Dr Anna Gui

anna.gui@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 876200
2.703, Colchester Campus
Anna is a developmental researcher interested in the neurobiological mechanisms underlying individual differences in infant’s behaviour. She works with large-scale genetic datasets (Genetics of Early Milestones and Skills, or GEMS project) and lab-based individualised neuroimaging approaches (Behavioural and Online Neuroimaging to study the Development of Socialisation, or BONDS project) to identify early signs of atypical developmental trajectories and help device evidence-based personalised support for families of neurodiverse children.
PhD in Psychology Birkbeck, University of London, (2019)
MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience University of Trento, (2015)
Ist level Italian Master in Child Rehabilitation and Research Methodology University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, (2013)
BSc in Neurological and Psychomotor Approach Therapy University of Padova, (2008)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
The Social Brain (PS106)
Developmental Psychology (PS406)
Advanced employability skills and career progression (PS492)
Body, Senses and Existence (PS502)
Special Topics in Psychology (PS933)
Advanced Brain and Behaviour (PS943)
Theory and Methods in Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology (PS949)
Publications (5)
Gui, A., Hollowell, A., Wigdor, EM., Morgan, MJ., Hannigan, LJ., Corfield, EC., Odintsova, V., Hottenga, J-J., Wong, A., Pool, R., Cullen, H., Wilson, S., Warrier, V., Eilertsen, EM., Andreassen, OA., Middeldorp, CM., Pourcain, BS., Bartels, M., Boomsma, DI., Hartman, CA., Robinson, EB., Arichi, T., Edwards, D., Johnson, MH., Dudbridge, F., Sanders, SJ., Havdahl, A. and Ronald, A., (2024). Genome-wide association meta-analysis of age at onset of walking
Zhang, X., Grove, J., Gu, Y., Buus, CK., Nielsen, LK., Neufeld, SAS., Koko, M., Malawsky, DS., Wade, E., Verhoef, E., Gui, A., Hegemann, L., Geschwind, DH., Wray, NR., Havdahl, A., Ronald, A., Pourcain, BS., Robinson, EB., Bourgeron, T., Baron-Cohen, S., Børglum, AD., Martin, HC. and Warrier, V., (2024). An axis of genetic heterogeneity in autism is indexed by age at diagnosis and is associated with varying developmental and mental health profiles
Carnevali, L., Gui, A., Jones, EJH. and Farroni, T., (2021). Face processing in early development: a systematic review of behavioral studies and considerations in times of COVID-19 pandemic
Costa, PFD., Haartsen, R., Throm, E., Mason, L., Gui, A., Leech, R. and Jones, EJH., (2021). Neuroadaptive electroencephalography: a proof-of-principle study in infants
Tye, C., Bussu, G., Gliga, T., Elsabbagh, M., Pasco, G., Johnsen, K., Charman, T., Jones, EJH., Buitelaar, J. and Johnson, MH., (2020). Understanding the nature of face processing in early autism: A prospective study
Journal articles (18)
Gui, A., Hollowell, A., Wigdor, EM., Morgan, MJ., Hannigan, LJ., Corfield, EC., Odintsova, V., Hottenga, J-J., Wong, A., Pool, R., Cullen, H., Wilson, S., Warrier, V., Eilerten, EM., Andreassen, OA., Middeldorp, CM., St Pourcain, B., Bartels, M., Boomsma, DI., Robinson, EB., Arichi, T., Edwards, AD., Johnson, MH., Dudbridge, F., Sanders, SJ., Havdahl, A. and Ronald, A., Genome-wide association meta-analysis of age at onset of walking in over 70,000 infants of European ancestry. Nature Human Behaviour
Throm, E., Gui, A., Haartsen, R., da Costa, PF., Leech, R., Mason, L. and Jones, EJH., (2025). Combining Real‐Time Neuroimaging With Machine Learning to Study Attention to Familiar Faces During Infancy: A Proof of Principle Study. Developmental Science. 28 (1), e13592-
Haartsen, R., Gui, A. and Jones, EJH., (2024). Neuroadaptive Bayesian optimisation can allow integrative design spaces at the individual level in the social and behavioural sciences… and beyond. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 47, e45-
Gui, A., Throm, E., da Costa, P., Penza, F., Aguiló Mayans, M., Jordan-Barros, A., Haartsen, R., Leech, R. and Jones, E., (2024). Neuroadaptive Bayesian optimisation to study individual differences in infants’ engagement with social cues. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 68, 101401-101401
Gui, A., Mason, L., Gliga, T., Hendry, A., Begum Ali, J., Pasco, G., Shephard, E., Curtis, C., Charman, T., Johnson, MH., Meaburn, E., Jones, EJH. and BASIS-STAARS team, (2024). Look duration at the face as a developmental endophenotype: elucidating pathways to autism and ADHD.. Development and Psychopathology. 32 (4), 1303-1322
Ronald, A. and Gui, A., (2024). The potential and translational application of infant genetic research.. Nature Genetics. 56 (7), 1346-1354
Throm, E., Gui, A., Haartsen, R., da Costa, PF., Leech, R. and Jones, EJH., (2023). Real-time monitoring of infant theta power during naturalistic social experiences. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 63, 101300-101300
Gui, A., Perelli, D., Rizzo, G., Ferruzza, E. and Mercuriali, E., (2023). Children’s total blindness as a risk factor for early parent-child relationships: preliminary findings from an Italian sample. Frontiers in Psychology. 14, 1175675-
Haartsen, R., Mason, L., Garces, P., Gui, A., Charman, T., Tillmann, J., Johnson, MH., Buitelaar, JK., Loth, E., Murphy, D., Jones, EJH., Ahmad, J., Ambrosino, S., Banaschewski, T., Baron-Cohen, S., Bast, N., Baumeister, S., Beckmann, C., Bölte, S., Bourgeron, T., Bours, C., Brandeis, D., Cornelissen, I., Crawley, D., Davidson, C., Dell’ Acqua, F., Durston, S., Ecker, C., Ellis, C., Faulkner, J., Hayward, H., Hipp, J., Holt, R., Lai, M-C., Leblond, C., Meyer-Lindenberg, A., Moessnang, C., Oakley, B., O'Dwyer, L., Persico, A., Rausch, A., Sabet, J., San Jose Caceres, A., Simonoff, E., Tost, H. and Rhein, DV., (2022). Qualitative differences in the spatiotemporal brain states supporting configural face processing emerge in adolescence in autism. Cortex. 155, 13-29
Gui, A., Throm, EV., da Costa, PF., Haartsen, R., Leech, R. and Jones, EJH., (2022). Proving and improving the reliability of infant research with neuroadaptive Bayesian optimization. Infant and Child Development. 31 (5)
Carnevali, L., Gui, A., Jones, EJH. and Farroni, T., (2022). Face Processing in Early Development: A Systematic Review of Behavioral Studies and Considerations in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology. 13, 778247-
Gui, A., Bussu, G., Tye, C., Elsabbagh, M., Pasco, G., Charman, T., Johnson, MH. and Jones, EJH., (2021). Correction: Attentive brain states in infants with and without later autism. Translational Psychiatry. 11 (1), 277-
Gui, A., (2021). A Neurodevelopmental Perspective on Sex-Differentiated Genetic Effects on Behavior. Biological Psychiatry. 89 (12), e63-e65
Gui, A., Bussu, G., Tye, C., Elsabbagh, M., Pasco, G., Charman, T., Johnson, MH. and Jones, EJH., (2021). Attentive brain states in infants with and without later autism.. Translational Psychiatry. 11 (1), 196-
Gui, A., Meaburn, EL., Tye, C., Charman, T., Johnson, MH. and Jones, EJH., (2021). Association of Polygenic Liability for Autism With Face-Sensitive Cortical Responses From Infancy. JAMA Pediatrics. 175 (9), 968-970
Fish, LA., Nyström, P., Gliga, T., Gui, A., Begum Ali, J., Mason, L., Garg, S., Green, J., Johnson, MH., Charman, T., Harrison, R., Meaburn, E., Falck-Ytter, T., Jones, EJH. and BASIS/STAARS* team, (2021). Development of the pupillary light reflex from 9 to 24 months: association with common autism spectrum disorder (ASD) genetic liability and 3-year ASD diagnosis. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 62 (11), 1308-1319
Gui, A., Jones, EJH., Wong, CCY., Meaburn, E., Xia, B., Pasco, G., Lloyd-Fox, S., Charman, T., Bolton, P. and Johnson, MH., (2020). Leveraging epigenetics to examine differences in developmental trajectories of social attention: A proof-of-principle study of DNA methylation in infants with older siblings with autism. Infant Behavior and Development. 60, 101409-101409
Bussu, G., Jones, EJH., Charman, T., Johnson, MH. and Buitelaar, JK., (2019). Latent trajectories of adaptive behaviour in infants at high and low familial risk for autism spectrum disorder. Molecular Autism. 10 (1), 13-
Book chapters (1)
Braithwaite, EK., Gui, A. and Jones, EJH., (2020). Social attention: What is it, how can we measure it, and what can it tell us about autism and ADHD?. In: Progress in Brain Research. Elsevier. 271- 303
Conferences (3)
Morgan, JM., Gui, A., Hollowell, A., Hannigan, L., Corfield, E., Odintosva, V., Hottenga, J-J., Wong, A., Havdahl, A. and Ronald, A., (2023). Introducing the Genetics of Early Milestones and Skills project with first-look results from GWAS of age of learning to walk
Ronald, A., Hollowell, A., Gui, A., Odintsova, V., Hottenga, J-J., Wong, A., Middeldorp, CM., Pourcain, BS., Bartels, M., Boomsma, D., Hartman, C., Johnson, MH., Arichi, T. and Dudbridge, F., (2022). 93. FIRST-LOOK RESULTS FROM A GENOME-WIDE ASSOCIATION META-ANALYSIS OF AGE OF LEARNING TO WALK
Meaburn, EL., Gui, A., Harrison, R., Pasco, G., Ali, JB., Patel, H., Curtis, C., Charman, T., Johnson, MH. and Jones, EJH., (2021). Polygenic Liability for ADHD but not ASD Relates to Infant Temperament
Other (1)
Gui, A. and Jones, E., Connecting autism-linked genetic variation to infant social behavior. Spectrum,Simons Foundation
Grants and funding
Research to support activities for visually impaired children and their families
Robert Hollman Foundation