
Professor Dongbing Gu

School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)
Professor Dongbing Gu
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 874800

  • Location

    1NW.3.22, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    My Academic Support Hours will be Monday 10:00-11:00, Friday 11:00-12:00 in Autumn Term. Tuesday 11:00-13:00 in Spring Term.



Member of the Robotics Group Dongbing Gu is a professor in the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering. His main research interests include robotics, autonomous systems, machine learning, multi-robot systems, cooperative control, SLAM, UAVs, and process automation. He has significant research experience in developing advanced robotic technologies and his research has been funded by UK Research Councils (EPSRC), InnovateUK, Royal Society, European Commission, British Council as well as industrial companies. He has published more than 200 scientific papers in refereed books, journals and conference proceedings in his research area. He has served as general chair, programme chair, and member on scientific and organizing committees of numerous international conferences. He is a member of the editorial board of Cognitive Computation, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, Frontiers in Robotics and AI: Multi-robot systems. He was the chair of Chinese Automation and Computing Society in the UK (2016-2017). He was an executive member of IET Robotics and Mechatronics Network (2012-2015).


  • PhD University of Essex, (2004)

  • MSc Beijing Institute of Technology, (1988)

  • BSc Beijing Institute of Technology, (1985)


University of Essex

  • Professor, University of Essex (1/10/2012 - present)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Machine Learning

Open to supervise

Cooperative Control

Open to supervise

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Open to supervise


Open to supervise


Open to supervise

Autonomous Systems

Open to supervise

Navigation, Control and Guidance

Open to supervise

Current research

Robotics, Autonomous systems, Machine Learning, SLAM, Cooperative Control, UAVs

Conferences and presentations

From SLAM to 3D perception

Keynote presentation, Keynote at the 26th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC2021), 2-4 Sep. 2021, 3/9/2021

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Robotics (CE215)

  • Programming Embedded Systems (CE865)

Previous supervision

Han Yang
Han Yang
Thesis title: Robust and Efficient Federated Learning Algorithms Against Adaptive Model Poisoning Attacks
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/5/2024
Leo Stuart Geer
Leo Stuart Geer
Thesis title: Navigation and Control for an Autonomous Robotic Fruit Harvesting System
Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/8/2023
Tao Chen
Tao Chen
Thesis title: Object Pose Estimation and Tracking with Deep Learning for Robot Manipulation
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/5/2023
Tuo Feng
Tuo Feng
Thesis title: Deep Learning for Depth, Ego-Motion, Optical Flow Estimation, and Semantic Segmentation.
Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/12/2021
Yaser N Ibrahem Alothman
Yaser N Ibrahem Alothman
Thesis title: Optimal Control of Multiple Quadrotors for Transporting a Cable Suspended Payload
Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/1/2019
Ruihao Li
Ruihao Li
Thesis title: Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping From Geometry to Deep Learning
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/4/2018
Jianjun Gui
Jianjun Gui
Thesis title: Direct Visual and Inertial Odometry for Monocular Mobile Platforms
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/3/2018
Wesam Mohammed Jasim
Wesam Mohammed Jasim
Thesis title: Improving Leader-Follower Formation Control Performance for Quadrotors
Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/10/2016
Luhutyit Peter Damuut
Luhutyit Peter Damuut
Thesis title: A Cluster-Based Sensor Selection Scheme for Event Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/12/2014
Carlos Adolfo Pina-Garcia
Carlos Adolfo Pina-Garcia
Thesis title: Sampling Online Social Networks Through Random Walks.
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/11/2014
Bowen Lu
Bowen Lu
Thesis title: Environmental Field Bayesian Estimation Using Mobile Wsns
Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/3/2014


Journal articles (109)

Wang, Y., Liu, X., Gu, D., Wang, J. and Fu, X., (2025). Depth-Consistent Monocular Visual Trajectory Estimation for AUVs. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 1-1

Yang, H., Gu, D. and He, J., (2024). A Robust and Efficient Federated Learning Algorithm Against Adaptive Model Poisoning Attacks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 11 (9), 16289-16302

Feng, T. and Gu, D., (2024). RSTNet: Recurrent Spatial-Temporal Networks for Estimating Depth and Ego-Motion. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence. 8 (3), 2375-2385

Chen, H., Wang, H., Ye, W. and Gu, D., (2024). Robust and Convergent Distributed Cooperative Localization with Labelled Bernoulli Random Finite Set. IEEE Sensors Journal. 24 (9), 15409-15420

Chen, H., Wang, H., Liu, Z., Gu, D. and Ye, W., (2024). HP3D-V2V: High-Precision 3D Object Detection Vehicle-to-Vehicle Cooperative Perception Algorithm. Sensors. 24 (7), 2170-2170

Hongtao, Z. and Gu, D., (2024). Deep Multi-task Learning for Animal Chest Circumference Estimation from Monocular Images. Cognitive Computation. 16 (3), 1092-1102

Chen, H., Wang, H., Liu, Z., Gu, D. and Ye, W., (2024). Correction: Chen et al. HP3D-V2V: High-Precision 3D Object Detection Vehicle-to-Vehicle Cooperative Perception Algorithm. Sensors 2024, 24, 2170. Sensors. 24 (11), 3320-3320

Wang, D., Yongxiang, D., Lian, J. and Gu, D., (2023). Adaptive End-effector Pose Control for Tomato Harvesting Robots. Journal of Field Robotics. 40 (3), 535-551

Yang, H., Gu, D. and He, J., (2023). DeMAC: Towards detecting model poisoning attacks in federated learning system. Internet of Things. 23, 100875-100875

Bai, X., Li, J., Zhang, C., Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2023). Distracted driving behavior recognition based on improved MobileNetV2. Journal of Electronic Imaging. 32 (05)

Guo, H. and Gu, D., (2023). Closely arranged inshore ship detection using a bi-directional attention feature pyramid network. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 44 (22), 7106-7125

Bai, X., Tan, J., Hu, H., Zhang, C. and Gu, D., (2023). SGCRNN: A ChebNet-GRU fusion model for eeg emotion recognition. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. 45 (6), 10545-10561

Wang, Y., Gu, D., Ma, X., Wang, J. and Wang, H., (2023). Robust Real-Time AUV Self-Localization Based on Stereo Vision-Inertia. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 72 (6), 7160-7170

Wang, F., Li, F., Mohan, V., Dudley, R., Gu, D. and Bryant, R., (2022). An unsupervised automatic measurement of wheat spike dimensions in dense 3D point clouds for field application. Biosystems Engineering. 223, 103-114

Chen, T. and Gu, D., (2022). CSA6D: Channel-Spatial Attention Networks for 6D Object Pose Estimation. Cognitive Computation. 14 (2), 702-713

Wang, Y., Ma, X., Wang, J., Hou, S., Dai, J., Gu, D. and Wang, H., (2022). Robust AUV Visual Loop Closure Detection Based on Variational Auto-Encoder Network. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 18 (12), 8829-8838

An, Y., Shi, J., Gu, D. and Liu, Q., (2022). Visual-LiDAR SLAM Based on Unsupervised Multi-channel Deep Neural Networks. Cognitive Computation. 14 (4), 1496-1508

Li, R., Wang, S. and Gu, D., (2021). DeepSLAM: A Robust Monocular SLAM System with Unsupervised Deep Learning. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 68 (4), 3577-3587

Zhuang, M., Zhong, X., Gu, D., Feng, L., Zhong, X. and Hu, H., (2021). LRDNet: A lightweight and efficient network with refined dual attention decorder for real-time semantic segmentation. Neurocomputing. 459, 349-360

Wong, C., Mineo, C., Yang, E., Yan, X-T. and Gu, D., (2021). A Novel Clustering-Based Algorithm for Solving Spatially Constrained Robotic Task Sequencing Problems. IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 26 (5), 2294-2305

Guo, M. and Gu, D., (2021). Mixed H2/H∞ control for two quadrotors transporting a cable-suspended payload. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control. 38 (1), 15-15

Yang, D., Zhong, X., Gu, D., Peng, X. and Hu, H., (2020). Unsupervised framework for depth estimation and camera motion prediction from video. Neurocomputing. 385, 169-185

Yang, D., Zhong, X., Gu, D., Peng, X., Yang, G. and Zou, C., (2020). Unsupervised learning of depth estimation, camera motion prediction and dynamic object localization from video. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 17 (2), 172988142090965-172988142090965

Jasim, W. and Gu, D., (2020). Leader-follower formation suboptimal control for quadrotors. International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications. 11 (1), 25-25

Liu, Q., Li, R., Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2020). Indoor Topological Localization Based on a Novel Deep Learning Technique. Cognitive Computation. 12 (3), 528-541

Wang, Z., Wang, D. and Gu, D., (2020). Distributed Optimal State Consensus for Multiple Circuit Systems with Disturbance Rejection. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. 7 (4), 2926-2939

Wang, D., Wang, Z., Liu, Y., Gu, D. and Wang, W., (2020). Event-triggered optimal containment control for heterogeneous multi-agent systems. Hangkong Xuebao/Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica. 41

Yu, S., Yan, F., Zhuang, Y. and Gu, D., (2020). A Deep-Learning-based Strategy for Kidnapped Robot Problem in Similar Indoor Environment. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems. 100 (3-4), 765-775

Oyekan, JO., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2020). Tracking and sensor coverage of spatio-temporal quantities using a swarm of artificial foraging agents. Journal of Bionic Engineering. 13 (4), 679-689

Guo, M., Gu, D., Zha, W., Zhu, X. and Su, Y., (2020). Controlling a Quadrotor Carrying a Cable-Suspended Load to Pass Through a Window. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. 98 (2), 387-401

Pan, Y., Guo, Z. and Gu, D., (2020). Editorial: Bioinspired Design and Control of Robots With Intrinsic Compliance.. Frontiers in Neurorobotics. 14, 64-

Wang, W., Gu, D. and Xie, G., (2019). Autonomous Optimization of Swimming Gait in a Fish Robot With Multiple Onboard Sensors. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics: Systems. 49 (5), 891-903

Liu, Q., Li, R., Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2019). Using Unsupervised Deep Learning Technique for Monocular Visual Odometry. IEEE Access. 7, 18076-18088

Jasim, W. and Gu, D., (2019). Iterative linear quadratic regulator control for quadrotors leader-follower formation flight. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control. 31 (2), 152-160

Alothman, Y., Zha, W. and Gu, D., (2019). Incentive Stackelberg game-based path planning for payload transportation with two quadrotors. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control. 33 (3), 216-216

Khaliq, A., Saha, S., Bhatt, B., Gu, D. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2019). Profi-Load: An FPGA-Based Solution for Generating Network Load in Profinet Communication.. CoRR. abs/1905.00247

Feng, T. and Gu, D., (2019). SGANVO: Unsupervised Deep Visual Odometry and Depth Estimation With Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 4 (4), 4431-4437

Jasim, W. and Gu, D., (2018). Robust Team Formation Control for Quadrotors. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 26 (4), 1516-1523

Li, R., Gu, D., Liu, Q., Long, Z. and Hu, H., (2018). Semantic Scene Mapping with Spatio-temporal Deep Neural Network for Robotic Applications. Cognitive Computation. 10 (2), 260-271

Li, R., Liu, Q., Gui, J., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2018). Indoor Relocalization in Challenging Environments With Dual-Stream Convolutional Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 15 (2), 651-662

Jasim, W. and Gu, D., (2018). Robust path tracking control for quadrotors with experimental validation. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control. 29 (1), 1-1

Li, R., Wang, S. and Gu, D., (2018). Ongoing Evolution of Visual SLAM from Geometry to Deep Learning: Challenges and Opportunities. Cognitive Computation. 10 (6), 875-889

Zhang, C., Hu, H., Gu, D. and Wang, J., (2017). Cascaded control for balancing an inverted pendulum on a flying quadrotor. Robotica. 35 (6), 1263-1279

Zha, W., Chen, J., Peng, Z. and Gu, D., (2017). Construction of Barrier in a Fishing Game With Point Capture. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. 47 (6), 1409-1422

Zhao, L., Zhao, Q., Liu, H., Lv, P. and Gu, D., (2017). Structural sparse representation-based semi-supervised learning and edge detection proposal for visual tracking. Visual Computer. 33 (9), 1169-1184

Zhang, W., Zhu, J. and Gu, D., (2017). Identification of robotic systems with hysteresis using Nonlinear AutoRegressive eXogenous input models. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 14 (3), 172988141770584-172988141770584

Alothman, Y., Guo, M. and Gu, D., (2017). Using iterative LQR to control two quadrotors transporting a cable-suspended load. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). 50 (1), 4324-4329

Guo, M., Gu, D. and Su, Y., (2017). Mixed H₂/H∞ Tracking Control with Constraints for Single Quadcopter Carrying a Cable-suspended Payload. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). 50 (1), 4869-4874

Guo, M., Su, Y. and Gu, D., (2017). System identification of the quadrotor with inner loop stabilisation system. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control. 28 (3), 245-245

Wang, S., Gu, D., Chen, L. and Hu, H., (2016). Single Beacon based Localization with Constraints and Unknown Initial Poses. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 63 (4), 2229-2241

Chen, J., Zha, W., Peng, Z. and Gu, D., (2016). Multi-player pursuit–evasion games with one superior evader. Automatica. 71, 24-32

Tan, C., Zhu, X., Su, Y., Wang, Y., Wu, Z. and Gu, D., (2016). A low-cost centimeter-level acoustic localization system without time synchronization. Measurement. 78, 73-82

Zhou, H., Gu, D., Wang, L. and Fei, M., (2016). Editorial: Special issue: Life system modeling and simulation. Neurocomputing. 174, 454-455

Liu, Q., Li, R., Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2016). Extracting Semantic Information from Visual Data: A Survey. Robotics. 5 (1), 8-8

Yang, S., Sun, T., Huang, T., Li, Q. and Gu, D., (2016). A finite screw approach to type synthesis of three-DOF translational parallel mechanisms. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 104, 405-419

Lv, P., Zhao, QJ. and Gu, DB., (2016). Tracking non-rigid target via dynamic discriminative geodesic active contours. Journal of Information Science and Engineering. 32 (4), 903-930

Tan, C., Zhu, X., Su, Y., Wang, Y., Wu, Z. and Gu, D., (2015). A New Analytic Alignment Method for a SINS. Sensors. 15 (11), 27930-27953

Zhai, X., Appiah, K., Ehsan, S., Howells, G., Hu, H., Gu, D. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2015). A Method for Detecting Abnormal Program Behavior on Embedded Devices. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 10 (8), 1692-1704

Zhai, X., Appiah, K., Ehsan, S., Howells, G., Hu, H., Gu, D. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2015). Exploring ICMetrics to detect abnormal program behaviour on embedded devices. Journal of Systems Architecture. 61 (10), 567-575

Gui, J., Gu, D., Wang, S. and Hu, H., (2015). A review of visual inertial odometry from filtering and optimisation perspectives. Advanced Robotics. 29 (20), 1289-1301

Chen, L., Wang, S., Hu, H., Gu, D. and Liao, L., (2015). Improving Localization Accuracy for an Underwater Robot With a Slow-Sampling Sonar Through Graph Optimization. IEEE Sensors Journal. 15 (9), 5024-5035

Chen, Y., Li, Y., Hu, H., Zhang, J., Gu, D. and Xu, P., (2015). Computational Intelligence Approaches to Robotics, Automation, and Control. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2015, 1-1

Guo, W., Zhao, Q. and Gu, D., (2015). Visual Tracking Using an Insect Vision Embedded Particle Filter. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2015, 1-16

Chen, Y., Li, Y., Hu, H., Zhang, J., Gu, D. and Xu, P., (2015). Editorial: Computational Intelligence Approaches to Robotics, Automation, and Control. Mathematical problems in engineering. 2015, 1-1

Wang, S., Chen, L., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2014). An optimization based Moving Horizon Estimation with application to localization of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 62 (10), 1581-1596

Oyekan, J., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2014). A model for using self-organized agents to visually map environmental profiles. Ecological Complexity. 19, 68-79

Xu, W., Zhao, Q. and Gu, D., (2014). Fragmentation handling for visual tracking. Signal, Image and Video Processing. 8 (8), 1639-1649

Piña-García, CA. and Gu, D., (2014). Sampling Emerging Social Behavior in Facebook Using Random Walk Models. Intelligent Systems Reference Library. 53, 185-196

Wang, S., Chen, L., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2014). Cooperative localization of AUVs using moving horizon estimation. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica. 1 (1), 68-76

Su, Y., Zhao, Q., Zhao, L. and Gu, D., (2014). Abrupt motion tracking using a visual saliency embedded particle filter. Pattern Recognition. 47 (5), 1826-1834

Oyekan, J., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2013). Visual Imaging of Invisible Hazardous Substances Using Bacterial Inspiration. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 43 (5), 1105-1115

Damuut, LP. and Gu, D., (2013). MGA: A Solution Strategy to the Sensor Selection Problem in WSNs. International Journal of Simulation Systems Science & Technology. 14 (5), 34-41

Piña-García, CA. and Gu, D., (2013). Spiraling Facebook: an alternative Metropolis–Hastings random walk using a spiral proposal distribution. Social Network Analysis and Mining. 3 (4), 1403-1415

Damuut, LP. and Gu, D., (2013). A case study of event detection performance measure in WSNs using gini index. Sensors and Transducers. 152 (5), 51-59

Dongbing Gu and Huosheng Hu, (2012). Spatial Gaussian Process Regression With Mobile Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 23 (8), 1279-1290

Wang, Z. and Gu, D., (2012). Cooperative Target Tracking Control of Multiple Robots. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 59 (8), 3232-3240

Gu, D., (2011). A Game Theory Approach to Target Tracking in Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics). 41 (1), 2-13

Lu, B., Oyekan, J., Gu, D., Hu, H. and Nia, HFG., (2011). Mobile sensor networks for modelling environmental pollutant distribution. International Journal of Systems Science. 42 (9), 1491-1505

Oyekan, J., Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2011). A bio-inspired controller for unmanned aerial vehicles in chemical cloud coverage. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering. 225 (6), 770-778

Oyekan, J., Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2011). A bio-inspired controller for unmanned aerial vehicles in chemical cloud coverage. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering. 225 (6), 770-778

Oyekan, J., Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2010). Bio-Inspired Coverage of Invisible Hazardous Substances in the Environment. International Journal of Information Acquisition. 07 (03), 193-204

Gu∗, D. and Hu∗, H., (2009). TARGET TRACKING BY USING PARTICLE FILTER IN SENSOR NETWORKS. International Journal of Robotics and Automation. 24 (3), 169-176

Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2009). Distributed network-based formation control. International Journal of Systems Science. 40 (5), 539-552

Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2009). A model predictive controller for robots to follow a virtual leader. Robotica. 27 (6), 905-913

Gu, D., Liu, J. and Hu, H., (2009). A Behavior Based Control and Learning Approach to Real Robots. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 177, 171-186

Yang, E. and Gu, D., (2009). Multi-robot systems with agent-based reinforcement learning: evolution, opportunities and challenges. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control. 6 (4), 271-271

Wang, Z. and Gu, D., (2009). Distributed leader‐follower flocking control. Asian Journal of Control. 11 (4), 396-406

Dongbing Gu and Zongyao Wang, (2009). Leader–Follower Flocking: Algorithms and Experiments. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 17 (5), 1211-1219

Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2009). A model predictive controller for robots to follow a virtual leader. Robotica. 27 (04), 905-913

Dongbing Gu, (2008). Distributed EM Algorithm for Gaussian Mixtures in Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. 19 (7), 1154-1166

Gu, D., (2008). A Differential Game Approach to Formation Control. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 16 (1), 85-93

Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2008). Using Fuzzy Logic to Design Separation Function in Flocking Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 16 (4), 826-838

SAMPERIO, R., HU, H. and GU, D., (2008). IMPLEMENTATION OF A LOCALIZATION-ORIENTED HRI FOR WALKING ROBOTS IN THE ROBOCUP ENVIRONMENT. International Journal of Information Acquisition. 05 (04), 331-347

Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2007). Integration of Coordination Architecture and Behavior Fuzzy Learning in Quadruped Walking Robots. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews). 37 (4), 670-681

Yang, E. and Gu, D., (2007). Nonlinear Formation-Keeping and Mooring Control of Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 12 (2), 164-178

Yang, E., Xiang, H., Gu, D. and Zhang, Z., (2007). A comparative study of genetic algorithm parameters for the inverse problem-based fault diagnosis of liquid rocket propulsion systems. International Journal of Automation and Computing. 4 (3), 255-261

Gu, D. and Yang, E., (2007). Fuzzy policy reinforcement learning in cooperative multi-robot systems. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications. 48 (1), 7-22

Dongbing Gu and Huosheng Hu, (2006). Receding horizon tracking control of wheeled mobile robots. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 14 (4), 743-749

Pisokas, J., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2006). Learning to plan for robots using generalized representations. Industrial Robot: An International Journal. 33 (4), 270-277

Dongbing Gu and Huosheng Hu, (2005). A stabilizing receding horizon regulator for nonholonomic mobile robots. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 21 (5), 1022-1028

Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2005). Hybrid learning architecture for fuzzy control of quadruped walking robots. International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 20 (2), 131-152

Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2005). Teaching robots to plan through Q-learning. Robotica. 23 (2), 139-147

Gu, D-B. and Sun, J-X., (2005). EM image segmentation algorithm based on an inhomogeneous hidden MRF model. IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image, and Signal Processing. 152 (2), 184-184

Sun, J., Gu, D., Zhang, S. and Chen, Y., (2004). Hidden Markov Bayesian texture segmentation using complex wavelet transform. IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image, and Signal Processing. 151 (3), 215-215

Sun, J., Gu, D., Chen, Y. and Zhang, S., (2004). A multiscale edge detection algorithm based on wavelet domain vector hidden Markov tree model. Pattern Recognition. 37 (7), 1315-1324

Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2002). Neural predictive control for a car-like mobile robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 39 (2), 73-86

Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2001). Reactive behaviours and agent architecture for Sony legged robots to play football. Industrial Robot: An International Journal. 28 (1), 45-54

Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2000). Landmark‐based navigation of industrial mobile robots. Industrial Robot: An International Journal. 27 (6), 458-467

Hu, H., Gu, D. and Brady, M., (1998). A modular computing architecture for autonomous robots. Microprocessors and Microsystems. 21 (6), 349-361

Books (2)

Jasim, W. and Gu, D., (2014). H  ∞  Path Tracking Control for Quadrotors Based on Quaternion Representation. Springer International Publishing. 9783319104003

Liu, H., Gu, D., Howlett, R. and Liu, Y., (2010). Robot Intelligence: an Advanced Knowledge Processing Approach. Springer. 9781849963305

Book chapters (9)

Jasim, W. and Gu, D., (2017). The quaternions with an application of quadrotors team formation. In: Mathematical Research Summaries. 287- 288

Jasim, W. and Gu, D., (2017). The quaternions with an application of quadrotors team formation. In: Quaternions: Theory and Applications. 153- 200

Jasim, WM. and Gu, D., (2014). H ? Path Tracking Control for Quadrotors Based on Quaternion Representation. In: Advances in Autonomous Robotics Systems. Editors: Mistry, M., Leonardis, A., Witkowski, M. and Melhuish, C., . Springer. 72- 84

Theodoridis, T., Hu, H., McDonald-Maier, K. and Gu, D., (2013). Kinect Enabled Monte Carlo Localisation for a Robotic Wheelchair. In: Frontiers of Intelligent Autonomous Systems. Editors: Lee, S., Yoon, K-J. and Lee, J., . Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 17- 27. 9783642354847

Gu, D., (2012). Environmental function modeling with sparse gaussian process regression. In: Nonlinear Estimation and Applications to Industrial Systems Control. 287- 300

Hu, H., Oyekan, J. and Gu, D., (2011). A School of Robotic Fish for Pollution Detection in Port. In: Biologically Inspired Robotics. Editors: Liu, D. and Sun, Y., . CRC Press. 85- 104. 9781439854884

Wang, Z. and Gu, D., (2010). A Leader-Follower Flocking System Based on Estimated Flocking Center. In: Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing. Springer London. 191- 208. 9781849963282

Oyekan, J., Lu, B., Li, B., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2010). A Behavior Based Control System for Surveillance UAVs. In: Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing. Springer London. 209- 228. 9781849963282

Chen, L., Wang, S., Hu, H., Gu, D. and Dukes, I., (2008). Voice-directed autonomous navigation of a smart-wheelchair. In: Smart Wheelchairs and Brain-Computer Interfaces. Elsevier. 405- 424. 9780128128923

Conferences (130)

Zhu, J., Zhu, X., Borowski, M., Zhang, H., Pal, C., Saha, S., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Zhai, X., (2024). NIRVANA: Non-Invasive Real-Time VulnerAbility ANAlysis for RISC-V Processor

Zhang, H., Gu, D. and Liang, K., (2024). A Breeding Animal Detection Method from Images With Grided Heatmaps

He, J., Yang, H. and Gu, D., (2023). Towards defending adaptive backdoor attacks in Federated Learning

Bai, X., Tan, J., Hu, H., Zhang, C. and Gu, D., (2023). Multi-modal Physiological Signal Fusion for Emotion Classification: A Multi-Head Attention Approach

Chen, T. and Gu, D., (2023). 6D Object Pose Tracking with Optical Flow Network for Robotic Manipulation

Yang, H., Gu, D. and He, J., (2023). Towards Unified, Practical Evaluation of Model Poisoning Attacks and Defence in Federated Learning

Geer, L., Gu, D., Wang, F., Mohan, V. and Dowling, R., (2022). Novel Software Architecture for an Autonomous Agricultural Robotic Fruit Harvesting System

Chen, T. and Gu, D., (2021). 6D Object Pose Estimation with Attention Networks

Sun, Y., Pu, D., Gu, D., Gan, JQ. and Yang, K., (2020). A Rough Set Classifier Based on Discretization and Attribute Selection

Wang, R., Zha, W., Meng, X., Meng, F., Wu, Y., Ge, J. and Gu, D., (2020). Semantic Ground Plane Constraint in Visual SLAM for Indoor Scenes

Alothman, Y. and Gu, D., (2019). Using Constrained Model Predictive Control to Control Two Quadrotors Transporting a Cable-Suspended Payload

Zhu, Z., Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2019). Robot Performing Peg-in-Hole Operations by Learning from Human Demonstration

Khaliq, A., Saha, S., Bhatt, B., Gu, D. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). Profi-Load: An FPGA-Based Solution for Generating Network Load in Profinet Communication

Wong, C., Yang, E., Yan, X-T. and Gu, D., (2019). An Optimal Approach to Anytime Task and Path Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robots in Dynamic Environments

Yu, L., Yang, E., Ren, P., Luo, C., Dobie, G., Gu, D. and Yan, X., (2019). Inspection Robots in Oil and Gas Industry: a Review of Current Solutions and Future Trends

Li, R., Wang, S., Long, Z. and Gu, D., (2018). UnDeepVO: Monocular Visual Odometry Through Unsupervised Deep Learning

Wong, C., Yang, E., Yan, X-T. and Gu, D., (2018). Optimal Path Planning Based on a Multi-Tree T-RRT* Approach for Robotic Task Planning in Continuous Cost Spaces

Alothman, Y. and Gu, D., (2018). Incentive Stackelberg Dynamic Game Approach to Transporting a Cable-Suspended Load with Two Quadrotors

Alothman, Y. and Gu, D., (2018). Using Constrained NMPC to Control a Cable-Suspended Payload With Two Quadrotors

Wong, C., Yang, E., Yan, X-T. and Gu, D., (2017). Adaptive and intelligent navigation of autonomous planetary rovers - A survey

Wong, C., Yang, E., Yan, X-T. and Gu, D., (2017). An overview of robotics and autonomous systems for harsh environments

Liu, Q., Li, R., Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2016). Using semantic maps for room recognition to aid visually impaired people

Li, R., Liu, Q., Gui, J., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2016). Night-time indoor relocalization using depth image with Convolutional Neural Networks

Li, R., Liu, Q., Gui, J., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2016). A novel RGB-D SLAM algorithm based on points and plane-patches

Liu, Q., Li, R., Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2016). Building semantic maps for blind people to navigate at home

Alothman, Y. and Gu, D., (2016). Quadrotor transporting cable-suspended load using iterative Linear Quadratic regulator (iLQR) optimal control

(2016). Preface

Gui, J., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2015). Pose estimation using visual entropy

Zhao, C., Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2015). Building a grid-point cloud-semantic map based on graph for the navigation of intelligent wheelchair

Gui, J., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2015). Robust direct visual inertial odometry via entropy-based relative pose estimation

Alothman, Y., Jasim, W. and Gu, D., (2015). Quad-rotor lifting-transporting cable-suspended payloads control

Jasim, W. and Gu, D., (2015). Integral backstepping controller for quadrotor path tracking

Lv, P., Zhao, Q. and Gu, D., (2015). Segmenting similar shapes via weighted group-similarity active contours

Jianjun, G. and Dongbing, G., (2015). A direct visual-inertial sensor fusion approach in multi-state constraint Kalman filter

(2015). Preface

Li, R., Wei, L., Gu, D., Hu, H. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2014). Multi-layered map based navigation and interaction for an intelligent wheelchair

Zhai, X., Appiah, K., Ehsan, S., Cheung, WM., Howells, G., Hu, H., Gu, D. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2014). Detecting Compromised Programs for Embedded System Applications

Tahir, H., Howells, G., Hu, H., Gu, D. and Mcdonald-Maier, K., (2014). On Secure Group Admission Control Using ICMetrics

Tahir, H., Howells, G., Hu, H., Gu, D. and Mcdonald-Maier, K., (2014). On the Incorporation of Secure Filter in ICMetrics Group Communications

Wang, S., Chen, L., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2014). Single beacon based multi-robot cooperative localization using Moving Horizon Estimation

Lv, P., Zhao, Q. and Gu, D., (2014). Contour tracking via on-line discriminative active contours

Bowen Lu, Dongbing Gu and Huosheng Hu, (2014). Tracking and modeling of spatio-temporal fields with a mobile sensor network

Sen Wang, Ling Chen, Dongbing Gu and Hu, H., (2014). Vision-aided inertial navigation using three-view geometry

Jasim, W. and Gu, D., (2014). H<inf>&#x221E;</inf> for quadrotor attitude stabilization

Jasim, W. and Gu, D., (2014). H? for quadrotor attitude stabilization

Daamut, LP. and Gu, D., (2014). SSED: A Framework for Sensor Selection in Event-Driven WSNs

Jasim, W. and Gu, D., (2014). H Control for Quadrotor Attitude Stabilization

Zhai, X., Appiah, K., Ehsan, S., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K., Cheung, WM. and Howells, G., (2013). Application of ICmetrics for Embedded System Security

Appiah, K., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S., Cheung, WM., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K. and Howells, G., (2013). Program Counter as an Integrated Circuit Metrics for Secured Program Identification

Tahir, R., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K. and Howells, G., (2013). A Scheme for the Generation of Strong ICMetrics Based Session Key Pairs for Secure Embedded System Applications

Tahir, R., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K. and Howells, G., (2013). A scheme for the generation of strong cryptographic key pairs based on ICMetrics

Tahir, R., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K. and Howells, G., (2013). Resilience against brute force and rainbow table attacks using strong ICMetrics session key pairs

Sen Wang, Ling Chen, Huosheng Hu and Dongbing Gu, (2013). Single beacon based localization of AUVs using moving Horizon estimation

Pina-Garcia, CA. and Gu, D., (2013). Collecting Random Samples from Facebook: An Efficient Heuristic for Sampling Large and Undirected Graphs via a Metropolis-Hastings Random Walk

Oyekan, J., Dongbing Gu and Huosheng Hu, (2013). Stochastic ant agent for priority-based coverage

Damuut, LP., Ngobigha, F. and Gu, D., (2013). Applying T-norm fuzzy logic to the sensor selection problem in WSNs

Damuut, LP. and Gu, D., (2013). A Mixed Genetic Algorithm Strategy to Sensor Selection Problem in WSNs

Damuut, LP. and Dongbing Gu, (2013). On redundancy identification in randomly deployed WSNs, another perspective

Theodoridis, T., Hu, H., McDonald-Maier, K. and Gu, D., (2013). A recursive Bayesian filter for landmark-based localisation of a wheelchair robot

Kovalchuk, Y., McDonald-Maier, K., Howells, G., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2013). A practical proposal for ensuring the provenance of hardware devices and their safe operation

Oyekan, J., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2013). Stochastic ant agent for priority-based coverage

Zhai, X., Appiah, K., Ehsan, S., Cheung, WM., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K. and Howells, G., (2013). A Self-Organising Map Based Algorithm for Analysis of ICmetrics Features

Kovalchuk, Y., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K. and Howells, G., (2012). ICmetrics for Low Resource Embedded Systems

Kovalchuk, Y., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K., Newman, D., Kelly, S. and Howells, G., (2012). Investigation of Properties of ICmetrics Features

Lu, B., Gu, D., Hu, H. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2012). Sparse Gaussian Process for Spatial Function Estimation with Mobile Sensor Networks

Theodoridis, T., Hu, H., McDonald-Maier, K. and Gu, D., (2012). Kinect Enabled Monte Carlo Localisation for a Robotic Wheelchair

Pina-Garcia, CA. and Gu, D., (2012). Scraping global threats in Facebook through movement patterns generated by random walks

Lu, B., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2012). Spatial function estimation using Gaussian process with sparse history data in mobile sensor networks

Oyekan, J., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2012). Hazardous substance source seeking in a diffusion based noisy environment

Oyekan, J., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2011). Towards a Multi-peclet Number Pollution Monitoring Algorithm

Pina-Garcia, CA., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2011). A Composite Random Walk for Facing Environmental Uncertainty and Reduced Perceptual Capabilities

Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2011). Renyi Entropy based Target Tracking in Mobile Sensor Networks

Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2011). Active Learning of Gaussian Processes for Spatial Functions in Mobile Sensor Networks

Oyekan, J., Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2011). A novel bio-inspired distributed coverage controller for pollution monitoring

Lu, B., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2011). Distributed least square support vector regression for environmental field estimation

Pina-Garcia, CA. and Gu, D., (2011). Using Sequences of Knots as a Random Search

Oyekan, J., Lu, B., Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2011). Using CFD in robotic simulators for pollution monitoring

Bowen Lu, Dongbing Gu and Huosheng Hu, (2010). Environmental field estimation of mobile sensor networks using support vector regression

Dongbing Gu and Huosheng Hu, (2010). Distributed minimax filter for tracking and flocking

Sun, J., Hao, D., Hao, L., Yang, H. and Gu, D., (2010). A digital image inpainting method based on multiscale markov random field

Wang, Z., Gu, D., Meng, T. and Zhao, Y., (2010). Consensus Target Tracking in Multi-robot Systems

Oyekan, J., Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2010). Exploiting bacterial swarms for optimal coverage of dynamic pollutant profiles

Oyekan, J., Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2009). Exploiting bacteria swarms for pollution mapping

Zongyao Wang, Dongbing Gu and Huosheng Hu, (2009). Leader-follower flocking experiments using estimated flocking center

Wang, R., Gu, D., Liu, G. and Sun, J., (2009). A multi-scale image inpainting algorithm based on GMRF model

Kapse, A., Dongbing Gu and Zhen Hu, (2009). Using cricket sensor nodes for Pioneer robot localization

Junxi Sun, Dong Cui, Dongbing Gu, Hua Cai and Guangwen Liu, (2009). Empirical analysis of AdaBoost algorithms on license plate detection

Cui, D., Gu, D., Cai, H. and Sun, J., (2009). License plate detection algorithm based on gentle AdaBoost algorithm with a cascade structure

Sun, J., Defang Hao, Gu, D., Guangwen Liu and Hua Cai, (2009). An interactive image inpainting algorithm based on Markov Random Field

Zongyao Wang and Dongbing Gu, (2008). A local sensor based leader-follower flocking system

Dongbing Gu, Junxi Sun, Zhen Hu and Hongzuo Li, (2008). Consensus based distributed particle filter in sensor networks

Dongbing Gu and Zongyao Wang, (2008). Distributed regression over sensor networks: An support vector machine approach

Zhen Hu, Dongbing Gu, Zhengxun Song and Hongzuo Li, (2008). Localization in wireless sensor networks using a mobile anchor node

Junxi Sun, Dongbing Gu, Hua Cai, Guangwen Liu and Guangqiu Chen, (2008). Bayesian document segmentation based on complex wavelet domain hidden Markov tree models

Yang, E. and Gu, D., (2007). An Integrated Fuzzy and Learning Approach to Performance Improvement of Model-Based Multi-Agent Robotic Control Systems

Wang, Z. and Gu, D., (2007). Fuzzy Control of Distributed Flocking System

Gu, D., (2007). Distributed Particle Filter for Target Tracking

Wang, Z. and Gu, D., (2007). Distributed Cohesion Control for Leader-follower Flocking

Zhang, S., Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2007). A Data-driven 3D Animation System for Tele-Rehabilitation

Jindong Liu, Huosheng Hu and Dongbing Gu, (2006). RL-based Optimisation of Robotic Fish Behaviours

Liu, J., Hu, H. and Gu, D., (2006). A Hybrid Control Architecture for Autonomous Robotic Fish

Yang, E., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2006). Performance Improvement for Formation-Keeping Control Using a Neural Network HJI Approach

Yang, E. and Gu, D., (2006). A Multiagent Fuzzy Policy Reinforcement Learning Algorithm with Application to Leader-Follower Robotic Systems

Sisto, M. and Gu, D., (2006). A Fuzzy Leader-Follower Approach to Formation Control of Multiple Mobile Robots

Santi-Jones, P. and Gu, D., (2006). Static face detection and emotion recognition with FPGA support

Erfu Yang, Dongbing Gu and Huosheng Hu, (2005). Nonsingular formation control of cooperative mobile robots via feedback linearization

Yang, E., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2005). Improving the formation-keeping performance of multiple autonomous underwater robotic vehicles

Dongbing Gu and Erfu Yang, (2005). A suboptimal model predictive formation control

Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2005). Fuzzy multi-agent cooperative Q-learning

Yang, E. and Gu, D., (2005). A survey on multiagent reinforcement learning towards multi-robot systems

Gu, D. and Yang, E., (2005). Fuzzy policy gradient reinforcement learning for leader-follower systems

Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2004). Model predictive control for simultaneous robot tracking and regulation

Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2004). Teaching robots to coordinate its behaviours

Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2004). Unicycle-like vehicle parking via receding horizon control

Dongbing Gu and Huosheng Hu, (2004). Accuracy based fuzzy Q-learning for robot behaviours

Gu, D. and Yang, E., (2004). A policy gradient reinforcement learning algorithm with fuzzy function approximation

Sun, J. and Gu, D., (2004). Bayesian image segmentation based on an inhomogeneous hidden Markov random field

Dongbing Gu, Huosheng Hu, Reynolds, J. and Tsang, E., (2003). GA-based learning in behaviour based robotics

Dongbing Gu, Huosheng Hu and Spacek, L., (2003). Learning fuzzy logic controller for reactive robot behaviours


Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2002). Evolving Fuzzy Logic Controllers for Sony Legged Robots

Hu, H., Gu, D., Golubovic, D., Li, B. and Liu, Z., (2002). Essex Rovers 2001 Team Description

Hu, H., Gu, D. and Li, B., (2001). Essex Rovers Team Description

Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2000). Wavelet neural network based predictive control for mobile robots

Hu, H. and Gu, D., (1999). Landmark-based navigation of mobile robots in manufacturing

Gu, D. and Du, Z., (1999). Path planning for autonomous guided vehicles

Hu, H., Gu, D. and Brady, JM., (1998). <title>Outdoor navigation of a mobile robot with multiple sensors</title>

Gu, D. and Song, Z., (1998). <title>Laser-scanner-based self-localization for autonomous mobile robots using neural network</title>

Hu, H., Gu, D. and Brady, M., (1997). Navigation and guidance of an intelligent mobile robot

Gu, DB., Li, HZ. and Chen, GF., (1997). Optical fiber noncontact measurement for the thread

Reports and Papers (1)

Khaliq, A., Bhatt, SSB., Gu, D., Howells, G. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). FLAG: A Framework for FPGA-based LoAd Generation in Profinet Communication

Grants and funding


Contract Research Innovation Voucher with TG0

Tangi0 Ltd


SCARLETT- SCAlable, structured and Resource efficient indoor Robotic harvesting of LETTuce

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

Allpress Farms Ltd KTP application

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


Versatile-Configurable,Smart Indoor harvesting of 'Aubergine,Tomato and Strawberry' crops

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

Visual Building Fire Protection System (VFPS)

Fisk Group

Visual Building Fire Protection System (VFPS)

Fisk Group


Developing code for shape identification in dense 3D point clouds

National Physical Laboratory


Flakt Woods Ltd is the group Centre of Excellence for the design, development, manufacture, marketing and distribution of axial flow fans.

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Stategy Board)

Development of novel functions for wearable technology to be deployed in healthcare applications

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

Flakt Woods Ltd is the group Centre of Excellence for the design, development, manufacture, marketing and distribution of axial flow fans.

Flakt Woods


Novel Systems for measuring contents of agricultural feed bins

Farm Energy & Control Services Ltd




67% - The development of a robotic operated sample preparation and delivery system to an automated viscometer for petroleum, cellulose and other polymer samples - to increase delivery speed, quality and increase throughput.

Technology STrategy Board

33% - The development of a robotic operated sample preparation and delivery system to an automated viscometer for petroleum, cellulose and other polymer samples - to increase delivery speed, quality and increase throughput.

Poulten, Selfe & Lee Ltd


67% To Develop the Capability to Design and Produce Intelligent Wearable Electronic Products which can be used for Monitoring Health...

Technology STrategy Board

33% To Develop the Capability to Design and Produce Intelligent Wearable Electronic Products which can be used for Monitoring Health...

August International Ltd

50% - To develop a next generation control system for permanent magnet AC motors and embed the capability to extend the range and tailor solutions in the future

Technology STrategy Board

50% - To develop a next generation control system for permanent magnet AC motors and embed the capability to extend the range and tailor solutions in the future

Flakt Woods UK Ltd




Empowerment of Disabled People through Ethics in Care & Tech (EDECT)




European Commission (FP7)

Cooperative autonomy of micro aerial vehicles

British Council




67% To Develop a Vision System

Technology STrategy Board

33% To Develop a Vision System

Triton Electronics


SHOAL Project

European Commission

+44 (0) 1206 874800


1NW.3.22, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

My Academic Support Hours will be Monday 10:00-11:00, Friday 11:00-12:00 in Autumn Term. Tuesday 11:00-13:00 in Spring Term.