Dr Wenxing Guo

wg22745@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874425
3A.528, Colchester Campus
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Statistical Machine Learning
Online Learning, Federated learning, Transfer learning, Sparse learning.
Statistical Inference
High-dimensional inference.
Statistical Models
Multivariate regression and classification.
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Foundational Mathematics for Data Science (MA111)
Mathematics Careers and Employability (MA199)
Applied Regression and Experimental Data Analysis (MA717)
Journal articles (8)
Guo, W., Balakrishnan, N. and He, M., (2023). Envelope-based sparse reduced-rank regression for multivariate linear model. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 195, 105159-105159
Guo, W., Zhang, X., Jiang, B., Kong, L. and Hu, Y., (2023). Wavelet‑based Bayesian approximate kernel method for high‑dimensional data analysis. Computational Statistics. 39 (4), 2323-2341
Guo, W., Balakrishnan, N. and Qin, S., (2023). A modified partial envelope tensor response regression. Stat. 12 (1), e615-
Guo, W., Balakrishnan, N. and Bian, M., (2021). Reduced rank regression with matrix projections for high-dimensional multivariate linear regression model. Electronic Journal of Statistics. 15 (2), 4167-4191
Guo, W., Qin, S. and Zhao, Z., (2020). Generalized ridge and principal correlation estimator of the regression coefficient in growth curve model. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 591, 115-133
Guo, W., Liu, X. and Zhang, S., (2016). The principal correlation components estimator and its optimality. Statistical Papers. 57 (3), 755-779
Tian, Y. and Guo, W., (2016). On comparison of dispersion matrices of estimators under a constrained linear model. Statistical Methods & Applications. 25 (4), 623-649
Dong, B., Guo, W. and Tian, Y., (2014). On relations between BLUEs under two transformed linear models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 131, 279-292
Conferences (1)
Ding, L., Yu, D., Xie, J., Guo, W., Hu, S., Liu, M., Kong, L., Dai, H., Bao, Y. and Jiang, B., (2022). Word Embeddings via Causal Inference: Gender Bias Reducing and Semantic Information Preserving
Grants and funding
MRC/FNR Returning Safely to high-impact activities after JOINT replacements (SafeJOINTs)
Medical Research Council