The challenges of ageing: prospects for the family support of older people in 21st century Europe. In: Demographic Challenges for the 21st Century: a State of the Art in Demography. Editors: Surkyn, J., Deboosere, P. and Bavel, JV., . VUB Press. 224- 246

Grundy, E., (2007). Demographic change, family support, and ageing well. In: Society for the Study of Human Biology. CRC Press. 85- 102. 9780849374746

Grundy, E., (2006). Gender and healthy ageing. In: Longer Life and Healthy Aging. Editors: Zeng, Y., Crimmins, EM., Carrière, Y. and Robine, J-M., . Springer. 173- 199. 1402040245

Grundy, E. and Murphy, MJ., (2006). Kin availability, contact and support exchanges between adult children and their parents in Great Britain. In: Kinship Matters. Editors: Ebtehaj, F., Lindley, B. and Richards, M., . Hart Publishing. 195- 215

Grundy, E. and Murphy, MJ., (2006). Marital status and family support for the oldest-old in Great Britain. In: Human Longevity: Individual Life Duration and the Growth of the Oldest-Old Population. Editors: Robine, J-M., Crimmins, EM., Horiuchi, S. and Zeng, Y., . Springer. 415- 436. 9781402048463

Tomassini, C. and Grundy, E., (2006). Culture or kinship: demographic and other influences on living arrangements in mid and later life. In: Entre Nature et Culture : Quelles De?mographies. Actes De la Chaire Quetelet 2002, Louvain-la-Neuve, 22-25 Octobre 2002. Editors: Loriaux, M. and Vilquin, E., . Academia Bruylant. 345- 365

Jefferys, M., (2005). Growing Old in the Twentieth Century. In: Growing Old in the Twentieth Century. Routledge. 131- 152

Grundy, E., (2004). Les échanges intergénérationnels des populations âgeés. In: Age, Générations et Contrat Social : L’état-Providence Face Aux Changements Démographiques. Editors: Véron, J., Pennec, S. and Légaré, J., . Institut national d’études démographiques (INED). 137- 156

Grundy, E., (2004). Memorandum by Emily Grundy, Professor of Demographic Gerontology, Centre for Population Studies, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. In: Sexual Equality in Access to Goods and Services, Vol. 2. Evidence.. The Stationery Office. 191- 194

Grundy, E. and Tomassini, C., (2003). El apoyo familiar de las personas de edad, en Europa: contrastes e implicaciones. In: Notas De Poblacio?n: An?o xxix, No. 77. Naciones Unidas, CEPAL, CELADE Divisio?n de Poblacio?n. 219- 250

Clarke, L. and Grundy, E., (2003). Grandparenthood. In: Encyclopedia of Population. Editors: Demeny, P. and McNicoll, G., . Macmillan Reference USA. 470- 472

Grundy, E., (2003). The epidemiology of ageing. In: Brocklehurst’s Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology. Editors: Tallis, R., Fillit, H. and Brocklehurst, JC., . Churchill Livingstone. 3- 20

Grundy, E., (2002). Demography of the old: implications of recent trends. In: Principles and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry. Editors: Copeland, JRM., Abou-Saleh, MT. and Blazer, DG., . John Wiley & Sons. 90- 91

Grundy, E., (2002). Conditions de vie et état de santé des personnes agées dans les pays developpés. In: Modalités De Résidence des Personnes Âgées: Les Problèmes et Les Réponses En Matière De Politiques. Nations Unies, Division de la population, Département des affaires économiques et sociales. 327- 346

Grundy, E., (2002). Las disposiciones para la vida y la salud de las personas de edad en los paises desarrollados. In: Arreglos Residenciales De Las Personas De Edad: Cuestiones Esenciales y Respuestas En Materia De Política. Nations Unies, Division de la population, Divisio?n de Poblacio?n, Département des affaires économiques et sociales. 335- 356

Grundy, E. and Murphy, MJ., (2001). Demographic trends over the next 20 years: ageing of the population and the health status of the older population. In: Health Trends Review: Proceedings of a Conference Chaired by Professor Sir Michael Peckham, School of Public Policy, University. HM Treasury

Grundy, E., (2001). Living arrangements and the health of older persons in developed countries. In: Population Ageing and Living Arrangements of Older Persons: Critical Issues and Policy Responses. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division. 311- 329

Grundy, E., (2001). Health, health care and death among older adults in England and Wales: a hundred years’ perspective. In: Brass Tacks: Essays in Medical Demography; a Tribute to Professor William Brass. Editors: Zaba, B. and Blacker, J., . The Athlone Press. 270- 291

Grundy, E., Glaser, K. and Murphy, MJ., (2000). The importance of institutional populations in analyses of health in later life. In: Analyzing Census Microdata. Editors: Dale, A., Fieldhouse, E. and Holdsworth, C., . Arnold. 188- 195

Grundy, E., Naidoo, B. and Sloggett, A., (2000). Epidemiological and demographic changes affecting future requirements for beds. In: Shaping the Future Nhs: Long Term Planning for Hospitals and Related Services: Consultation Document on the Findings of the Nati. Department of Health. 85- 87

Grundy, E., (2000). Policy issues of population ageing: a United Kingdom perspective. In: Low Fertility and Policy Responses to Issues of Ageing and Welfare. Editors: Cho, N. and Lee, S., . Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs. 363- 400

Conferences (8)

Read, S. and Grundy, E., (2015). Fertility History and Cognition in Later Life.



Keenan, K., Grundy, E., Kenward, MG. and Leon, DA., (2012). PS39 Alcohol and Harm to Others in Russia: Longitudinal Analysis of Couple Drinking and Subsequent Divorce

Keenan, K., Grundy, E. and Leon, DA., (2011). O2-3.3 Alcohol and harm to others in Russia: the longitudinal relationship between heavy drinking and family disruption


GRUNDY, E., (2006). Ageing and vulnerable elderly people: European perspectives


Reports and Papers (1)

Rechel, B., Doyle, Y., Grundy, E. and McKee, M., (2009). How can health systems respond to population ageing?

Grants and funding


Reproduction, partner disruption and health

Norwegian Institute of Public Health


Families, households and health in ageing populations: Projections and implications

Economic and Social Research Council


The Research Centre on Micro-Social Change (MiSoC)

Economic and Social Research Council

The Research Centre on Micro-Social Change (MiSoC)

Economic and Social Research Council

The Research Centre on Micro-Social Change (MiSoC)

Economic and Social Research Council


Patterns of Fertility and Family Structure in Rich Countries

Research Council of Norway

MINDMAP: Promoting Mental Wellbeing in the Ageing Population: Determinants, Policies and Interventions in European Cities

European Commission

+44 (0) 1206 873904


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